Chapter 1289
I don't know how much time has passed, but Gao Jiuding has been under the waterfall, punching non-stop. His fist like the tide has blocked the waterfall that is flying straight down.

At the beginning, it was confrontation, then he used strength to defend against strength, and then he used strength to fight against strength. In the end, he simply turned into flowing water, as if he was about to merge with the waterfall.

This is the so-called epiphany in the legend?Gao Jiuding didn't know if this was an epiphany, but he knew that his soul and body were changing!

The supernatural powers come from the body. This time Gao Jiuding used boxing to drive the supernatural powers to comprehend a lot of things, the most important thing is the supernatural powers of water control.

Water benefits all things without fighting?No, water drips through stone, although water is soft, it overcomes everything!

Pulling a knife cuts off the water and makes it flow more, but continuous fists can block the flow of water like a tide, this is water against water!

Gao Jiuding's water-type supernatural powers, which he inherited from the water and fire python, finally achieved great success on this day, or he finally made this great supernatural power his own.

In this way, Gao Jiuding practiced penance here day after day, month after month, he forgot the time, himself, and everything, only remembering that the whole person seemed to be transformed into a huge waterfall.

Under such comprehension, Gao Jiuding's body gradually walked toward the center of the waterfall instinctively. The impact there was incomparable, and it was simply unbearable for human beings.

Gao Jiuding just approached little by little, very slowly, as if he was adapting to the increased impact.

As time passed, his body was glowing, shining with jade light, as if he was a dummy made of colored glass.

From the outside, this makes people very curious. The figure under the waterfall is as white as jade, exuding a kind of hazy precious light.

As the precious light became brighter and brighter, Gao Jiuding's qi and blood were also aroused, and his blood qi rushed up to Tianling three feet, then four feet, then six feet, and it is still growing slowly.

This is a kind of progress, and it is a proof of the exuberance and strength of blood. As Gao Jiuding continued to swing his fists, the impact of the waterfall was even faintly stagnated by a punch.

Cultivating without sun and moon, Gao Jiuding himself didn't know how long he had practiced here.

There is only one thought in his mind, which is to keep going, persevere, and break through the limit of human life bit by bit.

Breaking through the limits of the human body every time brought him great joy, but in the end such joy gradually faded, and finally disappeared in the bottom of his heart, as if he would no longer be excited about these improvements.

Time passed day by day, he practiced so hard day and night, his body became stronger little by little, the power of the medicine hidden in his body was gradually stimulated, and then his life potential exploded, breaking through the limit again and again.

However, this kind of practice is extremely dangerous. Gao Jiuding almost died under the waterfall many times.

Many boulders fell from the cliff waterfall, and with the impact of the water, it caused great damage to him.

Many times, his body was smashed to pieces, and he was even thrown into the big river by the impact. With the turbulent river, he rushed out of the valley for a long distance, but he came back again and again to continue his cultivation.

Under the danger of life and death, Gao Jiuding finally persevered tenaciously, and he obtained a great transformation, this time it must be an all-round life transformation.

Time passed, the sun and the moon rose and set at the same time, and another six months passed in the blink of an eye.

Today's time, in terms of cultivation efficiency, one day is equivalent to the previous two days, or even three days, and these six months are more than a year.

And this is because Gao Jiuding didn't use the space-time God Realm inside the pagoda.

Sometimes during the intervals of cultivation, Gao Jiuding still fantasized about whether he could directly bring this asteroid into the space of the pagoda?

If it can be collected, then he will be developed, not to mention other things, but this waterfall is very useful to him.

For such a large asteroid, although the pagoda has enough space to carry it, Gao Jiuding has no choice but to cut off the traction force between the asteroid and the surrounding stars, so as to take it away.

And this force is expressed by the gravity, or weight, of the asteroid.

There is also weight in the vacuum of the universe, these are caused by gravity, there is definitely mass here, and this asteroid with a high density has even greater weight!
Gao Jiuding seems to have forgotten the passage of time, he practiced in the valley for a year.

In the valley, there was a torrential flood. The heavy rain had just passed, and countless muddy water gathered to form a mighty torrent, which rolled back from the cliff. The water was so fierce that it seemed to be able to destroy the sky and the earth.

The originally white waterfall turned into a more terrifying deep yellow mountain torrent, which was turbid and terrifying.

It contains countless dangers, and from time to time, boulders and giant trees roll down with the mountain torrents.

boom!On the cliff, a huge ancient tree tumbled and fell down.

This giant log was eight meters thick, and it fell straight down the waterfall. The thunderous momentum was simply appalling.

However, at this moment, under the waterfall, a figure could be vaguely seen, standing firmly below, despite the impact of the flowing water, it still stood firm.

Gao Jiuding just remained motionless, as if he was a statue.

