The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1286 Humanoid Ferocious Beast

Chapter 1286 Humanoid Ferocious Beast
At this time, Gao Jiuding didn't know whether he sank into the cauldron on purpose, or lost control of his body and sank into the venom.

In his current state, it seemed that he couldn't bear the erosion of these nourishing and poisonous medicines, and his whole body sank into the cauldron, disappearing without a trace.

This time, the liquid in the cauldron boiled even more, as if it was a big frying pan of hell, frying an evil spirit.

Gudong, the cauldron vibrated, and the liquid surged, as if some evil spirit was roaring inside.

Although there were no evil spirits inside, there was a figure in the cauldron, a living person.

In the big tripod, Gao Jiuding endured unparalleled pain, but this was self-torture.

He wants to use this method to stimulate the potential of his whole body. If he really can't hold on, the mysterious ancient scroll of Dao characters in the sea of ​​consciousness, as well as the ancient cauldron, will all respond.

It is with this kind of confidence that Gao Jiuding will risk his life and dare to risk his life.

At that time, the ancient scroll made the ancient medicine cauldron in the sea of ​​consciousness tilted, spewing out a stream of colorful air, which gave him an astonishing strengthening and transformation, which made Gao Jiuding have such a self-torturing idea.

Now, at the critical juncture, Gao Jiuding insisted on enduring it without giving up.

At this moment, his body was already cracked, and even the blood gushed out roaringly, and the jet-black liquid looked a little bright red.

Inside the body, the blood qi roared, and the internal organs were covered with a layer of black qi, which was poisoned.

Even the bones of the whole body trembled, forming a kind of pitch-black bones, which was completely poisoned too deeply.

After persisting for a long time, Gao Jiuding's consciousness was a little blurred, as if he was about to fail.

However, he still gritted his teeth and persisted. Now that he is much stronger physically and mentally, he can naturally persevere.

Boom!Suddenly, just when Gao Jiuding thought that there was no movement in the sea of ​​consciousness and his plan was about to fail, there was finally a shock in the sea of ​​consciousness, and a terrifying aura filled the air, looking a bit ancient and desolate.

This is the movement of the ancient scroll of Dao, which set off a stormy sea and shook the entire sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, the ancient scroll of Dao characters seemed to be angry, and a blood-colored Dao character flew out, exuding terrifying power, which was mighty and shocking.

Instead of being afraid, Gao Jiuding had infinite surprises. He made the right bet, and the ancient scroll of Taoism moved again.

Unsurprisingly, the ancient medicine cauldron vibrated again, tilted again, and then a gap was opened in the lid of the cauldron.

With a bang, a strong seven-colored air flow surged out, piercing the sky like a rainbow.

This breath rushed out of the Sea of ​​Consciousness space and immediately swept Gao Jiuding's body.

Gao Jiuding could see clearly that this seven-colored air flow melted into his blood vessels, bones, internal organs, etc. almost instantly, leaving nothing behind.

In an instant, Gao Jiuding seemed to ascend from hell to heaven, and his whole body became extremely comfortable.

There was a tremor in his body, the bones were chattering happily, the muscles were wriggling, and the body was glowing.

In just a split second, the body that had turned as black as ink began to become as crystal clear as precious jade.

Then Gao Jiuding's whole body began to become radiant, and this ray of light shone on his whole body, and the radiance was so transparent that all internal organs could be clearly seen.

Next, the bones of Gao Jiuding's whole body rattled, sending out sonorous sounds that shook the surroundings.

This burst of colorful gas came and disappeared quickly, washing Gao Jiuding's body up and down in an instant.

This flushing brought about strengthening and upgrading, and even expelled all the poisonous gas and waste gas in the entire cauldron.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding felt comfortable all over, that is, at this time, the liquid in the entire cauldron gradually decreased, and finally only a jet of black and foul-smelling liquid remained at the bottom.

The venom disappeared, and a clean figure appeared inside the cauldron. He was flawless and radiant.

This is Gao Jiuding's body, at this time his body is as flawless as precious jade, and as crystal as glass.

This is a human body?What kind of energy does such a body contain?
boom!As Gao Jiuding jumped out, he landed with a bang, and immediately the earth trembled, and several cracks spread away, until it stopped five meters away, which was a great horror.

Gao Jiuding felt the changes in his body with joy. This was an extreme transformation. He was once again strengthened by the seven-color airflow in the ancient tripod, which improved his physical fitness to an astonishing level.

Gao Jiuding looked back at the big cauldron, only black impurities remained in it, just now he absorbed all the useful medicinal power in the big cauldron into his body, turning it into nutrients for his growth.

Boom!Gao Jiuding clasped his five fingers slightly, and there was a crackling sound, and the air was blown away.

This feeling shocked Gao Jiuding, he finally felt the mighty blood in his body, and at this moment he felt that there was a surging power hidden in his body.

