Chapter 1265
Although there was a domain blockade in a great battle, the shock caused was still too violent. As soon as Gao Jiuding left, void monsters attracted by the bloody aura began to appear around him.

There was a domain blockade just now, and those void monsters couldn't lock the exact position, so there is no difficulty now.

Almost instantly, there was chaos in the place that was blocked by a group of bull demons just now.

Gao Jiuding rode the five-color divine bull and appeared inside the Fire Spirit battleship, and the Fire Spirit battleship began to jump through space non-stop.

Jumping through space again and again, falling into space storms again and again, but Huo Ling struggled out easily.

The spirit of fire has become more powerful, and the battleship of the fire spirit has also become stronger, and the continuous space jumps will no longer have much impact on the battleship.

"Patriarch, are you sure these coordinates are correct?" He jumped four times in a row, and every time there was a group of void monsters around him, and they were numerous and powerful.

Walking on the thin ice like this, once or twice is fine, but four times in a row, even the powerful Huo Ling is a little guilty.

"There is one last time, this time we can enter Mavericks' territory!" Gao Jiuding said.

"The calf's territory still has the five-color god stone?" Huo Ling asked strangely.

Gao Jiuding also had a strange expression on his face: "No, this guy is looking for the five-color god stone to devour. This thing is one with its origin. As long as it swallows enough five-color god stones, it can be separated from the influence of the origin and exist independently!"

"What will happen to it now?" Huo Ling glanced pitifully at the five-colored bull.

But the wisdom of the five-color divine bull is really not high, and it is still a bit muddled. After Gao Jiuding successfully refined the five-color divine stone, it knelt down very simply, without even the slightest intention to resist.

"How about it? Chasing power, as long as more five-color god stones are fused, its power will continue to grow!" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

What he didn't tell Huo Ling was that all the power of the five-color god bull came from the five-color god stone, which couldn't be put away by the five-color god bull, it could only carry it around and wander around.

This will involve the particularity of the five-color divine cow. This thing is not a living thing, it is like a tree, or a stone that becomes a spirit.

The five-color god stone is its origin and the place where it was conceived, just like a tree becomes a spirit, even if it forms a spirit body, it cannot exist without the tree itself, and this five-color mountain stone is the root of the five-color god cow, it is its ontology.

Therefore, the five-color divine ox is an earth-type treasure, an earth-type fetish. If this thing is a magic weapon, it is not a magic weapon, it is a living thing, but it is a kind of spirit!
Things like Zhiren, Zhima, and ginseng dolls can run around, but they cannot exist for a long time without being separated from the body.

The same is true for the Five Colors Divine Bull. Although it is powerful, the Five Colors Divine Stone is its bondage and its weakness.

Originally, this thing was hidden in the void, so it was not easy to be found, but Gao Jiuding hit it by accident, so there is no way to reason.

The five-color sacred cow belongs to Gao Jiuding, so Gao Jiuding thought about occupying the magpie's nest.

The birthplace of the five-colored bull is not in this star field in the sea of ​​clouds, but outside of this star field.

After five space jumps in a row, Gao Jiuding and the others came under a relatively bright starry sky.

"There are many galaxies around, but they are all in one direction. Is that the periphery?" Gao Jiuding looked at the direction where the starlight came from. There were dense galaxies, but behind him was pitch black.

Gao Jiuding knew that the dark place was his origin, while the bright starry sky on the other side was his destination.

Along the way, they have crossed countless asteroid groups, but where they are now, the moon is bright and the stars are scarce!

"Patriarch, there is only one asteroid ahead, with a diameter of no more than [-] kilometers. It is flake-shaped. Is that where the calf was born?" Huo Ling reported.

"It should be over there. We need to cross the catastrophe. Do you want to cross the catastrophe in the starry sky, or on that asteroid?" Gao Jiuding said.

"You must choose the starry sky. I don't know if there is a way of heaven on that asteroid. If we survive the catastrophe in the starry sky, we will integrate into the breath of this starry sky, which means that we have merged into this starry sky. Rejected!" Huo Ling said directly.

"Then go through the tribulation here!" Gao Jiuding said decisively.

Huo Ling said: "Actually, there is no need to worry. We have gained a lot recently. In fact, we can stabilize it and polish it. It will be better to go through the tribulation again!"

Gao Jiuding was a little hesitant. All the true energy in his body had been converted into mana, and he could feel that even if he continued to improve his cultivation, it would not increase much.

However, with the mana inside the body, will there be some changes in the physique?
If the physique is enhanced, can it accommodate more mana?

Therefore, it is still necessary to continue body training, which is the foundation of cultivation.

"Okay, it's good to get acquainted with your body!" Gao Jiuding was also a little moved, after all, this time his body is going through the tribulation, so it's better to be careful.

Huo Ling speeded up, and soon came to the vicinity of the asteroid that was over [-] kilometers long and over [-] kilometers wide.

