The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1288: Mysterious and Mysterious

Chapter 1288: Mysterious and Mysterious
Under the waterfall, the outermost part of this black smooth rock has the least impact, but it also has a force of millions of catties, not to mention the place in front of it perpendicular to the waterfall, where the flowing water has an unimaginable impact force.

This time, Gao Jiuding conducted a long tempering here, completely forgetting himself.

He seems to have forgotten everything about himself, his power, and everything. The only thing he remembers is to persevere and continue to break through the limit, constantly breaking the limit of his own life.

Day by day, Gao Jiuding practiced hard every day without stopping.

In an environment with a hundred times the gravity, he was still under the impact of millions of catties of waterfalls, and sometimes even faced the impact of rocks and wood blocks.

Under this huge waterfall, they bear the impact like a high-pressure water gun, burn their muscles and bones, temper their bodies, squeeze out the potential hidden in their bodies, and improve their physical fitness.

This was a boring and lengthy process, and it was even a dangerous one, but he persisted without hesitation.

He knew very well that if he wanted to become powerful, he had to endure such pains, and only in this way could he forge a strong physical body.

The huge waterfall hangs upside down like the Milky Way. Just looking at it from a distance, it feels terrifying and shocking.

There are also big rocks that slide down from the top of the mountain from time to time, tumble down, and come with the force of the water, forming a terrible impact.

Such a rock, even if it is about ten centimeters in diameter, has the strength of thousands of catties. After all, there is a factor of a hundred times the gravity here, and of course, there is also the bonus of the impact of the waterfall.

With the accelerated impact of high altitude and water flow, these large and small rocks, like huge meteors, slipped down from the sky, causing terrible shocks.

Standing under the waterfall, Gao Jiuding kept enduring the impact of huge force. His body trembled and his blood boiled, forming a powerful aura.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly raised his head. Although he couldn't see the boulder rushing down from above, he could faintly feel a terrifying pressure.

boom!I saw him suddenly raised his arm and swung his fist straight to hit it.

With a bang, a hard boulder was torn apart, setting off a wave of whiteness.

This is a piece of crushed stone, weighing only a few thousand kilograms, not too big, but the impact it brings is not small at all.

The stones fell from the sky with the water, and the impact force was tens of thousands of catties, but such a galloping horse was crushed by his punch.

However, if you look carefully, you can find traces of bright red on Gao Jiuding's fist, which was quickly washed away by the water.

Now, after getting used to it, Gao Jiuding has managed to move forward a little bit. He is enduring the greater impact of the flowing water above, and even encounters some boulders from time to time, which roll down and hit him. He is almost smashed into a pulp several times.

But if he persevered, he would gain a lot. The improvement in strength was still secondary. The hidden potential in his body was stimulated and gradually turned into nutrients for improving his physical fitness, which began to allow his entire physical body to achieve perfect evolution.

This is a huge improvement, so his efforts are rewarded.

Gao Jiuding did not hesitate to put himself in danger, put in his sweat and blood, just to obtain a greater improvement, and now it has begun to bear fruit!
Boom!The white waterfall forms the trend of the Tianhe River pouring down from the nine heavens, as if it is going to wash away the earth.

The majestic power is shocking from a distance, not to mention being under such a waterfall and bearing the impact.

This is not something that ordinary people can do, but there is one person who did it and persisted to reach today's level.

Gao Jiuding has become very calm, and his heart has become more determined, and his will has become more brilliant and transparent after repeated failures.

Confronting the mighty power of nature is not so easy. Many people can say it but may not be able to do it, but Gao Jiuding can do it. He can do it if he can say it, and he can do it even better.

This is a kind of persistence. Tempering oneself in such a harsh environment not only improves the physical body, but also greatly improves the will of the soul.

boom!Suddenly, another huge black rock rolled down from above the waterfall, making a roar.

This huge boulder is very large, more than one meter long. It is not known how heavy the impact is on the carrier of such a large stone. If it is allowed to fall like this, no matter how powerful a monk is, it will be blasted into a pulp.

However, Gao Jiuding under the waterfall didn't feel anything, he didn't seem to feel this huge rock.

The boulder rolled down and hit him directly on top of his head, but he really didn't seem to notice it.

Gao Jiuding put all his heart and soul into his cultivation, and he persisted in this despite the huge impact.

There was a roar all around, like a sky thunder exploding, oscillating back and forth in my ears endlessly.

boom!In the blink of an eye, the boulder rolled down and hit Gao Jiuding directly. In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere, staining the white waves red.

