The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1267 Jungle Beast

Chapter 1267 Jungle Beast
There is a strong aura in the surrounding air, which is the aura of fairy spirits, which shows that there are indeed fairy things here.

Gao Jiuding carefully inspected the surrounding environment with an angry expression on his face, especially under the gravel in front of him, there was a pile of dug-up soil. Looking at the traces, the claw marks of the dug-up dirt were huge.

In other words, there used to be a elixir plant here, but unfortunately it was eaten by some ferocious beast.

This time, Gao Jiuding who rushed over was a little angry and disappointed, and he glanced around murderously.

He wants to look for the trace of that ferocious beast, chase after it and kill it, maybe he hasn't taken the elixir yet, so he can get some benefits.

Near the rocks, a large expanse of dirt had been turned up, and there were huge claw marks on some of the big trees.

After checking for a long time, Gao Jiuding finally followed these traces and quickly chased after him, trying to find the beast.

But unfortunately, those traces disappeared after ten minutes.

Soon, Gao Jiuding stopped in front of a mess of trees, his face was gloomy, staring at the blood spilled around him, it was obvious that there had been a big battle here.

The fishy smell is pervasive here, and the smell is extremely tragic. It is the breath left by the ferocious beast, and there is some bright red blood. It must have been hunted and killed by other ferocious beasts, and then dragged away the corpse.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, Gao Jiuding became even angrier. He kept walking, quickly following the bloodstains.

Soon, he found a huge monster not far ahead, it was a huge black bear, dragging a huge porcupine.

Seeing this, he didn't even stay long, and rushed towards the huge black bear as soon as he jumped out of the bush. He waved his fist halfway, condensing a powerful attack.

Roar!In an instant, the black bear saw the rushing figure. It roared angrily, then lifted up the huge porcupine and smashed it. After a bang of turmoil, the smoke and dust billowed, and a large pit appeared on the ground.

However, Gao Jiuding's figure deftly dodged it, and then stepped forward, swinging his fist and hitting him. The heavy fist roared and moved with heavy pressure.

boom!There was a muffled sound, and as the fist hit the black bear's body, a terrifying force erupted, knocking it staggering.

This punch was very ferocious, with a force of more than 100 million catties, even the black bear couldn't bear it, and immediately made its fur spurt blood.

The huge black bear was four meters high and powerful, but it was a pity that it was still rolled on the ground by a punch, struggling and unable to stand up.

At this time, the black bear was not as ferocious as it was just now, all that was left on its face was fear.

Gao Jiuding didn't stop attacking, he stepped forward in three steps and smashed with his fist.

With a bang, blood spurted out, the black bear's skull was broken, its neck was crooked, and it fell to the side dead.

After killing the black bear, Gao Jiuding was disappointed. After absorbing the essence of blood that emanated, he didn't feel how powerful he had become.

Gao Jiuding checked carefully, and found that there was no aura fluctuation in the blood of the black bear's body.

Even that porcupine didn't have aura fluctuations, obviously it wasn't the spiritual thing eaten by these two beasts.

This black bear is very unlucky. When it meets Gao Jiuding, it can only hold grudges here.

"What did you eat?" Gao Jiuding's face was a little strange, he lowered his head in thought.

If this problem is not clear, how can I track it down?
That spiritual plant must be good, the spiritual energy fluctuates very strongly, and the effect must be very good, but it is a pity that it was eaten.

But now, he was a little disappointed that he couldn't track down the beast.

However, Gao Jiuding's heart moved, and he carefully discerned the breath of the black bear, and found that it was different from the breath left there.

Finally, he thought of distinguishing and tracking by breath, to see if he could find the beast.

Thinking about this problem clearly, Gao Jiuding didn't stop. After putting away the black bear's body, he flashed directly into the bushes.

As for the porcupine, its entire body was smashed into a pulp by the black bear, making it inedible.

"That aura is ahead!" Gao Jiuding suddenly felt that the leftover aura was in front after tracking for a long distance.

His face was full of surprises, and his figure rushed over quickly, jumping continuously on the big tree, chasing after him.

It didn't take long for him to come to an empty place. At this time, Gao Jiuding was shocked to find that there were only some broken flesh and blood sprinkled on the ground, exuding slight fluctuations of aura.

"Killed?" Gao Jiuding had a wry smile on his face, it was too twists and turns.

Is it that difficult for him to find some fairy medicine?Well, it is very likely that other fierce beasts are also chasing the eaten spirit?

Gao Jiuding's complexion was very bad. He stared at the mess all over the floor, and he was sure that there were traces of a great war here.

After careful inspection, he found that near some huge broken bones, there were also a few black feathers scattered, smooth and shiny, as hard as iron.

Several big trees collapsed in the surrounding area, huge claw marks were left behind, and even a hint of fierceness permeated the surrounding area, making one's skin chill.

This scene proves that there must be a huge and fierce bird hunting its prey here, but the result is disappointing.

Gao Jiuding tracked here, but was still disappointed in the end, he didn't get the beast, and even the swallowed spiritual thing was gone.

