Chapter 1274 Fully grown
At Gao Jiuding's current state, every ounce of progress is very difficult. He didn't expect that just absorbing part of the essence and blood of a sub-dragon beast would cause obvious changes in his body.

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding became excited in his heart. He wanted to find more subterranean dragons to kill, this is a fast-growing road to the sky.

Gao Jiuding cleaned up Niulong's body, especially the essence and blood. He didn't keep any of it. He absorbed all of it before putting Niulong's body into the interspatial ring.

After refining the essence and blood in his body for a while, Gao Jiuding's figure flashed past quickly, and rushed into the jungle ahead to continue looking for powerful beasts to sharpen himself.

This time, Gao Jiuding had a goal. He mainly looked for some sub-dragons, that level of fierce beasts, which were more useful to him.

Just one bull dragon had caused obvious changes in his physique. If he killed a few more dragons and absorbed the blood essence of a few more sub-dragons, how much would his strength increase?

At this time Gao Jiuding was in a weird mood, did it look like the upgrade from killing monsters in the game?
The blood nerve is good, and the blood shadow supernatural power is powerful. As long as there are enough monsters, let him kill and absorb the blood essence, his strength will continue to grow.

Also, the ferocious beasts here are full of violence, but they don't have much wisdom at all. With such absorption, Gao Jiuding can even absorb the soul.

Killing a ferocious beast, absorbing its energy, blood and soul, it can be said that every time Gao Jiuding kills a ferocious beast, its strength will grow in an all-round way.

Such a speed of progress is unimaginable!
There are ferocious beasts everywhere in the forest, but it is not so easy to find the Yalong tribe. It is very lucky to meet one or two.

Just like Gao Jiuding now, after killing many beasts in one day, it is a pity that he did not see another sub-dragon. It has to be said that it is a pity.

"Is there a small number of sub-dragons?" Gao Jiuding stood on the tree trunk and pondered, he had to think about the number of sub-dragons!

There seem to be very few sub-dragons here, which is different from his inference.

This made him feel a little bad. Before, he thought that there were too many fierce beasts here, but now he complained that there were too few sub-dragons. This was simply a subversive change.

The improvement of the level of strength has caused different views. Before, we were weak and had great fear of these beasts, but now with the improvement of strength, Gao Jiuding's views are different.

A person's self-confidence will increase with the improvement of strength, just like Gao Jiuding in front of him, after his strength has undergone changes over and over again, will he still be afraid of these fierce beasts?

Of course, he knew that he was still very weak, not to mention some powerful beasts he hadn't encountered, just the mysterious magic hand in the ancient city could crush him countless times.

Now is just the beginning. If you want to obtain better living conditions, you must continue to improve your own skills.

Gao Jiuding swept around, his figure rushed forward quickly, he rushed along with a strong breath, he needed more sharpening.

The wild area is the domain of countless beasts. If human beings want to survive, they must hone their tyrannical skills and integrate into this place. beast.

Alas. There was a roar from the woods ahead, followed by a mournful cry, scaring away countless beasts.

I saw a powerful giant leopard whose head was smashed by a punch and died.

In front of the giant leopard's corpse, a figure shook his head in disappointment, because he didn't feel much improvement.

Gao Jiuding found that compared with the Niulong just now, the leopard in front of him was nothing compared to the world.

"Forget it, it's better to honestly look for fierce beasts to sharpen, and you will always meet tough guys."

Gao Jiuding calmed down, shattered that trace of anxious noise, and turned it into a piece of calm.

Finally, he put away the giant leopard's body and walked towards the depths of a big mountain ahead, sensing some powerful auras in the forest along the way.

Any powerful beast will exude an aura. While deterring other creatures, it will also swear the sovereignty of a place, which is its territory.

When hunting, these ferocious beasts will restrain their aura and kill them quietly. This is the world of ferocious beasts.

But Gao Jiuding didn't restrain his aura, instead he wanted to rely on his majestic blood energy to attract those ferocious beasts.

However, this time he encountered trouble, and it was not a small trouble!

Aw. A loud roar made the mountains and forests turbulent, and then a foul wind rushed towards us.

This is a powerful creature. Gao Jiuding heard the majesty while roaring in this lifetime. Is this Longwei?
Although Gao Jiuding was a little puzzled, he could tell that there was a mighty power in this roar, at least not weaker than the previous bull dragon.

Gao Jiuding was in trouble, but it made him happy.

He stared happily around, and suddenly found a few huge figures, and walked out boldly.

Several giant beasts roared ferociously at him, as if they were about to slaughter them.

"What kind of monsters are these?" Gao Jiuding's face was cautious, but there was a hint of excitement in his heart, because four monsters with strange sharp horns came up from all around.

