The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1275 Humanoid Tyrannosaurus

Chapter 1275 Humanoid Tyrannosaurus
Gao Jiuding knew that if he was bitten again, Baojia would definitely not be able to hold on!
Gao Jiuding was very fast, dodging it deftly, then turned around, lowered his waist and raised his strength, and punched out again.

Alas. A monster screamed miserably, and then its body flew straight and horizontally for three meters, crashing down, setting off bursts of smoke and dust.

At this time, the last remaining monster bit down in one bite, hitting the figure right in the middle.

But at the next moment, the monster was astonished to find that its strong bite force was unable to bite down.

I saw a figure, grasping its upper and lower jaws with both hands, not allowing it to bite off.

Gao Jiuding's blood boiled all over his body, and all the blood in his body seemed to be mobilized, roaring wildly in his body.

The thick qi and blood rushed out of the body, forming a blood-colored arrogance, burning crazily.

Gao Jiuding had already exerted all his strength. With both hands, he roared angrily and lifted the monster in front of him to the ground, causing sand and dust to fill the air.

Roar!The monster screamed!

It hasn't been long since the four monsters attacked, but one of them was killed on the spot.

And the remaining three were all whining miserably there.

All three were severely injured by the blow, and fell to the ground struggling. They wanted to get up and escape, but unfortunately they could not do this step.

Gao Jiuding waved his fists and kept bombarding, punch after punch, until the three monsters were all dead before stopping.

This battle was not very long, but it was extremely fierce.

However, Gao Jiuding's strength has grown to this point, and he has gradually adapted to this level of fighting, especially this way of relying on brute force to suppress ferocious beasts, he is even more adaptable.

Gao Jiuding is tempering his own will through this method, and as long as his will is firm, he is unstoppable.

Boom!A mighty blood energy merged into Gao Jiuding's body. This was the blood essence he absorbed from the corpses of four monsters. After this blood essence entered Gao Jiuding's body, it continuously improved Gao Jiuding's overall quality .

At this moment, Gao Jiuding became excited, he felt comfortable all over, the improvement of strength and physical fitness brought a kind of infinite joy.

He felt strong, especially his strength was improving, although it was not very fast, but it was improving little by little, visible and clearly felt.

The blood essence of the four monsters was majestic, and it took a long time before they were completely absorbed by Gao Jiuding.

This is a great harvest, not to mention the improvement in strength, mainly the changes in the body.

Gao Jiuding has already decided that as long as his body is still changing, he will continue to hunt and kill the beasts here.

"It's a lot stronger, and with a few more sub-dragons, it should reach the limit soon, right?" Gao Jiuding murmured excitedly, feeling that he had already fallen in love with these monsters.

These sub-dragon beasts are too bloody, so that he can get a huge improvement every time.

Now, Gao Jiuding's careful thought came, thinking that there are two kinds of sub-dragons here, so there must be other sub-dragons.

Thinking of this, how could Gao Jiuding be in the mood to stop?

He quickly put away the corpses of the four monsters, and immediately turned around and continued to move forward.

Sensing some powerful aura in the forest, Gao Jiuding moved forward quickly.

There should be many sub-dragons in this mountain, but to Gao Jiuding's disappointment, since he killed four monsters, he has not encountered a single one.

Finally, after the sky gradually dimmed, he stopped, and the day passed like this.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding also had to stop. It was okay to fight at night, but after a day of fighting, he would be tired if he didn't rest.

It's fine for a short time, but it's definitely unbearable in the long run.

After enough rest and enough energy, you can sharpen yourself better.

Fighting against the fierce beasts here requires a better spirit to maintain.

At night, the roar of beasts in the depths of the mountain was earth-shattering.

Even around Gao Jiuding, he felt that the evil spirit was getting stronger.

After hearing these roars, Gao Jiuding felt an impulse in his heart, he wanted to rush into the mountains and forests, and have a fight with these ferocious beasts.

However, it's late at night, rest well first, and start tomorrow.

Gao Jiuding found a cave and planned to stay in it for one night.

After closing the cave with the formation plate, Gao Jiuding closed his eyes and meditated. After the practice was over, he felt that there was no hidden danger left in his body, so Gao Jiuding ended this practice.

Being idle and bored, Gao Jiuding set up a bonfire and immediately started to barbecue.

After killing for a day, his body didn't consume much energy, but his spirit did consume a lot. His current physical body actually doesn't need to eat to maintain his physical strength, but this is a habit.

With his current situation, even eating up a giant beast is normal.

However, Gao Jiuding is now a bit picky eater, and only eats some powerful beasts, such as the previous Titan python, such as the sub-dragon meat in front of him. These are the best food, which can better supplement the consumption of the body.

You can't rely on the golden liquid to restore everything, right?In this way, there is not much spiritual liquid for him to consume.

