The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1271 Rapid Growth

Chapter 1271 Rapid Growth (400 Monthly Ticket Plus Changes)

Once the power is released, it is impossible to suppress all directions. Of course, this is impossible.

Although Gao Jiuding can't achieve it now, at least he has this goal.

This is a seed that was planted in the bottom of my heart after encountering that terrifying demon hand before, and I have a deeper understanding of aura and momentum.

He believes that aura can suppress opponents, and even a ray of terrifying power can shock people to death.

At the beginning, it was like this in front of the ancient bronze temple, but the last magic hand was even more terrifying, and the sound waves stunned countless human beings.

drink!Suddenly, Gao Jiuding yelled, recalling that terrifying magic hand in his mind, his whole posture changed, as if unparalleled power erupted from his body.

This trend was very weak at first, but as time passed, Gao Jiuding's power became stronger and stronger during the battle between the two, and even faintly had the meaning of cohesion and breakthrough.

Boom!Gao Jiuding's aura reached its peak, his long hair danced wildly, and his whole body was full of blood, as if a burst of arrogance was surging out.

In an instant, the giant python was obviously taken aback. It was overwhelmed by this huge force, and it paused for a moment.

And it was just such a slight pause that allowed Gao Jiuding to seize the opportunity. He suddenly burst out with the most powerful force, and rushed forward with a single shot.

"Kill!" Gao Jiuding roared wildly, and the spear shot out like a dragon.

In Gao Jiuding's hand, the heavenly weapon spear rushed out of the sea like a terrifying dragon, soared into the sky, and rushed into the front.

There was a bang, and the sharpness of the spear tip suddenly exploded, forming a terrifying blow, and blasted on the giant python's body.

This shot condensed a huge power, and the damage it caused was astonishing. The body of the giant python flew upwards and hit the ground with a bang.

boom!At this moment, Gao Jiuding's aura exploded, he jumped up and slashed furiously.

With a bang, the giant python's head was smashed into the soil.

Hiss. Aw.
The giant python roared miserably, its huge body rolled over, forming terrifying destruction, crushing everything nearby.

Immediately, the trees around were broken, and the rocks rolled and shattered. The situation was very tragic.

Gao Jiuding stood in the smoke and dust, his whole body was still, his aura was faintly distributed, only the slightest ripples were produced in the surrounding air. At this time, there was a terrifying force condensing in Gao Jiuding's body.

But this is just a gust of energy, a kind of momentum, condensed from the body, as if about to burst out like a mountain torrent.

Boom!Suddenly, there was a loud noise in front of it, and the giant python recovered, and it rushed to kill it boldly.

The fangs of the giant python brought a fishy smell to his face.

If he was bitten by it, he must have entered the giant belly with one bite, but Gao Jiuding remained motionless, as if he didn't see it, and even the icy power that he had all over his body at the moment gradually weakened, and finally disappeared.

When the giant python arrived, Gao Jiuding opened his eyes with a slam, two sharp lights burst out from his eyes, he raised his war spear and stabbed out at an unparalleled speed.

There was a bang, and the spear spewed out, forming a terrifying momentum, like a dragon rushing out of the deep sea and soaring nine days.

Hiss. For a moment, the giant python felt a bit of fear, as if the person in front of it was not a small creature, but a terrifying deep-sea dragon, which made it stagnate for a while.

But at this moment, with a whistling sharp edge and a thumping sound, the giant python suddenly woke up, but unfortunately it was already too late.

Gao Jiuding pierced through with a single shot, piercing straight up from the python's neck and protruding from the top of its head.

The explosive power of this blow directly tore the giant python's head, shattered its skull, and even killed it instantly.

However, even if the huge titanic python died, its body still entangled instinctively. Unfortunately, it was too huge to form an effective entanglement, so Gao Jiuding quickly dodged to avoid it.

"Death!" Gao Jiuding backed up, leaped forward with one step, and stabbed the body below the head of the giant python with a single shot, spraying blood three feet high, before completely killing this terrifying giant python.

After killing the giant python, Gao Jiuding's aura reached its peak.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's whole body was full of energy and blood, and then suddenly gathered in his body, condensing into an extremely terrifying force.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding finally began to condense his own power, which could explode in battle, suppress the enemy, deter the enemy, and create opportunities for himself.

Even people who are weaker than him will be suppressed, unable to move, deterred and fearful in their hearts.

And these are all because of that huge magic hand and a kind of comprehension gained after devouring that golden divine soul. In fact, this seems to be a kind of domain.

"Understanding the general trend is just the beginning. There is still a long way to go to practice in the future. I can't relax!"

Standing on the body of the dead python, Gao Jiuding was carefully feeling the realization this time.

He finally managed to use the pressure of the giant python to condense his strong will, and this will is the foundation of all fields.

That is to say, it will be easier for Gao Jiuding to practice power in other fields in the future, and it will not be difficult for him to cultivate into Yuanshen in the future.

