Chapter 1268
Among the asteroids, the most indispensable thing is huge beasts, and some poisonous insects are even more ferocious.

These ferocious beasts and insects are well hidden. Sometimes even Gao Jiuding can hardly detect some poisonous insects.

Fortunately, the creatures here seem to only know how to fight by relying on brute force, so even if the state of performance is not low, they can't stop Gao Jiuding.

boom!In the jungle ahead, the soil suddenly rolled and shattered, and a huge black shadow rose from the ground, attacking a figure swiftly.

This surprise attack was so fast that the figure couldn't react effectively and was knocked into the air.

After seeing a figure retreating two meters away, he looked over in surprise.

He stared in surprise at a huge monster in front of him. It was very huge and looked like a centipede, but it was not a centipede.

"Like that monster?" Seeing this monster, Gao Jiuding was surprised, and his expression was a little shocked.

There is a huge giant worm standing proudly in front of him. It is covered with armor, and the sharp claws of its body are shining with metallic luster.

If it appeared outside the asteroid, he would have thought that he had encountered that kind of perverted monster with devouring and forbidden domains, as well as such powerful attack and defense powers!

"It should be related, is it a larva here?"

The giant worm in front of him was a strange worm, eight meters long and one meter thick, with two sharp teeth in its mouth, shining with a ferocious cold light.

Rumble, this strange centipede, rushes toward it rumblingly, intending to carve up the small prey in front of it and store it as food for the winter.

boom!In the woods, the giant insects slayed, roaring and shaking.

In just an instant, the surrounding giant trees collapsed, the rocks shattered, and a puff of white smoke rose.

This guy was huge and slender, with thousands of feet, so Gao Jiuding didn't dare to be careless at all, because if he was not careful, a piece of his flesh might be scraped off.

Although the blood shadow magical skill can allow him to recover quickly, such a thing can still be avoided as much as possible.

Gao Jiuding dodged quickly, turned around to look, and almost sucked in a mouthful of poisonous gas.

The body of this millipede exudes a horrible stench, which is poisonous, and can even poison a huge beast instantly.

After taking a sip, Gao Jiuding was shocked to find that the ground where he was standing was corroded by a jet of black liquid, and white smoke rose up, which was very disgusting.

Fortunately, his magical ability to avoid poison is not weak, and he can also use this poison to derive spiritual things.

In an instant, Gao Jiuding took a breath of poisonous gas into the poison pool inside the pagoda.

hiss!The giant worm screamed fiercely, turned its head proudly, and charged again. It was going to kill Gao Jiuding, its prey.

However, Gao Jiuding is not a benevolent person. He was a little embarrassed just now, but he was attacked by surprise.

Seeing the giant worm approaching, Gao Jiuding immediately dodged.

The giant worm sprayed out a mouthful of black liquid, white smoke rose in all directions, and then the trees collapsed, and even the rocks were corroded and pitted.

Gao Jiuding was a little surprised, he didn't expect this toxin to be so corrosive.

His figure quickly dodged and was not sprayed by the black liquid, but he felt very bad.

Of course, that worm also felt very bad, because its omnipotent means had failed.

The stench that permeated the worm before was a poisonous gas. If people and animals inhaled it, they would definitely feel dizzy.

But now, Gao Jiuding actually didn't feel anything about its poison.

hum!After avoiding for a long time, Gao Jiuding had no choice but to draw out a war spear.

He dodges, turns around and stabs out with a single shot!
With a puff, the war spear pierced the giant worm's neck.

The black liquid was sprayed, and white smoke rose.

Gao Jiuding could feel that this giant worm had a strong defensive power, and if he didn't use a heaven-level war spear to assassinate him, he couldn't kill this monster in a short time.

With one blow, Gao Jiuding quickly drew his gun to dodge. He stood far away and looked at the rolling giant worm, and found that the giant worm quickly curled up into a ball, and finally died of exhaustion.

Such a huge poisonous insect is very vigorous, if it is accidentally poisoned, it will definitely be unlucky.

Coming to the front, Gao Jiuding carefully stared at the dead giant worm. Its jet-black body was connected to each other, and its armor was very thick, emitting a foul-smelling poisonous gas.

"This thing seems to have some medicinal value. I don't know if such a huge poisonous insect can stimulate the body to break and regenerate?" Gao Jiuding looked at the corpse and muttered.

He thought that the five poisons all have their unique effects, and these huge bugs are extremely poisonous, so they should also have some medicinal value!
The eight-meter-long poisonous insect in front of him, Gao Jiuding guessed, whether it has more medicinal value?

However, looking at the corroded white smoke around him and the stench from the giant worm's body, Gao Jiuding finally gave up the idea of ​​collecting it.

Gao Jiuding turned around with a wry smile, this bug was too smelly and poisonous, he didn't dare to put it in the storage ring.

He turned around and was about to leave here, but he suddenly felt chills all over his body, a strong killing intent, chilling to the bone.

Hiss. With a roar, a horrible wind blew in the woods, and the stench was suffocating.

