Chapter 1270
Looking at the layers of thick snake skin, Gao Jiuding couldn't imagine, what kind of giant python is this?
This giant snake, which I have never seen with my own eyes, is at least 20 meters thick. How did it grow?It is impossible to grow so big by eating chemical fertilizers, right?

More than 200 meters long and 20 meters thick, what kind of monster is this?I can't even imagine it.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had a little understanding of the aura of this cave. It would be strange if there was no such a powerful aura left in a place where such a powerful giant beast often haunts.

Or, this powerful aura was left behind by that giant beast on purpose?To protect your cubs?
Thinking of the more than 30 giant eggs harvested, Gao Jiuding's heart beat violently a few times. What kind of benefits would such a powerful monster cub swallow?
"Could it be the legendary Titan python?" Gao Jiuding guessed, this is a giant python's lair, and those giant eggs are the eggs of the python.

Now, he understood clearly, and finally realized that this is a nest of boa constrictors.

He walked into a boa constrictor's nest. Thinking about the roar of the boa constrictor, isn't that terrifying scene?
And right now it turned out to be a snake nest, whether there are countless pythons, otherwise how can these giant eggs be explained?

"Run!" Gao Jiuding felt a chill in his heart, and without stopping at all, he turned around and was about to rush out of this huge lair.

But the next moment, he stopped, and with a wave of his hand, he put away all the shiny snake skins. These scales are so hard that they can be made into armor.

After doing this, he rushed out quickly, wanting to leave the giant python's lair.

He thought, there must be a terrifying giant python living here, and it just happened to be out hunting but it wasn't here.

In this way, it can be clearly explained why these snake eggs are not guarded by pythons, but another doubt arises, are these pythons laying eggs, all of which are guarded by one alone?
As soon as he rushed out of the huge cave, Gao Jiuding immediately jumped up and stood on a huge rock, but just as he was about to leap away quickly, his expression changed suddenly, and he turned and stared in one direction.

Not far from rumbling, smoke and dust rose to the sky, trees collapsed, and the ground roared and shook.

I saw a terrifying roar coming from the jungle in the distance, as if a giant beast was roaring, the sound was ferocious and frightening.

Hiss. There was another roar, like thunder rolling, shaking the mountains and forests, scaring away countless beasts.

Gao Jiuding's complexion changed drastically, the secret path was terrible, and he really encountered a huge python, and it was clear when he saw the trees collapsed and swaying in the distance.

Sure enough, not long after, a terrifying boa constrictor rushed forward, roaring arrogantly and domineeringly.

This is a terrifying titanic python with a diameter of more than 23 meters. It has a huge body and is a colossal monster.

That roar was extremely domineering, and there was a strong fishy smell sweeping through it, and there was even a terrifying evil spirit, blowing towards his face.

That giant python raised its head, staring at a pair of lantern-like eyes, scarlet tyrannical, cold and frightening.

It found the trace of Gao Jiuding, smelled the scent of its snake eggs, and knew that its cub had been stolen.

Then, the one who stole the egg is this little thing in front of him, he is literally breaking ground on Tai Sui's head.

hiss!With a roar, the earth trembled, and the giant python rushed towards it.

The speed of the giant python was as fast as lightning, and it whizzed and bit down with one bite.

With a bang, the rocks collapsed and shattered, billowing smoke and dust rose from the ground, and a figure jumped out in embarrassment.

Gao Jiuding stood on a big rock in the distance, his face full of surprise. He looked at the rock that had been smashed to pieces, and his heart was shocked.

On this asteroid with a hundred times the gravity, even the soil is very solid, let alone rocks, but now those rocks are like tofu, breaking instantly.

The speed and strength of this giant python are absolutely terrifying.

The most important thing is that the power here is different from the power outside, and it is also because of the difference in gravity.

The gravity is a hundred times that of the outside world, which makes the earth and rocks here more than a hundred times stronger. Even so, this giant python can still cause such great destructive power.

He had already guessed that the overlord here was not easy to mess with, but Gao Jiuding still didn't expect that this giant python is so powerful and arrogant!

"It's such a strong giant python, and its blood is too strong. However, there is something wrong with it. Compared with the beasts we encountered before, it is not much stronger. Is this an opportunity? Such a beast is hard to come by. Absolutely It’s a good thing to improve your strength, don’t let it go!”

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding not only didn't panic, but was very excited, because he thought of a possibility, don't look at the scary breath it left behind, but the current situation of this giant beast is probably not good.

Others couldn't see it, but Gao Jiuding could see it very clearly. Gao Jiuding could see that the vitality of this giant python was not strong.

The power of this giant python must be super strong, but that doesn't mean its fighting power is strong.

Moreover, there is only such a giant python here, and if there is a whole group, it would be a bit of a concern. Now, it is right to kill it.

"Kill!" Gao Jiuding yelled angrily, brandishing his battle gun and going up, trying to kill this terrifying titanic python.

He didn't retreat, he attacked directly and quickly, killing him like lightning, and slashed down angrily with his spear.

