The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1287 Bronze Battle Qi

Chapter 1287 Bronze Battle Qi
"The effect is getting worse and worse!" Standing beside the cauldron, Gao Jiuding frowned, not very happy, because the last few times, there was almost no effect.

At first, I thought it was because the potency of the medicine was not enough, but after adding several times the amount, the result was still the same.

That is to say, now he can no longer rely on this method to improve himself. It seems that he has reached the limit of the medicine's power, and the body can't absorb these medicines to improve.

Gao Jiuding was a little helpless, and only then did he discover a powerful path, but it didn't work in the end.

After thinking about this point, he was immediately depressed. If this is the case, wouldn't it be impossible to improve quickly?
Originally, he wanted to keep improving with this kind of practice until he broke through the limit of life, or break through the realm of Dao demigod, that is, the realm of pure yang. Unfortunately, it would be great if the limit is so easy to break through. Difficult to break through.

"It's impossible to improve and break through the limit of life, so what should we do?" Gao Jiuding pondered carefully.

He was not anxious, let alone disappointed, he just felt that this road could not move forward, so he should change another road!

At this moment, he clearly felt that his body seemed to have reached a limit.

And the flesh contained terrifying medicinal power, it seemed that after absorbing it, it couldn't achieve the effect, and it didn't allow his strength to continue to improve.

After these several medicinal baths, the colorful gas obtained from the Sea of ​​Consciousness is majestic. Even if it is absorbed into the body, more than half of it is still hidden in the body and has not been effectively absorbed into power.

The same is true for the medicinal power absorbed from the blood of various ferocious beasts and countless medicinal herbs. Many of them have not been effectively absorbed, have not been transformed into their own power, and are just backlogged in the body.

Now, Gao Jiuding is thinking about whether to find a way to absorb and refine the huge medicinal power hidden in his body, so that they can be completely transformed into his own foundation!

There are many ways to increase your background, such as fighting to the death, squeezing the limit of your own potential?This is one way.

But this method, Gao Jiuding is doing now, the effect is not very obvious.

"It still needs to be broken and then erected! I don't know, can you temper your body with the help of waterfalls?"

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding remembered that in that valley, there was a huge waterfall hundreds of meters high.

This is a good place. Can you temper your body with the help of the terrifying impact of the waterfall?
If it is in an ordinary place, such an idea is a joke, because Gao Jiuding's physical strength, not to mention a waterfall of hundreds of meters, even a deep sea of ​​tens of thousands of meters, may not cause the slightest damage to him.

But the environment here is different, just in an ordinary place, there is a hundred times the gravity, so how strong is the impact of a waterfall hundreds of meters high?

The most important thing is that this impact is still continuous.

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding decided to give it a try, after all the roads are made.

As for whether it is feasible, the only way is to practice, and only practice can produce truth.

He didn't stop, packed up his things, set off immediately, and returned to that valley.

He wanted to temper his physical body with the help of a huge waterfall, forcing out the medicinal power hidden in his body and absorbing it into strength.

Rumbling. In the distance, there was a rumbling sound. It was a huge waterfall.

The entire waterfall is hundreds of meters high and 100 meters wide, just like a galaxy descending from nine heavens, pouring down.

Although Gao Jiuding entered the valley, he had never approached this waterfall before, and it was even thousands of meters away.

But when he came back at this moment, after getting a little closer to this waterfall, he suddenly realized that this waterfall was too huge and terrifying.

The rumbling water was like a nine-day galaxy hanging upside down, rumbling.

When I got closer, I found that the cliffs in front stood side by side, and a violent waterfall in the middle hung upside down. The water was booming, like the Milky Way pouring down.

This may not be as simple as a waterfall, because the water is too fierce, it is like a torrent rushing down from the mountain stream, violently impacting down, forming terrifying waves, and the water mist alone rises hundreds of meters high.

The air wave swept in front of Bang Long, and the sound was like thunder rolling, shaking people's ears and making them dizzy.

Gao Jiuding's blood was churning, resisting the terrifying sound, even so, Gao Jiuding still felt very uncomfortable.

Ordinary people feel the same way facing ordinary waterfalls, right?

At this time, Gao Jiuding's face was full of shock. He wondered in his heart whether he was practicing with the help of the waterfall, or was he seeking death with the help of the waterfall?
The water potential of this waterfall is really too fierce, Gao Jiuding never imagined that the water can be so fierce!
Who said gentle like water?The water he touches now is not gentle at all. It can even be said that anyone who enters it is courting death.

However, I have come here, and I can retreat if I want to. After I can, I will plant a timid seed, and maybe I don’t know when it will take root.

