The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1304 Scarlet Phoenix

Chapter 1304 Scarlet Phoenix

Manipulating the Xuanhuang Qi is the supreme supernatural power brought by Gao Jiuding's Nascent Soul.

"It's a good thing to have one more supernatural power!" Gao Jiuding chuckled, and then his thoughts turned, and the blood sea space in his middle dantian was aroused, and the blood sea inside began to roll.

Sure enough, following Gao Jiuding's thought, the blood energy in the blood pool suddenly turned into endless spiritual energy, flowed into the body, and then poured into the dantian.

At this time, what poured into the dantian was not blood energy, but pure mana. Blood energy was originally formed by the condensation of spiritual energy.

Countless mana poured into the Nascent Soul, causing runes to appear around the Nascent Soul, and then turned into a rich spiritual light and emitted.

With the replenishment of mana, Gao Jiuding's Nascent Soul began to grow rapidly, and soon grew into a tall man with a body size of more than two meters.

Looking at the real Nascent Soul, Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded.

He originally thought that all blood energy would be transformed into earth spirit energy to create a native, but it was not what he imagined.

After moving around for a while, Gao Jiuding felt that there was no difference between him and his real person.

Gao Jiuding's heart moved again, and another wave of blood appeared.

Gao Jiuding's external body was completely turned into blood, and he began to think that the sea of ​​energy in his dantian was gathering, and in just a moment, all the blood energy poured into the Nascent Soul.

"Huh?" Looking at Chi Guoguo's body, Gao Jiuding was really dumbfounded.

Is he Yuanying now, or his body?
This thought just surfaced, and the Nascent Soul collapsed into a mass of blood!
Gao Jiuding looked at the bloody light like a blood jade, and really didn't know what to say, is he a blood shadow master?Can the whole body be turned into a Blood God Son?
With a thought, Gao Jiuding turned into a human form. This is the Nascent Soul, which can also be regarded as his real body.

This is because his body has been tempered so hard that it has been transformed into the purest energy without hindrance, so it can be completely absorbed by the Nascent Soul.

Since it can be absorbed by the Nascent Soul, can it be absorbed by the Dharma?Sure!

Sure enough, Gao Jiuding turned into a bloody phoenix with another thought!
The two-meter-long phoenix was burning with raging flames, and within these flames, there were traces of light blue sparks hidden.

Sparks emerged and illuminated the main body of the phoenix. Only now could it be seen that the whole body of the blood phoenix was yellow.

The golden phoenix is ​​surrounded by a layer of blood and fire, which makes people think that the phoenix itself is blood red.

"Cultivating the five elements is the right way! No, it will generate ice wind and thunder!" Gao Jiuding said with a clear understanding.

The human body has all the five elements. If you want to ascend physically, you must have fellow practitioners of the five elements. This Gao Jiuding had expected it a long time ago, but he has never put it into action.

Therefore, people's potential is infinite, at least for now Gao Jiuding still lacks the top water-type exercises, gold-type exercises and wood-type exercises!

"In this way, I have only developed two-fifths of my potential!" Gao Jiuding felt a little bit emotional. In the realm of Faxiang, he must make up for these shortcomings.

"Practice metal-based exercises first, metal generates water, and water generates wood, so that the five elements will be complete!" Gao Jiuding has a plan, but it can't be implemented yet.

The most important thing for him now is to open up the passage to go home, and then he will find trouble with the surrounding beasts. When he has manpower and resources, he can practice with confidence.

Gao Jiuding knew that as long as he brought people to this star field, he would not have to worry about resources for a long time.

He lowered his head and looked at the gully under his feet. This fissure is so deep that it has just passed through a catastrophe, but it has no effect at all?

The strength of this asteroid is greater than Gao Jiuding imagined!
Gao Jiuding didn't have any regrets that he couldn't collect this asteroid. At worst, this place could be used as a sub-base.

"It's a pity that those blood crystals are not produced by mine veins. If so, we can use this fairy vein to set up a teleportation array!" Gao Jiuding said with a little regret.

The strength of the teleportation array is actually determined by the spirit energy contained in the spirit stone.

If the aura is sufficient, the teleportation distance will be far. As long as this point is followed, Gao Jiuding may copy the space-time teleportation array.

Unfortunately, he never had the chance to conduct such an experiment.

"There are so many asteroids around, and there are even many star systems, I don't believe that there are no immortal veins!"

Gao Jiuding looked beyond the asteroid, but the atmosphere blocked him, so he could only see some twinkling stars.

Maybe it's because they are too close to those star systems, so these stars are relatively bright. Although they are not the sun, they are definitely not as dim as the stars seen on the earth.

"It is still necessary to have strong strength!" Gao Jiuding thought and recovered his body. At this time, two energy aggregates appeared in his body, one was the blood fire phoenix, and the other was the Nascent Soul.

When the consciousness entered the sea of ​​consciousness, Gao Jiuding was a little melancholy as he saw the ten-meter-high but somewhat illusory golden phantom. His spirit did not strengthen much.

