The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1273 Unbelievable

Chapter 1273 Unbelievable
Gao Jiuding's actions at this time were very violent, but not all the beasts were afraid. Some powerful beasts did not leave, but rushed towards him even more ferociously, trying to tear him apart.

For example, now, Gao Jiuding is facing the siege of several powerful beasts.

He had seen this kind of beast before, and it was the kind of beast like a raptor.

Being besieged by such a beast like a raptor, Gao Jiuding also felt heavy pressure.

Ow!With a loud roar, six raptoroids launched a swift attack. Their movements were extremely fast and their strength was astonishing, causing great pressure on Gao Jiuding.

However, he still responded calmly, instead of retreating, he met one of the raptors instead.

With a buzzing sound, the war gun slashed head-on, rolled up and exploded in the sky, forming a terrifying force, and then erupted, deterring the raptor-like dragon.

The raptor's body stagnated for a moment, and then the top of its head was smashed into bloody flowers.

boom!With just one blow, Gao Jiuding smashed the head of a raptor, causing its brain to burst and die.

Then, five raptor-like dinosaurs around came to kill them. At the critical moment, Gao Jiuding suddenly jumped up, and his body rushed to the sky 30 meters high.

Below, the five raptor-like dragons were so fast that they rushed together and crashed into a ball, and some of them almost fainted.

Gao Jiuding from the sky fell quickly, and he swung his gun and smashed it with a bang, killing a raptor on the spot.

Gao Jiuding landed on the ground, turned around and stabbed sharply, the edge whizzed, and with a puff, it pierced through the neck of a raptor, blood sprayed three feet straight, and finally the raptor fell to the ground struggling to die.

Aww. The remaining three raptors were a little scared, they retreated one after another, and even one turned around and got into the bushes to escape and disappeared.

There were still two raptor-like dragons who wanted to run away, but unfortunately Gao Jiuding had already reacted, his body jumped up, smashed brazenly, and with a bang, blood and flesh sprayed across the ground.

Then with a kick of his footsteps, the whole body was killed like a cannonball, and with just one shot, the last raptor was killed.

It's a pity that one of them ran away. If Gao Jiuding's reaction could be faster, even a raptor would not be able to escape.

After killing five raptor-like dragons, Gao Jiuding realized that his physique seemed to have improved a lot!

Although compared to the whole, the increase is not much, and even if you don't feel it carefully, you can't feel the powerful feeling, but it has indeed increased.

The physical potential is enhanced, and more and more qi and blood are absorbed. This is the bottom line, and he needs to continue to accumulate, keep accumulating, until he can no longer accumulate more!
After Gao Jiuding finished cleaning up, his figure flashed quickly and entered a big mountain in front of him.

He followed the most powerful breath of the beast to catch up. This is destined to be a long fight, bloody and cruel.

In the depths of the mountain, there were beasts roaring, one after another.

There, the smoke and dust rolled up, the rocks pierced through the air, and even the ancient trees collapsed. The scene was terrifying.

Moo!With a loud roar, a ferocious beast rushed out like a bull or a tiger, but it contained a wild and evil spirit.

In a stone forest in the distance, there was a huge monster roaring, and the sound waves he made rolled and moved, shaking the forest.

This is a dragon, eight meters long, three meters high, and weighs more than 20 tons. It is a huge monster.

As soon as it charged, the ground trembled, and the chaotic trees swayed, breaking and collapsing one after another.

This is a guy with a head like a cow in scales, the ancestor of the cow?However, Gao Jiuding could clearly feel the dragon blood in its body, so Gao Jiuding was sure that it was a sub-dragon!

Like a cow and has the blood of a dragon, this is a bull dragon!

It roared like a cow, but it contained a terrifying evil spirit, and the hard leather armor covered it was simply the most perfect protection.

Previously, Gao Jiuding had encountered more than one type of dinosaur, like the Raptoroid, but compared with the Niosaurus in front of him, it was really incomparable.

This bull dragon is not only ferocious, but the most terrifying thing is his speed, which is as fast as lightning, and just one move can make the opponent enjoy a terrifying blow.

It has two horns on its head, sharp and short, like a pair of ox horns, so Gao Jiuding called it Niulong.

Of course, this guy is not as docile as the big buffalo at home, it is completely a killing machine.

Moo Niulong roared and charged forward.

Gao Jiuding dodged quickly, and his speed was not slow at all. As soon as Gao Jiuding moved, he turned into an afterimage.

The Yalong tribe is definitely a terrifying beast, not to mention fighting with it, even standing in front of it, you will feel horrible suffocation.

And Gao Jiuding in front of him was fighting Niulong, he waved his fist, and punched brutally, the air was shaken by it, and even shattered a small piece of void.

boom!Gao Jiuding's fists glowed, exuding strands of mysterious aura, hitting Niulong's neck crooked, and his body trembling. At this time, Gao Jiuding's ferocious power was really unbelievable.

Gao Jiuding was full of blood, and when he raised his strength, he punched. There was a faint roar from his fist, like a giant wild beast roaring in all directions, arousing the anger of Niulong on the opposite side.

