The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1301 Thunder Vortex

Chapter 1301 Thunder Vortex
This giant who stepped out of the vortex of heaven's punishment was clearly the golden giant shadow that entered his space of consciousness before but failed in the end. Is it a god?
However, wasn't the god of the Sun Fire Clan crushed by him, or even absorbed by him?
So now, what happened to this golden giant?

"No, this giant has no consciousness, no life fluctuations, and is completely an unconscious puppet."

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding felt something was wrong. This giant had no life fluctuations, or even self-awareness. Its cold eyes did not have any emotional fluctuations at all. This giant was like a huge machine, it was a puppet.

In the void, the sky filled with thunder formed a vortex, and the huge figure standing near the vortex was covered in golden armor, and thunderbolts swirled and flickered.

Gao Jiuding was sure that it was the unlucky guy who entered his sea of ​​consciousness and wanted to swallow his consciousness and seize his body, but was inexplicably swallowed in the end.

Now that it has been devoured once, Gao Jiuding will not be afraid when he encounters it again, he just feels strange!
"The gods of the Sun Fire Clan turned into puppets of Heaven's Punishment?" Gao Jiuding was a little shocked in his heart, feeling unbelievable.

This is not the god of the Sun Fire Clan at all, but the impression left in his subconscious mind.

Maybe it was because of his scruples that he was so impressed, but at this time, God's Punishment intercepted part of his memory and turned it into doom?

So, now there is this god of the Sun Fire Clan who turned into a puppet of Heaven's Punishment to destroy him?

This situation made Gao Jiuding somewhat horrified. At the beginning, he obtained a part of Vulcan's soul power, but now it seems that there is still a hidden danger.

boom!Suddenly, the void trembled, and the golden giant moved.

The golden giant stepped forward, the air above his head exploded, and with a bang, a figure was trampled under the ground.

Gao Jiuding was very frightened and furious. This sudden blow caught him off guard, because the speed was too fast, and he couldn't even react.

But when he stood up from the ground, he suddenly realized that a golden gun was coming, killing him on the top of his head in an instant.

clang!Although surprised, Gao Jiuding reacted quickly and waved his fists to meet him.

There was a clang, the thunder flashed, and the lightning bolts scattered, but Gao Jiuding did not defeat the Golden Thunder Spear.

This is a spear formed by the condensed thunder, the whole body is golden, like pouring gold.

When Gao Jiuding hits it, it can make a clanging sound, which is really unbelievable.

Is this changing from fiction to reality?The energy body condenses into a solid body, and is it a treasure that can withstand Gao Jiuding's attack?
Gao Jiuding felt a little surprised, but he didn't stop, he waved his fist and smashed again.

With a bang, the thunderbolts from all directions collapsed, but these thunderbolts still couldn't bear the heavy punch.

However, when the fist hit the thunder gun, only a spark burst out, which had no effect on the thunder gun at all.

The clang continued, and the splashes of thunder disappeared. At this time, the golden giant above the head had already been killed, launching a terrifying attack.

boom!As soon as he stabbed with a spear, thunder followed and directly bombarded the top of Gao Jiuding's head.

Gao Jiuding waved his fists, showing his full strength, he soared into the sky, rushed into the sky full of thunder, and became a ball with this sky punishment puppet.

In the endless thunder, he actually blocked this god's incarnation puppet of punishment.

This Heaven's Punishment Puppet is very powerful, and the thunder around him is even more terrifying.

Condensed into a solid body, hitting it with a fist can only smash the thunder surrounding the surface, but it can't defeat this puppet body.

Click!The figure kept flickering.

The incomparably heavy fist shook the void, sending waves of ripples.

Thunderbolts from all directions were smashed to pieces, but unfortunately they still couldn't shake the golden puppet.

Gao Jiuding's face was stern, his muscles and bones were trembling, his body was full of energy, one meridian after another was penetrated and strengthened, and finally countless torrents merged into an unparalleled force.

boom!A punch came, causing the void to tremble, the sky full of thunder flickered and disappeared, and then the body of the golden giant shook, and it finally couldn't stop the terrifying punch and was pierced through the body.

But what surprised Gao Jiuding was that the golden giant's body was pierced, but he still didn't feel anything. Its cold eyes were still so indifferent, or indifferent.

The Heaven's Punishment puppet brandished a golden gun and continued to attack without a single pause.

boom!The two fought in the void, Gao Jiuding's meridians were shattered, and then the runes emerged, and suddenly, the thunder turned into true energy, pouring into the meridians, and the blood energy of Gao Jiuding, which was stimulated, transformed into powerful combat power again.

A stream of strong Qi and blood rushed straight to the clouds of Heaven's Punishment. Unfortunately, this time, it was unable to penetrate the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment, being blocked by the vortex.

And after the golden puppet absorbed the thunder from the sky, the hole in its chest instantly healed and recovered!

After such an operation, it seemed as if he hadn't suffered the slightest injury, and Gao Jiuding's eyebrows jumped when he saw it.

This 30-meter-high Heaven's Punishment puppet is not only powerful and scary, but also can absorb thunder to restore itself, as if it can't be killed.

