The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1279 Purple Flower Fairy

Chapter 1279 Purple Flower Fairy
This sound can be heard from far away, the sound is frightening, shaking the woods.

A figure jumped quickly and stood on the top of a big tree.

This person actually stepped on a thin branch, but his body did not press down, as if he had no weight.

During this week of tempering, Gao Jiuding has made great progress, not only the improvement of physical strength, but also the mastery of his own body and strength, which has reached an astonishing level.

You must know that Gao Jiuding did not use the mana in his body, but only relied on his own control to achieve this level of almost flying through the void.

The scene in front of him was like this, standing on a thin branch and still maintaining his balance, how much strength and control was needed?

The most important thing is that this place has a hundred times the gravity compared to the earth.

At Gao Jiuding's level now, the hundred times gravity here has less and less influence on him.

"There is a waterfall there!" Gao Jiuding looked into the distance and saw a Milky Way falling from the top of the mountain, and there was a rumbling sound.

There is a waterfall over there. He estimates that this waterfall is at least hundreds of meters high and 100 meters wide. In this kind of place with a hundred times the gravity, the impact of such a large waterfall is absolutely terrifying.

Gao Jiuding didn't hesitate, jumped up quickly, and jumped away from the top of the tree.

If it were on the earth, countless people would be amazed when they saw it. Is this light work?

In fact, this is a kind of control that Gao Jiuding's own strength is strong to a certain extent, and then the blood energy drives the body.

It is like a piece of light bird floating gracefully, like the lightness kung fu in the world of martial arts, jumping back and forth on the branches without falling.

Gao Jiuding believes that as long as his body continues to grow stronger, not to mention these things, it is not a dream to get rid of the gravity of this place and fly into the sky with his body alone.

But there is still a long way to go, and the road under our feet has just started. We must be careful, strictly prohibit, and work hard to move forward.

Gao Jiuding knows that the abilities developed by relying on the physical body are considered supernatural powers, but now his performance is at most a small supernatural power in the physical body, and he still has a lot of potential to tap, such as supernatural powers and his mind. ability to get.

Of course, his clairvoyance must also be a supernatural power of the physical body, but it is a natural supernatural power that he can possess without training, while other supernatural powers of the physical body must be continuously strengthened to obtain.

In the depths of the mountains in the distance, there is a huge valley surrounded by high peaks and ravines, and the mist rises, as if the sea of ​​clouds is rolling, making people feel like entering the clouds of the sky.

As soon as he got close to here, Gao Jiuding was very surprised. From here, the valley was filled with clouds and mist, and the clouds were rolling over the mountain peaks. From a distance, it looked like an ancient fairy mountain.

There are bursts of rays of light, and the seven-colored long rainbow in the void runs through the sky and the earth, sprinkled with brilliant light, dotted with everything in the distant valley, making it seem like a colorful fairyland, absolutely beautiful.

Gao Jiuding has long suspected that this asteroid is not simple, but he has no evidence. After all, if he wants to see the asteroid itself, he must dig out all the soil covering it, and the gravity here is abnormal, so Gao Jiuding does not want to waste too much time. much time.

Besides, he didn't want to destroy the ecological environment of this asteroid.

The moment he saw this asteroid, this asteroid became Gao Jiuding's private planet, and naturally it would not be destroyed.

Although it will not be destroyed, Gao Jiuding still wants to prove that there is a large ore made of immortal materials buried under the trees and soil here.

Gao Jiuding discovered the spiritual grass with the spirit of the spirit before, but unfortunately it was swallowed by another fierce beast, and the fairy lotus discovered later proved this point, this asteroid has the ability to gather the spirit of the spirit.

But now, seeing the mountain peak shrouded in colorful rays of light, Gao Jiuding became more certain of his guess, because Gao Jiuding suspected that the colorful rays of light were the spirit of immortals.

However, the beast over there should be even more powerful, right?

As long as he can occupy that fairy mountain, this asteroid should completely belong to Gao Jiuding.

Roar!From time to time, there was a roar of a beast, which made Gao Jiuding realize that the beast over there was not easy to mess with.

The closer he got, the more careful Gao Jiuding became.

However, the situation ahead was better than he had imagined.

The surrounding trees swayed, shining brilliantly colored light, shining on some small animals, making them look like rare and exotic animals from the fairy family, which is amazing.

Gao Jiuding didn't stop, he quickly approached the front entrance of the valley.

When he came here, he was surprised to find that the entrance of the valley turned out to be a huge river, forming a mighty mountain torrent.

The water vapor here is transpiring, forming clouds and mist floating in all directions.

From here, it really looks like a fairyland, but unfortunately he knows that this is not a fairyland, as to whether the real fairyland exists or not.

The valley is filled with mist and steaming, covering the entire huge valley.

