The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1292 Discovery of Fire Spirit

Chapter 1292 Discovery of Fire Spirit

In the mountains, countless ferocious beasts scattered and fled, and even those huge fierce birds avoided far away, not daring to approach Gao Jiuding and his group.

Just a five-horned subdragon beast has extremely strong combat power, not to mention Gao Jiuding sitting on this monster, this guy is the most terrifying monster.

Roar!A black bear roared in terror in front of it. It was extremely powerful and had a strong bloodline, but it would be a tragedy if it encountered such a terrifying existence.

A terrifying pentagonal sub-dragon beast charged with a bang. It was so fast that it almost crushed everything.

With a bang, two sharp horns directly pierced through the black bear's body, instantly killing it on the spot.

The huge bear corpse was collected by Gao Jiuding, and he continued to move forward!
Along the way, Gao Jiuding killed countless beasts in the depths of the mountain and fled in panic.

No ferocious beast dared to confront that five-horned sub-dragon, and even if it dared, it would still be pierced mercilessly by the five-horned sub-dragon to death.

Time flies, and another six months have passed, and the place where the Fire Spirit battleship is located has undergone great changes.

The biggest change is the base that Gao Jiuding needs, and the prototype has been completed!

The towering city walls, made of rock, greatly shocked these newcomers.

And once entering the checkpoint, it is another shock, the huge and spacious avenue, paved with bluestone, is smooth and clean.

There are rows of houses standing on both sides, all made of rocks, which makes people who come here for the first time feel a great shock.

The valley where all the buildings are located seems to be a huge city, which is divided into several huge areas, and in the middle of these large areas is a larger gathering area.

The entire central square is very vast, although it is very simple, it is extremely majestic, especially a hall in the center.

Gao Jiuding knew that this was built by the Huoling battleship based on the several teleportation halls he discovered.

I just don't know if the teleportation hall copied in this way can be used for ultra-long-distance teleportation!
After walking all over the asteroid, Gao Jiuding followed Huo Ling's guidance and returned here without finding any more powerful beasts.

Walking into the main hall, Gao Jiuding saw countless runes.

After a casual glance, Gao Jiuding discovered that it was actually some mysterious symbols similar to those in the ruins of an ancient city.

He really didn't expect that Huo Ling knew something about these avenue runes.

"Semi-finished products are useless at all!" Gao Jiuding knew from just a little observation that this teleportation hall was useless at all.

Sighing, Gao Jiuding released the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and went straight into it.

This time, he wandered around the asteroid, improved his cultivation a lot, even killed a lot of beasts, and learned about the situation here.

The most powerful beast here is equivalent to the body-refining cultivator of the Dharma-phase monk. It is not a real Dharma-phase monk. Only the body has reached the level of the Dharma-phase monk. Others, such as the soul and supernatural powers, have nothing. , don't talk about treasures.

This kind of beast that walks on one leg is not a big threat to Gao Jiuding now, so this place can be used as his back garden.

It's a pity that we didn't bring more people here, otherwise we would develop a large number of people if we developed this place a little bit.

"Master, please try the rice I made, made with the blood rice we cultivated!" Gui Changshou said excitedly at the dining table in a bamboo building.

Gao Jiuding looked at a bowl of rice that was as bright as bright red, and felt very novel.

The grains of this rice are full and crystal clear, like tiny rubies, exuding an amazing fragrance.

This was Gao Jiuding's first time eating this kind of rice, so he felt different after taking a mouthful of bloody rice.

Streaks of blood-colored gas were intertwined, and then the whole body was crystal clear, as if there was a red light shining from the inside.

These are precious blood rice, and they are finally harvested, so they can be eaten with peace of mind.

After eating the blood rice, Gao Jiuding's body emitted a faint red light.

In the end, traces of black air escaped from the pores all over his body, with an incomparably stench.

This is body waste gas, disease gas, etc., all washed out.

This is a kind of physical body cleansing and transformation, and it is a long-term change. As long as you eat this blood rice for a long time, even untrained people will have extremely vigorous blood, develop their strength bit by bit, and their talents will become better and better. high.

And this is the effect of the blood rice, the primary product of the blood elves that Gao Jiuding brought back.

If it turned out that Gao Jiuding didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing, after all, it wouldn't increase his strength much.

But now, Gao Jiuding is very clear that this kind of ordinary spiritual thing that can still affect his current body is the real good thing.

Now many good things in his hands have gradually become useless as his strength grows. It's not that the potency of the medicine has weakened, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to him.

However, this kind of blood rice, which does not seem to have a strong aura and can be mass-produced, can still work on his physical body, which is extraordinary.

To be able to still work on him now, and to strengthen his bloodline and talent, this is the best.