Roar!That bull dragon was furious, how dare the little two-legged beast roar in front of its dragon clan?It was simply a provocation, and only by brutally tearing him apart could Niu Long's inner anger be dispelled.

It didn't hesitate, its body rushed forward like a huge truck, the trees in front of it collapsed, and the rocks were torn apart.

However, that figure looks very small, but its strength is very fierce, even surpassing Niulong itself.

The Niulong itself possessed the strength above the mid-term of the Dharma, but it was still punched and backed up again and again, roaring endlessly.

"Use you to practice boxing!" Gao Jiuding shouted coldly, with murderous intent.

He punched like a dragon, and roared like a tiger, and he was shocked when he punched out of the void. This was an extremely violent punch, which caused great pressure on Niulong.

In particular, the fist also contains a preliminary condensed domain power, which can even create a kind of psychological deterrence for Niulong.

Sure enough, the mighty Niulong was intimidated, and even made its body stagnate a little.

boom!When the fist hits, the air is shattered.

It was as if a thunderbolt exploded beside Niulong's ear, making Niulong completely stagnant.

But at this moment, Gao Jiuding's punch, just one punch, made Niulong's neck crooked, blood splattered, and his body almost collapsed.

However, the mighty Niulong still stood firm. Its two sharp little claws were waving wildly, trying to tear the enemy in front of it to pieces.

clang clang!Sparks splashed and clanged endlessly.

When Gao Jiuding's fist hit the dragon's claw, there was a clanging sound of gold and iron, which is really unbelievable.

Even Gao Jiuding was a little surprised, his physical body seemed to be stronger, as if it was made of gold and iron, not only powerful, but even the strength of his physical body had been raised to this level, it was really unbelievable.

After he discovered this situation, he was even more excited. He waved his fists again and again, clanging and smashing into a mass.

One big and one small, two figures were fighting, brutal and bloody.

But most of the time, the Niulong was beaten miserably, and Gao Jiuding used it to sharpen his boxing skills.

Gao Jiuding needed Niu Long to hone his boxing skills. He wanted to absorb Niu Long's domineering aura and condense his boxing power.

Previously, Killing Fist was comprehended in this way, and its power is very powerful.

But now, if he wants to turn it into a style of Barbarian Bull Fist, he needs to use Niu Long to hone it.

Oooh. Niulong screamed. As a powerful member of the dragon clan, although it is not the strongest, it is still terrifying. It itself is the overlord of this area, and countless beasts tremble in front of it.

But right now, it was actually being bullied, crushed and beaten by a little creature, which really made it extremely angry.

It roared again and again, erupting with the most ferocious power, its speed was terrifyingly fast, but unfortunately, it still couldn't do anything to that small figure.

This battle was fought fiercely. One was a member of the Wild Behemoth family, the Yalong tribe.

And one is a small human being, but it contains terrifying power, and it is actually pressing down on a huge Niulong, and it is even honing its boxing skills.

boom!Suddenly, a fist hit, exuding brilliance, strands of power intertwined, forming a terrifying force, hitting the chest under Niulong's body, immediately causing Niulong's blood to spurt and bones to shatter.

This punch was very ferocious, and there was a faint scream, even like a dragon's roar. This sound was full of arrogance and domineering.

Up to now, Gao Jiuding has initially used Niu Long's power to condense his own boxing artistic conception, but this is not enough.

In other words, this Niulong is not strong enough to meet his requirements, and now he can only kill it regrettably.

Gao Jiuding didn't want to waste too much time. Only by killing the Niulong in front of him could he continue to look for more powerful monsters to sharpen.

"Brave Bull Fist!" The Brutal Bull Fist doesn't sound good, but it's vivid enough.

Gao Jiuding yelled violently, transformed himself into a bull, rushed forward, and punched him.

Gao Jiuding's fist exuded a strong aura, and there was even a bloody aura entangled on it. When his fist moved, a burst of terrifying power erupted, as if a bull was roaring.

The Niulong on the opposite side was stunned, it was obviously a little strange, it was obviously a fist just now, how could it suddenly become its own kind?
But it was this doubt that caused an irreversible ending, leading to the disastrous defeat of Niulong, who was once mighty.

Boom!The fist reached his body, and there was a loud noise. Niu Long was horrified to find that his body had been pierced through.

Following Gao Jiuding's lap, the blood in Niulong's body spurted three feet.

It wailed mournfully, and its body finally lost its strength and collapsed powerlessly.

This huge, ferocious, and terrifyingly fast Niulong was beaten to death unexpectedly.

In front of Niulong's corpse, Gao Jiuding was looking at his fist in amazement. He felt the mighty essence of blood in his body, and finally quickly merged into his fist. It was because of this that he was able to kill the Niulong in a circle. .

"The dragon bloodline is different, it seems to be much stronger than other beasts."

After absorbing the essence and blood used in Niulong's body, Gao Jiuding's face was filled with surprise, which also gave him a deeper understanding of Niulong.

As expected of a huge family of behemoths, there is an astonishing essence of blood in their bodies.

This bull dragon made his qi and blood have a tendency to change again, which is really inconceivable.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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