The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1283 Power Collision

Chapter 1283 Power Collision
It must have been a battle of one man and one bird, which attracted the peeping of this giant beast. Moreover, Gao Jiuding believed that this giant tiger had been here for a long time, which showed that it was actually intelligent, crouching by the side, watching the tiger for a long time, but Not rushing up immediately.

Fortunately, even though Gao Jiuding devoted himself to the fight, he was still vigilant, and only then did he realize that this beast was by his side. Otherwise, he might have been taken advantage of by the tiger.

Juhu's idea is very good, he wants to see the two fight and lose both sides, and then come out to pick a bargain.

However, no matter how much he hides himself, such a fierce beast king will exude terrifying power.

The ferocious bird was also very cautious at this time, it stared at the giant tiger fiercely, as if warning, but the giant tiger was not afraid at all.

Although the fierce bird in front of him is the overlord of the sky, it is the king of beasts, the king of the forest, and the king of beasts, so it naturally has the majesty of a king.

Sure enough, the giant tiger turned its head, its eyes were full of bloodthirsty light, it stared at this huge fierce bird, showing a kind of ferocious gaze.

This wants to eat this powerful fierce bird, because it has great benefits.

Not to mention this ferocious bird, Gao Jiuding on the side has attracted the attention of the giant tiger.

Although this little guy is too small to fit between his teeth, the blood energy exuding from his body is so strong that even ferocious birds can't match it.

The two prey can be said to be both losers, so the giant tiger was moved.

Gao Jiuding also felt very bad at this time, he felt a strong oppression from the giant tiger in front of him.

This giant tiger was full of blood, which made Gao Jiuding feel a pressure from the blood, which showed that the blood of the giant tiger itself was noble, which made it faintly leak out all its strength, causing great oppression to Gao Jiuding.

They are not sub-dragons, but their blood is noble, so what is the beast of the beasts?Could it be the Qilin bloodline?
Gao Jiuding shook his head, feeling that he was thinking too much.

The situation at the scene was a bit delicate at this time, as soon as this tiger appeared, it aroused the vigilance of the two, so that they did not continue to fight.

Now the three parties formed a confrontation, none of them took the lead in attacking, but they all exuded the most fierce aura, wanting to deter each other.

grunt!Suddenly, Gao Jiuding raised his head and drank a stream of liquid. The golden liquid entered his stomach. His aura grew rapidly, and finally he recovered to peak state, even faintly stronger than before.

Gao Jiuding had no choice but to sharpen himself with fierce birds, so he didn't use psychic liquid to recover.

But now it can't be done without recovery, and he has to be cautious with the addition of a powerful giant tiger.

Such a change caught the attention of giant tigers and ferocious birds. Their eyes were full of surprise and puzzlement, and more of a kind of vigilance. It seemed that the power in this little creature's body suddenly returned to its peak.

Poor Vicious Bird fought with Gao Jiuding for a day, and was already bruised and tired, but now Gao Jiuding recovered, but it didn't recover at all, and could only faintly feel the crisis.

It wanted to soar into the sky, but it didn't dare to act rashly, because it knew that as long as it slowed down a little, it would be attacked by two enemies.

However, the situation at this time could no longer make the fierce bird hesitate, because it was the weakest in the field.

Roar!At the moment when the fierce bird was about to fly into the sky, there was a roar of a tiger, and then, a huge giant tiger rushed towards it suddenly, and its target was that fierce bird.

As soon as the ominous bird moved, it immediately launched the most terrifying attack, pounced on the ominous bird just as it spread its wings.

There was a bang, and the huge ferocious bird was thrown to the ground directly, and was pressed to the ground by the giant tiger.

Chirp. There was a rapid scream, and the fierce bird struggled swiftly. It flapped its wings and struggled violently, but it was a pity that it was a terrifying giant tiger pressing down on it.

The brute force of the giant tiger is too strong, how could it break free?

What's more, after a day of fighting with Gao Jiuding, the vicious bird was already scarred and its strength had long been lacking. Now that it was thrown on the ground, it could only watch in panic as the tiger bites down fiercely.

flutter!Blood was sprayed, and the huge ferocious bird was bitten by one bite.

The giant tiger mouthed down, and its fangs pierced directly into its body, even faintly piercing through the hard bones.

The fierce bird suffered heavy injuries again, and could only whine and flap its wings. It wanted to get out of the tiger's mouth, but unfortunately it couldn't do it at all.

Chirp. In the end, the vicious bird's breath weakened, and it fell to the ground whining, its wings beating no longer.

Even so, the giant tiger didn't let it go. That giant tiger opened its mouth wide, intending to bite off the neck of the vicious bird and end its life.

However, at this moment, a figure rushed over, the spear in his hand roared, and the mighty blood roared past, condensing into a huge blood-colored dragon in front of him.

Roar!The giant tiger reacted quickly, abandoning the fierce bird in an instant, and came up to Gao Jiuding.

A huge tiger claw clattered down, and there was only a clang, sparks flew, and then the blood energy collapsed, and the dragon collapsed and disappeared.

