The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1294 Space Blood Ring

Chapter 1294 Space Blood Ring

Gao Jiuding expressed that it was a bit strange that this extraordinary looking ring was actually undefended?It can be said that this is a space ring with the door open, anyone can open it.

Opening the ring, Gao Jiuding took advantage of the opportunity to see what was inside.

With a thought, he invaded the inside of the ring, and was instantly stunned by the vast space.

The space of this ring is huge, it seems to be much larger than the space of his pagoda, Gao Jiuding observed it carefully, and through scanning, he roughly estimated that the space of this ring is at least twice the space of the pagoda, which is simply Incredible.

"Could it be an illusion?" Gao Jiuding ruthlessly mobilized the Qi and blood in his body again to enrich the blood god child inside, and continued to refine this space ring.

No matter how you look at it, this interspatial ring capable of sucking blood is not simple.

Also, compared to the size of the pagoda, this space ring is really too small. This small space equipment can still carry such a large space. No matter how you think about it, it is because the material of the ring is very high.

This high-quality interspatial ring is so easy to refine, no matter how you think about it, Gao Jiuding feels uneasy.

However, no matter how Gao Jiuding refined it, he never discovered the problem with this ring.

Moreover, Gao Jiuding also discovered that this ring seems to be very compatible with the blood shadow magic skill he practiced, which made it easier for him to refine it.

I don't know how much time passed, Gao Jiuding felt that his qi and blood had invaded every corner of the ring, he had completely refined this space ring.

No grandfather was found, not even the spiritual body inside this space ring, that is to say, no matter how huge the space inside this space ring is, it is not a spiritual weapon.

This is just an ordinary space ring. It has no spirit body, not a spirit weapon. However, its internal space is really too large.

After completely refining this space ring, Gao Jiuding has confirmed that its internal space is indeed large, not illusory.

Inside the ring, countless supplies piled up like a mountain, and the most noticeable thing was that more than half of them turned out to be a bright red crystal.

This is a kind of magical crystal, the whole body is blood red, filled with a mysterious brilliance, and contains powerful energy. It is the blood crystal that Huo Ling just discovered.

"Blood crystal?" Gao Jiuding looked surprised, he looked at a crystal in his hand, it was a blood crystal.

Most of the things in this ring are these blood crystals.

Gao Jiuding was not happy when he found a lot of blood crystals, because the blood crystal veins were nothing to him.

Gao Jiuding's complexion was a bit ugly, he finally determined that there should be no blood crystal veins under this starry sky.

Of course, there should be spirit crystal veins, or even quite a few, but unfortunately he didn't find them here.

Gao Jiuding examined it carefully, and the more he looked at it, the more surprised he became. There were too many of these blood crystals, and the number was estimated to be tens of billions or more. This was a huge harvest.

There are so many blood crystals, and they have been mined, they are already much more valuable than ordinary spirit crystal veins.

"It's not as much as imagined. After all, the ground occupies half of the space. Forget it, a layer of ground is not bad! Haha, with so many blood crystals, it seems that we have made a fortune!" Gao Jiuding laughed loudly When he got up, he knew he was rich.

It is true that a lot of windfalls have been made. It is really surprising that there are so many blood crystals in this storage ring.

"This is a middle-grade blood crystal?" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding asked in surprise.

He suddenly discovered that some of the blood crystals were stored independently, and when he took them out, he found that they were higher-grade blood crystals, with rich blood and more powerful energy.

This middle-grade blood crystal gave him the feeling that it was much stronger than the low-grade blood crystal.

The energy contained in it is at least ten times that of a low-grade blood crystal, which is a more precious cultivation resource.

Gao Jiuding was excited. Looking at these blood crystals of higher quality, he couldn't calm down, because even if he discovered and mined a vein of blood crystals, it would be impossible for him to get such a harvest, let alone discovering them. The blood crystal of the product exists.

This is a higher-grade blood crystal, is there a higher-grade blood crystal?

Next, Gao Jiuding carefully checked the storage ring, and found that there were some particularly bright red blood crystals stored in one corner.

"Really, is this a high-grade blood crystal?"

Gao Jiuding looked at a blood crystal in his hand in shock. This blood essence was the size of a fist, crystal clear and full of blood.

Looking at the bloody light on it, it almost looks like it is about to bleed.

The whole blood essence exudes a trace of strong energy fluctuations, just touching it will cause the blood to boil.

This high-grade blood crystal contains more majestic energy, and it is very useful for Gao Jiuding.

Compared with the middle-grade blood crystals, the energy contained in the top-grade blood crystals is many times more majestic, even faintly reaching a hundred times more.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding was shocked and excited, this is really a big harvest.

