Chapter 1305
"Is this asteroid going to collapse?" Gao Jiuding was stunned for a while, and then he understood what happened.

Because he felt a sense of sadness, could it be the will of heaven on this asteroid?

This feeling is very bad, a kind of sadness permeates the heart, especially after seeing the earth is bright red, and then gradually dimmed.

Gao Jiuding wiped his eyes and found two lines of tears flowing down.

At this time, a feeling of extreme sadness filled his heart, which could not be eradicated.

This feeling, as if a relative has left, is very sad and desperate.

At this moment, in the mountains and clouds above the asteroid, and in the gathering places of fierce beasts one after another, there were loud roars that reverberated one after another.

From these roars, Gao Jiuding could hear a trace of sadness, despair, and unwillingness!
At this time, Gao Jiuding realized that there was a force that seemed to destroy the world, which made countless creatures terrified.

With the dissipation of the consciousness just felt, Gao Jiuding returned to normal. Maybe that consciousness is a kind of existence similar to the spirit of the weapon?

Gao Jiuding suddenly felt the beating in the sea of ​​qi in his dantian. Is that the earth spirit bead restless?

No, it's that multicolored cow that's making trouble!
Gao Jiuding opened his mouth and spit out, colorful beads flew out.

Gao Jiuding looked more energetic and clearer when he saw the five-colored bull inside it!
At this time, Gao Jiuding could see its hair, which was also emitting colorful light.

Gao Jiuding was a little angry, this multicolored cow should erase the little bit of consciousness born in the earth spirit bead, right?
Although he knew that it was difficult for the earth spirit bead to give birth to spiritual wisdom, Gao Jiuding still felt very uncomfortable when the trace of consciousness he had cultivated disappeared just like that.

"Om!" Gao Jiuding's head sank, and then he saw the colorful beads smashed on his head.

"Huh? Is it fusion? It's not devouring or erasing?"

Looking at the five-colored beads on his head, which looked like angry fingers pointing at his forehead, Gao Jiuding's mood instantly became brighter.

"This is my birthplace, I want to refine it!" After finishing the Wucai Bull, there was no time for Gao Jiuding to react, and then flew up quickly, and disappeared into the cracks in the ground in a flash.

"Was the colorful bull talking just now? Refining? Such a big asteroid can also be refined?" Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded.

"Lingzhu, Five-Colored Divine Stone, Gods!" This was the last thought that the Five-Colored Divine Bull sent to Gao Jiuding.

"The spirit bead is the earth spirit bead, and the five-color god stone is easy to understand. It is the god stone that was born by the five-color god cow. What does it mean to be a god? Does that shameless calf think he is a god?"

Gao Ding despises the Five-Colored God Bull extremely, that guy doesn't think he is a god, does he?

What does its last thought mean?Could it be that the asteroid can be refined by combining the earth spirit bead and the five-color god stone with its god?
"No, the five-colored god stone seems to come from this asteroid, and it can also be said that this asteroid gave birth to the five-colored god's stone, which means that this asteroid gave birth to the five-colored god cow!

So, it's like going home this time?Or has it regained its own body?Maybe it can really be refined, and the most important thing among them should be a large spiritual vein, right? "

Gao Jiuding suddenly understood that the earth spirit pearl is the most important treasure. Although this asteroid is rich, it is relative to the earth. If it is in this starry sky, it is a barren land.

But now with the Earth Lingzhu, this treasure that carries a large spiritual vein, the Colorful Divine Bull has the confidence, or the qualifications, to refine asteroids.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding was very suspicious. Wucai Shenniu said that the refinement was a blush on his own face, and it should want to integrate into this asteroid.

The will on the asteroid just now should have dissipated, and it is also because of this that the colorful bull waited for the opportunity, otherwise, it would not have left its birthplace, it was forced to leave.

After thinking about this, Gao Jiuding knew that this asteroid was on the verge of collapse, so Gao Jiuding's previous goal of destroying the asteroid by using the thunder calamity was still achieved.

Sweeping across the scorched black rocks in all directions, everything in a radius of [-] meters was destroyed.

This was bombarded by the terrible punishment of heaven, forming an incomparably huge abyss.

The high mountains were leveled, the forests disappeared, leaving a field of black ashes.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding didn't stop, he stepped out with one step, and the whole person went away.

This is stepping on the void and flying past quickly, forming a posture of a flying dragon in the sky.