Gao Jiuding controls a huge force and has a large group of people to support. Although not all of those subordinates depend on him for support, there are still some things that he needs to provide.

With the expansion of power, Gao Jiuding's subordinates also need a lot of resources, especially some good things, such as the fairy spring gold liquid!

If he didn't provide it, no one would say anything, but Gao Jiuding didn't want to do it.

So he is also in a dilemma, he needs to train his subordinates while also training Xiantian, which requires him to save a bit.

Gao Jiuding has already built a planting base in the space of the pagoda. He is going to plant the blood rice, and he even buried the magical spring.

These things must be done.

"The guts of this titanic python are too big. It must have medicinal value, but it also has a strong toxin."

Gao Jiuding took out a huge snake gallbladder, which came from the previous giant python. This gallbladder is the size of a washbasin. Gao Jiuding has never seen such a snake gallbladder.

The snake gallbladder is crystal clear, shining with emerald green light, exuding a faint breath, with a fishy smell, and wisps of fragrance permeate the air. This is a kind of aura fluctuation, which is very magical.

Gao Jiuding knew that this thing had strong medicinal value, but it was also poisonous.

He didn't dare to try it lightly, because if his body couldn't bear these toxins, he would be the one who suffered the most.

In the end, he thought that if he could find some antidote elixir, he could neutralize the toxin of the snake gall, and finally digest the contained spiritual energy to improve himself.

"The meat of the Yalong tribe is good, but it's a pity that there are no elixir. Otherwise, it would be even better to cook a pot of dragon, tiger, snake and ten complete tonics." Gao Jiuding muttered while eating the meat.

He gnawed on the sub-dragon meat in front of him, and said with a smile: "It seems that when we go back, we must ask someone to make some magic-grade cooking utensils, otherwise we will get tired of eating meat all the time. Besides, ordinary utensils can't preserve spiritual energy." Don’t lose it, or it will be a pity to waste these top-quality ingredients.”

Only then did Gao Jiuding realize that it is really inconvenient for human beings to leave those living utensils.

If you eat too much barbecue, you will always get greasy. Without salt and seasoning, it is simply unbearable.

However, judging from the current situation, if you want more things, you must have the ability to survive. Otherwise, not to mention the necessities of life, even eating is a problem.

"Tomorrow, I will go to the mountains to look for it. Is there any elixir, or even a spiritual thing, or a fairy thing? There must be some spiritual things in this world." Gao Jiuding muttered while doing it cross-legged, eating and drinking enough Yes, we need to sort out the harvest of the day's killing.

In the early morning, everything wakes up, and a ray of sunlight falls on the forest, scattered into bits of broken gold, brilliant and dazzling.

In the ancient jungle, countless ferocious beasts came out to hunt for a day.

This place is full of dangers, and there are terrible poisonous insects hidden everywhere, which are fierce and frightening.

Coming out of the cave, Gao Jiuding entered the mountain and encountered many attacks along the way.

Many poisonous insects were crawling in the ancient forest. Even in the cave last night, Gao Jiuding encountered a few centipedes hidden in the ground and attacked him, which almost caused Gao Jiuding to be poisoned.

Fortunately, he got it done in a few strokes. Now Gao Jiuding is thinking about finding some elixir, and see if he can make a big pot of tonic.

In the earliest time, Gao Jiuding used stone milk to make medicinal baths, and he felt that he could also come here, because medicinal baths are more useful for strengthening the body.

He has a lot of precious things, like the bones of giant beasts, the blood of Yalong beasts, the guts of giant pythons, etc. If you add some herbs, you can definitely make a pot of amazing tonic.

Of course, Gao Jiuding would not dare to drink such a great tonic, so it should be good for medicinal baths.

Roar!In the jungle, ferocious beasts appeared and roared fiercely, shaking the entire forest.

This place is full of fishy smell and evil spirit, as if it is a place where monsters gather, but it is just a group of ferocious beasts.

However, to weak humans, these fierce beasts are actually no different from monsters.

Even, these fierce beasts are even more terrifying and real, because they are alive right in front of your eyes.

For example, the huge grizzly bear in front of me stands proudly, with a body as high as five meters, it is simply a small house.

At this time, he was standing not far from Gao Jiuding, and Gao Jiuding immediately felt the strong oppression and fierceness.

boom!The huge bear's paw was slapped, and the wind and waves whizzed down.

The rock shattered, and even as it swept away, the tall trees next to it swayed loudly.

Some nearby trees were broken from the middle, creating a terrifying scene like the end of the world.

This giant beast is very strong, but at this moment, this huge grizzly bear is a little frightened.

It stared at Gao Jiuding with a pair of bear eyes, and it was now suspecting that the person in front of it was a human?
The grizzly bear was a little uncertain. It didn't feel like a small human being in its eyes at all, but more like a roaring tyrannosaur.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoned you thousands of times, and the book friend 20190103004646188 brothers for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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