The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1293 Blood spar mine

Chapter 1293 Blood spar mine

"This is a kind of spiritual stone, which contains rich energy, can be absorbed, and can improve the blood energy of the human body. It not only increases the spiritual energy of the human body, but also washes the blood vessels of the human body. It can also be used for cultivation. It is a precious and special spiritual stone. This is the first time I have seen a spirit stone. No, this is not the first time I have seen it. This is a spirit crystal? Why is it blood red?"

The more Gao Jiuding experimented, the more frightened he felt. This thing is simply a spirit crystal, a spar that contains fairy energy, and it is a kind of spirit crystal that he can easily absorb.

In principle, spirit crystals can only be tolerated by immortals. Even cultivators at the stage of transforming gods can only use the spirit energy inside the spirit crystal when they reach a certain level of cultivation and break through the realm of heaven and man. This part of the fairy spirit casts the foundation of the immortal way and achieves the immortal way.

Fairy energy is good, but ordinary people can't absorb it, and not only can't absorb it, but if they accidentally absorb it, they may explode their bodies.

If something is better, it is more conducive to cultivation. Even if it is a good thing, you must be qualified to use it.

"Master, do you know this is a good thing?" After Gao Jiuding came back to his senses, Huo Ling said proudly.

This is a blood crystal, its effect is astonishing, it can absorb the energy contained in it, improve the blood, this is to improve the qualifications, and it can also lay a solid foundation for the monks of the transformation stage or the pure yang stage, which can be used in cultivation The fairy stones used when they are low are more precious than ordinary spirit crystals.

Such a thing, it is impossible to find this one. At this moment, Gao Jiuding didn't care about Huo Ling, he asked directly: "How did you find this thing? Where did you find it?"

Huo Ling's face became serious, and he said, "Master, this is a piece of news I got after I went out to investigate. I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but after killing a ferocious beast by accident, I got it from its mouth. "

Gao Jiuding's eyes flickered after hearing this, and he said: "That is to say, you didn't discover this thing first? Was it discovered by a group of ferocious beasts?"

"Yes, those beasts are not weak. I have killed a lot of them, but I think there are still a lot left. Those beasts must have known by now that they are being targeted by us. What should we do now?" After Huo Ling finished speaking, he asked again.

Gao Jiuding walked back and forth in front of the teleportation hall, he felt a little heavy in his heart, how strong is the beast guarding such an important resource?

This matter is not easy to handle, the blood spar that can be absorbed is naturally a good thing, but if he can absorb it, so can the group of beasts.

I just don't know how long the group of ferocious beasts have occupied the blood spar. If it takes a long time, the strength of the group of ferocious beasts can be imagined.

"Where is it?" Soon, Gao Jiuding made a decision, and he asked immediately.

Regardless of the strength of the group of beasts, it is impossible for Gao Jiuding to give up a blood spar mine that may exist!
Since the battle was inevitable, Gao Jiuding no longer hesitated.

Huo Ling didn't hesitate: "On the opposite side of our valley, it's not this plain and mountains, but the highest peak of the mountains, or the narrow side of this asteroid. When I went there to investigate, I found this blood crystal vein by accident."

Gao Jiuding was a little speechless. On the side, there was a long and narrow ridge.

This asteroid is very special. It is a cuboid-like continent, with two sides as wide as a continent, and the closer to the other four sides, the steeper the terrain.

This is because the four sides are very narrow. Gao Jiuding has also observed the narrow cross-section of the asteroid that Huo Ling mentioned, and the side is relatively desolate.

He never thought that he would find a vein of spirit stone over there, but a vein of high-level spirit crystal.

I don't know how the blood spar was formed, but it does contain fairy spirit, which means it is a spirit crystal.

And this is a better blood spar than ordinary spirit crystals, because it is easier to be absorbed and refined by people.

Such spirit stone veins are very rare, and Gao Jiuding will never give up.

"Master, we should hurry up, I found that the group of ferocious beasts are not that powerful, at least I can kill a large group!" Huo Ling said.

"Go and have a look first!" Gao Jiuding said decisively.

Sitting on the Fire Spirit battleship, he came to the place almost instantly.

Maybe it's been on this asteroid for a long time, adapting to the gravity here, maybe the Huoling battleship is really strong, anyway, the gravity here has little effect on the Huolinging battleship.

Arriving at the destination, Gao Jiuding checked the situation below through the radar scanning inside the Huoling battleship.

It was indeed like a ridge below, rising above the ground level.

However, this is an asteroid, so even on this high ridge, it feels like being on flat ground, but the flat land here is a bit narrow.

"Master, the mineral lode is deep in that crack!" Huo Ling pointed to a hey crack.

Gao Jiuding found out that it was a huge ground fissure, which extended to both sides of the entire planet.

