Chapter 1300 Golden God
A clanging sound came from the sky filled with thunder, and the figure flickered. He waved his fist and bombarded the four directions. The thunder shattered one after another, and then was absorbed by Gao Jiuding's body, and finally turned into a powerful nutrient.

Gao Jiuding absorbs the golden thunder to temper his body. This is a great supernatural power. No matter how well-informed monks say it, it will be unbelievable.

However, he really did it, and he did it with ease.

Boom!The void trembled, and thunderclouds rolled.

Jieyun seemed to be stimulated by Gao Jiuding, and became several times more violent.

Even, the thunders intertwined to form thicker thunders, exuding a more terrifying aura.

Suddenly, a thunderbolt struck down, as thick as a bucket, and hit Gao Jiuding's head in an instant.

Gao Jiuding didn't have time to dodge, or even wave his fist, he was blasted into the ground.

In an instant, endless thunder poured down from the void, like a nine-day thunder pool being overturned, and countless thunder waters flowed down.

There was a booming sound, and the whole earth trembled.

At the location of Gao Jiuding, the high mountain collapsed and turned into flat land, the forest was submerged by the sea of ​​thunder, and the towering ancient trees were turned into ashes.

And in the center of the thunder sea, a figure was constantly bombarded, he couldn't stand up, and was submerged in the sea of ​​thunder by the way.

"Ah!" A scream came from the endless thunder.

After being bombarded by countless thunderbolts, Gao Jiuding finally couldn't bear it anymore. His body was sprayed with blood instantly, his body collapsed, and horrible cracks spread out.

Gao Jiuding was very angry, he opened his mouth to roar, but was penetrated by thunder all over the sky, wreaking havoc at will.

This wave of thunder wanted to destroy his body from the inside and kill him completely.

However, before these thunderbolts shattered his five internal organs, he was crushed and crushed by the runes that suddenly emerged from his body, and that thunderbolt was instantly swallowed up, turning into a wave of golden energy, sweeping Gao Jiuding's whole body.

In just a moment, the damage suffered by the physical body just now recovered in the blink of an eye.

Gao Jiuding was surprised and then ecstatic. He found that his body had fully recovered.

He stood up immediately, ignoring the fact that his physical body was collapsing and cracks were spreading.

The power of the thunder just now is really rare!

With Gao Jiuding's strong physical body, he was pierced through and would be destroyed in the next moment, but he did something shocking.

Rumbling. Gao Jiuding suddenly opened his mouth and sucked in, like a dragon swallowing the sea, swallowing the thunder around him in one gulp.

He actually swallowed the sky full of thunder, wanting to use the endless power of thunder to stimulate the potential inside his body, this is a terrible idea.

The desperate situation just now made Gao Jiuding see that he still has potential, especially the rune that suddenly appeared inside his body, which made Gao Jiuding full of expectations.

The moment he swallowed the thunder, Gao Jiuding felt his body was about to explode.

The terrifying thunder raged in his body, but was brutally suppressed again by the runes that suddenly appeared.

The seemingly endless thunder was crushed one by one and devoured, turning into a powerful energy to make up for its own loss.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding could also see that the make-up rune came from his eight extraordinary meridians.

The twelve orthodox meridians plus the eight extraordinary meridians, a total of twenty meridians, all began to function at this time.

"Break it!" Gao Jiuding's face went crazy, and he swallowed the thunder in one gulp.

After the thunder was sucked into the body, it suddenly merged into a wave of energy and launched a fierce impact towards the body!

With a bang, the meridians began to shatter, but then around the meridians, runes began to emerge, and then the runes were smashed by the powerful thunder, and all the meridians were penetrated at once.

The violent power of heaven's punishment actually shattered the meridians protected by the runes.

However, as the thunder's impact weakened, a part of the thunder that had just been crushed by the meridians actually merged into the damaged meridians.

As the thunder turned into nutrients, the runes around the meridians emerged faster and more completely.

Soon, the meridian, which was damaged like a sieve just now, was covered by countless runes, and then broke and stood up again!
Absorbing the berserk thunder again and again, Gao Jiuding endured the pain of damaged meridians again and again. However, as the damage was repaired again and again, Gao Jiuding's meridian endurance was gradually strengthened.

Every time the meridian is destroyed, he will also gain a powerful force!
The power swept across the whole body, instantly repairing the body damaged by the tyrannical thunder.

Success for the first time means countless times. Gao Jiuding did it. He used the power of heavenly punishment to penetrate the meridians, cleanse the marrow and refine the body, and then stand up after breaking.

Since there was no danger as imagined, Gao Jiuding naturally would not stop, he began to devour the thunder even more crazily, devouring those golden thunders one after another.

The originally terrifying golden thunder was actually used by him to wash the hair and marrow and strengthen his own meridians. In this process, no matter how many thunders he devoured, he would be quickly fused and refined by Gao Jiuding.