The most difficult thing to cultivate is the soul, which Gao Jiuding has long realized.

Just now when the spiritual energy and blood energy were quickly converted into mana, the soul did not change.

"To improve our strength now, we still need the help of the magic weapon!" Now Gao Jiuding was a little dissatisfied with his magic weapon.

When encountering weak monsters and ferocious beasts, he will not use magic weapons to help him at all, but when encountering powerful monsters and fierce beasts, magic weapons will not be able to help him.

And in the surrounding starry sky, there are a large group of them, such as magic weapons such as the ice soul cold light sword, earth spirit beads, and demon binding ropes. The single-target attack is powerful, but it is useless when facing a group of monsters.

What can be used now is the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, but this treasure can only be used for defense. Although it can be used for attack, the efficiency is too slow, and group attack is also not good.

"No, there is still one that can be used now, and it should be very lethal!" With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the Earth Spirit Orb appeared in front of him.

Gao Jiuding's mouth twitched as he looked at the earth spirit bead emitting colorful rays of light. What could the colorful divine bull inside be able to do?
"Could it be that he has become a tool spirit?" Gao Jiuding just had a thought, and the five-colored spirit beads began to spin.

"Boom!" Before Gao Jiuding could react, the colorful spirit beads fell directly to the ground.

Rumbling. A series of mountain collapses made Gao Jiuding realize the power of the colorful spirit beads.

Gao Jiuding was a little speechless, isn't he happy?Just because you just thought it might not work?
Now that five-colored cow is proving that it is not only useful, but also extremely lethal!

"There is a future, we must sacrifice and practice hard!" Feeling that the Five-Colored Divine Bull has a bad temper, Gao Jiuding decisively put it away.

"Using this magic weapon, can we smash this asteroid?" Looking at the collapsed mountains around him, Gao Jiuding felt that the destructive force was too great, and he also lost a lot if he smashed the asteroid like this.

"Forget it, let's get acquainted with the changes in the body first!" Gao Jiuding withdrew his distracting thoughts, with a faint smile on his face!

He is very satisfied now. After his strength has improved, his whole person has obtained a kind of sublimation, from the inside out, from the soul to the body.

This time, he really felt that he was gradually becoming stronger now.

In the past, although the combat power was very strong, there was a limit, but now, the blood has been transformed into a source of power, so there is inexhaustible magic power.

boom!Gently raised his arm, punched out, the air burst, as if the void was about to shatter.

Unfortunately, he knows that this is impossible. This void space is very stable, at least ten times more stable than the space in the solar system and the Nanmen [-] galaxy. Even the Fire Spirit battleship will cost ten times more The spirit stone can break the space.

Now, even if he doesn't know how strong his combat power is, a casual blow will definitely not be able to break through the space.

Of course, Gao Jiuding can break the space after advanced stage, but after space shuttle, it is not so easy to get out of the space storm.

Therefore, he didn't get entangled, but carefully felt the changes in himself.

Under his careful sensing, he suddenly slapped a palm, and with a bang, smoke and dust rose from the ground to the sky.

I saw a 50-meter pit on the ground, which was bottomless.

Gao Jiuding stood on the edge of the big pit, looking at his masterpiece. It was just a random blow that caused such a terrible effect?

Chi!A ray of sharpness emanated from the palm of his hand. This was a battle qi. After cultivating to this level, his body had already become the so-called battle body in the local area, and the gang qi emitted by the battle body was naturally battle qi. An attack ability that is much more powerful than stellar energy.

This is the fighting spirit derived from Gao Jiuding's body, and it is what caused such great damage.

Gao Jiuding stared at the fighting spirit in the palm of his hand, it was purple and yellow all over, shining with a mysterious light.

"Isn't this gold fighting spirit? It should be copper fighting spirit? But what kind of attribute ability is this?"

After studying it for a while, Gao Jiuding knew that it was difficult for him to achieve the golden fighting spirit. After all, he had never specially trained the fighting body.

Through the inheritance he got, Gao Jiuding knew that the battle body is a whole set of training methods, a magical body training technique.

Battle bodies are divided into four types: Black Iron Battle Body, Bronze Battle Body, Silver Battle Body and Gold Battle Body.

However, he didn't know what the division was based on. Of course, it was definitely not based on attributes. Could it be based on destructive power?

Boom!Suddenly, a shock came, and the whole earth trembled again. This time it seemed that an asteroid was shaking?

All the living beings on this asteroid felt this vibration, which was very slight, but it was transmitted to everyone's hearts and souls.

boom!The ground shook again, the surrounding trees swayed, and some big trees bent their branches and leaves, as if they were sad or weeping.

This feeling is as if the earth is crying, and all the flowers, plants and trees have folded their bodies and are trembling.

Gao Jiuding was horrified. He stood on the edge of the pit and looked at the bare ground in all directions. Now the ground was filled with a bright red color, and the ground seemed to be stained red with blood.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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