The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1280 5 Lines of Swords

Chapter 1280 Five Elements and Ten Swords
After confirming the efficacy of the medicine, Gao Jiuding became happy, and he realized again that his body still had great potential to be tapped.

"The body includes not only bones and muscles, but also the five internal organs. But this five-element shrine is located. The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth correspond to the five internal organs. The combination of yin and yang is the ten shrines. They all need to be cultivated. did not think of!"

Gao Jiuding muttered to himself and exited the visualization space. He felt that this time he had gained a lot by accident, which made him clearly aware of the importance of the internal organs.

Not to mention other things, Gao Jiuding had previously studied the Wuyun Sword Art, which is a top-level skill that uses the internal organs to integrate the Five Elements Sword.

And this kind of practice is rubbish in the world of cultivation on earth, and it just doesn't make it into the mainstream. Why?
It's not because this kind of exercise is bad, but because it's impossible to practice this kind of exercise at all.

Five Elements and Five Swords, it is easy to say, how to conceive?

It is necessary to have the five internal organs to help, but the internal organs are weak, and they cannot carry too much five-element aura, let alone the five-element evil spirit that breeds the immortal sword.

Therefore, useless things are naturally worthless, which also makes the Wuyun Sword Art a garbage.

But what if the viscera are so powerful that they can absorb the evil spirits of the five elements at will?
In this way, can the Wuyun Sword Art be used?
If the five internal organs are really used to open up the Five Elements Palace and give birth to the Five Elements Immortal Sword, wouldn't that be great?
Not to mention other things, Gao Jiuding actually already had the conditions to practice Wuyun Sword Art, such as spleen and stomach.

Leaving aside the spleen, this is the foundation of Gao Jiuding's Jiuding magic skill, and he has already started to strengthen his spleen.

As far as the stomach is concerned, Gao Jiuding's stomach is extremely powerful. This is a space stomach strengthened with emerald fruits. Now the large number of beasts that Gao Jiuding has killed mainly store their energy and blood in their stomachs.

Moreover, Gao Jiuding also has a detailed study of the meridians around the stomach. If combined with the Wuyun Sword Art, can a fairy sword be conceived in the stomach?
In the yin and yang attributes of the spleen and stomach, it is defined as spleen yin and stomach yang, and the fairy sword conceived in the stomach is the earth-yang sword, that is, in the Wuji soil, the Wu soil is yang, so the fairy sword conceived in the stomach is the Wu soil sword.

On the contrary, the fairy sword conceived in the spleen is the Jitu Sword!

Now that there is a flower elf with powerful internal organs, can all the five elements and ten swords be bred?
"Based on this, it's still too early to strengthen the physical body under the law!" Gao Jiuding was a little worried after thinking about the various supernatural powers that he had to cultivate recently.

It is urgent for him to advance to the law, and I am afraid that he will not be able to wait until he has completed the five elements and ten swords.

"Cultivation is fine in the future, but now the most important thing is to advance the law!" Gao Jiuding soon made a decision.

Gao Jiuding looked at the cliff with joy on his face, the same plants were everywhere on the cliff, that is to say, these plants were all purple flower spirits, or it is more appropriate to call them purple fairy flowers.

What Gao Jiuding cares most about is the effect of strengthening the internal organs. This thing is simply a special treasured spiritual thing. It can heal trauma, strengthen the muscles and bones, improve the blood of the human body, nourish the internal organs, and expel impurities in the body. is omnipotent.

Looking at the precious herbs in front of him, Gao Jiuding was excited, and picked them without saying a word.

Of course, he must transplant part of it into the pagoda space. This kind of spiritual creature is rare and hard to find. If it is encountered, naturally it cannot be extinct!
After harvesting the spiritual objects, Gao Jiuding couldn't forget that he seemed to climb up to steal the eggs, not collect the herbs.

But now Gao Jiuding is really over excited, these elixirs are too precious, and you can see how precious they are by looking at the lingering flowers that are swallowing clouds and mist.

These herbs are breathing out spiritual energy, if the effect is not good, then it is really strange.

Therefore, it is normal for Gao Jiuding to be so excited. When encountering such things, he must pick them first.

This picking is a large area, climbing up and down, and even because of the roaring huge waterfall next to it, the entire cliff is very slippery. If it is not strong enough, it is really impossible to go up.

The entire cliff is hundreds of meters high, and the steepness of it is almost straight up, with no place to stay.

And Gao Jiuding grabbed the rock with both hands and pierced deeply, this is the root of climbing up.

"Good things, good things, pick them up, pick them all up!" Gao Jiuding looked excited, and quickly dug up these precious elixir, one by one, and even the whole area was dug up.

The entire cliff was originally shimmering with purple light and filled with mist, but it is a pity that it has now become pitted, as if it was destroyed by something.

This guy is like a rock, and these elixir will be deducted.

If someone came to see it, he would shake his head and sigh speechlessly. He forgot his business. That huge lair on the cliff is the right one.