This process is truly terrifying. If there are outsiders here, their jaws will drop in shock, because this is not something humans do at all.

"Come on!" At this moment, Gao Jiuding became completely insane. Since his body can still bear it, he will lead to more robbery and punishment.

For Gao Jiuding, these are all great tonics, nutrients for his body to transform again.

Therefore, the punishment of heaven came more violently, so that I could hit a higher realm and gain supreme power.

In fact, if you wanted to do this before, it would have been impossible.

This is Gao Jiuding's physical training on the asteroid with the help of countless resources to achieve such a powerful achievement.

Even, because of tempering the body with the help of that powerful waterfall, he has the ability to do so.

Otherwise, not to mention tempering his body with the help of Heaven's Punishment before he could stand upright again, just the first wave of thunder could kill him.

As for now, this power of divine punishment, containing the mighty aura of the real fire of the sun, merged into a more terrifying golden thunder power, but it brought Gao Jiuding a huge opportunity.

This is an opportunity to reborn, with the help of the power of heavenly punishment, to thoroughly temper the body and strengthen one's own meridians, this is from the outside to the inside.

The previous body training was all about exercising the external body, but this time, it has developed into the meridians in the body, and after that, is it possible to reshape the internal organs?
Roar!With a roar, Gao Jiuding's aura became stronger, but the robbery cloud in the sky also became heavier.

The sky was full of thunder, intertwined into a sea of ​​thunder, as if the nine-day thunder pool was descending, and it wanted to destroy this human creature.

Above the void, there is a golden flame that merges into the Heaven's Punishment, making the Heaven's Punishment even more terrifying.

But this power of divine punishment became the foundation of Gao Jiuding's strength. He swallowed it in one gulp, and the roaring thunder was absorbed, and all the violent power poured into his body, turning into an extremely powerful force, tempering every part of Gao Jiuding's body. corner.

Boom. Boom
There were bursts of thunder in Gao Jiuding's body, and the meridians were penetrated, destroyed, and repaired.

This is not over yet, as Gao Jiuding flew into the sky crazily, he rushed into the sky full of thunder, bathed in the sea of ​​thunder.

Swallowing that big mouthful, the sky full of thunder entered the body, turning into a destructive force, impacting every tiny meridian in the body, one meridian after another, just like that being brutally penetrated.

One, two, ten, ninety blood vessels, one hundred, ten thousand, the meridians are strengthened in this way.

Gao Jiuding was suspended in the void, bathed in the sky filled with golden thunder, and there was a terrible roar coming from his body.

boom!A shock came, and then a wave of blood rushed out of Gao Jiuding's body, directly penetrating through Jiutian, and even the Sky Punishment of the Void was hit with a huge hole.

This is a burst of blood from Gao Jiuding's body, but it shattered the Heaven's Punishment.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's body was glowing, and thunderbolts flashed out from his pores, as if he was about to turn into a golden mansion.

Those streaks of golden lightning hovered and emerged from his body, smashing all traces of impurities.

Above the void, Jieyun rolled violently, and even circled, forming a thunder vortex.

This situation aroused Gao Jiuding's vigilance and attention, and he stared at the Heaven's Punishment hovering above his head.

Suddenly, an extremely terrifying aura came from the center of the vortex of heaven's punishment, as if a terrifying ominous creature was brewing in the robbery cloud.

Then there was a shock, and Gao Jiuding was startled. He actually saw a huge foot stepping out of the vortex.

It was a big golden foot with lightning swirling all over it.

Then came another foot, and finally a giant hand.

It grabbed a surge of thunder and turned it into a golden thunder gun.

Boom!With a shock, the void trembled, and a huge giant stepped out of the vortex of heaven's punishment.

The giant exuded a terrifying power, swept across all directions, and came towards Gao Jiuding to suppress it.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded. He stared at the huge figure with incredible eyes.

Because Gao Jiuding could see clearly, he knew what this huge giant was, because he felt very familiar with it.

This giant, covered in golden armor, is made of golden thunder intertwined all over the sky.

It was 30 meters tall and exuded a sky-high might. Just standing there casually made Gao Jiuding feel a kind of terror.

And the most frightening thing is that pair of golden eyes, revealing two three-foot golden flames, the light is bright, and the murderous intent is even more intense.

This is a terrifying sight, the sky full of thunder turned into a giant?
Don't say that Gao Jiuding didn't believe it, even if there are well-informed seniors in the cultivation world here, they can't believe that this scene is real.

However, what really shocked Gao Jiuding was the identity of this giant, he had seen this huge golden figure before.

"It turned out to be the god of the Sun Fire Clan? How is it possible? Is this an illusion?" Gao Jiuding's face changed wildly, and then he suddenly came to his senses.

 Thanks to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, poisoned you thousands of times, and the book friend 151013103910316 brothers for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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