Chapter 1277
Gao Jiuding stared at the cauldron in front of him, the blood inside had turned into a viscous liquid, shining with a jet-black luster, and there were even wisps of terrifying black air permeating out.

He swallowed a mouthful of spit, feeling his throat was dry, this time things seemed to be a bit big.

Is this dark liquid in the cauldron a tonic or a poison?He felt a little cold inside.

He thought, such a dark liquid exudes a horrible stench, do you really want to drink it?

In the end, Gao Jiuding shook his head suddenly and decided not to drink this thing, otherwise he would be really poisoned to death.

Originally, there was still a bit of extravagant hope, and I wanted to refine it into a panacea and swallow it, but now it seems that even if it is used for medicinal baths, I have to take it easy.

"Waste?" Gao Jiuding smiled wryly and shook his head. He thought to himself, and imagined the deduction process of the space, so that such a dark thing would not be formed in the end.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding decided that he must deduce a qualified prescription, otherwise he would feel distressed if he ruined these things like this.

Looking at the things transformed from these elixir, it's fine to drink, but taking a medicinal bath, maybe it can be rescued!
"Is it possible to soak the body?" Thinking of this possibility, Gao Jiuding was a little moved.

Since I dare not drink it and am afraid of being poisoned to death, whether I can absorb the medicinal power contained in it, even if it is poisonous, I believe that with my current physical fitness, it will not be a big problem.

Gao Jiuding's expression changed. He looked at the boiling black liquid in front of him, bursting with stench, it was like a pot of poison.

But in the end, Gao Jiuding still gritted his teeth and decided to go in and give it a try, and even if it didn't work, he could come out quickly.

Besides, it shouldn't be wrong to deduce the alchemy process in the visualization space.

The elixir refined by the visualization space is not only better in appearance than now, but also very powerful, and the most important thing is that it has no side effects.

The way it is now may be due to his technique.

Gao Jiuding became cruel, stretched out a finger and gently inserted it into the cauldron.

As soon as Gao Jiuding's fingers penetrated into the black liquid, he immediately felt a hot feeling, but there was no pain, as if the liquid was not very warm.

"Go in!"

Gao Jiuding added a lot of spirit stones under the cauldron, then took off his armor, put the battle spear aside, and then stood naked in front of the cauldron.

Crash!After hesitating for a long time, Gao Jiuding finally gritted his teeth and stepped in.

His whole body directly penetrated into these black liquids, only one head remained.

"Damn, this is poison!" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding's face changed suddenly, and a black air rose from his flawless face.

This is a powerful poisonous gas, which instantly invaded his body from the pores all over his body, frightened Gao Jiuding's face changed wildly, and he was about to jump out, but he seemed to have lost control of his body.

The flames were blazing, burning a big cauldron red, and the heat wave was pressing.

And the most astonishing thing is that there is a figure in this big cauldron, immersed in a boiling black liquid, only one head is exposed.

"The poison is too strong." Gao Jiuding was shocked, his whole body was pitch black, his face was pitch-black, and the black air crawled all over his skin, as if there were countless black bugs drilling, it was very terrifying.

He just wanted to rush out of the tripod, but the next moment he was shocked to find that his body was numb, and he lost consciousness in an instant, unable to move at all.

Encountering this situation, Gao Jiuding screamed in fright. No one can calm down when encountering such a thing.

At this moment, you don't need to look to know that your body has lost control due to poisoning and numbness. Such a situation is very dangerous.

Gao Jiuding only wanted to boil a pot of great tonic, but in the end he boiled a pot of strong poison. Now that he is healed, once he entered it, he was so poisoned that his whole body became stiff and unable to move.

This is still soaking the body, if he drank this pot of so-called great tonic, the result might be much more miserable.

Now Gao Jiuding wanted to cry but had no tears. He was frozen in the cauldron, suffering from a terrible poison.

His body was pitch-black, his internal organs began to stiffen, his heart stopped, his blood flow gradually slowed down, and even stopped in the end, his body functions seemed to be dying.

"It's terrible!" Gao Jiuding's face was full of pain, he only felt like thousands of needles were piercing his heart, his bones were tingling for a while, but then numb for a while, his body was losing feeling little by little, as if he was about to lose all vitality.

He felt a little sad, he was too careless, too reckless.

He obviously used the visualization space to deduce it, so how could it be like this?He is simply asking for a dead end.

However, even if he regrets it now, he can't do it, thinking about taking out the fairy spring spirit liquid in the storage ring, it seems that he can do it?

With a thought of Gao Jiuding, a jade cup emerged from the cauldron, but unfortunately the spirit liquid inside melted into the black liquid in an instant.

Now, there is nothing to drink.

Gao Jiuding was full of despair, but suddenly, the whole cauldron roared, and the liquid inside the cauldron began to boil.

