The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1295 Ancient Battleship

Chapter 1295 Ancient Battleship

Such a large amount of materials is the combat materials prepared for the war. It can be said to be very precious, and it is more useful to Gao Jiuding, because he also advocates large-scale large-scale combat.

Of course, the discovery of these things also gave him a warning, which showed that the power of cultivators here may be stronger than he imagined.

However, he can use these materials to improve his influence. As long as he is given time, he believes that his influence is not weaker than the natives here.

The harvest this time was extremely huge, and Gao Jiuding was very satisfied.

He thought excitedly, as long as these things are used, the entire force will be astonishingly improved.

Blood crystals are the most important means of improvement. This thing must be used. It is estimated that there are more than 200 billion low-grade blood crystals. It may be more than this number. He has not counted carefully.

These low-grade blood crystals should be used to make the power grow rapidly, this is the right way.

As for those blood crystals above middle grade, Gao Jiuding decided to use them for Song Yue, Yihu and others to practice.

Within the forces, the great commanders under him must also improve their own strength, otherwise they will not be able to suppress the rapidly expanding team.

As soon as Gao Jiuding thought of this, he had already decided on the usefulness of these materials, and he had no intention of enjoying them alone.

There are tens of billions of blood crystals, and it takes a long time to absorb them all by yourself.

And at the current level, it may even take ten or more than a hundred years, so it might as well be used to improve the internal forces.

Moreover, he thought that absorbing those higher quality blood crystals would have a better and stronger effect.

This is his idea. There are millions of high-grade blood crystals and tens of thousands of top-grade blood crystals. It can be said that they are much better than the tens of billions of low-grade blood crystals.

"What else?" Looking carefully at the space inside the storage ring, Gao Jiuding had some expectation.

This storage ring is an absolute treasure because it has so much room inside.

Gao Jiuding really doesn't know what kind of material this storage ring is made of, and it can actually carry this huge space.

The spiritual consciousness enveloped the ring space, and Gao Jiuding roughly estimated that this huge space is twice as large as the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

Gao Jiuding didn't know the size of the current pagoda space, but he knew that the interior area was very large, and there was a prototype of a small world.

But even so, the space of this storage ring is actually twice the space of the pagoda.

And most importantly, the size of this storage ring is much smaller than that of the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

When this interspatial ring was refined, it must have consumed very little material, and this proved that the materials used to refine the storage ring must be more advanced.

"Could it be fairy material? Doesn't that mean that this is the fairy world? But if it is really a fairy weapon, why is it so easy to refine? And what about the spirit inside it?"

Holding the storage ring, Gao Jiuding's vigilance increased a lot.

Now the Blood God Son released by Gao Jiuding is still infecting the storage ring, Gao Jiuding wants to practice this ring non-stop.

After a long time, he will definitely know if there are any hidden dangers.

"The most important thing now is to clean up the internal supplies!" Gao Jiuding's gaze quickly shifted to the inside of the ring.

Regardless of whether there is any hidden danger in this ring, it is impossible for him to give up the materials in the ring.

What he wants to see most now is what else is good.

Next, Gao Jiuding carefully inspected it bit by bit, and finally found a huge thing in a corner.

At first glance, Gao Jiuding didn't care, because the whole thing was mottled, even a little broken, so he thought it was rubbish.

But upon closer inspection, he felt something was wrong. He felt that the thing looked like a battleship.

"This is." Gao Jiuding was surprised, and in his mind, he clearly sensed a huge object.

Out of curiosity, Gao Jiuding took it out with a thought.

As a result, after a flash of light, there was a bang, and the whole ground trembled.

His face was stunned, his mouth was wide open, and he stared at it with a pair of eyes.

The appearance of this huge thing in front of him caused the ground to tremble, and the surrounding cliffs were about to collapse.

Gao Jiuding was very surprised. Looking around this thing, it seemed more and more like a spaceship.

He was not mistaken, it always felt very familiar, it seemed to be a very old spaceship.

"Yes, this place is in the starry sky. If there is no powerful aircraft, how can we come here? This should be an ancient battleship!"

Soon Gao Jiuding figured it out, the place where he is now is just an asteroid, and there should be many such asteroids in the surrounding starry sky.

Therefore, no matter who the owner of the ring is, if he can come here, if he does not rely on his own powerful strength, he must have a vehicle.

Apparently, Gao Jiuding found his vehicle, and it looked pretty good.