And the giant tree whistling and rolling down from the top of his head fell down with great power, even when it was about to bombard him, it didn't attract Gao Jiuding's attention.

Boom!There was a loud noise, earth-shattering.

When the flood broke out, there were pieces of wood flying across, and the giant tree was torn apart by the touch.

What's even more shocking is that the figure just swayed for a while and then it's fine, as if the giant log that fell just now was fake, but the broken pieces of wood around it are so real.

I don't know how big the impact force carried by this giant wood is, but the giant tree carrying natural mighty power can't shake that figure unexpectedly.

In the mountain torrent, black rocks rolled down from the top of the mountain. These rocks rushed down with the current and quickly hit the figure.

boom!There was another loud noise, and the rock shattered, setting off a stormy sea.

Any piece of rock weighs tens of thousands of kilograms. With the impact of fierce mountain torrents, it must have at least hundreds of thousands of kilograms of force, right?
The current situation is just like iron eggs with a strength of hundreds of thousands of catties, constantly hitting Gao Jiuding.

But all of this still couldn't shake Gao Jiuding.

I saw his body glowing, like a portrait carved from precious jade, but he easily smashed the rock to pieces.

Instead of being smashed to pieces by rocks, the rocks that fell like meteors were hit to pieces.

Even Gao Jiuding didn't expect that his current body would become so terrifying.

Giant trees and rocks rolled down, and with the impact of the mountain torrent, they hit him again and again, but they couldn't shake him at all.

On the rumbling cliff, mud landslides, a large number of rocks and weeds rolled down, and some trees were rolled and impacted down, forming a terrifying torrent.

This mountain torrent formed a mudslide and crashed down from the high mountain. The momentum definitely has the possibility of destroying everything.

And below, Gao Jiuding suddenly raised his head, and his calm eyes showed wisps of sharpness.

He didn't dodge the terrifying impact of mud and rocks, but instead his body shook, and wisps of light film emitted. At this time, Gao Jiuding's entire body was glowing like precious jade.

His whole body was as white as jade, and when the gravel hit it, there was a sound.

In the end, the huge rock, accompanied by mud, crashed down, forming a force of destruction and engulfing it.

"Open!" Suddenly, a loud shout came from the mudslide, shaking all directions.

Then, I saw a violent force erupting suddenly.

There was a turbulent wave, impacting on the rocks, causing the rocks to shatter, causing the giant trees to fly across, and the torrent torrent, all of which stagnated in an instant.

Gao Jiuding swung his fists and punched up. Facing the terrifying torrent, he punched one after another until the mudslides and mountain torrents that rushed down his head all began to stagnate. This time, the signs of stagnation were more obvious.

boom!As Gao Jiuding erupted, a corner of the waterfall in front suddenly exploded, forming a short-term suspension.

As the mudslide was blown away, a perfect figure appeared inside, and this person was Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding's long hair danced wildly, looking very elegant. At this time, the water of the waterfall obviously couldn't penetrate his body, which made his long hair dance like in the wind.

His body is muscular and powerful, exuding a powerful force, and the lustrous luster faintly reflects the internal organs, muscles, bones and veins in his body.

This is the characteristic of water-type supernatural powers. At this time, Gao Jiuding's body is like a huge crystal carved out, transparent and glowing!
It was just a fist that stopped the corner of the waterfall. Although it was only a small corner, the impact it formed was unparalleled. Even the mighty power of nature couldn't resist such an attack, let alone ordinary monks.

At this moment, facing the terrifying mountain torrents, Gao Jiuding kept waving his fists, as if he wanted to beat the entire waterfall to a halt.

Following Gao Jiuding's movements and his fists, the water stagnated, rocks shattered, and giant trees flew horizontally.

Suddenly, the actually majestic waterfall receded step by step.

Finally, with a heavy punch, a terrifying vacuum appeared in the sky above the waterfall in front of him, like a dragon in the water, flying out of the sea and going upstream against the current.

boom!Gao Jiuding flew up, and then quickly landed, he had escaped from the impact of the terrifying waterfall.

Gao Jiuding stood not far away, watching quietly.

The torrent in front of him could no longer threaten him.

He stood there for a long time, with regret in his eyes.

"In one year, the medicinal power and potential in the body have been exhausted." Gao Jiuding said with some regret looking at the terrifying torrent.

In the past year, he practiced here day and night, without stopping for a moment. In the end, he simply sat cross-legged under the impact of the flood to rest and recuperate, and never came out to recuperate.

Under such extreme tempering, he finally obtained a huge improvement, and his physical body at this time has been transformed again and again.

Rapid growth to the present level seems to have reached a limit again, and Gao Jiuding feels that the limit this time is the real limit, because he unexpectedly has no means to break through again.

(End of this chapter)

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