The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1291 Perfect Mount

Chapter 1291 Perfect Mount
This giant beast with five horns not only has a powerful attack weapon, it also has this shiny metallic shield.

Just by looking at it with eyes, one can tell that the scale armor like a shield is extremely hard.

A pair of terrifying horns are the most ferocious weapons, not to mention the big head behind the horns, and the head shield that is like adding armor to a truck. You don't need to think about it, such a giant beast must have an impact. Terrifying.

Also, judging from the strength of the blood energy that emanates, it must be quite strong.

Roar!Suddenly, the five-cornered beast turned around and stared at it, roaring ferociously, as if warning something.

There, there was a figure standing on the tree trunk, and it found it, which made the giant beast feel very angry.

Compared with other giant beasts, this five-horned Yalong beast is not huge, but when it turns around, its power is revealed, and the rumbling sound represents its powerful strength!

The thick limbs of the pentagonal dragon cracked the ground, forming four large craters. Its proud giant head swayed, and the sharp horns gleamed with bloody sharpness, showing a fierce murderous intent.

Gao Jiuding became excited when he saw this, he had his eyes on this pentagon.

One is that the five-cornered beast is powerful, and the other is that the five-cornered beast is simply the most perfect incarnation.

Among the giant beasts that Gao Jiuding encountered, such a fierce beast with strong defensive power was the most suitable for refining as an incarnation.

He knew at a glance that this pentagonal sub-dragon beast was terrifying regardless of its speed and strength, not only the lethality of the sharp horns, but also the perfect defense of the shield, all of which were perfect defense incarnations that one could only dream of.

Gao Jiuding's heart was moved, and he even thought, if he could catch more pentagonal beasts, what kind of situation would it be like to form a tyrannical defensive unit like that?
Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding's blood fluctuated with excitement, which attracted the attention and vigilance of the five-cornered beast.

The person who came exuded a terrifying power, as if he was a Tyrannosaurus rex, which aroused the vigilance of the five-cornered beast.

hold head high!The five-cornered beast suddenly launched a violent attack, its huge body collided like a huge speeding train, and strands of cold light flickered on the sharp horns.

With a bang, the towering ancient tree in front of it collapsed, shattered and broken from the root of the tree. It was lifted up by the Pentagonal Yalong Beast, which was very terrifying.

Gao Jiuding's body flickered quickly, jumping and avoiding non-stop. Although it was very dangerous, he was more and more surprised.

The Wujiao Yalong beast in front of him has definitely reached his level of strength, which made him want to capture it alive.

what!Thinking about it, Gao Jiuding's figure rushed towards him at a high speed, and smashed down with a bang.

With a bang, the huge five-horned Yalong Beast was hit on the body, and rolled rumblingly to the ground, making a big hole.

This huge pentagon weighs at least a hundred tons. After all, the gravity here is abnormal, but now, it was knocked to the ground by Gao Jiuding's punch.

This is of course not that Gao Jiuding is more powerful than this giant beast, but that he is using his strength to fight, this is human wisdom.

Although the five-horned beast rolled on the ground, it was still extremely ferocious. It stood up quickly and roared again and again.

Although it is a herbivorous creature, it can survive in this environment, and its ferocity is not small at all. On the contrary, it is more like a powerful overlord-level beast, and even some adult pentagonal dragon beasts with strong bloodlines are all powerful. It is comparable to those ordinary flood dragons.

Boom!The crazy Pentadramon is terrifying, and it hits like a giant truck.

Its impact was terrifying, especially against those pair of sharp and slender horns.

And that's not all, when Gao Jiuding dodged the Wujiao Yalong beast's charge from one side, it just shook its head slightly, and the sharp horns on the other side immediately passed through the void, almost cutting through the space.

The space here is very stable. Even Gao Jiuding would not break the space if he didn't attack deliberately, and the five-horned Yalong beast just shook its head slightly, causing ripples in the space.

Everything on this asteroid is special, whether it is vegetation, or earth and rocks, under a hundred times the gravity of the earth, everything here is very solid.

And the natives living here can easily destroy these things, but there are not many beasts that can easily tear through the space.

The hardness of the five pointed horns of the Wujiao Yalong even exceeds many magic weapons. Unfortunately, the fierce beasts here do not know how to practice magic weapons. A pair of magic weapons.

Just imagine, with these five top-grade defense-breaking magic weapons like awls, would Gao Jiuding be his opponent?

Well, Gao Jiuding can still deal with it, but at that time, Gao Jiuding will not be so easy.

For this five-horned sub-dragon beast, Gao Jiuding liked it more and more the more he looked at it. Such a fierce beast was simply the most perfect incarnation.

In such a place where giant beasts are rampant, if a large number of five-cornered beasts can be refined to form a large army, they will be able to sweep away invincible.

Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate, and approached quickly, while waving his fists to hit. However, Gao Jiuding didn't use all his strength, he was really afraid that he would accidentally kill this Yalong beast.