The more he looked at this battleship carefully, the more shocked Gao Jiuding felt in his heart. He looked at a huge thing in front of him, which was 50 meters high and more than 100 meters long. Just looking at this data, it seemed not too big, but it really Putting it in front of his eyes, it gave Gao Jiuding the feeling that it was too majestic.

50 meters high, as high as a dozen floors, this description should be more intuitive.

Although Gao Jiuding had quite a few warships in his hands, he had never seen a few of this huge warship.

Of course, like the demon battleship, like the Kunlun battleship he glanced at, those are definitely not small in size, but a dilapidated one and a glimpse of it can't bring enough shock to Gao Jiuding, and this one The boat was different, it was a giant in front of his eyes.

Seeing this battleship, Gao Jiuding felt at ease. This is because the battleship is very powerful, right?

I don't know this battleship, but I feel at ease just by looking at it. What kind of power is this?
This battleship was mottled all over, with a thick layer of copper rust. The broken hull was riddled with cracks, and some ferocious sharp spikes could be seen. Even Gao Jiuding saw broken lines.

These are runes. There are densely packed runes carved on the battleship, but unfortunately the light is dim and lacks brilliance.

Even, the entire battleship is a bit dilapidated, the runes are broken, and there are many amazing traces that can be seen. These dilapidated places make this battleship exude a desolate atmosphere of time.

"How can a dilapidated and ancient warship give people a sense of peace of mind?"

Gao Jiuding inspected it cautiously, and finally confirmed his guess. This thing is an ancient warship. It is cast in bronze, but unfortunately it is already dilapidated.

Through the runes on the inside and outside of this battleship, Gao Jiuding also discovered that this is a battleship refined using the method of refining ancient artifacts.

It is not made by casting, but refined by using the method of refining a little bit of inscribed runes.

The characteristic of ancient artifacts is firmness, and this battleship is very stable and safe at first glance, so it gave Gao Jiuding a feeling of peace of mind.

This is a battleship made entirely of bronze. The refining method should be the same as that of the ancient bronze city he has seen. It must have strong defense, but it is actually broken to the present level, and it is likely to be impossible. used.

Looking at the dilapidated battleship in front of him, no matter which mottled traces he looked at, he could vaguely see its supreme style back then.

Looking at this battleship, Gao Jiuding really didn't know what kind of situation the civilization in this starry sky is like?
Gao Jiuding looked at the battleship in front of him, and then thought of that magnificent ancient city, and immediately guessed how prosperous and powerful the civilization here is!

Judging from the things he obtained, whether it is the practice of mind, or ancient and powerful weapons, etc., it can prove that the civilization here is very strong.

"It's a pity." Gao Jiuding suddenly felt very sorry. He looked at the dilapidated battleship in front of him and couldn't help shaking his head.

Gao Jiuding felt that if this warship hadn't been damaged, it might be able to enhance his current strength and let him roam the world in this starry sky.

However, if the battleship is intact, it is impossible for the owner to discard this ring.

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding felt rejoicing inwardly. Fortunately, the battleship was broken, otherwise, where would he go to pick up this ring?
"If this ancient warship can be repaired." Gao Jiuding murmured, and then his eyes lit up.

He has just comprehended the way of ancient runes and obtained an introductory rune knowledge, and he has already been able to use part of it. Can he repair this battleship now?

Of course, if it can’t be repaired, it’s nothing, just take it as a reference. If part of the technology can be borrowed, will the Huoling battleship become stronger?

Gao Jiuding's heart became hot when he thought of how he was being chased by so many beasts in that colorful cloud star field.

Gao Jiuding became excited, he had already thought of his majestic figure criss-crossing the starry sky.

If you can repair this ancient battleship, it will definitely be of great benefit to you.

This ancient bronze warship must have been very powerful in its entirety, and if it could be repaired, it would be another treasure for me.

"Try it, you won't lose anything anyway!" Gao Jiuding made up his mind and started to act immediately.

When Gao Jiuding was exploring the ring, Huo Ling had already scanned the entire ground seam, and found nothing else.

It seems that the weirdness that happened here all came from this ring.

Putting away the ring, Gao Jiuding thought for a while, and simply took this crack as a secret base.

He found a suitable place, trimmed it a little, and created a cave, and then he used the formation plate to arrange enough formations to directly hide the crack.

At this time, Gao Jiuding returned to the ground, ready to study the ancient warship.

Of course, Gao Jiuding wasn't idle, he mainly wanted to get a treasure with strong defense power, so that combined with the pagoda, it would be safer for him to cross the tribulation.

After returning to the cave and setting up restrictions again to seal off all the surrounding space, Gao Jiuding took out the battleship and studied it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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