If it is said that the cultivation of the domain is a small path leading to the primordial spirit, then comprehending the general trend and condensing one's own unique will is equivalent to opening up the heavenly avenue leading to the primordial spirit.

With this harvest, Gao Jiuding is naturally happy, but he can't miss other gains.

With bleeding light, Gao Jiuding began to absorb the python's energy and blood.

He felt a majestic blood energy gushing out from the corpse of the giant python under him, entering the body for strengthening and transformation, improving physical fitness and strength.

This giant python is very terrifying, with strong blood and energy, and the energy it contains is very huge. It is really surprising that it has raised his physical fitness to a higher level.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding's strength, he himself does not know how far it has reached, it is amazing anyway.

"If you eat those giant python eggs, you will definitely get more benefits. That is part of the essence of the giant python's body and cannot be wasted easily."

Gao Jiuding thought about it, put away the huge python corpse, and quickly flashed into that cave.

This was originally a shelter for the giant python, but unfortunately not only the eggs were taken, but he was also killed.

This is where the strong are respected and the weak eat the strong. The giant python is not as powerful as Gao Jiuding, so it is naturally killed as food.

And if Gao Jiuding is not strong enough, then he will die, and even if he is not strong enough in the future, he will die as well.

In the cave, it was very quiet. Some gravel fell down, which was affected by the battle just now, but luckily it hasn't collapsed yet.

Gao Jiuding sat directly in the huge snake's nest, quietly took out a giant egg, his face was faintly excited.

The eggs of these behemoths are not so simple, they contain rich energy and the second is the rich and explosive life energy, which is a good thing to improve the body and repair the hidden dangers of the body.

At this moment, a snake egg in Gao Jiuding's hand was the size of a washbasin, and it was shining with crystal light, which looked very extraordinary.

Click!With a crisp sound, Gao Jiuding directly smashed the giant egg, and then saw a stream of crystal clear liquid flowing.

The crystal liquid is wrapped in a golden mass, which may be the egg yolk.

As soon as the giant egg was broken, there was a fishy smell, accompanied by a faint aroma, which was extremely strange.

Gao Jiuding was a little surprised, but in the end he simply ignored it, and started to drink and pour as soon as he opened his mouth.

I saw that after a few grunts, Gao Jiuding swallowed the liquid in the whole giant egg with just one breath.

He felt the changes in his body with surprise on his face. At this moment, Gao Jiuding could only feel a strong heat sweeping his whole body, invading every layer of his body.

"What a powerful energy!" Gao Jiuding's face was amazed, and then his blood boiled.

Gao Jiuding felt that the blood in his body was growing rapidly. It was much richer and more condensed than before, as if it was about to turn into a mercury-like slurry.

Feeling that he could easily withstand the energy in his body, Gao Jiuding took out another giant egg without hesitation, smashed it and drank it.

This drink was worth ten giant eggs, and Gao Jiuding reluctantly stopped until he felt that he couldn't digest it.

Inside the Longlong cave, there was a roaring sound, as if a muffled thunder was exploding, shaking the cave trembling.

Taking a closer look, there is still a blood-colored red light in the cave, like a kind of arrogance, burning and enveloping a figure.

This is Gao Jiuding. He drank ten titan python eggs, and his whole body boiled and burned. At this time, his body was like a volcano erupting, and a stream of blood swept through his body, burning out some exhaust gas and impurities. .

This is to cleanse the body, remove impurities, Gao Jiuding's physique, in the process of washing the hair and cutting the marrow, it is approaching the limit little by little, and after reaching a limit, it has not stopped, and it seems that it can still improve.

"Not enough, eat ten more!" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding opened his eyes and decided to eat ten giant eggs again.

He really took out ten giant eggs, smashed them all one by one and drank them all.

The moment he finished drinking, Gao Jiuding only felt that his body was about to explode, the energy in his body began to riot, and his blood rolled crazily.

At this time, in Gao Jiuding's blood sea space, the blood roared like a dragon, making his whole body feel like a volcano that had been accumulated for too long was about to erupt. At this level, his body obviously couldn't bear it.

A wave of blood was surging like a sea, boiling endlessly, sweeping like a volcanic eruption, and Gao Jiuding's body finally couldn't bear it and cracked.

Gao Jiuding gritted his teeth and insisted, his body shook violently, and then blood splashed out, with a scarlet and stench overflowing his body, forming a cleansing and transformation.

That burst of energy was so powerful that it made his body glow, reflecting it transparently, and his bones, internal organs, etc. were clearly visible.

Even Gao Jiuding saw mysterious veins, flashing with countless symbols, but they couldn't be fully formed.

At this moment, the blood in Gao Jiuding's body condensed to a peak.

The ultimate power erupted, and Gao Jiuding instinctively mobilized this terrifying blood, and rushed towards a place where the aura was shining.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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