After a long time, when Gao Jiuding dug more than half of it, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten something.

Sure enough, when he looked up, that huge lair, tens of meters in size, was the rightful owner.

He twitched his face and secretly smiled awkwardly before giving up digging and climbing up the cliff.

"Is there a spiritual vein under this mountain? Otherwise, how could it be possible to give birth to a spiritual thing? What's more, there is this fairy spirit here, at least there should be a large spiritual vein!"

After collecting so many spiritual objects, Gao Jiuding naturally saw the abnormality here, so he looked at the cliff under his feet thoughtfully.

The number of purple fairy flowers here is unexpectedly large. If it is said that there is no spiritual support here, he does not believe it at all.

However, since he intends to occupy this asteroid, he is not in a hurry to find the spiritual vein here, because even if he finds it, he doesn't want to take it away.

After waking up, he didn't stay any longer, but used both hands and feet to quickly climb up to the huge lair.

It didn't take long for him to approach the lair at a distance of more than ten meters, and it was even more shocking from here.

The huge nest is more than 400 meters wide, which is simply unbelievable. What kind of bird has such a huge nest?
With this approach, Gao Jiuding's face changed, and he felt a strong fishy smell permeating the air.

This is the lair of a terrible and ferocious bird, leaving behind a terrifying vicious aura.

Even though there are no vicious birds in the nest, it still emits a fishy smell, making countless birds and beasts dare not easily set foot here.

However, now Gao Jiuding was approaching quickly, and was about to go up to the lair.

Although Gao Jiuding was surprised by these terrifying vicious auras, he didn't care.

"Is there any eggs?" Gao Jiuding's face was slightly condensed, he climbed up quickly without hesitation, and finally came to the nest with difficulty.

As soon as this came up, Gao Jiuding immediately felt a pressure rushing towards his face, and Gao Jiuding was shocked, thinking that the fierce bird still existed.

But upon closer inspection, it was discovered that it was a few feathers, black and shiny, with a metallic luster.

And these feathers are very huge and slender, the smallest feather is one meter long, it is impossible to imagine how big this fierce bird is.

He was a little startled, but even more delighted, because there were really many huge eggs in this huge nest.

These eggs are not much smaller than the python eggs obtained earlier, and even much larger.

In the entire huge lair, there are 28 huge eggs, the whole body is crystal clear, white as jade, as if carved from beautiful jade, very beautiful.

But what surprised Gao Jiuding was that there was a black egg inside, could it be a dead egg?
However, after a closer look, it was denied. Judging from the breath, the black egg was still alive.

This is a little strange, a black bird egg, the size of a washbasin, even a circle bigger.

These eggs are very astonishing, especially the black egg, the whole body is shining with black light, exuding astonishing fluctuations.

"It doesn't matter, let's collect it first!" Gao Jiuding didn't pay attention to it, but quickly collected these giant eggs.

This is the egg of a ferocious bird of prey. If it hatches, it will definitely be a large group of terrifying ferocious birds, and they must not be let go.

Gao Jiuding's face was full of excitement. When he waved his hand, 28 huge eggs disappeared, and he collected them all.

Then, when he was about to go down, he unexpectedly discovered that there was a black rock at the bottom of this huge lair.

"What is this?" He was a little curious, walked over quickly, and soon came to the rock.

Stretching out his hand to grab it, he felt a heavy force coming from him. Gao Jiuding was surprised to find that the fist-sized stone weighed thousands of kilograms. He couldn't imagine what it was?
Gao Jiuding didn't know what this was, and he didn't have any relevant information in his impression.

He looked at the stone in front of him. It weighed thousands of catties. It was a strange thing. How could a stone the size of a fist weigh thousands of catties?Density?

He suddenly remembered that the black egg just now seemed to be attached to this black stone.

Is it because of this stone that the egg turns black?

Gao Jiuding's face twitched, was he a little whimsical?
Although he didn't know what the stone was, he felt that it must be extraordinary.

Gao Jiuding put away the stone directly, and then he quickly got out of the nest.

Going down the route up, on the way, he didn't forget to dig out those precious elixir.

This guy has already forgotten whether the fierce bird is coming back soon. If he comes back, there will definitely be a bloody battle.

He has never killed a bird of prey, but he was hunted down once before, and now he is still in the mood to collect elixir.

It has to be said that when the strength reaches a certain level, a person's inner self-confidence will expand.

And Gao Jiuding was like this, his strength improved rapidly, and he had never encountered an opponent all the way, so he was naturally very confident.

He thought that he was capable of dealing with that fierce bird, and it would be fine if he didn't come back. Naturally, he would have to fight once he came back to see if he could fight against these sky overlords.

Gao Jiuding was still very cautious. While digging for these precious elixirs, he secretly thought, why hasn't that fierce bird come back? Isn't he afraid that his eggs will be stolen?
(End of this chapter)

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