Chapter 1285
Gui Changshou was astonished to find that the rune broke into two halves just after it was formed, one half entered between his eyebrows, and the other half disappeared into the giant egg.

At this moment, Gui Changshou felt that the life in the egg was connected to him. This feeling was vague, but every time the feeling was very clear.

"This is for you, keep it. This is the egg of the vicious bird next to it. In the future, there will be a powerful monster as your mount. Cherish it carefully." Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

"The egg of the vicious bird? Give it to me?" Gui Changshou was surprised, and only after he took it stupidly did he wake up.

Why does he keep getting rewards for his achievements?This seems to be a bit wrong!

Although Gao Jiuding has never been mean to his subordinates, it is the rule that he will be rewarded for his meritorious service!
Gao Jiuding didn't know what Gui Changshou was thinking, he just chose this turtle because he didn't have suitable experimental materials.

The tortoise has a strong defense, and the blood in the body is even stronger. The aptitude of the tortoise is not bad, otherwise Gao Jiuding would not carry him with him.

Of course, mainly turtles, pangolins, etc. are not very good-looking, so no one likes to use them as avatars, otherwise the turtle must be a tragedy.

Gao Jiuding nodded and said: "This is for you, I have something to tell you to do, listen up!"

Gui Changshou immediately came to his senses and listened carefully, feeling faintly excited but unable to suppress it.

Then, Gao Jiuding gave careful instructions, and after explaining some things to him, he took him back to the Time and Space God Realm inside the pagoda.

Whether the ferocious beasts here can be used, what their qualifications are, and whether they are worth cultivating depends on the longevity of the turtles in the Time and Space God's Domain.

Roar!At this moment, the giant tiger on the side roared and struggled, and was about to stand up. Unfortunately, Gao Jiuding punched him down again, so he could only lie on the ground panting.

This time, even the vicious birds on the side were quiet, it could only pant quietly, as if it wanted to recover as soon as possible.

Gao Jiuding didn't kill the giant tiger and the fierce bird, but just stood here quietly, as if waiting for something.

And this waited for half a day, but he didn't see any intention of leaving. During this period, he punched and punched, and beat the struggling giant tiger and fierce bird to the ground.

Most of the day passed, and the forest was very quiet, especially after a great battle had just been experienced here. The three auras were intertwined and filled the air, and no beast dared to approach.

Soon, Gao Jiuding's face changed, and he received a message from the pagoda.

Gao Jiuding nodded in satisfaction, and Gui Changshou entered the Pagoda Desert to conduct experiments in the area affected by the turbulence of time and space, and indeed made a major discovery.

The turbulent flow of time over there can slow down time or speed it up.

Time slowed down, it was useless to Gao Jiuding now, he would use that place at most to save some collected elixir and refined elixir, or to save the prey that was killed.

There, perhaps more than a dozen years have passed outside the world, but within that turbulent time, maybe only one year has passed. This is the function of time slowing down.

Now Gao Jiuding is using the acceleration of time. After half a day outside, more than ten days have passed inside. Gui Changshou has hatched the egg of the ominous bird, and checked the qualifications of the offspring of the ominous bird.

The situation is very good, and the hatched bird can also practice qi and blood according to Gui Changshou's teachings, that is to say, it can take the road of body training, from the blood refining period and hemolysis period to the blood pill and dharma phase. realm.

And as long as one can follow this path, the vicious birds and beasts here will be valuable.

After being confirmed, Gao Jiuding didn't talk nonsense, and directly stimulated the blood in his body, turning into a bloody light, and started to work.

He first came to the giant tiger, causing the opponent to roar again and again, but it was a pity that it had no strength to get up.

When he came to Juhu, Gao Jiuding used his blood to draw the rune. He is very proficient now. It can be said that he did it in one go. He quickly outlined a blood-colored rune, and then rushed into Juhu's eyebrows to complete the last step of refining. .

The ferocious beast is unruly and difficult to tame, unless it is a small beast that is personally hatched, it is difficult to make it loyal, so Gao Jiuding did not think about making this giant tiger his pet at all, but chose to refine it as his incarnation.

This giant tiger's defense is strong, and its strength is even more powerful, all of which come from its blood and physique.

And Gao Jiuding needs these, as long as he assimilates its soul, everything about this giant tiger will be his.

"Sure enough, it's earth attribute!" As soon as the blood flooded into the giant tiger's sea of ​​consciousness, Gao Jiuding discovered that the giant tiger was an earth attribute beast.

The fierce beast's head is a little hard to use, but it has a certain amount of wisdom, but it is just a tendon.

Roar!Feeling the danger, the giant tiger struggled frantically!
The giant tiger resisted strongly and was very unwilling, but after it was severely injured, it had no strength to resist the restriction at all. In the end, it was invaded by Gao Jiuding's concentric blood soul spell, and then fell into a deep sleep.

In the future, as long as Gao Jiuding spends some time, he can refine this beast.

Chirp. Seeing what happened to the giant tiger, the vicious bird started to go berserk. It flapped its wings and wanted to fly, but unfortunately it didn't have much strength anymore.