When I walked in, I could smell a strange fragrance. It turned out to be the strong aroma of strange flowers and plants in the valley, but when I got closer, I found that the strange flowers and plants here seemed a bit coquettish.

Gao Jiuding stared at these huge flowers with a solemn expression, instead of approaching them, he was thinking about what these things were.

Soon, he discovered a little bit, and he finally knew what these flowers were, because some small animals that were close to him died unknowingly.

"Poisonous flowers? Or piranhas?" Gao Jiuding looked at those fragrant and colorful flowers speechlessly. They turned out to be some highly toxic poisons.

But instead of being afraid, he was faintly excited. The toxin was well utilized, and the ability to stimulate the potential in the body was quite powerful.

Knowing that these spiritual flowers and grasses are poisonous, Gao Jiuding was prepared to take precautions.

In the blink of an eye, all the horrible poisonous flowers and weeds in the valley were collected. The originally gorgeous and colorful valley became potholed, and all the flowers disappeared.

Gao Jiuding laughed straight, stepped into the front of the valley, and approached the huge waterfall like the Milky Way flowing backwards.

Soon, he came to the front, and suddenly felt a huge wave of air blowing towards his face.

This is the rumble of the waterfall, and the terrifying air waves generated, blowing the flowers, plants and trees around the valley to bend down.

And the closer you get, the more you can feel that roar, which shocks the eardrums.

Rumbling. A huge waterfall hangs upside down like the Milky Way for nine days, pouring down from the high void to form a terrifying impact.

However, Gao Jiuding was not surprised by these, but what surprised him was that there was a huge and strange thing on the cliff in front of him.

"What is that?" Gao Jiuding looked surprised, looked up, and saw a huge rock protruding from the high cliff, which was tens of meters wide, and a huge lair was cast on it .

This is a ferocious beast's lair, exuding a jet-black color, with a little bit of light shining.

But after looking carefully, it was found that some huge wood and old vines were intertwined and entangled, which was very strong.

However, what surprised Gao Jiuding was, what could build such a huge lair on it?

Boa constrictors are likely, but not necessarily boa constrictors, and generally cast lairs within burrows.

The only possibility is birds, so what kind of birds made such a huge nest?
Gao Jiuding was shocked, looking at the huge nest in front of him, the whole body was 400 meters wide, it was simply a giant, what kind of bird lived in such a nest?
Thinking about it, Gao Jiuding immediately became excited. There is such a huge nest, does it also have a nest of raptor eggs in it?
"This nest is so big, I don't know if there are any eggs. If there are, it will be developed!"

Gao Jiuding was completely excited. When he thought of the snake eggs he had obtained, he couldn't calm down.

Gao Jiuding checked around to confirm that there was no other danger.

That's right, this kind of good place has an overlord occupying it, so other ferocious beasts naturally dare not approach it.

It's just that the overlord doesn't seem to be at home.

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding acted immediately, he quickly ran to the bottom of the cliff, and immediately climbed up quickly.

He is going to dig out the eggs of a raptor, and it is an egg of a huge raptor!
He had seen the horror of these ferocious birds a few times before, so he was naturally impressed. However, he thought that if he had a few raptor eggs, even one would be a huge gain.

"Huh? What kind of plant is this?"

On the cliff, Gao Jiuding was looking at a plant in front of him strangely.

This plant has nine branches, one branch has nine nodes, and the leaves are crystal clear, shining with a faint purple light.

Each branch of this plant is the size of a chopstick head, and on every two leaves, there are two pink flowers blooming, the purple light is shining, very strange.

What was even more surprising was that Gao Jiuding also saw that the small petals were filled with mist, as if they were swallowing clouds.

"What is this? Another real spirit like a blood elf? Is this a flower elf?" Looking at the spirit flower that kept swallowing clouds and mist, Gao Jiuding was very curious.

He reached out and picked off a branch, and examined it carefully.

What he saw in the end stunned him, and he almost thought he was wrong.

In the visualization space, Gao Jiuding was holding a purple flower, while the other one was swallowed by him.

After a little experience, Gao Jiuding knows that this is a precious spiritual substance, which can heal trauma, take it to strengthen the muscles and bones, improve blood energy, and the medicinal power can nourish the internal organs and expel impurities in the body.

The effects of spiritual things are the same, but the focus is different. This kind can obviously strengthen the internal organs, which is very rare.

Gao Jiuding has seen a lot of elixir that strengthens the muscles and bones a little bit and improves qi and blood, but it is the first time Gao Jiuding has seen the elixir that really strengthens the internal organs.

Of course, the black soul fruit that strengthens the soul is also a spiritual thing, Gao Jiuding also saw it, but unfortunately he couldn't bring it out from the ancient city, so he couldn't quickly strengthen his soul.

During the visualization, Gao Jiuding felt the strength of the internal organs, but at first he thought he was wrong.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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