Is this just a puppet?Isn't it normal for a puppet made up of thunder to absorb thunder to restore it?
It has no life, so hard to kill!
Gao Jiuding kept coming up, he waved his fists, and every time he hit his most powerful attack.

That fist is simple and heavy, every time it is swung, it is like a huge mountain pressing down.

With a bang, the thunder from all directions collapsed directly, and Gao Jiuding's fist hit the golden battle gun again.

Like a mountain like a mountain, this is the power endowed by the earth system domain, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be very effective.

He launched a fierce attack, Gao Jiuding didn't believe that he couldn't kill the giant, he believed that it was just that he didn't have enough strength.

Or, Gao Jiuding felt that he could not smash this giant once, so it was difficult to kill it.

"Kill!" In the sea of ​​thunder, there was a sudden shout of anger, the figure flew into the sky, and Gao Jiuding once again swung his fist brazenly, hitting the puppet.

A terrifying killing intent erupted, and the thunder in the sky stopped slightly.

The body of the golden giant stagnated for a moment. Although he recovered instantly, he was hit on the chest by a fist.

With a bang, the runes flickered, and a huge impact swept everything around.

In an instant, the body of the golden giant collapsed, disintegrating and disappearing into a sky filled with thunder.

Gao Jiuding's expression relaxed, but he was overjoyed too early. He saw the Heaven's Punishment hovering rapidly in the void, and the thunder quickly gathered all over the sky. The collapsed thunder suddenly healed and turned into a golden giant again.

Gao Jiuding's face changed, and the sky was full of robbery clouds, as if this puppet of heaven's punishment would never disappear!

boom!The golden puppet struck with a single shot, knocking the stunned Gao Jiuding down into the void and into the big pit.

This time, the golden giant seemed to be stronger, and Gao Jiuding's body was injured in one blow.

The current golden giant, whether it is strength or speed, is [-]% stronger than before, it is too scary.

Moreover, before Gao Jiuding could charge up, the Heaven's Punishment Puppet came down again. It kept bombarding, rolling up the sky full of thunder and killing down.

Boom. Boom
Thunder raged, and a huge puppet launched a terrifying attack, hitting Gao Jiuding's body as if it was about to collapse.

Gao Jiuding's powerful body was inevitably torn apart at this time.

Gao Jiuding was anxious, but he was not afraid, because his manipulation of qi and blood had definitely reached the master level.

Don't look at him looking miserable now, but those blood will never be lost.

The current situation made him feel more crisis in his heart, but that was all. He just didn't expect the Puppet of Heaven's Punishment to be so strong.

Gao Jiuding didn't panic, he kept waving his fists and bombarding him.

There was an endless cracking sound in the sky, and there was a terrible booming sound in the surrounding space, as if it couldn't bear the heavy fist.

Gao Jiuding has completely let go, and it can be said that he is fighting to the point of madness. His whole body is full of blood and energy, and he wants to attack the vortex of heaven's punishment, but unfortunately he still can't rush to disperse the robbery cloud.

But from the inside of Gao Jiuding's body, mysterious runes gradually diffused, and these runes were also used by him, condensed on the fist, producing even more terrifying attack power.

boom!With a punch, a rune appeared.

With the violent power, the rune bombarded the golden gun.

With a bang, the golden gun instantly collapsed and dissipated, and then the fist continued to shatter the thunder all the way, hitting the body of the golden giant.

That day, the punishment puppet couldn't bear the destruction brought about by these runes, and with a click, it collapsed again.

At the moment when the golden giant collapsed, Gao Jiuding quickly swung his fists, blow after blow, defeating these gathered thunders one after another, and directly smashed into the high-altitude thunder sea.

"Kill!" He stretched out his body, trying to stop the punishment from the sky from continuing to form a puppet. He continued to bombard and shatter the thunder in all directions.

This time, the Thunder Giant couldn't continue to condense, because just after gathering, he was violently blown away.

I saw Gao Jiuding soaring into the sky and rushing into the sea of ​​thunder. He carried an invincible force and blasted into the vortex of heaven's punishment, trying to blow up this vortex.

Boom!The Heaven's Punishment vortex trembled and turned rumblingly, spraying endless thunder.

In the sky full of calamity clouds, streaks of golden light radiated out, and within a short while, even a sea of ​​flames was formed.

The golden flames all over the sky, combined with the terrifying thunder, wrapped Gao Jiuding, bombarding non-stop.

The temperature of the golden fire is not only extremely high, it even contains the destruction of thunder, which is very terrifying.

The flames around Gao Jiuding were tumbling, constantly impacting Gao Jiuding's body.

However, with just one punch, Gao Jiuding shattered the terrifying flames. Then, Gao Jiuding's fist exploded with bright brilliance, bombarding it away all the way.

"Break it!" Gao Jiuding waved his fist, before reaching the vortex of punishment, he punched it.

The void trembled, and the vortex of heaven's punishment even vibrated violently, and it was about to collapse.

However, the penalty vortex that day was not only huge, but also densely covered with thunder, and it seemed that it would not be easy to collapse.

Sure enough, the surrounding Thunder quickly thought of vortexes gathering, as if they were going to turn into a real thunder pool, and quickly suppressed it towards Gao Jiuding. This is a kind of lore.

(End of this chapter)

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