Gao Jiuding was hit, and his whole body was severely injured, and he couldn't even float up from the water.

He has no fear, only a tenacious idea, the will to survive.

It is very dangerous to temper the body in such an environment. He had expected this for a long time, so he was not surprised when he was hit.

Now it's just a crisis, and the result is already considered good.

Gao Jiuding, who came back to his senses, immediately checked his injuries.

At this time, the bones of his whole body were shattered, bright red blood seeped out of his body, and even the top of his head was almost sunken.

That blow was so violent that it was basically unbearable. Even with Gao Jiuding's powerful physical body, he was still severely injured.

Fortunately, his body is strong enough, and there is a huge medicinal power hidden inside his body. The moment his body was destroyed, it immediately began to take effect. This time, his body did not collapse immediately, and as time went by, Still recovering gradually.

boom!After a long time, Gao Jiuding rushed up from the water, causing a wave of water.

I saw that he quickly jumped onto the shore, sat cross-legged quickly with a pale face, and calmly recuperated and transported blood to recover from his injuries.

Gao Jiuding did not take Xianquan Jinye, although he could recover quickly after taking it, but this has great restrictions on the growth of the physical body. It's unnecessary, because the foundation accumulated in Gao Jiuding's body does not need to be supplemented by Xianquan gold liquid.

Now he transfers blood energy to recover his own injuries, which can further strengthen a kind of self-evolution of the physical body.

An hour, two hours passed, Gao Jiuding's blood was transpiring, forming a three-foot arrogance, which shot straight at the sky.

Soon, he opened his eyes.

With a chirping sound, two sharp edges appeared, piercing the surrounding air.

His aura returned to its peak, his physical body became stronger, and his blood became more intense. The smoke of energy that appeared unintentionally seemed to form a real flame.

As soon as Gao Jiuding moved his body, he saw him rushing quickly, rushing down the waterfall again, and began to practice again.

In this way, Gao Jiuding practiced hard here day after day until he gradually withstood the huge impact.

Later, Gao Jiuding even practiced boxing under the waterfall.

This is a kind of improvement. In the past, let alone practicing boxing, even standing was unstable, let alone practicing boxing like now.

boom!boom!boom!Bursts of muffled thunder came from under the waterfall, as if a thunderbolt exploded.

But I saw a figure, waving his arms under the waterfall, punching continuously, even punching punch after punch to the waterfall rushing down overhead.

That punch was very heavy, but the impact of the waterfall was even greater, and it was just a punch.It can't cause too much impact at all, let alone impacting the waterfall, so if you want to offset the impact of the waterfall, you must hit a series of fists, and this is a test of the body, which is really too great.

But the more this happened, Gao Jiuding waved his fists more diligently, punching and fighting against the waterfall.

Tempering his body like this is even more difficult than fighting with a beast. It doesn't take long to swing his fists, and he will feel sore.

However, if he can perform at a normal level here, after leaving the waterfall, he will definitely be able to erupt with even more terrifying power.

Moreover, as time passed, Gao Jiuding was submerged in a feeling.

In the end, he even immersed himself in it, as if he was in a mighty power and felt himself.

This is an epiphany, and he has entered a mysterious and mysterious realm.

As time passed, Gao Jiuding seemed to be possessed by a demon, and he instinctively waved his fists without self-control.

Gao Jiuding's mind was completely lost in the cultivation, he seemed to have entered some kind of magical realm, and was comprehending something with infinite joy.

At this moment, as he continued to wave his fists, a faint power was born from his body.

It was very weak at the beginning, but after gradually condensing, it became stronger and stronger, and even gave people a feeling that he was a wild and ferocious beast.

This is the power of a powerful beast. When this power was condensed to its peak, Gao Jiuding's aura suddenly changed, turning into a tyrannical aura that entangled and radiated from his body.

This is a fighting spirit, and it is also a domineering force. It is a strong and unreasonable force, and it is extremely domineering.

And when this aura condensed to its peak, Gao Jiuding's aura changed again, turning into a more majestic aura.

This breath is very strange, like a natural power.

This momentum is very similar to the majesty of the waterfall in front of him.

Gao Jiuding's own breath is blending into the waterfall, or imitating some characteristics of the waterfall.

Especially his fist, which is like a tide, which is exactly the same as the characteristics of a waterfall.

With the change of Gao Jiuding's momentum, a faint light appeared on his fist, which was the gathering of fighting spirit.

Gao Jiuding's body kept swinging his fists in this white waterfall, while his mind was immersed in the boundless comprehension, and this comprehension became more and more profound.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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