The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1296 Mysterious Black Stone

Chapter 1296 Mysterious Black Stone
Gao Jiuding carefully inspected the runes on the battleship. Only after comprehending these runes did he know how to repair them. If he didn't know the function, how to repair them?

But on this ancient battleship, the runes are too profound, even broken, and it is very difficult to comprehend.

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding has already entered the gate of the rune domain, otherwise I don't know how to understand it!
But despite this, it is still difficult to understand these ancient and incomplete runes.

He has to spend a lot of time and energy before he can comprehend the secrets.

Alas. Gao Jiuding sighed suddenly, and said with a wry smile: "This will take a long time? It seems that the crossing of the catastrophe will be postponed. Now, we must first comprehend these incomplete runes, and then repair the battleship, and then go out to cross the catastrophe. Good meal It's not too late, that's very important to me."

In fact, after seeing the growth of the Huoling Battleship, Gao Jiuding had some expectations, and after breaking through the limits of his body many times, he always had the urge to use runes to reshape his body, so he followed this opportunity, Before crossing the catastrophe, see if you can use these mysterious and ancient runes.

Gao Jiuding looked certain, but he was not in a hurry, but continued to comprehend the ancient runes on the battleship.

On the bronze battleship, there are mottled traces and incomplete runes, which are particularly difficult to comprehend.

But for a powerful treasure, Gao Jiuding still gritted his teeth and persisted, understanding it bit by bit.

As time passed, Huo Ling didn't feel anything at first, but in the next few days, Gao Jiuding didn't come out, and he was speechless.

This is a dangerous unknown starry sky, and Gao Jiuding left everything behind and spent more than a year cultivating, but now, he has no intention of coming out, it seems that he still needs his help to guard.

"This master, really." Huo Ling shook his head and smiled wryly for a while, and finally he simply ignored it. Anyway, he still had a lot of things to do, and he was already used to this master's style of doing things.

Gao Jiuding didn't know that Huo Ling was complaining, he was now comprehending the rune avenue on the bronze battleship.

I don't know how many years this battleship has existed. Anyway, the runes on it are deep and vast, and the consciousness invades it. It feels boundless and boundless, and it is impossible to see the edge.

Gao Jiuding completely forgot the time again, this comprehension took a month.

It is not easy to restore the ancient warship by comprehending the runes. It can be said that Gao Jiuding is using this warship to continuously deduce the manufacturing technology of this warship.

If he really repaired this battleship, it would not seem so difficult to build another one in the future.

There was a clanging sound from the cave where Gao Jiuding was located, which caught Huo Ling's attention.

He didn't quite understand, what the hell is this master doing?Didn't go out, is it beating some kind of metal?
Huo Ling didn't leave this time, but stared at the cave cautiously.

From there, there was an ancient and powerful aura vaguely, which was depressing. As long as the sound came out, there was a tendency to suppress the Quartet.

Moreover, from the clanging sound, Huo Ling faintly felt a kind of sharpness piercing through his body, as if a sharp sword was cutting the skin.

"What is Master doing?" The more he listened, the more surprised Huo Ling became.

He is a spirit body, even if there are some signs of materialization now, but he still has transcended the tribulation, and even so, when he gets close, he can still faintly feel the damage.

Huo Ling had to retreat quickly, and then he looked at the cave in shock. He couldn't imagine what Gao Jiuding was doing!
In fact, Gao Jiuding was repairing the bronze battleship. After a month of comprehension, he finally comprehended the runes on the battleship, and then began to repair it.

But what displeased Gao Jiuding was that this battleship was missing a large piece, as if it was incomplete.

Moreover, if the runes on it cannot be combined into one body, they cannot be displayed at all.

"Too bad, the battleship is incomplete, and a large piece is missing, how to repair it?"

Gao Jiuding was a little worried. After spending so much time and energy, he couldn't repair this battleship?

The most important thing was that he didn't have the materials to repair the battleship, because the whole battleship was missing a large piece, and the runes were incomplete, so it would not be possible to form a complete rune array.

He stared at the missing piece on the bronze battleship in front of him, feeling helpless.

Gao Jiuding felt that his knowledge was not enough. Without the knowledge of refining weapons, it would be difficult to restore this ancient warship.

And, most importantly, he has no material to repair.

Without a little powerful material to fuse, how can we repair this powerful battleship?

And the whole body of this ancient battleship is made of bronze, but it is not ordinary bronze.

After careful inspection, I found that these bronzes were definitely high-grade bronzes, and they were different from all the spiritual mines I found far away from myself.

This kind of bronze looks like ordinary bronze on the outside, but if you study it carefully, you will find that it has a high density and a very hard texture. At least the materials that Gao Jiuding discovered before are not as good as its performance.