I saw the rocks in front of me collapse, there was a bang, the earth shook, and the trees swayed.

Gao Jiuding fought with this gigantic boa constrictor, it was a single fight between man and boa constrictor.

The giant python is too big, Gao Jiuding is too small, this is Gao Jiuding's chance.

Besides, Gao Jiuding's strength is not weaker than this giant python.

boom!The four directions vibrated, and the two were fierce and violent.

The giant python roared, its huge tail swept over, the rocks collapsed, and the entire stone forest was shaken, and even the huge ancient tree on the side broke directly, kicking up a puff of smoke and dust.

That giant python was very violent, and his eggs were stolen. This is a shame, but also a hatred.

clang!A clang came out, the smoke and dust dispersed, and then the figure was seen retreating quickly, leaving a trail.

Gao Jiuding's face was flushed, the fog above his head was steaming, and his blood was surging, as if he was about to roar out.

His whole body was surging with power, and he rushed out with his body. The surging power buzzed and vibrated with the gun, smashing the surrounding rocks into pieces.

boom!That giant python was just as terrifying. Not only did it pounce fiercely on its head, but its tail swept across all directions, and the surrounding trees were broken and collapsed, the scene was tragic and frightening.

The destruction caused by these two powerful men is astonishing. Most of the rocks collapsed and shattered, either being swept away by the giant python or smashed to pieces by Gao Jiuding.

Hissing. The giant python roared, exuding a terrifying aura all over its body, deterring countless ferocious beasts around and fleeing in all directions.

This is its territory. Today, a small creature broke into it and stole all its snake eggs, which completely angered this terrifying titanic python.

However, Gao Jiuding on the opposite side is not bad at all. If he was definitely not an opponent before, he is at most half a catty now, and he has a powerful and ancient weapon, and he has a killing fist. If he still can't kill this giant python, Gao Jiuding It's really going to be a tragedy.

Of course, the main reason is that this giant python is in a period of weakness. I really thought that more than 30 giant eggs were born, and there is no consumption?

After a little confrontation, Gao Jiuding was sure of this point.

This giant python is indeed the most powerful beast that Gao Jiuding has ever encountered, even stronger than the Void Monster Beast, but it is very weak now, it can be said that it is ostentatious!

boom!The black shadow swept across, the trees collapsed, and the rocks were torn apart. This is a giant python's tail, thick and powerful, sweeping across it with supreme power. No one can resist such power.

Gao Jiuding tried his best to dodge it, as if he was a bit slapped in the face. Just now he thought this giant python was not difficult to deal with, but now, he knows that your uncle is your uncle, no, a fierce beast is a fierce beast, even if it has just given birth, it It's also very powerful. After all, the beasts here rely on their bodies for food.

There is no way, Gao Jiuding can only dodge, his figure is as fast as lightning, and it is a shot when he turns around.

The air whistled, and there was a puffing sound, the tail of the giant python was pierced, and blood sprayed horizontally, bright red and glaring.

The giant python roared in pain, hissing like a dragon, and its momentum was frightening.

This giant python is a super giant, with fierce power and terrifying speed, so Gao Jiuding made a vacuum on him, and then he was in tragedy.

Although this giant python has a huge body, its speed is not slow at all. When it moves, it is as fast as lightning.

Rumbling, as the giant tail swept over, rocks collapsed and shattered, trees were broken, and smoke and dust billowed and ravaged. Of course, Gao Jiuding was also swept away, and he had no resistance at all.

It is good to be small and agile, and can avoid many attacks. However, there are many benefits to being large. For example, now, a man who swept away thousands of troops just arbitrarily cleaned up Gao Jiuding by the way.

hiss!The Titanoboa was very angry, the egg was stolen, this is a hatred that can only be washed away with blood.

Sure enough, the berserk python was even more powerful, its head swooped down proudly, its fangs would bite through the steel.

This pounce was so powerful and horrifyingly fast that even Gao Jiuding was taken aback. He tried his best to dodge, but he didn't choose to fight head-on.

He was refining his spear skills, so his speed was getting faster and faster, and even the air turned into a vacuum when he stabbed dozens of spears in a row.

Qiang Qiang sparks lit, clanging continuously, Gao Jiuding was full of surprise, he was unable to pierce the python's neck, but just hit the python's teeth, sparks burst out, and then the snake's head flicked, and he was hit by the airflow again out.

At this time, Gao Jiuding felt the most profoundly about the strength of the python, especially the giant python with a diameter of more than 20 meters in front of him, which was simply shocking.

However, Gao Jiuding's resilience was not bad either. His blood energy was lingering all over his body, forming a bloody smoke that rushed three feet from the sky above his head, exuding a mighty aura.

This is a loose power, belonging to Gao Jiuding's power.

However, this power is not very strong, and it is still very scattered. It has not been condensed into one strand. This is the impact of the giant python!
At this time, Gao Jiuding really needs to rely on the giant python to practice, and he needs to rely on life and death fights to temper his power.

(End of this chapter)

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