The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1276 Nian Xianlian

Chapter 1276
call!The fist roared, producing a terrifying sonic boom, making this small fist feel like a giant dragon roaring.

This punch slammed into the grizzly bear's body, causing the bear's blood to spray immediately, and its body collapsed with a bang.

With just one punch, this grizzly bear, which looked very strong, was instantly killed.

The strength of this human being is beyond imagination.

Gao Jiuding waved his hand to put away the grizzly bear's body, his expression didn't change at all.

After killing the black bear, Gao Jiuding searched around. He was looking for some spiritual herbs, and wanted to make a big pot of tonic to improve his physical fitness.

"Fortunately, I have room to visualize and can deduce some useful things, otherwise I really don't know which plants are useful."

Gao Jiuding muttered, and found some spirit grass from the grizzly bear's den, which is a kind of animal blood grass.

Most of these herbs grow near the lairs of some ferocious beasts. They are nourished by the powerful qi and blood of ferocious beasts, and are a kind of herb that will be formed over many years.

Along the way, he searched for traces of many ferocious beasts, and even searched for the lairs of those ferocious beasts to see if they guarded any medicinal herbs. Don't tell me, with a specific goal, Gao Jiuding really found a lot.

However, he felt a little regretful in his heart. He didn't notice whether there was such a spiritual herb in the den of the giant python. This was really a big mistake.

But now that he has entered the mountain, it is impossible to retreat, so he can only give up regretfully.

I just don't know if the aura left by the giant python disappeared when I went back, or else, even if there was spirit grass, it wouldn't be left waiting for Gao Jiuding.

Having lost some chances, Gao Jiuding searched more carefully in the following time.

As long as he worked hard, Gao Jiuding really gained a lot.

Some medicinal herbs all contain powerful medicinal power. Although they are not spiritual things, they at least have considerable medicinal power.

This is why Gao Jiuding wanted to find medicinal herbs. He was reluctant to take a medicinal bath if they were of high quality.

If you want to make a big pot of tonic, you can't do without these things.

As for how to refine it, he actually doesn't know. There should be a method, and even a correct combination of prescriptions.

All of this needs to be deduced by watching the world, so Gao Jiuding is not worried.

Ow!The roar of the beast came from the front, it was a bit shrill and frightening, especially the screaming beast, as if it was being abused by a horrible monster, the scream was a bit miserable.

Gao Jiuding took a few steps quickly, and soon found the screaming guy.

I saw a huge lizard being smashed into the soil, and the surrounding area was dripping with blood. It seemed that this was the first scene of the murder.

"It's these lizards again, why aren't they sub-dragon beasts?" Gao Jiuding was a little annoyed, he muttered to clean up before checking around to see if there was any elixir.

Sure enough, he soon noticed something strange, in front of a big tree, there was a green plant.

He walked over and checked with some surprise. He found that these plants were nine inches high, with green leaves, red and purple petals, and a little bit of fluorescent light.

Seeing this, he was curious and started digging directly.

Soon, a plant was dug out for him, and he was looking at it with some surprise.

He found that the root system of this plant was very large, twisting and intertwining, as if it were some lotus roots?
The root system of this plant is lavender, and the whole body is crystal clear, as if it has an extraordinary effect!
Seeing this, Gao Jiuding was a little stunned. The plants found this time were obviously different from the previous ones.

The previous ones only had a strong aura, but this one has a fairy aura!

Gao Jiuding couldn't wait to enter the visualization space, and tried the effect of this elixir.

After a long while, Gao Jiuding opened his eyes!

"Century-year-old purple lotus has powerful medicinal effects, invigorates blood and unblocks meridians, increases qi and blood, and expels all poisons, and the most important thing is lotus. This thing has little medicinal value, but it can guard the soul and stabilize the mind.

However, this thing can be refined into a magic weapon and exist for a long time. Even the generated lotus seeds are also very useful, having the effect of clearing the heart and improving the purpose. Of course, it can also be refined into a magic weapon. "

Gao Jiuding carefully transplanted this celestial plant. The lotus root, lotus flower, lotus seed, and lotus leaf are all useful. Except that the lotus root can only be used as medicine, the others can be refined into magic weapons.

It is a surprise that the elixir can be refined into a magic weapon!

When he first discovered this effect, Gao Jiuding was stunned, and then his face was full of surprises!

There are many legends about the lotus magic weapon in the earth's cultivation world, but this is the first time Gao Jiuding has heard of such a naturally raised magic weapon.

"Is this the acquired magic weapon?" Gao Jiuding began to think wildly again, but he knew that this kind of natural magic weapon is not low in grade, even if it is low now, it can be easily cultivated.

Playing with the hundred-year-old purple lotus in his hand, Gao Jiuding knew that he had reaped a lot this time.

In addition to guarding the soul, purple lotus root can also expel all poisons, which is a very good effect.