In the end, one man and one tiger backed away, while staring at each other cautiously.

Gao Jiuding didn't want to make a move at first, but after seeing the sad eyes of that fierce bird, he suddenly remembered something, so he took the initiative to save it.

It's not soft-hearted, but an idea flashed in my heart.

And the giant tiger in front of him also made Gao Jiuding have an astonishing thought, that is to maim this giant tiger.



After one person and one tiger stared at each other for a long time, they both launched an attack.

In an instant, sand and rocks flew in front of him, forming a desperate situation.

Although Gao Jiuding was small in size, he was extremely powerful, and even the giant tiger was a little wary.

As soon as the fight started, Gao Jiuding actually put away the battle gun in his hand, waved his fists, and brazenly met the wild giant tiger.

This time Gao Jiuding wanted to fight with his bare hands, because he wanted to capture this giant tiger alive.

Ow!There were bursts of tiger roars in the mountains, shaking the mountains and forests.

There, smoke and dust soared into the sky, evil spirits rolled, and rocks rolled down, making a rumbling sound.

A gigantic tiger raised its head and roared furiously. It was white all over, with a ferocious king character, emitting bright golden light.

This is a powerful ferocious beast, every move is extremely ferocious, but the breath leaks out, and there is a tragic momentum permeating the air.

Such a giant tiger is powerful in itself, and when it pounces on it, big trees will be broken and rocks will be torn apart.

Whoosh!A fist hit, and the air howled, making a terrible whistling sound.

Gao Jiuding's fists glowed, and wisps of blood were lingering, intertwined into a phantom of a huge ferocious beast, roaring and rushing towards the giant tiger.

In an instant, Juhu was furious and confronted Gao Jiuding.

Although he wondered how Gao Jiuding could suddenly turn into the same kind, but it stimulated the fierceness in Juhu's heart even more, and the provocation of the same kind was even more unforgivable.

As the king of this area, it is arrogant and powerful, and its kind is not allowed to provoke it, because it is an insult.

Roar!The giant tiger rushed forward in an instant, facing the bloody tiger, and savagely rushed towards Gao Jiuding.

I saw that bloody tiger collided, and exploded in the middle with a bang.

If you look carefully, you will find a figure retreating quickly in the smoke and dust. It is Gao Jiuding. He looked at the huge tiger in front of him in surprise.

Gao Jiuding's heart was shocked, the giant tiger in front of him seemed to be stronger than all the beasts he had encountered before.

"Good guy, without a domain, can you have this kind of fighting power just by relying on physical strength?" Gao Jiuding was shocked, and only then did he feel that the strength of this giant tiger should have broken through the limit. It can be said that compared with him No difference, and that's pretty scary.

If you have power, don't waste it, and you can control your power at will to send out the most suitable blow, which is very powerful.

It's no wonder that the fierce bird was hit hard when it was swooped down by the giant tiger. It's not unreasonable.

Even though the ferocious bird fought with him for a whole day, it was still fierce, but it was severely injured by the giant tiger in front of it. From this, it can be seen how terrifying this big tiger is.

Ow!The giant tiger roared, and it also felt very surprised that it couldn't kill the little guy in front of it with one pounce?
The giant tiger's speed is very fast, but it seems to be so three-handed, and it came to the vicious tiger again.

With a bang, the big tree in front of him swayed, and a rock weighing hundreds of thousands of kilograms split directly and shattered into pieces.

And a figure flickered, he jumped onto the tree trunk, and then concentrated all his strength on his arm, Gao Jiuding stepped on it suddenly, the trunk as thick as a bucket broke with a crack, and the figure followed and jumped down.

boom!A fist waved down from the sky, and smashed down with a bang.

Immediately, the giant tiger screamed, blood splashed up, and its body was pushed back more than 300 meters before it stopped!
The giant tiger shook its head, this time it was hit hard.

This punch was so fierce that the giant tiger's head became dizzy, and his body almost fell to the ground.

However, the giant tiger's defensive power was terrifying, and it quickly recovered. When it knew what it had encountered, the giant tiger immediately became angry.

Roar!It roared again and again, full of evil spirits.

However, although Gao Jiuding was cautious, he did not panic at all.

The blood in his body roared, intertwined into a flame of arrogance again, and steamed from the top of his head, forming a wolf smoke of energy.

"Kill!" After a confrontation for a while, one man and one tiger attacked at the same time.

The savage fist, the ferocious giant tiger, the two are fighting and colliding, as if two ferocious beasts are vying for the supremacy.

That giant tiger has a huge and powerful body, and it can fly sand and rocks in a single pounce. The tiger's claws roared, and trees collapsed with a click. Even the tail looked very scary.

As long as the tiger's tail flicked, the rocks in front of it would immediately be torn apart, and the gravel pierced through the air, hit the surrounding tree trunks, and penetrated deeply.

The savage tiger was ferocious, and the humans on the opposite side were even more savage. With just a pair of fists, he punched the void vibrated and rumbled endlessly.

The huge force above the pair of fists came along with the killing intent, forming a lore.

(End of this chapter)

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