The cauldron poison was like a pot of magma, and the temperature instantly increased several times. Once the fairy spring spirit liquid was mixed in, it was like adding fuel to the fire, forming an even more terrifying scene.

Ah. Gao Jiuding was in a tragedy. He wailed miserably, but he couldn't save himself.

The cup of psychic liquid is gone, so he can't drink it into his mouth, but can he have another cup?
Then Gao Jiuding really produced another cup of psychic liquid, but it was still the same. This time he succeeded in making the black liquid in the entire cauldron boil a bit more.

In an instant, Gao Jiuding's body trembled, and strands of black blood overflowed from his mouth, nose and seven orifices, which were all poisonous blood.

And he felt that the blood in his body, even the muscles and bones, etc., had turned into a jet black color.

This is a phenomenon of whole body poisoning, but strangely, there is a powerful energy sweeping past, strengthening the body's cells, which seems to be another kind of evolution.

However, although this improvement can slow down the loss of life, it is still a drop in the bucket.

This cauldron was too poisonous, it fused the poison sacs of several kinds of poisonous insects, and the effect was beyond Gao Jiuding's expectation.

If there is no visualization space to deduce, how dare Gao Jiuding add these things?
Do you really think he is not afraid of death?As the saying goes, don't cry when you don't see the coffin, it just describes him, there is no medicine for regretting, only a cauldron of poison for him.

"Are you going to die?" Gao Jiuding was originally flustered, but his heart gradually settled down.

He felt that his consciousness was gradually blurring, as if even his soul consciousness was about to be invaded by poisonous gas.

Facing death, he didn't have much fear, but regretted it.

That's right, he has just gathered into a big force, just become a big man, his cultivation base has also improved, and there will be infinite excitement in the future, but he is about to die.

Everyone would regret it, let alone someone like Gao Jiuding, who thought a lot before he died.

But more, I still feel a little unwilling, let myself die, I really don't know what to say.

Boom!Just when his consciousness was about to dissipate, and his whole body was about to die, a shock came, surging out from the sea of ​​consciousness, radiating all over his body.

Gao Jiuding woke up with a jolt, and he suddenly felt that he didn't seem to be dead.

Gao Jiuding calmed down, and he immediately felt a flash of light between his brows, and the blood-colored Dao words were looming, exuding a mysterious brilliance.

I only saw a surge of breath inside the sea of ​​knowledge, but the center was extremely quiet, as if two stark contrasts.

And that mysterious ancient scroll of Dao characters was trembling slightly, exuding a hazy brilliance.

Then, a big tripod suppressed under the ancient scroll shook.

hum!The pitch-black cauldron was shaking, and then a ray of light began to flicker, and the mountains, rivers and beasts on it emerged one by one.

The tiger roared, the dragon roared, and the birds of prey screamed, all of these beasts seemed to be trying to break free.

At this time, on the big tripod, the heavy tripod cover shook for a while, and a small gap opened.

Then, the entire cauldron tilted slightly, and a trace of astonishing brilliance flowed out.

This is an air flow, and it is a colorful air flow. This air flow gushes out, and in just a split second, the cauldron returns to normal, and the lid of the cauldron is closed again.

But to Gao Jiuding's astonishment, that stream of colorful gas rushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness, entered his body, and swept across his whole body in the blink of an eye.

Boom!In an instant, the body's silent and frozen blood began to boil, as if an extinct volcano suddenly woke up and was about to erupt.

In just a moment, the volcano erupted and formed a stream of viscous and boiling magma, sweeping across Gao Jiuding's body. This violent energy melted into Gao Jiuding's body, and Gao Jiuding gradually had an intuition. He knew that his life in recovery.

In Gao Jiuding's body, because of this seven-colored air flow, the blood boiled and flowed all over his body again, and his whole body suddenly became alive.

Powerful blood qi surged through like a surging river. This river of qi and blood oscillated between the internal organs, and quickly restored Gao Jiuding's vitality, even stronger than before.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's bones seemed to be sprinkled with an astonishing layer of seven colors, exuding a chilling aura.

Gao Jiuding was pleasantly surprised to find that all the internal organs in his body had been revived, and an astonishing transformation had taken place from death to life.

boom!With a roar, Gao Jiuding's body glowed, reflecting everything in the body, the bones, internal organs, etc. were clearly visible, and even the muscles and bones were visible one by one, and what was even more astonishing was the thick meridians.

These are the refined meridians in his body, which belong to Gao Jiuding's unique inheritance and cultivation. These hidden foundations in the body are revealed one by one.

Between the countless large and small meridians, there is a faint light, and some mysterious symbols are densely packed, which looks a little scary.

Gao Jiuding was excited, his body was glowing like precious jade, and amidst the glittering and translucent flashes, all the black liquid was driven out of his body, forming a perfect transformation.

His bones are stronger, his body is more tenacious, his strength is growing rapidly, and his whole body is evolving.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoned you thousands of times, and the book friend 20170131071636917 brothers for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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