It took more than a year to explore the asteroid this time, which was absolutely beyond Gao Jiuding's expectation.

His cultivation has improved a lot this year, but he feeds on ferocious beasts almost every day, so this time he ate the sweet and delicious blood rice, which made his mouth full of fragrance!

Gao Jiuding devoured a bowl, then put down the small bowl and didn't move his chopsticks, even if there was another bowl in front of him, Gao Jiuding didn't want to move.

He knew that it was enough to eat such a bowl, and no matter how much he ate, it would be a waste.

Feeling the changes in his body, Gao Jiuding felt very satisfied.

If you eat such a bowl of blood rice before entering the mountain, maybe the effect will be stronger.

While eating, he sighed with emotion, Gao Jiuding is living a very comfortable life now.

In the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda, he is a god, and with the protection of the pagoda, Gao Jiuding believes that even if an immortal comes, he can't be crushed to death all at once.

Therefore, he was very relieved. This was the most reassuring period of time since he came to this starry sky.

In the next few days, Gao Jiuding lived very comfortably and easily. He would farm in the pagoda if he had nothing to do, or go out for a stroll.

It is a very strange thing that an asteroid that is not too big has such a strong gravity.

If ordinary people come here, they will definitely be crushed to death by gravity, but for Gao Jiuding, this is a good thing.

Using gravity to exercise his body is no longer enough. Even if he goes under the waterfall and receives the impact of rolling stones, it will not be of much use to him, but this cannot mean that this asteroid is useless to him.

Not to mention anything else, but the resources here are enough for Gao Jiuding to develop for a period of time.

Although this living planet is a bit small, it cannot be dismembered directly, so it needs to be carefully explored and excavated.

On this day, Gao Jiuding just discovered a piece of metal the size of a palm. Although he didn't know what kind of material it was, Gao Jiuding knew that it must be a high-grade material, but its density broke his imagination.

A piece of metal the size of a palm weighs at most ten kilograms on earth, but here, this small piece of metal weighs more than ten thousand kilograms, or five tons.

The size of a palm and the weight of five tons, what kind of concept is this?Most people don't even have the qualifications to move it!

"Gravity definitely affects density, so any kind of material here is very rare!"

Gao Jiuding happily put away the materials. He planned to go to the nearby star system to see if he could find a fairy fire after he passed the catastrophe.

Only immortal fire can smelt immortal materials. Gao Jiuding suspects that the heavy materials here are immortal materials.

"It's a pity that I can't disassemble it to take a look. Although this kind of complete material has a strong spiritual light, it can't be seen whether there is any fairy spirit!"

Thinking of the celestial spirit, Gao Jiuding thought of the Huoling battleship again, and he didn't know where Huoling went to wander, and he didn't come back for such a long time.

He has been training in the mountains for more than a year. Presumably, the fire spirit has smelted a lot of fairy materials, right?

The Huoling battleship at this time must have stronger combat power, so even if he leaves the asteroid, he should not be in danger.

Gao Jiuding sighed, it was still too dangerous here, and there were too many accidents after going out, so Gao Jiuding was still a little worried.

But it's useless to worry, he just wanted to enter the pagoda to see the Immortal Transformation Pond inside, how many immortal materials have been fused now, when he found a fiery red light and shadow flashing in front of Gao Jiuding.

The Fire Spirit battleship is back, and depending on the situation, it has not left the asteroid.

"Master, what do you think I found?" The Huoling battleship landed directly in front of Gao Jiuding. Its image at this time was actually a palm-sized model of an exquisite battleship!
"Are you comprehending supernatural powers?" Gao Jiuding said with a look of astonishment, looking at the little fireman stepping on the small battleship.

Huo Ling stretched out his palm with a smile, and said: "The longer the time, the stronger my ability to refine immortal materials, and now my cultivation base is still growing rapidly. Master, what do you think this is?"

In fact, Gao Jiuding had already seen it. What Huo Ling took out was a spar the size of an egg.

This spar is very similar to a spirit stone, but its aura is not too strong.

Seeing that Gao Jiuding didn't seem to take it seriously, Huo Ling showed a strange smile on his face.

Huo Ling continued: "Master, this is the thing. I obtained it from a group of beasts' lairs. Many beasts have been killed by me."

This spar was as big as an egg, crystal clear all over, shining with an astonishing bloody light, as if it was a ruby.

Although it looks amazing on the outside, what is it worth?
Gao Jiuding's eyes widened, wanting to see more details, and at this moment, his heart was shocked.

Gao Jiuding immediately took it over to check, and then his expression changed.

Not wanting to be underestimated by Huo Ling, Gao Jiuding entered the visualization space the moment he took it.

After doing various experiments in the visualization space, Gao Jiuding was immediately ecstatic.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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