At the same time, he wondered, whose ring is this?How do you have so many blood crystals?And such a high-quality blood crystal?
He checked the quantity, and there were at least a million middle-grade blood crystals, which was a terrifying number.

Those more than one million middle-grade blood crystals are even faintly more precious than the 200 billion low-grade blood crystals.

However, the number of high-grade blood crystals is rare, and roughly counted, there can be about one hundred thousand.

Gao Jiuding looked at the piles of blood crystals inside the ring in shock, he couldn't imagine how the owner of the ring was so rich?
"Could it be that guy is in charge of the blood crystal mine? Is this thing really produced by the mine?" Gao Jiuding was about to doubt his life.

If this kind of thing is not ore, how can so many be collected?
Gao Jiuding guessed that the owner of this ring must be a strong man from a certain big clan.

Otherwise, it is impossible for a mere expert to have so many blood crystals to cultivate.

Gao Jiuding thought, if he absorbed all these blood crystals, he would definitely achieve unparalleled growth.

This is a huge foundation. With these blood crystals, there will be no worries in cultivation. If you are not strong, you will really be a pig.

Even if a pig absorbs all the energy of these blood crystals, it is estimated that it can become a terrifying pig, not to mention Gao Jiuding, a person with a strong background?

"Are there any higher-level blood crystals?" At this moment, Gao Jiuding was very excited. He was vaguely looking forward to whether he had a higher-level blood crystal?
The more advanced this kind of thing is, the stronger its effect is, and the higher the grade, the more powerful the energy contained in the proof.

Gao Jiuding inspected it carefully, distinguishing it bit by bit, but he still didn't find it after a long time.

And just when he was about to give up, he found something strange in a small corner of the ring space.

"This is?" Gao Jiuding turned his hands over and took out something, which was a crystal.

It is indeed a crystal, but the blood light is very dim, not as strong and dazzling red light as the top-grade blood crystal, and the color seems to be a kind of dark red.

This crystal is also a blood crystal, but the light does not show, the breath does not leak, it seems to be just a dark red stone, nothing special.

But after a little experimentation, Gao Jiuding was shocked and then ecstatic.

This is a blood crystal, and it is a very high-grade blood crystal, even higher than the top-grade blood crystal.

"Extreme blood crystal? This is a kind of treasure that contains extremely huge energy and can be used for cultivation. It is nourished by high-level blood and blood to nourish large spar veins, and thus the number of treasures bred must be rare."

This top-quality blood crystal contains terrifying energy, but it has no brilliance, which is self-deprecating.

If you look at it from a distance, you will think it is a kind of red stone, which is nothing special.

However, this is exactly when the light of the gods fades and the treasures are covered with dust. This is a high-grade thing.

It looks inconspicuous on the outside, but inside it contains great mysteries and great energy. This is an extremely rare blood crystal, very precious.

"Sure enough, there is a super product that can absorb energy and blood to grow itself, and this storage ring is also a treasure. I didn't expect the things stored in it to be so amazing!" Gao Jiuding couldn't help being amazed.

He didn't expect that such a grade of blood crystals really existed, and he was even more convinced that this was a collective resource of a large race.

No matter who the owner of this storage ring is, he should be a powerful existence, but such a big man actually left the storage ring here.

Such an asteroid should be very inconspicuous in the surrounding starry sky, so this matter is very interesting.

"It's really dangerous here!" Gao Jiuding believed that as long as the owner of the storage ring survived, he would never discard these resources.

Therefore, after obtaining this ring, it also proved that a powerful race should be extinct.

And now these things have become Gao Jiuding's foundation, which also makes his foundation immediately become extremely profound.

Gao Jiuding's face was full of excitement. He counted carefully and found that there were more than 8 top-quality blood crystals in the ring, which was a bit surprising.

He was extremely excited, getting such a windfall was an unexpected joy.

Sure enough, horses are not fat without night grass, and people are not rich without windfalls!
This is a windfall, and it was picked up. Who would believe it?

Now so many materials have become Gao Jiuding's wealth background.

He tried his best to calm down the excitement in his heart, and then continued to check other things in the storage ring.

Soon, he discovered something. It was a large pile of materials, including a large number of weapons. Most of these weapons were made of beast bones.

Obviously, bone tools are mass-produced conventional weapons. In addition to these bone tools, there are also a lot of armor. These things are obviously more precious materials.

It seems that the owner of the ring is either the captain who delivered the supplies and these blood crystals, or his racial civilization has been wiped out.

"Weapons, armor, meat." Gao Jiuding counted them one by one, and found that most of them were weapons and armor, and a large part was meat, and there were also many neat tents piled up into mountains. These were marching supplies.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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