Chapter 1269 Behemoth
Gao Jiuding abandoned those wild thoughts, calmed down, and continued to move forward with the gun in hand.

In this gloomy environment, you don't need to think too much, just be careful and move forward.

It's too quiet here, it's almost silent, as if even the air has stopped, and as it enters the depths of the stone forest, it's surrounded by lush ancient trees, giving off a gloomy air, which is very scary.

"It's such a strong evil spirit, what exactly is it?" Gao Jiuding stopped in his tracks, his expression uncertain.

From the air around him, he felt an astonishing evil spirit, which made his heart chill.

Stimulating the qi and blood in the body, expeling the yin and evil qi that invaded the body, this also made Gao Jiuding's blood warm up.

The blood in his body roared and boiled, a little bit of Yin Qi was nothing.

They've all come here, and they definitely won't back out. Gao Jiuding just wants to see what's in front of him.

This must be a beast's lair, otherwise it wouldn't be so quiet.

The skeletons of giant beasts and dense white bones all over the ground are enough to prove that there is a terrible existence here.

Along the way, Gao Jiuding encountered many bones, some of which were even more than ten meters away.

"What a big footprint!" After seeing the footprints, Gao Jiuding's expression was a little bad.

He stared at an open space in front of him, where there were several huge footprints.

These footprints, bipedal footprints, must have been left by two-footed beasts, but what could they be?

He came to the front, squatted down to check, and found that the footprints were very large, a few inches deep on the ground, and some sharp marks could be vaguely seen, which were the claw marks left by ferocious beasts.

"What kind of beast?" Gao Jiuding was very puzzled, he couldn't figure it out clearly, so now he could only raise his vigilance.

A ferocious beast with such footprints must be a giant, otherwise there would not be such footprints left behind.

The ground here is very solid, and it is difficult for ordinary beasts to leave footprints, except for those huge and huge beasts, which is possible.

The fishy smell in front of him hit his face, strong and disgusting, Gao Jiuding's face suddenly changed, and his inner vigilance was raised to the highest level, because he felt the strong murderous intent pervading.

Gao Jiuding felt a tragic aura exuding in the air, extremely domineering.

He proceeded cautiously, shuttling through this huge stone forest, wondering what is there?
In front of it was a huge stone cave surrounded by rocks, more than ten meters high, with a huge hole, and the blackness of it was like a big mouth that devoured creatures.

The dangerous atmosphere there is more intense, and the surroundings are quieter.

Gao Jiuding stared suspiciously at the huge cave in front of him, wondering if there was some kind of huge beast's lair here?

The pitch-black hole exuded a terrifying aura, and the tragic evil spirit forced its way, making one's body chill and bones cold.

"This mountain forest is the territory of the owner of this lair, right?"

Gao Jiuding guessed like this, he felt the powerful and domineering aura in the air, even if he didn't see the owner of this aura, Gao Jiuding seemed to feel the aura of the king of the jungle, this mountain forest should belong to it territory.

Gao Jiuding pondered for a long time. He sensed it carefully, but found nothing. The tragic atmosphere in the air was too strong, so he couldn't sense all the atmosphere in the cave.

At this time Gao Jiuding hesitated, thinking whether to go in or not.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and decided to go in and take a look. He came here, and if he didn't go in and take a look, he would still be very unwilling.

"If you don't enter the tiger's lair, how can you catch a tiger's cub?" Gao Jiuding made up his mind, he stepped forward, and walked forward cautiously with his battle gun.

There must be a powerful guy here, and if he wants to gain a foothold here, he must understand how powerful the owner is.

As he approached the cave, Gao Jiuding felt the fierce aura more and more.

The closer you get, the more you can feel the tragic breath blowing towards your face. It is bloody and thick, making your hands and feet cold.

Phew. A fishy wind blows out from the cave, carrying a domineering aura!

In front of the cave, a figure stood with a suspicious expression on his face.

In front of him, there was a gust of wind blowing towards his face, and the evil spirit swept across, as if a terrifying beast was rushing, it was very terrifying.

Gao Jiuding found that the front of the cave entrance was very smooth, and heavy objects were often rolled over, which made the ground of the entire cave entrance smooth and even.

He walked in without hesitation, holding his battle gun horizontally, being careful and vigilant, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

Step by step, I walked into the huge cave. The cave was very dark and a little humid. The strange thing was that the temperature was extremely high, as if the temperature here was much higher than outside.

In the darkness, Gao Jiuding moved forward cautiously, and found that the ground of the entire cave was very flat, even a little smooth, as hard as a rock.

His eyesight is very good, even if he doesn't use clairvoyance, his eyesight will be enhanced due to the improvement of his physical fitness, so he can see clearly the scene in the dark without looking at the aura and aura here.

It's spacious, it feels like a giant square, it's unbelievably large.

