Chapter 1281
Looking at the huge bird's nest, it should be impossible for only one fierce bird to live there. Generally, under such circumstances, there are a male and a female in pairs, one goes out to hunt, and the other stays at home to take care of it.

It's a pity that after Gao Jiuding came here, he didn't meet a fierce bird, and now he was even more vaguely looking forward to appearing soon.

Chirp!Sure enough, not long after, a startling bird song faintly came from the distant sky.

Not even the roaring waterfall sound could stop the bird song, because it seemed to be filled with a monstrous anger.

I saw a black spot sliding across the distant sky quickly, getting closer and closer, and finally saw clearly that it was a bird.

As the birds approached quickly, a mighty force swept over, shaking all directions.

Even Gao Jiuding was terrified by that ferocity, secretly underestimating the strength of this ferocious bird.

Before the ominous bird came, Gao Jiuding felt a strong oppression. If he really faced it, it would definitely be even more terrifying.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was still hesitant, he jumped out quickly, and with a bang, he fell into the valley with a huge puff of smoke and dust, and even made a big hole in the ground.

Gao Jiuding jumped off the [-]-meter-high cliff and ran out of the valley as if nothing happened. This is not a place for fighting.

The best battlefield is naturally in the woods, where it is not conducive to fighting birds.

Chirp!A fierce sound came from the sky, and then rushed down quickly.

In an instant, the wind was surging, causing great pressure on Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiudao's face changed, and he turned around to look, only to find a gigantic monster that came crashing down like a lightning bolt.

He came to him in the blink of an eye, and an extremely terrifying wind pressure whizzed down, as if a terrifying fighter jet was swooping down, causing a terrifying impact.

This bird of prey, Gao Jiuding can only now see it clearly, it has a wingspan of more than 150 meters, and its body alone can crush him, this guy looks like an aircraft carrier now.

That pair of terrifying claws grabbed Gao Jiuding angrily, as if they wanted to tear the guy in front of him into pieces.

As soon as this ferocious bird flew back, it found that its eggs were gone, none of them were gone, and then it saw Gao Jiuding who was running away in a panic, who was it?

The fierce bird didn't even hesitate, and immediately confirmed that this little creature must have done a good thing.

Chirp!A tragic breath hit the face, the fierce bird swooped down fiercely, and the air roared.

The fierce bird poked down a pair of sharp giant claws and let out a sharp roar.

Just a slight movement of this giant bird brought a great sense of oppression to Gao Jiuding.

The giant bird was too big, and with just a slight movement, it enveloped Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding couldn't dodge, he could only resist!
There was a clang, sparks splashed, and a figure brandished a battle gun, slashing angrily on a pair of huge claws.

But what surprised Gao Jiuding was that after this blow, he felt a strong shock.

With a bang, the whole person flew out and drew a distance of 30 meters. This blow contained a powerful force, but he was still sent flying!

Gao Jiuding's body was churning with blood, as if he was about to be injured by a shock.

"This fierce bird is so strong!" Gao Jiuding's heart was awe-inspiring, his expression was shocked, and he immediately re-estimated the fighting power of the fierce bird in front of him.

No loss of body strength, this fierce bird is too big, with a slight movement, it can crush Gao Jiuding.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding realized that he was wrong. This fierce bird swooped down from the void, and its attack power was too strong.

That huge body, ferocious speed, and the attack power it caused are undoubtedly shocking.

Boom!The earth shook, smoke and dust rose, and an extremely huge pit was blasted out of the valley.

I saw that huge ferocious bird flapping its wings angrily, the wind raged for a while, and the rocks pierced through the sky.

Flowers and plants danced wildly throughout the valley, and trees swayed, many of which were broken from the middle.

Such a terrifying sight made Gao Jiuding feel terrified when he saw it.

clang clang clang!Suddenly, Gao Jiuding stomped his feet and rushed forward with a series of extremely swift assassinations.

It's a pity that his attack power was still a bit weak, a series of attacks caused sparks to splash, and there was a burst of clanging sound.

This is very shocking. Dozens of shots in a row were blocked by the fierce bird, and it even grabbed the battle gun in one bite.

The ferocious bird was huge, and with just a light flick, Gao Jiuding and his gun were thrown away, and then it flapped its wings and rushed over with the wild sand in the sky.

The vicious bird didn't give Gao Jiuding time to react, it pecked it off in one bite.

That huge curved mouth was as hard as steel, and it was extremely sharp. If Gao Jiuding was pecked like this, Gao Jiuding's body would be pierced, and he would even be swallowed in one gulp.

boom!Trees collapsed, gravel flew into the air, and a figure dodged out of the smoke and dust ahead.

Gao Jiuding dodged tens of meters away before staring at the domineering figure in the smoke with a shocked expression.

This is really a fierce bird, more than 80 meters high, with wings spread more than 120 meters, a pair of wings flapping, feathers like steel, and trees will break when they touch each other.

