Chapter 1278 Reborn
The change that happened in Gao Jiuding's body at this time was an extreme transformation. He never expected that he would survive a catastrophe and obtain an astonishing transformation.

However, this transformation ended soon, the colorful gas dissipated and completely melted into Gao Jiuding's body, so the transformation ended.

Gao Jiuding felt a little regretful, it would be great if there were more, but he didn't care too much.

In the cave, there was a rumbling vibration suddenly, and then a figure jumped out with a bang. His whole body was pure white, shining with an astonishing luster.

Gao Jiuding waved his arms in surprise, feeling the wind and waves around him.

He felt joyful in his heart, and felt that he seemed to be much stronger this time, and he must have received a huge improvement.

when!There was a clang, like metal and iron clashing, but it was the sound of Gao Jiuding's own arm muscles.

He looked at a white mark on his hand in shock, which was cut by himself, with a sky knife, but he was not injured.

On Gao Jiuding's right hand, he was holding a heavenly weapon long knife obtained from the ancient city. Although the blade was fine, it was enough to prove how powerful and terrifying Gao Jiuding's physical body was at the moment.

What happened just now?It's like a moth made by a big tripod in the sea of ​​consciousness!
Gao Jiuding rang suddenly, and the big tripod seemed to be obtained in the ancient city.

After getting it, Gao Jiuding never figured out what it was useful for. He thought it was a alchemy tripod and wanted to harvest some ancient spirit pills, but unfortunately he couldn't open it.

Gao Jiuding thought it was because he had no relationship with refining, so he put it in the Sea of ​​Consciousness space and prepared to gradually refine it, but he never expected that this great cauldron would save him when he was in danger!
This kind of thing also happened to the cornucopia, so this time Gao Jiuding knew better, he got another amazing treasure.

Gao Jiuding's face was full of surprises. He felt that he could come to this kind of thing a few more times.

Unexpectedly, just a little bit of seven-color psychic fluid would transform him completely.

Although Gao Jiuding's body was already very strong before, but looking at it now, the effect after transformation is surprisingly good, which is not comparable to before.

However, it's normal to think about it. The colorful light flowing from the sea of ​​consciousness must be a good thing. Without this thing, let alone transforming the body, it is still a question of life.

However, everything is fine now, he didn't die, but gained more power.

Moreover, the physical body is as strong as gold and iron, which is simply beyond imagination. This is a terrifying transformation.

At this time, the blood in Gao Jiuding's body was roaring, flowing faster and thicker, as if it was about to turn into a kind of mercury.

The power contained in it is so vigorous.

"Hahaha, if you survive a catastrophe, you must have a future blessing!"

Gao Jiuding became excited, he didn't remember that he almost killed himself just now.

Boil a vat of poison, want to poison yourself, who can do this?
However, what he is thinking about now is not these, but has an amazing idea, that is to continue.

That's right, Gao Jiuding was very excited, thinking that before he died, he let the ancient scroll automatically force out some of the contents of the cauldron, he must have done it on purpose to help.

hey-hey!Gao Jiuding laughed excitedly, and he murmured: "I'll boil a few more tonics, and try to get a little more colorful gas, so that the body can transform quickly again."

This idea is very good and powerful, but didn't he realize that if the ancient scroll didn't help him?

In other words, it was just this one time, and the next time I won't be so lucky.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding was so excited that he didn't care about these things at all. He decided that he must do it.

"Find more elixir and get more poison. Well, poison can stimulate the cells in the body and stimulate the potential of all cells. It is best to double the amount."

Gao Jiuding walked out of the cave muttering, and rushed into the mountain while giggling non-stop.

If ordinary people heard this laughter, they would definitely be scared to death, and they kept muttering all the way, wanting to boil a cauldron of the most terrifying poison to soak in it.

In fact, that cauldron of medicinal liquid contains terrifying toxins, but it also contains powerful medicinal effects, such as adding two cups of spiritual liquid, which shows its extraordinaryness.

It is certain that the medicinal power is astonishing, otherwise, even with that colorful aura, he would not be able to make him recover quickly.

The combination of the two is the reason why his body began to transform, otherwise it would be impossible to make such a big change in his body.

Excited, Gao Jiuding rushed all the way into the mountain, looking for beasts to kill, collecting elixir, and preparing to abuse himself.

Day after day, a week passed like this, but Gao Jiuding was still fighting to the death in the depths of the mountain.

This killing took another week, and now he was filled with terrifying evil spirit, as if he was about to transform into a terrifying beast.

The endless brutal killings, even the excited Ao Hotel would feel a little tired, but he didn't stop.