"Strong!" One word, strong, really too strong!
Gao Jiuding became excited, his face flushed with excitement, this time the adventure was right again.

He was finally sure that the ancient scroll of Dao characters in Zhihai didn't seem to have any malice towards him.

And judging from these two experiences, this ancient scroll is still helping him.

Gao Jiuding had always been wary of that ancient scroll, but now, he finally let go of a lot of worries.

The origin of this ancient scroll is mysterious and its function is unknown, but at least it can help him now.

After Gao Jiuding thought about it, he stopped thinking about this issue, as long as it was useful to him.

The cultivation came to an end again. Gao Jiuding carefully adjusted the spirit grass in his hand. This time the body training, the spirit grass and the poison were all consumed, but his whole body seemed to be reborn, so it was worth it.

Feeling the changes in the body, the effort this time has a great return.

Not to mention the improvement of his physical fitness, but his will allowed him to enter another realm.

This can also be said to be the improvement of the soul, at least Gao Jiuding clearly realized that the improvement of comprehensive strength allowed him to understand other fields from the field of strength, such as the field of mountains, which is the combination of strength and the field of gravity of the earth system , It can also be said to be a master!
This is a terrifying field, and it can even be used as a supernatural power.

The power field can only exert the attack power of strength, and the gravity field affects the gravity inside the field, and the combination of strength and gravity forms a mountain, but with the attack power, the suppressing power of a mountain can be tolerated by anyone?
Of course, the breakthrough in strength and domain did not satisfy Gao Jiuding, because the emergence of this path represented infinite possibilities.

The pursuit of perfection and strength is what Gao Jiuding urgently needs recently.

Because he knows very well that he is still very weak now.

There is a lot of pressure in his heart, thinking of doing everything possible to improve himself.

Think about it, in this starry sky, there are countless ferocious beasts and monsters. The ones encountered are not very powerful, but what about in the future?
After those terrifying beasts appeared, how did he face them?
After witnessing the horror of a magic hand in the ruins of the ancient city, Gao Jiuding's pride and complacency had long since been shattered, only a strong motivation supported him, and he quickly became stronger.

"Continue to search for spiritual grass, hunt and kill ferocious beasts, and use the blood of countless ferocious beasts to water my growth."

As soon as Gao Jiuding clenched his fist, his expression became more determined. He put on an ordinary bronze armor, drew his battle spear, put away the bronze cauldron, and set off again.

He wants to continue to practice, because he can feel that his body can continue to be strengthened.

Toxins can stimulate one's own potential, but with countless elixir as background, it can guarantee that one will not be directly poisoned to death.

In this way, without thinking about continuing to strengthen his body, Gao Jiuding has no hope of quickly improving his cultivation.

Of course, breaking down and then building up is a terrifying way to strengthen, but Gao Jiuding will go on firmly.

He has no fear, because as long as he doesn't die, everything is fine, otherwise, why would he persist like this?
As the saying goes, there will be rewards only if you pay, and the more you give, the more rewarding you will be in the future.

There may be some contributions that are not rewarded, but if you don't pay, there will be no possibility of rewards.

From this day on, Gao Jiuding plunged into the vast mountains, looking for powerful beasts to temper himself.

Among them, the crisis involved is extremely huge. It can be said that death is always by his side. In a very short period of time, he almost died in the mountains several times.

The most dangerous time was when he encountered a powerful black bear. The black bear was only six meters tall, but it was full of blood and energy, and its strength surpassed him by far.

This is the end of underestimating the enemy. He believes that the strength of a beast has a lot to do with the size of its body, but in fact it has nothing to do with it. The strength comes from the overall quality of the body, and the strengthening of the body is largely determined by in blood.

The higher the bloodline level, the more powerful the grown beast will be.

So don't look at the six-meter-tall ones, they can be found everywhere in this mountain forest, but there are definitely not many ferocious beasts as strong as black bears, which caused Gao Jiuding to almost die.

With such an experience, every time Gao Jiuding encounters a fierce beast, Gao Jiuding is secretly vigilant. Unfortunately, he was too excited last time and forgot about this matter. Now that he has suffered a loss, he suddenly wakes up.

From then on, Gao Jiuding became more vigilant, and he never underestimated all the beasts.

Regardless of whether it is a large body or a short body, it is not underestimated, because this is an extremely dangerous world.

In this way, Gao Jiuding was looking for fierce beasts to fight to the death, while collecting elixir. He used the blood of countless ferocious beasts to continuously forge his own powerful body.

boom!There was a roar in the forest, and a huge bronze tripod vibrated, and then a figure jumped out of the tripod, he was Gao Jiuding.

At this moment, his whole body was glowing, and his blood-colored arrogance rose to a height of more than three meters.

The bones of Gao Jiuding's body were contending, and his blood was like a great river, surging and surging.

Even the most powerful ferocious beast here can't match the huge blood energy. Such a power makes it impossible to believe that this is a human being.

If he is a human-shaped beast, it will be more recognized.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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