Such a ferocious bird is like an aircraft carrier that can fly, and it is more flexible than an aircraft carrier. At this moment, it bursts out with fierce aura, which is suffocating.

call!Suddenly, the ferocious bird spread its wings, swung its body up, and rushed into the clouds in the sky. Then, there was a roaring sound from the sky, as if thunder was shaking, and then the mighty pressure followed the ferocious bird.

That ferocious bird went soaring into the sky, and then swooped down ferociously again.

The pressure caused by this charge made even Gao Jiuding afraid, he flashed quickly, rushed out of the valley, and entered the jungle.

But the top of the head was still locked by a huge figure.

The huge body of this fierce bird is like a pop, and the air is heated up by friction.

Chirp. With a ferocious cry, a black shadow rushed down. On the ground, trees collapsed, smoke and dust shot up into the sky, and gravel flew up, making the scene like a scene of a big explosion.

The ferocity of that pounce and the huge damage it caused are absolutely staggering.

At this time, Gao Jiuding could only dodge in embarrassment, no matter how angry he was, it would be useless.

Being in such a mess by such a bird, he couldn't express his anger, who made him worry.

"Kill!" With a roar, a figure flashed past, and Gao Jiuding raised his battle gun and leaped from a high altitude.

Gao Jiuding's actions attracted some attention from that fierce bird, but it didn't seem to take it seriously.

There was a bang, and the fierce bird's wings covered the top of its head. After a muffled sound, nothing seemed to work.

This blow didn't work, but Gao Jiuding didn't care at all, it was just a feint.

Gao Jiuding's body fell to the ground deftly, and then he raised his gun and stabbed at the vicious bird with a roar. This blow hit the vicious bird's belly.

This is the final killing intent, it was just a feint before, the purpose was to assassinate the weak point of the vicious bird.

In an instant, the cold light froze, the aura of killing soared to the sky, and a bloody arrogance swept over, forming a huge bloody dragon, as if a real dragon was roaring.

The vicious bird shook, feeling a murderous aura that seemed to affect him, but unfortunately, it was already too late.

The ferocious bird could only look angrily at the bloody air wave, which rolled towards it and hit its chest with a bang.

Chirp!With a wailing sound, the huge ominous bird flew ten meters across and fell to the ground.

As the ominous bird landed, feathers fluttered down, piercing the ground three meters.

These feathers are extremely hard, as if they were made of steel, and they can penetrate three meters into the ground. You must know that the ground here is all rocks, and they are all extremely hard.

Gao Jiuding didn't stop at all, instead he jumped quickly, brandished his gun and smashed down viciously, the air was turbulent, and there was a muffled rumble of thunder.

The vicious bird reacted quickly. With a wave of its wings, the wind raged, and gravel flew towards Gao Jiuding's body. Unfortunately, the other party didn't care at all. Gao Jiuding let the gravel hit, and there was a clanging sound.

Gao Jiuding let out an angry roar, his whole body was full of blood and energy, forming a gigantic monster, like a dragon like a python, roaring and killing him boldly.

When the giant python moved, it brought endless power, like a real dragon, it rushed towards the fierce bird.

That ferocious bird was furious, its eyes as big as lanterns gleamed with bloody murderous intent.

A bloody little snake used to be its food, but now it dares to act wild in front of its eyes?
Boom!The two clashed crazily, the earth roared, and smoke and dust shot up into the sky.

The huge ferocious bird was blown away by one blow, and it couldn't fly for a while.

However, when Gao Jiuding wanted to continue to rush over, he encountered a huge wing flapping.

The wind howled, and after a burst of rocks, he felt that the power contained in the wings hadn't weakened at all. His several attacks didn't seem to have much impact on the fierce bird.

If you can't fight, you want to fight, I saw him retreating quickly, first avoiding the fierce bird's counterattack.

The beating just now was almost unbearable for him. It would be terrible if he was surrounded by the two wings of a vicious bird.

Chirp!A gust of wind whizzed ahead, billowing smoke and dust, and then accompanied by a huge figure, soaring into the sky.

When the vicious bird moved, it shook the sky, and its proud stature showed that it was the overlord of the sky.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding was a little depressed.

At this moment, this huge guy swooped down again.

As the ominous bird pounced down, pressure was overwhelming, gusts of wind wrapped around Gao Jiuding, making it difficult for him to even dodge.

This has already involved the power of the domain, and it is still the domain of the wind. Unfortunately, this fierce bird's understanding of the domain is still a bit short.

However, even so, it still poses a great threat to Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding didn't dare to stop at all, he turned around and rushed into the ancient forest, intending to fight this fierce bird with this.

This is the first time Gao Jiuding has fought against such a behemoth, and he has no experience at all. This time it can be counted as accumulating experience, otherwise he will be in trouble when he encounters a more powerful raptor in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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