The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1302 Devouring Heaven's Punishment

Chapter 1302 Devouring Heaven's Punishment
Gao Jiuding's body was high above the sky, and he couldn't withstand this terrible suppressing force at all.

However, his physical body is strong. At this time, his body glowed with brilliance, and then runes appeared all over the sky, forming a powerful resistance.

"You haven't finished yet?" Gao Jiuding was very annoyed that the vortex of punishment was endless this day.

He even faintly felt that the power of this vortex was getting stronger and stronger.

This is too frightening, only to kill a Puppet of Heaven's Punishment, is it possible that something terrifying is about to appear now?

This is really possible, Gao Jiuding felt very angry, and sooner or later he would be exhausted and die.

"If that's the case, then I'll swallow you!"

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding became a little crazy. He stared at the vortex of heaven's punishment that kept pressing down, roared and made an extremely crazy move, that is, to swallow this vortex of heaven's punishment.

This idea is appalling. If anyone knows what he did, he will definitely be scared to death.

Heaven's punishment is terrifying enough, but he wants to swallow this vortex of heaven's punishment, it's just looking for death.

However, Gao Jiuding really did this, and even exploded with extreme strength, soaring into the sky, and instantly entered the vortex of heaven's punishment, wringing the sea of ​​thunder from all directions to circle.

Rumble. As soon as he entered the vortex of heaven's punishment, Gao Jiuding's expression changed. This was simply a thunderstorm.

Thunder intertwined all around the sky, turning into a more terrifying thunder, flowing like a liquid. Is this liquid thunder water?
If it was before crossing the tribulation, Gao Jiuding would have gone crazy with joy when he saw the water of thunder calamity, but now, he only has fear.

He was horrified, Gao Jiuding was really scared this time, but he didn't hesitate, he entered here to devour the vortex of heaven's punishment, in order to temper his body and cultivate supernatural powers.

Don't look at Gao Jiuding's whole body being baptized by thunder, but he knows that people's potential is infinite, every time he thinks the limit can be broken.

Moreover, it is different now. Although his body has been tempered very transparently, the true qi and blood qi in his body have undergone even greater changes.

And all of this will support Gao Jiuding to enter a higher level.

The more you get to the end, the more difficult it is to break through, and the energy required is also incomparably majestic and vast.

Gao Jiuding has cultivated the three treasures of spirit, energy, and spirit. His strength has become very terrifying. Now he is crazy to swallow the punishment of heaven, and use the violent power of punishment of heaven to break through in an all-round way to obtain more powerful power.

Gao Jiuding's body can smelt thunder and get tempered. The supernatural powers in his body will absorb the source of thunder and be strengthened. Maybe he can be promoted to the supreme supernatural power.

Therefore, even if it is a sea of ​​thunder and water, Gao Jiuding will swallow it without hesitation.

"Swallow!" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding raised his head to the sky and roared, and then, a terrifying suction came. In his body, the rapid operation of the mental method produced a terrible suction, swallowing the endless thunder in all directions into his body.

Rumbling. A terrifying thunder came from all directions.

These thunders were attracted by a huge suction force, turned into a torrent, and were drawn into Gao Jiuding's mouth, and even the entire vortex of heaven's punishment trembled slightly.

Such crazy devouring caused turmoil, and Gao Jiuding opened his mouth wide, like a dragon swallowing the sea, swallowing thunder from all directions.

This move of his seemed to swallow the entire vortex of heaven's punishment completely, which was an extremely crazy behavior.

In this small world, a vortex swirled and rumbled.

In the dark clouds all over the sky, the void trembled, as if the sky was about to be obliterated, shaking for several kilometers around.

This is a vortex of divine punishment, which is intertwined in the endless thunder, and the thick thunder turns into a thunderstorm, turning into a terrifying destructive force, impacting everything around.

As soon as the water of thunder calamity moved, the surrounding space trembled, as if it couldn't bear the destructive force and was about to be twisted into pieces.

This terrifying vortex of heaven's punishment spiraled more and more slowly, and finally was torn apart by some kind of force, gradually fused together, and swallowed by a figure.

This is a figure, standing in the vortex of heaven's punishment, it opened its mouth to devour the sky and the earth, and gradually swallowed the entire vortex of heaven's punishment into its mouth.

Boom!In the end, the vortex of heaven's punishment was unwilling to be swallowed, and broke out the final struggle, wanting to get rid of the fate of being swallowed, but finally found that it could not be done, and simply rushed into Gao Jiuding's mouth.

Heaven's punishment entered his body, and in an instant, Gao Jiuding's entire body trembled, terrifying cracks spread, and then the blood burst out, but was evaporated in an instant, and even the internal organs in his body were directly blown into powder.

Gao Jiuding became extremely crazy, a terrible thunder spewed out from the seven orifices of his mouth and nose, the golden light was dazzling.

With the emergence of the golden light, the inside of the body will be fully illuminated.