In an instant, sand and rocks flew in front of him, trees swayed, and even the dirt was lifted up to a height of ten meters.

Gao Jiuding watched with chills a huge giant insect rushing up from the ground.

The first giant worm roared proudly, and then one after another huge poisonous worms rushed up, drilled out densely, and placed them in front of Gao Jiuding.

These are huge poisonous insects with thousands of legs, and they are full of stench, and even the surrounding leaves are a little yellow.

Such a terrifying scene made Gao Jiuding's heart start to tremble, and he remembered the group of weird centipedes he met earlier.

These bugs are so similar to those weird centipedes, but they are not as powerful.

It's also fortunate that these weird centipedes don't have domain power, otherwise Gao Jiuding would start running for his life again.

Huge millipede giant insects roared one after another. There were so many of them, it could be said that they were innumerable, because after only a short while, the place that Gao Jiuding could see became densely packed, full of those giant insects.

"Damn, this is breaking into the insect nest again!" Gao Jiuding's face changed wildly, and then he turned around and brandished his war gun to kill outside.

Only by killing a few poisonous insects rushing forward will he have a chance to escape from here.

Most of these giant worms were as huge as the dead one, but some were so huge that they were too scary.

Whoosh!The war gun roared, and the sharpness faltered.

I saw Gao Jiuding brandishing his spear, and with a pounce, he immediately pierced through the giant worm's body.

The venom was sprayed, and some giant insects fell to the ground miserably, tumbling and gradually dying.

Gao Jiuding's figure was like lightning, and with a sweep, several giant insects flew out with a bang.

Then he took advantage of the situation and jumped up, stepped on a tree trunk, and quickly jumped away without staying for half a minute.

Hiss. Hiss.
Behind Gao Jiuding, there was a frenzied hissing, the sound was so terrifying that it could even shake the mountains and forests.

These giant worms are very ferocious, even some giant beasts dare not easily set foot in their lairs, because this is an act of courting death.

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding's strength is not bad at the moment, and his speed is faster.

He hopped from tree to tree and finally got rid of those terrible millipede poisonous insects.

After rushing out of that area, Gao Jiuding stopped on a big tree and wiped off his cold sweat slightly.

The place was already full of black air and the smell was permeating, it was simply a den of poison.

He even suspected that if he was poisoned by those venom and gas, he would definitely be unlucky, mainly because it was too corrosive.

Gao Jiuding murmured a little in his heart: "This is a wild world, it's too dangerous, even the bugs are so fierce."

As soon as Buzzing finished speaking, there was a buzzing sound in Gao Jiuding's ears, and he saw a huge mosquito flying towards his neck.

Gao Jiuding was furious, and slapped it away. With a bang, the huge mosquito was directly slapped flat on the tree trunk.

Gao Jiuding said resentfully: "Even you are here to bully me? Do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

After finishing speaking, Gao Jiuding jumped away directly. He didn't intend to stay here any longer, but continued to rush towards the depths of the mountain.

There was a fishy smell, and there was a terrifying evil spirit, and there were huge white bones everywhere on the ground.

Click!In the jungle ahead, Gao Jiuding stepped on the ground cautiously. While he was walking, there were clear and crisp sounds from time to time.

Look down and you'll see broken bones, huge and a little scary.

It is very quiet here, with a gloomy atmosphere, the ground is paved with broken bones, and the air is filled with a faint fishy smell. This is the scene of a horror movie.

Needless to say, there must be terrifying beasts haunting this kind of place, and only they can leave a vicious aura.

Gao Jiuding walked forward cautiously, and with a flick of his foot, he revealed a pile of white bones and many traces of being bitten.

After seeing a lot, Jiu would not be afraid, Gao Jiuding just walked forward cautiously.

Here, he felt a strong breath, which was the breath of a ferocious beast.

This breath was very strong, with a hint of evil spirit, he seemed to have entered the territory of a jungle overlord.

The rocky mountains in front of us are a huge stone forest, the rocks are dark and eerie.

It's very quiet here, the surroundings are silent, not even a bug chirps, it's like a dead zone.

This kind of place, this kind of situation, can only be like this in the territory of the beast king.

Click!Gao Jiuding entered the stone forest, stepped on a place of animal bones, and made a clear and gloomy sound.

He walked cautiously and cautiously, without the slightest carelessness. The rocks here are towering, and it is a natural stone forest. The bones of some giant beasts are scattered on the ground, pale and frightening, and there is even a trace of evil spirit on them. It must be some extremely cruel masters.

But they are still buried here, which proves that there is a great horror hidden in the stone forest.

Gao Jiuding felt a little hesitant in his heart. He remembered what he saw in that ancient city, especially that terrifying big hand. Could it be that there is such a thing here?

In the end, he shook his head mockingly, secretly thinking that he was too suspicious, there shouldn't be many fierce monsters like those in the ancient city, besides, Gao Jiuding wouldn't be so unlucky, right?
 Thank you for the reward of 200 coins from Duyou Wanbang, and thanks to the king of the emperor, the bookworm, lads4017 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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