The Pentagonal Dragon Beast is powerful, although its strength is not as terrifying as him, it is not something that ordinary creatures can resist.

However, this time it encountered a monster whose tiny body contained infinite power.

It couldn't bear this punch at all.

So, with just one click, the body of the Pentagonal Subdragon fell down with a bang.

This is the result of Gao Jiuding's training for more than a year. If he hadn't been constantly strengthening his body, he would definitely have spent a lot of effort to deal with such a fierce beast with extremely enhanced defense.

The Wujiao Yalong Beast struggled to get up, but unfortunately, Gao Jiuding wanted to catch it to refine it, so naturally he wouldn't let it get up, so he raised his fist again and smashed it down fiercely.

boom!Boom punch after punch, huge power was transmitted to the ground, and even the ground was shaking.

Gao Jiuding let go of the attack, and the Wujiao Yalong beast couldn't stop whining and screaming.

However, what surprised it was that this little creature actually lifted itself up.

Gao Jiuding exerted force with both hands, and the blood in his body exploded, causing him to lift up the pentagon weighing a hundred tons and smash it fiercely.

With a bang, the mountain in front of it trembled and began to slide.

The surrounding mountains collapsed, the trees were crushed, and smoke and dust soared into the sky, covering all directions.

The battle here didn't last long, and it was over. The powerful Pentagonal Dragon Beast was beaten to the ground and gasped for breath. It was bleeding all over its body, its skin was torn apart, and it was very miserable.

Ang. Pentagonal Yalong Beast wailed, and what flashed in its big eyes was not fear, but a kind of anger.

Although it doesn't eat meat, its own strength is not bad at all. It doesn't know how many giant beasts it has killed, but now, it was defeated by a small creature, and the ending is still so miserable.

However, Gao Jiuding didn't intend to kill it, but to use the Blood Soul Curse to control the five-horned beast.

He came to the front without any nonsense, as soon as he stretched out his palm, blood burst out immediately.

call out!A bright red symbol flickered, outlined by Gao Jiuding.

The symbol is very simple, but it gives people an ancient and mysterious atmosphere. You don't need to look at it to know that it contains some kind of magical power.

The symbol was broken into two halves, one half entered Gao Jiuding's eyebrows, and the other half rushed into the five-cornered beast's eyebrows, which was to form a control restriction.

However, the mighty Pentadramon resisted, wanting to reject such slavery.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding's will and soul are very strong, and the Wujiao Yalong Beast can't resist it at all. It can only become Gao Jiuding's captive.

Soon, the originally ferocious Wujiao Yalong became docile, and it seemed to feel that Gao Jiuding was very kind.

Ow!With a loud roar, it was filled with a wild and domineering atmosphere, and the powerful pentagonal dragon completely lost the will to resist.

Now Gao Jiuding naturally doesn't have time to refine its soul, so he can only domesticate it first, and then slowly brew this fierce beast when he has time.

The souls of these ferocious beasts are too weak, Gao Jiuding believes that he will have another gold-type defensive avatar within a short time.

Looking at the sluggish Wujiao Yalong Beast, Gao Jiuding took out a cup of Immortal Spring Gold Liquid and poured it down.

What surprised Gao Jiuding next was that after the pentagonal sub-dragon beast drank the golden liquid, its blood energy became even stronger, even more than doubled.

This is the bloodline evolution, and the bloodline of the pentagonal dragon is purer and stronger.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding clearly sensed that the strength of the Pentagonal Sub-Dragon Beast, which was already very powerful, has doubled in physical strength. This is really a terrifying phenomenon.

Even he himself felt the slightest trembling. Could this be the power of the higher bloodline?

The higher the bloodline, the greater the potential, that is, the better the aptitude. Does this mean that the aptitude of this monster even surpasses Gao Jiuding?
"Blood aptitude is really important, I must train my own blood well!" Gao Jiuding's expression was shocked, but his heart was extremely firm. He secretly vowed to improve his blood.

Although his bloodline has improved during the process of refining blood, it has not undergone fundamental qualitative changes.

"Take it easy!" Gao Jiuding said regretfully.

Bloodlines are innate and inherited, so it would be nice to be able to change them. How could it be so simple to evolve a bloodline equivalent to that of a divine beast?
However, Gao Jiuding believed that as long as he became an immortal, he would have the blood of an immortal, and that would be change.

"The road is still long!" After thinking clearly, Gao Jiuding sat excitedly on the neck of the Wujiao Yalong.

It just so happens that the huge head shield acts as a perfect defense for the body in front of him. This guy is born to be a perfect mount.

"Okay, it really is a perfect mount!" Gao Jiuding became excited, and he said with a smile: "The gravity here is abnormal, which is just not suitable for flying. It is not bad to have such a mount now. Of course, if you can comprehend the power of the domain, this mount will It has really become a perfect mount for a cultivator."

Just like that, Gao Jiuding rode the huge pentagonal sub-dragon beast and rumbled away, setting off another bloody storm in the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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