"If you can't be strong, how can you survive? It's just a waterfall, it's just a hurdle in my cultivation, and I will definitely be able to cross it and surpass my own limit."

Gao Jiuding concentrated his will, strengthened himself, cut off all timidity and panic, and stepped forward. He faced the terrifying air wave and walked extremely firmly.

Since you have chosen to practice, you can't be afraid of these things, otherwise how can you continue to practice in the future?

Gao Jiuding had undergone a huge change in his heart, so that he would never feel powerless in the face of the Void Monster in the future, so he must fight tenaciously now.

But in the face of the falling waterfall, Gao Jiuding clearly knew that what he was facing was a mighty force, which belonged to the power of nature, and only then did he feel his insignificance.

However, after overcoming inner timidity, one must face up to difficulties, fight against this natural mighty force, achieve self-improvement, and surpass one limit after another.

The entire waterfall is composed of several huge streams of water. They rush down from the mountain stream hundreds of meters high, and under the action of gravity, they form an extremely heavy and huge waterfall.

Piece after piece of black things fell down with a bang, making a shocking sound, causing water waves to shake the sky.

It was a kind of rock, black and huge, at least tens of thousands of catties, and it was washed down from above, causing a terrible impact.

Gao Jiuding's complexion changed drastically. He looked at the scene in front of him and felt a little scared. He could still resist being hit by the water flow. If he encountered this kind of rock, it would be a disaster.

The impact of the rock, after the addition of the waterfall, it is impossible to imagine how strong it is, one hundred thousand catties, one million catties, or ten million catties?

Although these were frightening, Gao Jiuding's heart became more and more determined, and he did not back down.

He didn't want to find excuses to back off, so that future achievements would certainly not be as high.

If you make an excuse once, you will make excuses countless times in the future, so why practice?
When he got to this stone, Gao Jiuding had no reason to retreat. Only when he faced danger could he break through the limit, but when he really got close, Gao Jiuding immediately smiled wryly. Not to mention entering it, even if he got a little closer, he felt terrified.

Ahead, the vast flood seems to pour down from the nine heavens, and the power it produces is earth-shattering.

Human beings are small, but their hearts are strong. As long as they have a strong heart, Gao Jiuding believes that he will be able to conquer this huge waterfall like the Milky Way sooner or later.

"This place, if it is not the place where I am buried, is the place where I rise!"

Gao Jiuding suddenly raised his head to the sky and roared, and then stepped firmly into the turbulent water waves.

He has to face the extremely fierce current and the huge impact above, and he has to climb up to a protruding rock in front of him, where there is an extremely hard flat ground.

Only there can he stabilize his body and temper himself better, otherwise he can't even stand firm.

However, as soon as he entered the waterfall, Gao Jiuding was instantly submerged by the terrifying water waves.

Under the huge impact, Gao Jiuding almost rushed away directly.

"Ah..." he roared, using his arms hard, and fiercely grabbed into a huge rock, resisting the huge impact with difficulty.

The water flowed like a mountain torrent, rumbling past, Gao Jiuding's body trembled, and his eardrums were about to burst.

But in the end he resisted tenaciously, and then walked forward step by step with difficulty, the front is the place of tempering.

Ahead, where the waterfall hit, there was a piece of black rock that had not been broken by the current.

That place should be the scariest place, let alone standing on it, it was very difficult even in the past, just like Gao Jiuding, he could only rely on terrifying strength to finally climb that huge rock.

Rumbling. As soon as he came up, Gao Jiuding only felt his body. He could only lie on the rocks when he was hit by the violent water. He couldn't stand up at all. He even felt that his body was about to collapse under the impact.

The water flow hit from a height of hundreds of meters, it was so powerful that he couldn't bear it, almost in an instant, the huge water pressure made his blood overflow from his mouth and nose, and was washed away instantly .

This kind of tempering is not something ordinary monks can bear, but Gao Jiuding has no intention of giving up.

After he gradually got used to this impact, the blood in his body began to boil, and a breath rose from outside his body. This breath was more fierce than the protective energy, and it could be said that it immediately blocked the rush of the waterfall violently as soon as it appeared.

Gao Jiuding knew that this was the bronze fighting spirit he cultivated, the unique body training method he got from the ancient city, and it was this breath that supported his body and stood up bit by bit.

boom!But in the next moment, a terrifying impact washed it away, and it instantly fell into the water waves below.

In this way, Gao Jiuding climbed up again and again, and was washed down again and again, but he persisted tenaciously, and finally managed to gain a firm foothold.

"The sharpening has just begun!" Gao Jiuding stood on the rock, and a thought flashed in his heart.

His body trembled against the terrifying impact, trying to break through the limit of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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