The most important thing is that here is not just a fairy lotus, but a small piece.

After checking, he found that there was a small piece of purple lotus here. After digging out all of them, it turned out to be a hundred-year-old fairy lotus, which is really a good harvest.

Gao Jiuding was thinking, with the combination of these fairy lotuses, can he prepare to take that huge snake gallbladder?
It contains powerful medicinal power. Now that there is this detoxification fairy, it should be able to use it.

After transplanting some hundred-year-old fairy lotuses, Gao Jiuding could only let them stay here for the rest of the young fairy lotuses.

Since it can make immortals grow here, it is naturally extraordinary, but Gao Jiuding didn't think about moving it away, because the entire asteroid belongs to him.

After digging, Gao Jiuding didn't stop, he quickly searched for a quieter place, and prepared to swallow the huge snake gall to see what effect it would have, otherwise it would not be a good idea to leave it alone.

He even thought, should he boil a pot of medicinal soup now?

Anyway, I have a lot of things, and I have obtained a lot of elixir, let's see if it can work out.

Roar!There was a big cave at the foot of the mountain in front of it. Suddenly there was a shrill beast roar from inside, and after a muffled sound, everything subsided.

I saw a figure in the cave, and a dead leopard lying beside it.

Gao Jiuding looked at the situation in the cave, and after finding that there was no danger, he quickly started digging.

In this mountain, he must always have a place to stay.

After excavating the cave, Gao Jiuding directly threw out a few arrays and blocked the cave.

Then he released the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and went directly into the pagoda.

When I came to an alchemy room, there was a huge tripod on top of the underground fire. This was not an alchemy tripod, but an ancient vessel.

Gao Jiuding knew that this kind of ancient utensil could be refined. The reason why he said it was not an alchemy cauldron was because it was difficult to control the temperature. When refining alchemy, it was easy to burn the spirit grass into ashes.

However, this time, this ancient artifact is needed to play a role, after all, Gao Jiuding is not alchemy.

Adding more water will naturally not destroy the spirit grass.

Gao Jiuding first cleaned up the inventory in his hands, and only after this sorting did he realize that he really had a lot of good things.

Of course, with the rapid improvement of his cultivation, some of the elixir in his hands had lost their effect.

You must know that the elixir that can work on Dharma phase monks must have a potency of ten thousand years. Gao Jiuding also has this kind of elixir, but those elixir are either of high quality or too small in quantity. If you have alchemy experience, it is a waste to use it for alchemy.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding has never been used, but now it is different.

He clearly knew that everything on this asteroid was useful to him.

For example, those spiritual grasses that contain rich aura, that huge snake gall, and even those fairy lotuses.

To refine the medicine, of course, you can't directly burn it dry, so at this time Gao Jiuding is busy with excitement!

He first poured buckets of bright red blood into the water tank. These are the blood of ferocious beasts, including giant tigers, giant leopards, giant lions, giant pythons, and even the blood of the sub-dragon race.

Next, he threw in a few crystal clear bones with traces of flesh and blood. These were animal bones.

Next, I saw him throwing some elixir into the water tank continuously, throwing all the elixir he found into it, as if he was going to have a hodgepodge.

The ground fire was activated, and a raging flame burned in the big pit, and soon the huge burning cauldron burst into golden light.

Even so, Gao Jiuding continued to send spiritual energy into the cauldron to strengthen the power of a spiritual fire under the cauldron.

The spiritual fire was originally blessed by the earth fire, with a large amount of spiritual energy output, the flames became more intense, burning the entire cauldron to boiling hot, and even the blood inside began to bubble.

In the end, he actually took out some huge poisonous insects, including centipedes, scorpions, and even a millipede tens of meters long.

Gao Jiuding thought about it carefully, and finally began to cut from these poisonous insects, cut off all the poisonous sacs in some poisonous insects, and threw them into the big cauldron.

The blood in Gudu Gudu cauldron was boiling, and the mist rose up, exuding a strong smell of blood.

Gao Jiuding's face twitched, watching the blood inside gradually turn black, and traces of black air were emitting, it was a bit terrifying!

He was a little embarrassed, it didn't look like alchemy, it looked like he was refining Gu.

Gao Jiuding quickly threw in some lotus roots, all of which were century-old lotus roots with strong medicinal power.

But just like that, Gao Jiuding was still afraid that the potency of the medicine would not be enough, so he tried to add some more in order to neutralize the toxin.

Then, he threw all the elixir into it, and immediately, the whole cauldron boiled.

The blood in the tripod was tumbling, like a vat of purple-red magma, exuding a dark red color, making one's scalp chill.

"Will there be a problem?" Gao Jiuding felt a little regretful, but now that everything has been thrown in, it would be a waste to give up.

So, he gritted his teeth and threw the huge snake gall into it.

There was a bang, the blood rolled, and the black-red liquid in the cauldron seemed to explode.

(End of this chapter)

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