In his body, the bones trembled and gradually melted, the five internal organs disappeared, and the heart was surrounded by a wave of golden thunder, which was constantly bombarded and was about to be shattered.

However, just when he was about to disappear, a strong blood flow emerged, and then in the blood, there were one after another terrifying runes, flickering and intertwining.

Numerous runes wrapped in rich blood light turned into meridians.

As the meridians began to reshape, the runes became denser. These runes were flying and circling in Gao Jiuding's body. They were like a dragon, firmly restraining Gao Jiuding's body, preventing him from completely collapsing.

At this moment, all of Gao Jiuding's accumulation was stimulated and turned into an incomparably vast force, which surged and wiped away the infinite power of heaven's punishment in his body, and turned into a more violent energy, striking away towards the illusory meridian pulse .

boom!In just an instant, this huge force enveloped Gao Jiuding's whole body and formed a three-dimensional humanoid model.

The runes are dense, forming a series of meridians, forming a complete human body, and the surging energy flows through these empty meridians, and soon sweeps through the whole body.

As the energy penetrates the whole body, the broken internal organs will start to recover in an instant.

Gao Jiuding's bones were stronger, and under the impact of the supreme power, he emitted a clanging sound, blocking the ravages of that day's punishment.

Gao Jiuding's madness caused the entire body's internal meridians to collapse at once, and then began to reorganize.

During this process, it was the glass-like bones that supported his body and did not completely collapse it.

However, at this time, Gao Jiuding's bones were still being scoured by endless energy, but these bones were extremely strong, with runes flashing on them, and finally countless runes sank into the bones, so that the surging energy could not damage the bones at all.

If you have achieved this level, if you can't tame that huge energy, it will be a tragedy.

Gao Jiuding became cruel, and a force of divine punishment exploded in his body.

The vortex of heaven's punishment was swallowed into the body, if it could not be transformed into its own power, then it would be a dead end.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding didn't hesitate. He mobilized all the strength in his body and merged into one, curling up with the vortex of heaven's punishment to wipe it out, but the vortex of heaven's punishment was not easy to wipe out.

When Gao Jiuding did this, the Heaven's Punishment was detonated in an instant, and the incomparable power of the Heaven's Punishment was exploding!
Boom!With a loud noise, Gao Jiuding's body was blown to pieces, his flesh and blood scattered, leaving only his bones.

However, the shattered flesh and blood instantly turned into blood, gathered again, and attached to the skeleton.

Those streaks of dragon-like blood light were flying wildly, almost data, and the body remodeling was completed.

Gao Jiuding's blood shadow supernatural power once again showed its power, no matter what kind of damage his body suffered, the blood that had been refined countless times by him would not be lost.

After being blown away, it will turn into blood and condense into a ball again.

It also has the effect of the immortal body of the great Asura, as well as the effect of the supernatural power of the son of the blood god.

It can be said that without so many hole cards, Gao Jiuding would never dare to take risks.

It was because he was very confident that Zixin believed that even if his body was exploded, it would not be damaged at all.

Otherwise, how could Gao Jiuding be so ruined?

With a bang, Gao Jiuding's bones were drained of energy.

At this moment, he felt that his powerful bones were cracking, and then they were brutally crushed, smashed all the way, and finally countless energy poured into the bones.

Gao Jiuding's background is profound. After his bones were shattered, his whole body's energy and blood had covered his whole body's bones again.

With the arrival of a group of thick blood, the light consumption on the bones became more violent, and then the runes began to emerge again.

In the blood, in the bones, countless runes were densely reassembled into a complete human body.

Gao Jiuding's whole body trembled first, then trembled in the void, the sky and the earth paled, as if he was under some terrible oppression in all directions.

An extremely terrifying coercion spread out, even surpassing the might of Heaven's Punishment just now.

At this moment, the world paled in front of Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding's whole body was covered by runes, and these runes all emitted intense white light.

White light soared into the sky, hovering and dancing around Gao Jiuding's body, exuding a terrifying power.

boom!There was a shock, and the heavens were ashamed of it, as if they were afraid of Gao Jiuding.

It's a pity that the Heaven's Punishment has been swallowed by Gao Jiuding's tyrannical shattering, so there is nothing that can threaten Gao Jiuding.

Now Gao Jiuding feels that everything around him is different, and the biggest change is his body.

At this moment, he seemed to have lost consciousness, standing here without feeling, blankly, as if he had lost his soul.

However, the circling runes merged and intertwined quickly, circling Gao Jiuding's body, forming a huge blood-colored cocoon.

This giant cocoon didn't last long, it soon cracked, and then shattered into pieces.

Gao Jiuding, who was wrapped in a giant cocoon, came out. At this time, his body had recovered to a perfect state.

boom!At this time, Gao Jiuding's consciousness had not yet awakened, and there was a vibration coming from his body, as if a thunder had exploded in his body, it was very terrifying.

 Thanks to the king of the queen of heaven and the lads4017 brothers for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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