Chapter 1303
With the completion of body shaping, at this time Gao Jiuding's middle dantian, that is, within the space of the sea of ​​blood, there is an extremely thick blood light, which gradually shines through.

The bloody light emitted from Gao Jiuding's body was different from before. At this time, the bloody light exuded an aura of ancient vicissitudes, which obviously contained the power of blood.

Gao Jiuding finally completed this blood tempering. After reshaping his body, his physique must have improved.

Not to mention other aptitudes, he definitely possesses an Acquired Fire Spirit Body, and he definitely has a Thunder Body.

This does not mean that he has several other supernatural powers, all of which will affect his bloodline and aptitude.

However, the improvement of blood aptitude seems not to be the ultimate.

As the essence and blood in Gao Jiuding's dantian blood sea recovered, his whole body's qi and blood began to gather and fuse, and when the fusion was completed, a huge incomparable spiritual pool was formed in Gao Jiuding's blood sea.

The location of this spirit pool is at the middle dantian, and it is shaking violently at this time.

From the way it looks, what is contained in this spirit pool is likely to be the vortex of heaven's punishment that is being refined.

This spirit pool actually swallowed the entire vortex of heaven's punishment, and with just one breath, the terrifying vortex of heaven's punishment was almost wiped out.

If Gao Jiuding is awake at this moment, he should be able to see that there is an extremely viscous liquid in the spirit pool, and as time goes by, this thick liquid gushes out from the spirit pool.

This is a bright red liquid, extremely viscous, and as it gushes out continuously, Gao Jiuding's body will be fully restored to life in an instant, and his physical body will become stronger rapidly, even several times stronger than before.

This is a rebirth from the power of blood, and Gao Jiuding's physical body is also undergoing a transformation.

Gao Jiuding's physical body underwent another transformation. This was the power from his bloodline, washing his physical body.

As more and more bloody liquid began to flow throughout the body, Gao Jiuding's body continued to be strengthened, and finally this energy gathered into a torrential river, surging into the heart, making the heart that had stopped beating come alive.

Boom!As soon as the heart revived, coupled with the rapid strengthening of the body, Gao Jiuding also slowly woke up.

After a little sobriety, Gao Jiuding noticed the changes in his body.

As the blood became stronger and stronger, a terrifying blood energy instantly spread throughout the body, and then gushed out of the body, sweeping in all directions.

Gao Jiuding's blood sea space swallowed the vortex of heaven's punishment and turned into a more powerful source of power, with endless power emerging, and now it began to show its power.

Blood vessels are the source of human strength, and at this time, pure blood gushes out like a spring, seemingly endless.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had a feeling that as long as the sea of ​​​​blood did not dry up, his strength would not be exhausted.

"The origin of the blood? This is the original power, right?" Gao Jiuding looked at the changes in the sea of ​​blood.

In the process of crossing the catastrophe this time, Gao Jiuding only used his body, that is to say, he only relied on the strength of his body to survive this catastrophe.

Therefore, the place where changes first occurred was the blood sea space in Zhongdantian.

As Heaven's Punishment was completely devoured and refined by him, Gao Jiuding could feel the power appearing out of thin air in his sea of ​​blood.

The first powerful force is naturally his qi and blood, and hidden in the qi and blood are blood fire and thunder fire, which are Gao Jiuding's supernatural powers of the body.

The blood fire is the original supernatural power, after the fusion of the thunder fire, it becomes what it is now, the thunder fire is hidden in the blood energy, which is even more terrifying.

With the appearance of the Essence and Blood Spirit Pond, Gao Jiuding felt that his blood energy was more pure, and during the process of purification, the blood energy was also gathering.

As the qi and blood continued to condense, Gao Jiuding soon fell into an epiphany.

He felt too much in the haze, including power, but more of supernatural power, Gao Jiuding knew that it was time for him to advance to the stage of Dharma.

Qi and blood condense and transform into mana, and the aggregate of mana is the form of mana.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was really looking forward to it.

He wanted to know, what kind of original dharma will be condensed in his own blood?

Just when he had this idea, Gao Jiuding suddenly discovered that his blood sea space had changed.

As Gao Jiuding thought about transforming mana into a form, he suddenly felt a drastic change in the space of his blood sea. He saw runes appearing out of thin air, and then gathered a large amount of mana, almost instantaneously, condensed into a ball.

Looking at the mana flashing with the runes, Gao Jiuding knew that this might be the prototype of his dharma form.

With the emergence of Gao Jiuding's idea, the space of the blood sea changed again, and the blood pool before it suddenly rolled over, and countless blood energy poured into the group.

With the replenishment of rich qi and blood, the Dharma Aspect began to grow rapidly, and finally the rune disappeared, and a Dharma Aspect that was both familiar and a little strange appeared.

Looking at the Faxiang above the dry blood pool in the sea of ​​blood, Gao Jiuding opened his mouth in surprise!

"I shouldn't have expected it!" Looking at the chubby bird, Gao Jiuding could only sigh.

The dharma form of the little bird transformed by the water and fire python is his dharma form. After the two of them are assimilated by blood and light, not only their supernatural powers are the same, but their dharma appearance is also the same, or even their blood vessels have become the same.

Gao Jiuding was a little worried, he couldn't transform into a dragon, even if he could condense into a giant tiger!