Its resistance was more intense, but it was still subdued by Gao Jiuding and became his incarnation!
The fierce bird is obviously a fierce beast of the wind attribute, and Gao Jiuding really lacks such an incarnation, so how could he let go of the opportunity this time?

After successfully subduing the two beasts, Gao Jiuding can be regarded as initially controlling the two giant beasts.

After refining for a while, Gao Jiuding didn't feel any resistance, so Gao Jiuding used a little fairy spring gold liquid to give the giant tiger and fierce bird to recover their injuries.

In an instant, two terrifying powers came out, shaking the mountains and forests, and deterring all directions.

The howling of tigers and the chirping of birds shook the entire mountain forest, causing countless birds and beasts to scatter and flee.

At this time, Gao Jiuding really felt the terror of the two ominous creatures. Their aura had increased a lot, and just a single roar could frighten all beasts.

It's a pity that although these two fierce beasts are very powerful in combat, their spirits are very weak, otherwise Gao Jiuding would not be able to control their spirits so easily.

The souls of ferocious beasts are far worse than those of monster races. Maybe this is why these guys are so brutal and unreasonable, they can only fight with their bodies.

Feeling the aura of the two beasts getting stronger and stronger, Gao Jiuding also felt relieved, and he directly took the two beasts into the pagoda.

Looking at the surrounding environment, it was severely damaged, so naturally it couldn't stay for long.

Going deep into the valley and finding a good place, Gao Jiuding took out a huge bronze tripod, and he wanted to continue strengthening his body.

In the rumbling valley, the waterfall rumbles, as if the Nine Heavens Milky Way is hanging upside down, and there is a rumbling sound.

The waterfall is hundreds of meters high, and the impact of the water creates a terrifying deep pool below.

And thousands of meters away from the waterfall, there is a figure who is busy erecting a huge bronze tripod.

With this huge bronze tripod, he can refine a tripod of body refining poison.

The potion of poison that he had endured before almost poisoned him, but in the end it was beneficial.

But now, Gao Jiuding is still exercising excitedly. I really don't know if this guy is not afraid of death, or really wants to die?

At this moment, under the four-meter-high bronze cauldron, raging firewood was burning, and the cauldron was burning red.

Inside the cauldron, there was a gust of bubbles, and the cauldron was filled with a black liquid, which was refined from the blood of tens of hundreds of beasts, added many poisonous insects, and finally added countless spiritual herbs.

These spiritual herbs were what Gao Jiuding had been looking for these past few days, such as the purple fairy flowers found on the cliff, etc., all of which were added to it.

The cauldron liquid gleamed with jet-black light, with black air and an incomparably stench.

This kind of thing, even a beast without a brain, would not dare to drink it, even smelling it would make you feel dizzy, let alone a person, anyone who gets close to this thing will have a brain problem.

However, Gao Jiuding stared excitedly at the cauldron in front of him, staring at the continuously boiling liquid inside the cauldron.

This guy wants to go in and cook his body again. If he wants to strengthen it, he needs to take risks.

"It's been three days, it should be done!" Gao Jiuding said excitedly.

This tripod liquid has been boiled for three days and three nights, and it has reached its limit. If it continues to be boiled, it will become a pill.

This kind of thing, not to mention drinking it, even entering it feels good to shoot.

The liquid in the cauldron is made from the painstaking efforts of tens of hundreds of beasts. It can be said to be the blood of a hundred beasts, which contains unparalleled terrifying effects. However, the poisonous gas contained in it is even more terrifying.

Feeling almost done, Gao Jiuding thrust his spear into the ground, jumped up naked, and stepped into the boiling cauldron, really wanting to have a blood bath of beasts.

Crash!The figure entered the cauldron, and in an instant, the liquid in the entire cauldron boiled and began to roll violently.

As soon as he entered, Gao Jiuding's expression changed suddenly, and he felt a strong pain coming from his whole body, like countless steel needles pricking him, it was unbearable.

However, he clenched his teeth and did not move, he instinctively endured the erosion of the liquid.

And this is not over yet, Gao Jiuding stimulated the energy and blood, forming a mighty blood energy that swept across his body, absorbing and devouring the vast medicinal power.

It is not possible for everyone to temper the body with the blood of more than a hundred kinds of beasts.

Most people really dare not do this kind of cultivation process. Of course, they dare not think that Gao Jiuding is really looking for abuse, because he knows very well that he will not die. Of course, self-confidence is a good thing, but this is still not something that ordinary people can bear of pain.

It was Gao Jiuding who felt as if there were thousands of ants gnawing on his body, and it was like countless steel needles piercing the bones, and the flesh and blood seemed to be cut by a knife.

That kind of pain made his body fall into a state of numbness in an instant, which was an instinctive protective state of the body.

The rumbling bronze cauldron buzzed and vibrated, and the liquid boiled and roared.

Countless black air emerged and invaded Gao Jiuding's body little by little. At this moment, Gao Jiuding was submerged in the pitch-black liquid and completely disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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