Gao Jiuding is very clear that he looks very powerful, but only he knows how small he is, especially because his previous experience let him know that there are too many existences stronger than him in this starry sky.

If before entering here, Gao Jiuding was still a little complacent and thought that he was invincible at the same level, but after entering this starry sky, he knew that human potential is infinite.

If you want to gain more powerful strength, you must seize every minute and every second and continuously improve.

And now the only way is to fight to the death, kill countless beasts, and get strengthened.

One has to adapt to the improvement of combat power, and to adapt to the current strength, one must continue to improve.

On the road of cultivation, Gao Jiuding has no plans to immediately break through the Dharma Stage. He faintly feels that he still has great potential.

Although it is impossible to directly let the body and spirit break through the pure yang, it should be possible to advance half a step into the pure yang and achieve the physique of a great monk.

Moreover, he faintly felt that his half-step pure yang physique seemed a little weak, because compared with the monsters in the void, his physique was far worse.

Of course, this is the comparison between Gao Jiuding and the big centipede who knows the air-forbidden domain.

If you want your body to reach the strength of the big centipede, you have to constantly accumulate your own foundation, enhance your physical fitness, increase your strength limit, and constantly break through the limit after accumulating life potential.

The human body is mysterious and vast, even Gao Jiuding feels a fog at this moment, he can't see how many secrets he hides, he can only walk firmly step by step.

boom!There was a thunderclap, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, as if the sky was about to press down.

Soon, a majestic torrential rain poured down, watering the earth, and the thunderstorm weather seemed to be increasing during this period.

Gao Jiuding didn't care. He continued to search for beasts to kill in the jungle. While sharpening himself, he was able to look for some spiritual grasses that he saw, but unfortunately he didn't meet any spiritual things.

But what Gao Jiuding didn't expect was that the heavy rain continued for three days and three nights, and it didn't even mean to stop.

The heavy rain continued, turning the entire mountain forest into a swamp with deep rainwater accumulated.

Moreover, several huge torrents formed in the forest, rumbling down from the depths of the mountain, as if to wash away everything.

Looking ahead, the trees collapsed, and the rocks were carried far away.

This is a mountain torrent, a terrifying torrent eruption, even Gao Jiuding must be careful, otherwise it may be over if he gets involved.

The rain here doesn't seem to be easy to mess with, especially after forming a flood peak, Gao Jiuding is not sure that his body can withstand the impact.

Fortunately, after the third day, it became much lighter, and finally the rain gradually subsided, and a huge seven-colored long rainbow hung in the void.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding was not in the mood to appreciate these things at all. He was fighting alone in the muddy forest.

This time it was a bloody and tragic fight with a group of terrifying giant crocodiles in a muddy swamp.

The mud rolled in front of Bang Long, creating a cloud of muddy water, and saw a huge giant crocodile flying across the body, then fell into the mud, rolling and moving.

This giant crocodile is very huge, more than ten meters long, and its hard armor is the best defense. However, such a powerful giant crocodile was beaten to the point of bleeding, and at this moment it was crying and rolling miserably.

Soon, the giant crocodile died stiffly. It lay quietly in the mud, motionless.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was not feeling well either, he was covered in mud and You Shan was in a panic.

Gao Jiuding's aura was heavy at this time, and his blood was transpiring, intertwining into a bloody arrogance outside his body, exuding a terrifying evil spirit.

The current Gao Jiuding is like a ferocious beast.

"I have encountered a lot of giant crocodiles recently. It seems that the torrents formed by the heavy rain made these giant crocodiles climb up to the ground and come to the forest to hunt."

Gao Jiuding murmured, but calmly put away the corpse of the giant crocodile, finally jumped onto a big tree, and left here quickly.

In the past week, apart from the beasts he encountered before, in the last three days of heavy rain, most of the crocodiles he encountered were terrifying giant crocodiles.

He even encountered a 60-meter-long giant crocodile, but was killed by him in the end. Although he was also injured, he got rich rewards.

After a week like this, Gao Jiuding had little rest and got a lot of good things.

At first he rested at night, but in the end he didn't rest at all, and went straight into the depths of the mountain, killing day and night, and finally condensed that terrifying evil spirit.

Now his killing fist is getting stronger and stronger, and his power is becoming more and more condensed. It can be said that once his power is released, it is mighty and mighty, and it is easy to deter many beasts.

It's a pity that he still can't achieve the level of suppressing and killing creatures, but this is one of his goals.

As long as Gao Jiuding keeps moving in this direction, one day he will reach the level he imagined, and even surpass the past.

There was a sound in the rumbling mountain, as if thousands of troops were galloping, and it was like thunder rolling, shaking all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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