Chapter 1272 Life Limits
Countless qi and blood rush into the meridians, Gao Jiuding intends to use these resources to break through the obstruction of the body and reshape the body.

In an instant, the blood in his body was surging, rushing towards a meridian.

Gao Jiuding's entire body couldn't bear to burst at this moment, and blood gushed out from his mouth.

puff!A mouthful of blood spurted out, Gao Jiuding's face was shocked, and he felt extremely regretful in his heart.

He actually instinctively mobilized the whole body's blood energy to attack the meridians in his body, this is simply courting death!

However, it is useless to regret now, I can only find a way to remedy it.

The situation at this moment is a bit dangerous, and Gao Jiuding's body began to glow again, reflecting all the organs in his body as crystal clear as jade.

Looking inside, Gao Jiuding saw mysterious and thick meridians emitting an astonishing light, and the symbols on them flickered, absorbing and consuming the blood energy.

Seeing the blood energy in his body being absorbed, Gao Jiuding's whole body shook, and then more blood energy gushed out, and merged into the rich man suspended above the meridians again.

Such a result made Gao Jiuding a little surprised, but at the same time he was very happy in his heart. Although he was too impulsive, the consequences were not wrong.

An accidental impact on the meridians, although it was hasty, but without preparation, it actually happened?

According to Gao Jiuding's understanding, his current physical fitness has entered the late stage of the Faxiang, and if he continues to attack the neck bottle, that is the body of pure yang, which he can peek at now?

His real strength is enough to touch the threshold of Dharma appearance, but his physical fitness has actually begun to peek at Chunyang?

It seemed something was wrong, Gao Jiuding realized that there was something wrong with the division of his cultivation, especially when it came to body training, he seemed to have overestimated himself.

He is not afraid of physical damage, because he has too many resources to repair.

Taking out a stream of golden liquid and swallowing it, Gao Jiuding felt much better!
This is a fairy spring spiritual liquid, although it can't increase the strength now, it can still restore the injury.

Sure enough, in an instant, the body recovered, the blood began to run rumblingly, and it returned to its peak in a blink of an eye.

At this time Gao Jiuding's complexion was a little dark, which was caused by the consumption of a lot of background.

He seemed to be too reckless, but this accident gave him another way to strengthen his body.

Originally, he wanted to break through the realm of Dao and Fa, and then break through the limits of his body. It is a pity that he did such a hasty behavior driven by instinct, but unexpectedly gained again. This shows that his potential is still there, and he can continue to accumulate foundation .

As soon as he recovered, Gao Jiuding began to think seriously. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong, otherwise he would be finished.

He meditated alone, and secretly warned himself not to be reckless in the future, otherwise he would not know when he died.

"The strength has increased, and the physical fitness seems to have broken through a limit!" Gao Jiuding checked his body, and was delighted to find that his physical fitness had improved a lot, and it seemed that he had broken through another limit.

Judging from the feeling, it is more than twice as strong as before. It seems that the concentration and quality of Qi and blood, as well as physical fitness, have all improved at this moment.

Breaking through the limit of life, allowing the whole body's strength to condense into one strand, can exert more powerful strength.

This is a tyrannical force, unimaginably powerful.

Feeling the changes in his body, Gao Jiuding himself was a little surprised.

His body was filled with a strong blood, although the breakthrough just now was driven by instinct, but he did break through the limit of his life.

Moreover, due to the breakthrough of will, he has a clearer understanding of the various supernatural powers he cultivated, and even some basic exercises, he also has a new understanding.

Is this a more subtle grasp of oneself?Especially the body, this is more obvious in some attacking skills, such as the basic spear skills that are often used recently, the comprehension is deeper, and the most amazing thing is the killing fist, due to a breakthrough in will, he has no so-called With the limitation of levels, it seems that there are infinite possibilities for future development.

Now, apart from all kinds of magic weapons, his most powerful means of fighting with his body alone is his killing fist.

Gao Jiuding felt that there was a terrifying killing intent accumulated in his body, which was the source of the power of the killing fist.

"Will is equal to mental power, right? The stronger the mental power, the more condensed the soul will be, and the easier it will be to cultivate into the primordial spirit in the future!" Gao Jiuding himself was surprised when he felt his comprehensive strengthening.

In the end, he also wanted to understand that this so-called will is actually a breakthrough in visualization, which belongs to his power.

And power belongs to the power at the level of will, which he didn't expect to realize now.

His soul must have been strengthened, and this is inseparable from his previous accumulation, such as swallowing a lot of the soul energy of the fire clan, and naturally gained some huge benefits.

In addition, he has comprehended the domain many times, and secondly, the mysterious energy in a set of bones that he devoured, all of which prompted such a big change in his spirit.

Now, the strength of the soul is finally manifested.

