The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1282 The oriole is behind

Chapter 1282 The oriole is behind (100 monthly tickets plus updates)

boom!There was a loud noise, dust and smoke billowed from the ground, followed by countless ancient trees breaking, and then a huge figure swooped down, setting off boundless wind and waves.

It seems like a fighter jet falling from the void, causing huge damage, especially the pair of giant claws are extremely sharp, they will collapse when they catch trees, and shatter when they encounter rocks, it is simply unstoppable.

Gao Jiuding quickly dodged, while trying to fight back, even at the moment when the raptor swooped down, he jumped up to meet him.

In an instant, Gao Jiuding soared into the sky, flying to a height of 50 meters in one leap.

Holding a battle gun in his hand, he condensed the strength of his whole body, forming a bloody storm and sweeping up.

Huge strength, like a dragon, wants to devour the world.

The two collided at a high altitude, and the claws of the fierce bird protruded, clanging endlessly, and then the roaring vibration made the sky tremble.

There was a whine in the sky, and then the blood splashed down, bright red and dazzling.

Gao Jiuding's shot finally pierced through the fierce bird's defense, but he himself was also scratched by the giant claw, leaving a deep bloodstain.

Even the armor Gao Jiuding was wearing couldn't stop the force of this stroke, he couldn't show it. If he didn't have this bronze armor to defend against most attacks, would his body be cut in two?

boom!A figure streaked down the void, crashing into the ground with a bang, and then, a terrifying ominous bird jumped down.

With a bang, the earth rolled over, kicking up endless sand.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding only felt that he was blasted into the ground, more than ten meters deep.

This kind of attack is really terrible. Fortunately, his figure is small enough, otherwise, if this claw comes down, it is estimated that it will be a big monk of Dharma, and he will die tragically on the spot.

clang!Suddenly, a figure rushed up, and then the battle gun roared, hitting the claws of the fierce bird.

With the help of this blow, Gao Jiuding deftly turned over and landed on the ground.

Gao Jiuding seized the opportunity, rolled over and hid in the woods beside him.

Chirp!The fierce bird was very angry. It waved its wings and shot up into the sky, wanting to dive down to kill Gao Jiuding again.

These two figures, one big and one small, chased each other, and passed quickly in the depths of the mountain, startling countless beasts and flying away.

Gao Jiuding's face was full of surprise, this ferocious bird was too powerful, no beast dared to block its attack.

Even, those ferocious beasts on the road ahead ran away as soon as they felt the majestic ominous power.

The overlord of the sky is not just kidding, with his ferocious and mighty appearance, even Gao Jiuding can feel his heart skip a beat, feeling extremely shocked.


"Kill!" One person, one bird, one small and one big, were frantically fighting in the mountains. The scene was bloody, brutal and crazy.

Among them, the fierce bird can fly, and its strength is even stronger, so it naturally presses down on that little figure to fight.

Gao Jiuding felt a lot of pressure facing the fierce bird, but he was very excited inside.

The more he fought, the more excited he was, because he was gradually adapting to the attack of this vicious bird.

At this time, although he was very embarrassed by being chased, he gradually calmed down.

boom!A figure flew out of the woods in embarrassment, Gao Jiuding was injured, the blood was still wet on the bronze armor he was wearing, and then there were terrible scars, but he didn't care at all.

The vicious bird on the opposite side was also scarred. Its feathers were smashed to pieces, and even the wound was covered with blood, and it was still falling down. The situation looked very tragic.

He has a strong body and unparalleled strength, but being too big is not always a good thing. As long as Gao Jiuding is flexible enough, this fierce bird can't do anything to him.

Gao Jiuding relied on his flexible body skills to fight against this giant monster!

After the initial trials and tribulations, Gao Jiuding quickly adapted to the fighting rhythm of this fierce bird.

They fought for a whole day, because each of them was very fierce, so neither of them had the slightest intention of stopping. On the contrary, now, the situation of the battle seems to have become a bit more tragic.

However, the two of them didn't know that their battle had attracted a huge beast, that is to say, they were being targeted by a more powerful beast.

There were bursts of animal roars from the mountains, but they were panicked whines, as if they had encountered something terrible.

There, smoke and dust flew up, covering the sky, tall trees continued to collapse, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

I saw a black shadow soaring into the sky, but it no longer had the domineering spirit of the past, and instead was a bit of a hero.

This is a huge bird of prey. It has a huge body, but it is dripping with blood, and its feathers are scattered and flying.

The bird of prey was injured. There were huge bloodstains on its body, and bright red blood was still flowing.

On the ground, amidst the smoke and dust, a figure stood up in embarrassment, with a gun in his hand, his murderous aura shot up to the sky.

This is a human being with broken ancient bronze armor, blood flowing, and scars, but in his pair of eyes, there is a faint killing intent.

The blood in Gao Jiuding's body boiled, forming a flame of arrogance and burning. This stream of blood went straight to the sky, like a puff of wolf smoke.