Without materials, there is nothing to do, and when Gao Jiuding thought of giving up temporarily and repairing after finding suitable materials, he instinctively thought of something, which was a good material that he didn't know exactly what it was.

"Is this thing metal? Can it be smelted?" Gao Jiuding looked expectantly, and took out a black stone the size of a human head.

This stone is very heavy, it can feel as heavy as tens of thousands of catties, but if you think about it, it may be more than that heavy.

He discovered this thing in the nest of the giant ominous bird, perhaps it was because of it that a giant bird egg mutated.

Of course, taking it out can be regarded as Gao Jiuding's dead horse as a living horse doctor, and it is even more emergency medical treatment.

Gao Jiuding had a certain look on his face, and with a cracking sound, the ore was stuffed into a crack in the battleship.

Leaving other things aside, Gao Jiuding wanted to experiment first, whether he could smelt this battleship.

If not, then the countless cracks on the battleship cannot be repaired, even if he knows how to inscribe the runes on the battleship, he cannot repair it.

However, things were beyond Gao Jiuding's expectation, as the black ore approached the battleship, a great change occurred.

Gao Jiuding only saw a wisp of black gas emanating from the air, almost making him unable to grasp this piece of ore.

"What is this?" In an instant, black air filled the air, exuding an extremely heavy pressure, which was suffocating.

Gao Jiuding's complexion changed drastically, before he understood what was going on, the bronze battleship in front of him suddenly shook, and with a buzzing sound, countless runes seemed to be revived from the ancient years, making it shine brightly.

boom!A ray of light, extremely condensed, enveloped the jet-black ore in an instant.

This ray of light disappeared in an instant, and with a clang, the appearance of the bronze battleship finally shattered.

Gao Jiuding looked at the scene in shock, the bronze battleship was recovering, and the runes on it were shining, flying and intertwining all over the sky, forming a terrifying scene.

Moreover, that piece of ore was instantly swallowed by this flying rune.

Gao Jiuding could see clearly that the shell of the rock shattered immediately after it touched the flying rune, and an extremely thick black air emerged, covering the entire battleship.

There was a roar and vibration, and the terrible black air was extremely heavy, wriggling like life, wrapping the entire bronze battleship, rolling back and forth, and finally entering the battleship.

Then, Gao Jiuding's face changed, and he saw a pitch-black liquid spread along the entire battleship, covering and invading the battleship bit by bit, as if the battleship swallowed it by itself.

This situation attracted Gao Jiuding's attention and made him extremely vigilant.

However, he had another doubt. He was curious about that piece of black ore, what was it?Why caused the recovery of the battleship?
What is that black liquid?It seems to be able to repair the battleship.

Gao Jiuding couldn't get answers to these doubts, because the bronze warship devoured itself, and there was no time to check what was inside the black ore.


There was a burst of clanging and clanging, exuding an ancient and vicissitudes of life, and the bronze battleship was completely restored.

Under the vibration of the battleship, the original mottled copper rust peeled off one after another, revealing a brand new light.

After a long time, an ancient and complete battleship appeared in front of Gao Jiuding.

The whole body of the battleship flickered with blue light, and the runes danced and intertwined, faintly circling the entire battleship, forming a strange combination of lines, which unexpectedly derived a mysterious force.

hum!The battleship shook for an instant, and Gao Jiuding came to his senses. He immediately slapped the battleship, and a bloody light appeared and disappeared into the battleship in an instant.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was no longer the same as in the past, and the blood that he turned into now contained a stronger will.

The battleship was shrouded in blood, and immediately turned bright red. Finally, the battleship strangely absorbed the blood, turned into a ray of light, rushed into Gao Jiuding's eyebrows, and disappeared.

"That's it?" Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded, is this a success?

The dilapidated ancient battleship, has it really been repaired?

He felt very unreal, as if it was too easy, and there was an incredible idea.

An ancient bronze battleship, just repaired by him?Has the battleship completely returned to its original style?

Of course, the power contained in it must have weakened, which is the result of years of erosion.

The bronze battleship was repaired, and the light flew into the eyebrows, causing Gao Jiuding to be surprised.

This battleship seems to be very different from what he imagined. He thought it was similar to the Fire Spirit battleship, but now it seems that this is not a battleship, it is a magic weapon!

It is so easy to enter the sea of ​​consciousness, it seems that it is still a Horcrux, or simply called a divine weapon!
This is different from the Fire Spirit battleship, and even more different from the Xuanwu battleship and Fox battleship.

Xuanwu and Fox can't be refined at all. Of course, this is also related to the fact that Jiuding's strength is too weak.

The Fire Spirit battleship can be refined, but it is definitely not as easy as this bronze battleship.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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