Huge broken bones were scattered on the ground, with a rotten smell.

Going forward, Gao Jiuding saw a pile of huge things, which was a huge nest made of branches.

"What is the lair of a ferocious beast?" Gao Jiuding was full of surprise. This is really a lair of a ferocious beast. This lair is very huge, at least 20 meters wide.

This nest is made up of black and thick branches, which are a bit scattered, or in other words, piled up randomly at all.

However, the entire lair appeared to be very solid, as if it had been tightly pressed by something.

The surrounding air is very heavy, filled with a strong fishy and evil spirit, which is extremely shocking.

Gao Jiuding looked carefully, and found that there were no other openings in this spacious cave, and there were no beasts inside, so he walked over with confidence.

When he came to the front, his face froze, and his heart shook slightly, because there was a pile of huge eggs on the nest.

These giant eggs are white and crystal clear, there are more than 30 pieces in total, and each one is the size of a washbasin, which is very gratifying to look at.

"What kind of egg is this?" Gao Jiuding stared at the pile of giant eggs in surprise, wondering what kind of egg it was?

These giant eggs are huge, the size of a washbasin, and the whole body is shining with crystal light, as if exuding an extraordinary aura.

With clairvoyance activated, Gao Jiuding was able to see the intense light of life.

It is so big that it will definitely not be small after hatching. Of course, even without hatching, the rich light of life is still very attractive.

Now Gao Jiuding was completely excited, the essence of life in these giant eggs was no worse than some spirits!

Just imagine, a giant egg that can hatch a powerful and ferocious beast. Needless to say, it must contain powerful and rich energy, which is enough to raise Gao Jiuding's body to a very high level.

The ferocious beast is full of strength and frightening, and the eggs laid must be full of energy, and even have a magical effect.

Think about it, in modern society, eggs contain rich nutrition, so what kind of huge energy are contained in the eggs of these behemoths?

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding couldn't keep calm anymore. He immediately jumped into the lair, waved his hands, and put all these huge eggs into the pagoda, preparing to find a safe place to enjoy them after leaving.

Gao Jiuding harvested more than 30 giant eggs this time, which is really a big harvest.

Moreover, he also saw a faint aura emanating from those giant eggs, which was the reason for his excitement.

These giant eggs contained a strong aura, and this different aura reminded Gao Jiuding of the aura of a fairy.

The creatures living here seem to be able to accumulate a trace of fairy spirit in their bodies, perhaps it is this fairy spirit that has already given them their strong physique.

Swallowing the essence of a whole ferocious beast will definitely improve the body's function and overall quality, and even enhance mana and supernatural powers.

"Okay, what a bumper harvest, leave immediately!" Gao Jiuding jumped out of the nest and was about to leave, but his footsteps stopped suddenly.

His eyes scanned a corner of the cave suspiciously, at first he didn't pay attention, but when he looked carefully, he found that there was a little sparkle in the corner.

Gao Jiuding could see a strong aura, although it was not as strong as that of those giant eggs, but the aura in it was not comparable to that of ordinary spirit stones.

Fortunately, it wasn't the light of life, otherwise Gao Jiuding would have run away.

With a hint of curiosity, Gao Jiuding guessed what kind of treasure it was, otherwise how could it shine in the dark?

As he walked, he soon came to a corner of the cave and found a bunch of things here.

Hiss. When he came here and saw what it was, Gao Jiuding gasped suddenly, and then his whole body was icy cold, from head to sole of his feet.

In front of his eyes was a pile of shiny scales, each piece flickering, with an astonishing luster.

The most important thing is that these scales are placed so artistically, they are preserved so completely that anyone who sees them will definitely be scared to death!

These are snake skins, a large pile, large and small, as if a large group of boa constrictors were shedding their skins here.

If it hadn't been for not seeing the light of life, Gao Jiuding would definitely not have thought it was a large pile of snake skins, but that there was a group of giant pythons having a party here!

After careful identification, Gao Jiuding determined that these snake skins were shed from the same snake.

The small snake skin can be as thick as a bucket, and then some gradually increase, even several meters thick snake skin.

There are many small snake skins with weak aura, only some huge scales are still shining.

And there are so many snake skins, stacked one by one, it can be said that they are piled up into mountains.

The more Gao Jiuding watched, the more surprised he became, and finally he found that there were some thick snake skins inside these snake skins, and in the thick snake skins, he even saw some bright blood.

This piece of snake skin is very bright, as if it has just shed its skin, and there are still traces of stinky blood left.

This snake is extremely slender, but its diameter is not small. Gao Jiuding was a little horrified just by imagining it.

If it is propped up, the body of this boa constrictor is 20 meters thick, and it still looks very slender, which shows that its body length must exceed 200 meters.

(End of this chapter)

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