How did it become a bird?Looking at the chubby bird, Gao Jiuding felt too frustrated.

However, as soon as he had this idea, he saw the little bird in the space of the blood sea, and suddenly he had a bright light.

Gao Jiuding could perceive that the aura that was suddenly released was composed of countless runes, and with the activation of these runes, the appearance of the little bird began to change.

"It's growing?" Gao Jiuding immediately sensed the change of the Dharma appearance, after all, this is his Dharma appearance.

The runes on the dharma image flickered, and strands of aura suddenly appeared, and the aura turned into mana, which was quickly absorbed by the little bird's aura.

With the influx of countless auras, Gao Jiuding's Dharma form began to grow rapidly.

"Uh? Blood light? What kind of blood and fire supernatural power is this? Or blood and fire qi? And? Is this thunder? Thunder supernatural power? Blood, fire, thunder? Why are there only these three supernatural powers?"

Looking at the Faxiang who was about to fly, Gao Jiuding was already smiling all over his face. This is his Faxiang, and his Faxiang should be like this.

The chicken head, swallow jaw, snake neck, turtle back, and fish tail, unfortunately, are not colorful, but blood-colored, and a raging fire is still burning in the blood-color.

The blood fire was too conspicuous, so Gao Jiuding didn't pay attention at the beginning, it wasn't the sparks flickering in the blood fire.

Blood Fire Thunder, this is the great supernatural power derived from Gao Jiuding's method.

It's just that this supernatural power is a supreme supernatural power?
If there is only this one supernatural power, then Gao Jiuding will lose. It turns out that he has nine supernatural powers.

"No, the supernatural powers of the water and fire python have changed before. It seems that with the improvement of strength, those supernatural powers are merging with each other!"

Soon, Gao Jiuding found out that something was wrong, and his divine sense merged into the Faxiang, so he naturally felt the difference.

Blood can be turned into a sea of ​​blood, fire can be turned into a sea of ​​fire, and thunder can be turned into a thunderstorm.

Especially with the spirit pool below, Gao Jiuding's dharma form is even more powerful. At this time, Gao Jiuding knew how much benefit he had gained from devouring the vortex of heaven's punishment.

This newly formed spirit pool has the function of gathering spirits. It can gather all the spirit energy in Gao Jiuding's body, and transform it into any kind of energy according to his will.

For example, Gao Jiuding just now, he just had a thought, the little chubby bird that didn't grow up, immediately absorbed a lot of spiritual energy in his body, and grew into a bloody thunder phoenix.

The Bloodfire Thunder Phoenix with three attributes should be unique, right?

And those auras that came suddenly should be Gao Jiuding's qi refining cultivation. At this time, all the accumulated foundations in his body are concentrated in the blood fire thunder pool in the sea of ​​blood, right?
Gao Jiuding knew that the current spirit pool could only transform three kinds of energy: blood, fire, and thunder.

Simply relying on blood energy can only transform into a small dharma form. Although it has the three supernatural powers of blood, fire, and thunder, its cultivation is not strong, at most it is the initial stage of dharma form.

If he absorbs the cultivation base of qi refining, the dharma form will grow. Gao Jiuding judged that after growing into an adult phoenix, his dharma phase cultivation base should at least enter the middle phase of dharma phase.

It's a pity that entering the middle stage of Dharma Aspect seems to be going through a catastrophe, but Gao Jiuding doesn't have this feeling, that is, he has not yet fully entered the Dharma Aspect middle stage.

With Gao Jiuding's combat strength at this time, his cultivation base has not yet advanced to the middle stage of the law, which can only show that his background is profound, and his body still has a lot of potential to be tapped!

"Potential, the water-type supernatural power has not disappeared, it has just been integrated into the blood river supernatural power, and the fire-type supernatural power has not disappeared, but now there is a supreme thunder-type supernatural power!"

"Don't worry, sort out slowly in the future, let's see if we can condense the Nascent Soul now!" Gao Jiuding thought, and the aura that had been gathered in the Dharma Equivalence suddenly overflowed.

Gao Jiuding's mind was gathered in the sea of ​​qi in his dantian, and strands of spiritual energy suddenly appeared, and then began to turn into runes, and the runes condensed, and soon formed a villain the size of a thumb.

Looking at the villain who looked exactly like him, Gao Jiuding was even more disappointed.

His Dharma form is condensed, at least the size of a palm, right?And the Nascent Soul is only the size of a thumb. Is this because the cultivation level of Qi refining is too poor?

Thinking about the previous cultivation, Qi refining is only a supplementary cultivation, so Gao Jiuding will be psychologically balanced.

As much as you pay, you will reap as much. This world is very fair.

Looking at the khaki villain, Gao Jiuding's divine sense descended.

It was at this moment that the villain in the sea of ​​qi in his dantian suddenly opened his eyes.

Gao Jiuding looked curiously at his dantian qi sea. This space was hazy, and it seemed that it was not small. The potential here should not be smaller than the blood sea space.

After moving his arm, Gao Jiuding was a little helpless. This is a Nascent Soul with earth-type supernatural powers.

It can also be said that this Nascent Soul is completely condensed with mysterious and yellow energy, and his great supernatural power is the mysterious and yellow energy, or is it the body of Wuji?
(End of this chapter)

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