This is very similar to a dinosaur. Looking at them, they feel extremely ferocious. In addition, their strength and speed are astonishing, which makes Gao Jiuding even more cautious.

These four guys are real monsters. They have a piece of jagged spines on the top of their heads, a sharp and short horn above their nose, and a horn-like thing next to their eyes.

These four monsters are very big, with thick waists, slender and powerful tails, and extremely thick feet. Although their forelimbs are short, their claws are extremely sharp.

The four monsters are more than two meters tall and six meters long. They exude a powerful force, which belongs to the breath of the dragon. They are also a kind of sub-dragon, and they have the blood of the dragon.

At this moment, these four monsters were dispatched together to surround and kill a small human being.

It's not enough for one person to get one monster between his teeth, but four came at a time. They were attracted by the blood energy exuding from Gao Jiuding's body, and they wanted to eat Gao Jiuding.

Roar!Suddenly, a monster roared fiercely and opened its mouth wide. The fangs in the monster's mouth were ferocious, very frightening.

Gao Jiuding immediately felt a gust of wind blowing towards his face, and in an instant, four monsters rushed at the same time, wanting to tear the prey in front of him and get the powerful flesh and blood.

The ground shook, the trees swayed, and as the four monsters attacked, the surrounding leaves flew.

The strength of each of the four monsters is very strong. Anyway, Gao Jiuding felt that he could not compete with these monsters.

Living in an extremely strong gravity environment since childhood, they have developed extremely strong physiques, including strength and agility.

Faced with such four monsters attacking at the same time, Gao Jiuding had to be careful.

But Gao Jiuding didn't panic. Instead, he was very excited. The blood energy of these four monsters was very strong. After killing them, it was enough to increase his blood energy and strengthen his physique.

Absolutely not to be missed, boom!The battle broke out in an instant, and Gao Jiuding waved his fist and delivered a powerful blow.

This blow hit the neck of a monster first, knocking it crooked for a while.

However, at this moment, the other three monsters arrived.

They opened their mouths wide, revealing their fangs. Gao Jiuding couldn't bear the ferocious aura and stinky breath.

As the three monsters approached, the smell made Gao Jiuding chill. If he was bitten, the smell alone would stun him.

drink!At the critical moment, Gao Jiuding let out an angry roar, and his body soared into the sky, causing the three monsters to collide. Fortunately, it didn't cause much shock, otherwise it would be killing each other.

However, Gao Jiuding's figure turned around in the sky, swung his fists and beat down viciously.

The fist wind howled, like a savage monster roaring crazily.

With a bang, a monster was blasted to the top of its head.

The fist landed on the top of the monster's head, blood splashed immediately, and then the bones shattered with a click.

Knocking down a huge sub-dragon beast with one punch, Gao Jiuding didn't stop, but before he jumped up, he was bitten by a big mouth.

quack!There was a tooth-piercing sound, and the Rehmannia armor was bitten, and it immediately rattled.

Seeing that the rehmannia battle armor was about to break, I saw the aura flickering quickly, and the rehmannia battle armor supported it. This magic weapon that Gao Jiuding had practiced for a long time was very eye-catching. It even resisted the bite force of the monster.

Of course, there was also Gao Jiuding's help here, he spent a lot of mana, and finally let the Dihuang armor support it.

However, this attack also damaged a large number of restraints inside the Dihuang battle armor, which made Gao Jiuding furious, and he swung his fist fiercely to smash it.

With a bang, one of the monster's eyeballs shattered, blood spurted out, and the monster backed away with a miserable roar.

Roar!A strong wind came from the left, and another beast rushed towards it at an astonishing speed.

As the wind hit his face, another monster rushed forward, grabbed it with sharp claws, and instantly bit Gao Jiuding's head with its big mouth.

Gao Jiuding's face was solemn, his whole body was boiling with blood, and a terrifying force condensed on his fist.

Gao Jiuding didn't attack until the fierce beast rushed over.

A circle was shot, the surrounding air was turbulent, and even the space began to shatter.

With a bang, the two fists collided, it was still the same fist, but its performance was even stronger. This blow made the monster's neck crooked, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

Then, before it stood up, Gao Jiuding had already stepped up, waved his fist and roared down, the air emitted a deafening sonic boom, and the power gathered on the fist also exploded violently.

boom!There was a huge earthquake, smoke and dust shot up into the sky, and Gao Jiuding heard a mournful cry.

The monster's jaw was smashed with a punch, and the blood burst out along with the minced meat, spraying all over the ground.

At this time, the two monsters beside Gao Jiuding stood up and quickly rushed behind him. The extremely stench reminded Gao Jiuding to pay attention.

(End of this chapter)

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