"I don't know how deep it is? If it is too deep, this asteroid may disintegrate!" Seeing the ground crack that runs through the entire asteroid, Gao Jiuding said a little worried.

"It should be deep inside the asteroid, but if it disintegrated, it would have disintegrated long ago, and it wouldn't wait until now!" Huo Ling said.

"Can you scan what's inside?" Gao Jiuding asked.

Huo Ling hesitated for a moment and said: "It seems that all the beasts here have run away!"

The Huoling battleship landed, Gao Jiuding appeared on the edge of the crack, the crack went straight up and down, it was very steep, and the crack went deep into the ground without knowing how deep it was.

"Maybe it's not a bad thing if the asteroid splits!" Gao Jiuding looked at the ground crack. If the asteroid is divided here, will it separate the two largest continents?

In this way, if it is broken into several pieces, will he have a chance to collect this asteroid into the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda of Heaven and Earth?
The length of this mountain ridge has reached [-] kilometers, but the width is only two kilometers, and a large crack of more than ten meters has opened in these two kilometers.

If the crack is two hundred kilometers deep, it means that the asteroid is likely to be divided into two halves.

Unfortunately, even if the two halves were separated, Gao Jiuding couldn't move it.

Also, if the fragmentation is too severe, will it affect the ecological environment in this small asteroid?
If it is divided into two pieces and the gravity is weakened, will the creatures on it be extinct?
"Go, go down and have a look!" Gao Jiuding also stood on top of the Huoling battleship, letting it drag him deep into the ground.

After entering the ground fissure, Gao Jiuding found that the fissures below were uneven, many places were steep slopes, and there were even some small plains.

Although the environment here is dark, such a place is full of aura, and it is not impossible for creatures to survive.

"There are still spiritual plants?" Gao Jiuding checked the situation here, and in just a while, he saw dozens of spiritual plants, all of which were very strong in absorbing spiritual energy, and all of them had strong medicinal value.

"These beasts were killed by you? It seems that there are no other beasts besides these beasts, right?" After looking for a long time, he searched hundreds of kilometers of ground fissures, but Gao Jiuding didn't find any of them. beast.

"I don't know what's going on?" Huo Ling asked with a puzzled expression.

Standing on a cliff, smelling the faint smell of blood, Gao Jiuding's expression became very strange.

He is very sensitive to the smell of blood, and he is even more obsessed with blood essence, because he can absorb the qi and blood emitted at will for his own use.

But now, he felt a little strange, the energy and blood seemed to be attracted to fall down.

"Go down and have a look!" Gao Jiuding became a little cautious.

Qi and blood don't run away on their own. In the current situation, it is only possible that they were attracted by something.

Following Gao Jiuding's guidance, the Huoling battleship quickly landed in the deepest part of the ground.

"What is that?" In a dark environment, the radar of the Fire Spirit battleship works best.

"Red light? No, it's blood light!" Gao Jiuding's clairvoyance was not a vegetarian either, he saw a strong spiritual light.

"That thing is attracting the blood energy above!" Huo Ling said immediately.

Gao Jiuding stepped on the Huoling battleship and had already come to the red light.

"Is it a ring?" Gao Jiuding looked at the ring that was shining with a strong red light, he couldn't believe that such a strange ring would be found here!

"Could it be that there is an old man hiding in it? Now it's absorbing blood essence to restore power?" Huo Ling said.

Gao Jiuding glanced at Huo Ling, this is what he thought too!
No matter how you look at it, this ring doesn't look like a spiritual weapon, so it can only be that there is a grandfather in it.

Gao Jiuding is not sensitive to such things, but it can't be left here without dealing with it. Also, what about the blood spar veins?
Gao Jiuding's mood became very bad, maybe there is no blood spar vein here at all.

He just said, spirit crystals are spirit crystals, how could they become blood crystals?
Thinking of the blood crystal, Gao Jiuding's complexion became even more ugly. This ring can suck blood. Who would believe it if it had nothing to do with the blood crystal?
Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding became cruel, and released a Blood God Son directly.

No matter why it sucks blood, it will not be a match for him, the ancestor of the blood demon.

If there is a hidden danger, you will know if you swallow it.

With just a flash, the Blood God Son wrapped the ring that was shining with a strong blood light, and began to quickly plunder the strong blood light around the ring.

These bloods are the purest qi and blood, how could Gao Jiuding let this ring be taken back?

Contrary to Gao Jiuding's expectation, there was nothing wrong with this ring.

The Blood God Son went very smoothly, devouring all the blood light, and then invaded the ring.

Again beyond Gao Jiuding's expectation, refining this ring is very easy, and there is no resistance in it at all.

Not to mention the grandfather who is with him, he doesn't even have a trace of the mark of the soul, and there is no restriction.

(End of this chapter)

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