The higher the level of comprehension of this kind of momentum, the stronger the power will be in the future, and even at the end of the mind, it will suppress all directions.

Moreover, Gao Jiuding also vaguely felt that if he cultivated his soul will to a higher level in the future, he could crush his opponent with just one thought.

This is a powerful domain of the soul, or simply the domain of the soul god, but unfortunately there is still a long way to go.

"It's time to continue sharpening!" Gao Jiuding murmured, then got up and rushed out of the cave, he wanted to continue looking for powerful beasts to sharpen himself.

Gao Jiuding knew that he seemed very powerful now, but compared to some real strong men, he was just a beginner.

Even in the eyes of the bugs in the surrounding starry sky, he is just a babbling child, just food.

If you want to become a real strong person, you must strive for every opportunity to become stronger, otherwise you can only become an existence crushed by others.

In the depths of the mountains, the most indispensable thing is ferocious beasts. Countless ferocious beasts walk around, full of dangers and opportunities.

For many people, this place is full of dangers, but for Gao Jiuding, it is a place of sharpening.

Now Gao Jiuding can figure it out, this asteroid is the birthplace of some fierce beasts, the beasts here have no domain, and as long as the beasts who have comprehended the power of the domain, they will all go to the starry sky to find opportunities, absolutely Would not stay here.

In this case, why would Gao Jiuding have any scruples?

The ferocious beasts here all have a strong physique, and they all have strong energy and blood power, which is really very useful for the current Gao Jiuding.

This is Xinshou Village, Gao Jiuding likes Xinshou Village the most, because there are no beasts to be his opponents here, he can take whatever he wants!
Ow!There was a roar of beasts in the distance, as if very angry.

But at the next moment, this kind of roar seemed very sad, as if being abused by something, which made people feel pity.

I saw a huge leopard in the jungle ahead, full of panic.

It saw a fist coming, but it couldn't dodge it.

At this moment, the fist in front of him was like a terrifying giant tiger rushing towards him, suppressing the giant leopard's body and mind.

boom!The blood and brain burst, and the mighty giant leopard's head was smashed to death.

Gao Jiuding walked up to him, feeling the blood of the leopard, he shook his head in disappointment, absorbed the qi and blood that emanated, and he only felt a slight increase, which made Gao Jiuding very disappointed.

Disappointed, he put away the corpse, leaped forward, rushed like lightning, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Up to now, Gao Jiuding has a strong body, which makes his speed even more terrifying, and his jumping ability is stronger. Even under the factor of gravity, he can't fly easily, and his speed is also abnormal.

Walking in the jungle, he did not hide his blood, but completely exposed it.

While walking, Qi and blood circulated, emitting rumbling heat, attracting countless beasts to attack.

Sure enough, Gao Jiuding met a huge lizard after not walking far.

It was a lizard one meter high and five meters long. If you didn't look carefully, you might think it was a dinosaur.

This lizard is very powerful, not weak, and the speed is frighteningly fast.

It took a little effort for Gao Jiuding to kill him here, but before he could catch his breath, another lizard rushed out.

Hiss. Hiss.
Lizards rushed out one after another, forming a group, with dozens of lizards in the whole group.

The largest lizard was at least six meters long, and if it appeared on the earth, it would probably be a sensation.

It's a pity that this is a wild world in the unknown starry sky, where countless monsters are rampant. If the earth is pulled here, human beings will be the weakest group.

From this point of view, the situation of the human race in other places may not be too optimistic!

Thinking of those monster clans I encountered before, their status in the monster clan is absolutely strong!

Fortunately, humans can get some powerful opportunities, otherwise let alone killing monsters, it is estimated that survival will be a problem.

Just like now, Gao Jiuding brandished his battle gun and slashed across, blood and flesh flew, and the lizard wailed.

More than 20 of these lizards were killed before they knew how powerful they were, and they turned and ran away one after another.

And Gao Jiuding wanted to chase him down, but he encountered a large number of ferocious beasts, because his blood was too strong to lure them.

The jungle was shaking, and countless ferocious beasts were roaring wildly, but before they could even pounce on Gao Jiuding, some ferocious beasts took the lead in killing them.

Of course, Gao Jiuding didn't care about this, he swung his gun and killed him.

The effect of honing spear skills under life and death fights is even better.

And his boxing skills have also reached a new level, and it will not be possible in a short time to comprehend a higher level.


When the war started, Gao Jiuding was like a meat grinder, killing everything by force.

Gao Jiuding's murderous aura shot up to the sky, making the surrounding bloody, and finally scared the beasts.

Even powerful beasts will still be afraid. What they are facing is only a small creature, but they are very cruel and terrifying. Now they have killed countless powerful beasts. As long as these fierce beasts are not stupid, they will definitely be afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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