This is his blood, extremely vigorous, like a huge furnace, as soon as he gets close to it, he will feel the heat wave coming.

However, Gao Jiuding's aura is a bit chaotic at this moment, he is no longer as sharp as before.

After a day of fighting, he was really a little tired, but his heart was more transparent.

After a day of brutal fighting, he finally adapted to the battles of these sky overlords, and finally sharpened his own fighting skills, which allowed him to deal with them calmly.

Chirp. At this moment, the ferocious bird hit the sky and swayed up to the ninth heaven. After the dark clouds broke up, it suddenly flew down, forming a tornado, wrapping around Gao Jiuding, trying to cut it into pieces.

The huge ferocious bird, with the momentum of thunder, oscillated down.

This is the most ferocious attack of Feiqin. Gao Jiuding will die on the spot if he is not careful, but Gao Jiuding waits intently. His whole body is full of blood and energy, condensing the most powerful gang energy, no, it should be battle energy.

Gathering his fighting spirit, Gao Jiuding was ready to launch a powerful blow.

After the battle, he was a little tired. Gao Jiuding thought it was time to make a decisive blow, otherwise, if the time continued to be delayed, he would definitely not be as strong as this fierce bird.

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding lowered his waist and concentrated his strength, holding the gun with both hands, the tip of the gun was slightly raised, and a burst of blood flowed out.

This stream of energy and blood hovered around the gun body, like a huge dragon, preparing to fly into the sky and transform into a dragon.

Power, a huge power, soaring into the sky, shaking the sky.

Then, his figure rushed up into the sky, broke through the surrounding wind resistance, and met the huge ominous bird that swooped down.

The two collided violently in the void, booming
In an instant, the sky and the earth turned pale, the wind blew, the trees swayed, and the rocks rolled down, creating a terrifying scene.

Surprised to see a phantom of a blood-colored dragon, he roared proudly, and then flew into the sky, as if he wanted to transform into a dragon and soar into the sky.

But a terrifying ominous bird also swooped down at this time, with its giant claws spanning the air, it pecked fiercely, trying to stop this giant dragon from flying into the sky.

In the eyes of the fierce bird, no matter how powerful the dragon is, it is its food.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding is not a dragon, but a human being. This is just a powerful attack.

This attack was honed from that terrifying Titan python at the beginning, and it was so powerful that it could definitely deal a terrifying blow to the vicious birds.

Chirp!Sure enough, the huge ferocious bird wailed mournfully, spilling out a stream of brilliant blood.

I saw the feathers of the fierce bird flying down, and it was severely injured by Gao Jiuding again. At this time, the body of the fierce bird could no longer maintain its balance and fell to the ground.

And Gao Jiuding was thrown away following the figure of the fierce bird. His body was slashed by a pair of giant claws, blood splashed, and he also fell into the void.

The scene became much quieter, and there was no sound of fighting anymore.

After a while, the vicious bird fluttered a few times before standing up, but unfortunately, it seemed unable to fly.

In that puff of smoke and dust, the vicious bird stood awkwardly, and its eyes as big as lanterns gleamed with blood.

On the opposite side, Gao Jiuding was covered in blood, but he didn't attack, just staring cautiously in front of him.

Both of them seem to be at the end of their strength, and they don't have much combat power anymore.

Of course, Gao Jiuding didn't plan to fight even if he still had fighting strength, because he felt a sense of danger.

He seemed to be stared at by something, and at this moment he felt like a light was on his back, very uncomfortable.

The moment Gao Jiuding fell from the sky just now, Gao Jiuding suddenly felt something was wrong. It seemed that there was some terrible aura hiding around, as if a terrifying beast was dormant.

And the vicious bird on the opposite side seemed to feel the same, so it didn't continue to attack, but stared cautiously at one side, where there was a dense forest.

Aw. With a loud roar, the wind passed by, and the woods swayed, as if they were about to break.

With just a loud roar, Gao Jiuding's face suddenly changed with such power, and he finally understood that there was really a ferocious beast dormant nearby.

Sure enough, the forest collapsed with a bang, and a giant leaped out.

With a loud shock, a large pit appeared on the ground, and a giant tiger came from it.

This giant tiger is white all over, with bright hair, as if it was carved from ice and snow.

It has a huge body, with a height of more than 40 meters, and a body size of 80 meters long. With the tail, this body size is definitely more than [-] meters.

Looking at the tiger rushing out, Gao Jiuding's cold sweat immediately broke down. He didn't expect that there really was a oriole waiting for them here!
Looking at the huge tiger that rushed out, there was a golden king character on its forehead, shining brightly, no matter how you looked at it, it was extraordinary.

The huge tiger's fangs are dense, glittering with blood, and the tiger's eyes are full of killing and cruelty. Coupled with the majesty that belongs to the king, it is very difficult to deal with without thinking.

This is the king of the jungle, or the king of beasts.

In this jungle, among countless ferocious beasts, there is this kingly demeanor, obviously a powerful ferocious beast not much weaker than ferocious birds.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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