Under the attack of the raptor, it must have been taken away, but it is not clear where it flew.

Gao Jiuding smiled wryly and shook his head, secretly sighing that life is often unsatisfactory, and opportunities are often only for a moment, and they are gone if they cannot be grasped.

It's just a spiritual plant, he can only let it go, don't continue to entangle, it's best to have it, it doesn't matter if it doesn't, because there can't be just a spiritual plant on this asteroid.

Gao Jiuding looked around, and found that this place had entered the depths of the mountain, and the woods were filled with a horrible smell, which was a bit cold and scary.

"The beasts here seem to be stronger. That's right, that's what I want." Gao Jiuding left the spirit creature behind and gradually became excited.

The purpose of coming here is to eliminate hidden dangers, sharpen yourself and improve your physical strength. It would be even better if you can increase your mana accumulation. However, the only way to do this is to find more powerful beasts to practice.

Roar!There was an astonishing beast roar from the depths of the mountain, and the sound waves rolled, shaking the forest.

There was a terrifying and evil spirit pervading there, and a tragic momentum erupted, as if there were terrifying beasts fighting.

This kind of movement was not small, and it attracted Gao Jiuding's attention. As soon as his expression moved, he rushed forward.

Gao Jiuding carefully sensed that the aura coming from there was very vigorous, like a huge furnace.

He was extremely fast, rushing past like a bolt of lightning, rolling up chaotic leaves and flying.

Soon he approached the battlefield, where two behemoths were fighting, and the fighting method was very brutal and ferocious.

Ow!A huge roar came from ahead, the forest shook and the leaves fluttered.

As soon as he got close, Gao Jiuding felt an extremely strong fishy smell coming towards his face.

He jumped onto a big tree, where the ventilation is good and the view is good.

Looking down at the front, Gao Jiuding finally saw everything there clearly.

At the foot of a mountain, a puff of smoke rose into the sky, billowing and covering all directions, completely covering it.

Boom!A big tree collapsed, and with a loud shock, dust rose up into the sky.

Amidst the turbulent air waves, Gao Jiuding squinted his eyes, staring at the two figures who were fighting fiercely in the smoke and dust.

These are two huge beasts, one is spotted and has bright hair, it is a giant jungle leopard.

This giant leopard is more than four meters tall, with blood boiling, its strength must not be underestimated, and its performance in battle is even more terrifying.

And what it was fighting with turned out to be a dinosaur-like thing, like a dinosaur, and like a lizard, but it was not a reptile, so it was more like a dinosaur that Gao Jiuding had never seen before.

This monster was on the ground with two feet, and its two claws were shining coldly hugging its chest, a bit like a raptor.

The height of the two ferocious beasts is about the same, they are both fierce fighting creatures, and their performance is even more brutal.

The leopard has thick fangs and sharp claws, while the raptor is not bad, with a ferocious mouth, a pair of short claws, which are also very sharp, and the cold light is shining.

The giant leopard roared, the raptor roared fiercely, and the two huge beasts were fighting, causing blood to splatter, and the scene was extremely bloody.

On the tree, Gao Jiuding looked at the two giant beasts. He could see an aura from the fight between the giant leopard and the raptor. It was a strong killing spirit. No wonder these fierce beasts are the easiest to condense The domain of killing, because this is their instinct, right?

Looking at the two fierce beasts fighting together, Gao Jiuding was very satisfied, it feels so good to be a fisherman.

It's a pity that he doesn't like watching dramas, so as soon as he kicked his feet, he rushed towards the two giant beasts.

This movement immediately aroused the vigilance of the two giant beasts, and they finally felt the strong blood of the person coming.

Roar!In an instant, the two ferocious beasts that were fighting seemed to sense the danger emanating from the comer, so they stopped killing immediately, and even joined forces quickly.

This kind of behavior was very strange, and Gao Jiuding was a little stunned. He looked at the two giant beasts of different races in front of him. They actually knew how to fight together, which is really unimaginable.

However, he was only stunned for a moment, and his speed did not decrease at all, and he rushed to the front of the two giant beasts in the blink of an eye.

Gao Jiuding swung his fist to fight, but the raptor was obviously more violent, and it took the lead in counterattacking.

The raptor frantically bit Gao Jiuding, trying to tear the small prey in front of him.

However, it underestimated the power contained in Gao Jiuding's fist, as well as the terrifying speed.

Hearing a bang, the Raptor Dragon was directly hit with its neck crooked, its body backed up quickly, and finally fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the jungle giant leopard next to it rushed forward, and its timing was very precise.

Boom!The poor giant leopard thought it would hit him with a single pounce, but the result was the opposite. Gao Jiuding turned around and swung his fists, the air was turbulent, and with a bang, the giant leopard spurted blood from its mouth, and its body flew across the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the two huge and ferocious beasts were blown to the ground, and their breath became very weak.

Gao Jiuding walked up to him and looked at the two twitching giant beasts, one of them kicked and trampled to death.

In the end, he quickly put away the bodies of the two, and then left here, continuing to search for countless creatures in the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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