This is an elliptical asteroid, the most spacious place, with an area of ​​more than [-] square kilometers, which is not too small.

"Huh? Is there an atmosphere around it?" Gao Jiuding had just approached, and something strange happened. Such a small asteroid was actually surrounded by a thick layer of atmosphere, and Gao Jiuding also saw the wind and lightning.

Huo Ling was also very surprised and said: "The gravity is not right, it seems that the gravity is not small!"

"That's right, strong gravity will attract the air so that it doesn't lose, so there may be spiritual energy inside this asteroid!" Gao Jiuding said happily.

"There must be spiritual energy, otherwise how could innate life be born?"

"Then land down and have a look!" Gao Jiuding really wanted to see the birthplace of the five-colored bull. What's so magical about it? How did it give birth to a divine beast?
With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the earth spirit bead appeared in the dantian. At this time, the earth spirit bead turned into a five-color stone, and it no longer had the appearance of the earth spirit bead.

"Turned into a five-color god stone?" Gao Jiuding was able to perceive the spiritual vein inside the stone, which was a medium-sized spiritual vein, and this spiritual vein was like a living thing at this time, with a faint aura of life flickering.

"No, no, this thing is a spiritual vein. It has no wisdom at all, so it can continue to absorb spiritual energy and advance to a large spiritual vein, but it is impossible to advance to a spiritual weapon, or even become a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure!"

At this time, Gao Jiuding finally realized that it is impossible for Lingmai to give birth to spiritual wisdom easily.

Of course, it is not easy to be born, and it does not mean that it will never be born.

"Well, if the spirit veins give birth to spirituality, it will give birth to a dragon? That's right, the earth spirit beads are very similar to the five-color god stones. The five-color god stones give birth to spirituality and will give birth to a five-color god cow, and the earth spirit beads are spirit veins. Gather and form, if you want to give birth to spirituality, you will turn into a spirit dragon!"

Slowly, Gao Jiuding began to understand why the earth spirit beads were fused with five-color divine stones.

They are all earth attributes, and there is also a bit of spiritual instinct to approach, they instinctively huddle together for warmth and strengthen themselves.

This is the choice of a trace of spirituality inside the earth spirit bead, and it is also the choice of the five-color god cow?
Following the appearance of the five-color divine stone and the earth spirit beads, the five-color divine bull under Gao Jiuding wagged its tail and turned into a five-color divine light, which disappeared within the stone.

The stone is still emitting five colors of light, which makes the stone look even more magical, and what is even more strange is that at this time, the inside of the stone seems to be sealed with a five-color calf.

"Although it's not small, it looks like a calf that hasn't grown up!" Gao Jiuding thought, and the five-color stone spun around Gao Jiuding.

The five-color stone drives the five-color rainbow, decorating Gao Jiuding's side like a dream!
"Master, this asteroid has its own ecology, and it doesn't look very powerful!"

Just when Gao Jiuding was getting acquainted with the new earth spirit bead, or the five-color god stone, the fire spirit battleship had already landed in a mountain plain.

There are some mountains around, and there are large and small plains in the mountains.

"Analyze the composition of the air!" Gao Jiuding said immediately.

Huo Ling said: "Look at the vegetation and creatures here, they should be suitable for human survival!"

Gao Jiuding looked out through the battleship, it really is a good place, although the area is a bit small, but it has everything that should be inside.

Mountains, trees, grasslands, rivers, and a large number of herbivorous monsters.

"I'll go out and have a look. If there is no great danger, this is our base!" Gao Jiuding didn't hesitate much, he was now a shotgun.

At the very least, he won't be afraid if he encounters monsters of the Great Cultivator level again.

There is a colorful stone on top of the head, and there is a five-colored cow inside the stone. Who else can Gao Jiuding be afraid of?

Of course, if he was really in danger, he could still sneak into the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

With the precedent of the Huoling battleship, Gao Jiuding already had an idea to help the pagoda smelt immortal materials.

Roar!Not long after walking out of the battleship, Gao Jiuding found a huge lion roaring and pounced on him.

The giant lion has golden hair all over, flying in the wind, domineering and high-spirited.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding's figure flashed and rushed over quickly. He waved his fist and smashed fiercely. With a bang, blood flew everywhere and the body fell down.

The huge giant lion's head was directly smashed by a punch, and it died in a muddleheaded and simple manner.

Gao Jiuding waved his hand and put away the corpse of the giant lion. His figure rushed past quickly, attracting the attention of some lions hiding nearby.

However, none of the lions rushed forward, they just stared at the small figure as they rushed past and disappeared into the distance.

These giant lions are very powerful and hunt in groups, but for Gao Jiuding, their strength is a little weaker.

Killing a giant lion with one punch just now is a deterrent.

Animals have dangerous instincts, especially these dangerous and ferocious giant beasts have a strong intuition, which let them know that that small figure is not easy to mess with.

(End of this chapter)

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