This is what he wanted to do a long time ago, but it was too strenuous to do it before, but now, although it still feels like carrying a mountain of production on his back, he can already bear that kind of consumption.

Of course, even if Gao Jiuding was in the void at this time, he couldn't get excited, because he felt the terrible gravity of this asteroid.

Flying with a big mountain on your back is not fun for anyone!

Flying high into the sky and looking at the earth below, Gao Jiuding finally confirmed that the asteroid was dead.

The bright red earth is the proof.

At this time, the land seemed to be bleeding, and countless flowers, plants and trees broke off their branches and leaves, as if they were screaming.

Gao Jiuding had never seen such a scene.

He felt like a child who lost his mother's protection, he was very hesitant and unable to settle down.

He flew for a long time, and suddenly stopped. He stood above the void, and his face never recovered.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding suddenly noticed that the light in the void was a little more blazing, and the surrounding stars were even bigger, as if they were getting closer to the earth.

This feeling gave him a heavy pressure that was difficult to eradicate.

He vaguely guessed that what he was about to face was a more dangerous predicament, so could he go all the way?

boom!A palm was clenched suddenly, and the surrounding air was scratched and exploded.

Gao Jiuding's expression was firm, he stared at the stars hanging high in the sky, and there was a strong will in his heart, which contained unyielding.

This is a kind of struggle. If he wants to survive in such a world, he must have great courage and great perseverance.

"Come on, if there is no living space, then create a living space." Gao Jiuding calmed down slowly.

This is the inevitable process of the rise of a strong man. He wants to bloom his own light, shine on the world, and overwhelm the world.

After Gao Jiuding experienced the feeling of the sorrow of the world, he had a feeling of sorrow for the death of a rabbit, and it was through this feeling that he finally condensed his belief.

People, after all, have to rely on themselves. He understands this truth very well!

As he flew all the way and gradually mastered the powerful power behind the advanced method, Gao Jiuding himself began to develop unlimited self-confidence.

A loud bang woke Gao Jiuding who was in deep thought.

Dark clouds gathered in the distance, Gao Jiuding thought that the catastrophe just now had not completely dissipated, but he suddenly discovered that it was a huge monster that jumped down from the sky, and it wanted to swallow him in one bite.

It was a ferocious bird with a wingspan of more than 100 meters, full of ferocious aura.

However, Gao Jiuding raised his head suddenly, and greeted him with a wave of his fist.

With a bang, the pair of giant claws of the fierce bird collapsed, spilling blood all over the sky, and then Gao Jiuding rushed up, passing through the body of the fierce bird.

Chirp!The vicious bird wailed miserably, its body was brutally smashed in half, slipped from the sky, and hit the ground.

Gao Jiuding stepped across the air and disappeared into the air in a blink of an eye, leaving only flying feathers.

As for the corpse of the vicious bird, Gao Jiuding had already put it away. It was food and a resource, so Gao Jiuding would not let it go.

"No, why do I feel that the dark clouds are getting denser?" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding noticed that the beasts in the jungle and mountains in the distance became more chaotic.

"Something's wrong!" Looking at the void, the stars that could be seen just now have all disappeared, and now the surrounding sky is as black as ink.

"Master." At this moment, Gao Jiuding received a message.

Gao Jiuding looked at the ground in amazement, there was a huge crack there, and with the collapse of the will of heaven and earth just now, it seemed that the crack was getting bigger, and now, it seems to be gradually stabilizing?

So what's the matter with the dense dark clouds above the sky?Is it true that heaven and earth share the same sorrow?

Gao Jiuding was speechless, was it the will of the colorful bull just now?Does it need spirit stones?
"No, it seems that this asteroid needs spirit stones!" Gao Jiuding was a little hesitant, but he still acted quickly.

Immediately, millions of mid-grade spirit stones were poured into the huge crack above the asteroid.

"Not enough! Don't be reluctant, this is to strengthen the large spiritual vein in the Earth Lingzhu!"

This time Gao Jiuding received a very clear message, but he was a little bit pained.

What does this colorful cow want to do?To fuse and refine this asteroid, isn't a large spiritual vein not enough?

Although he didn't want to bleed, Gao Jiuding also knew that there was no turning back when he opened the bow, so he could only open the storage ring again, and poured down the spirit stone with a clatter.

This time, the spirit stones were not only dumped into the cracks in the ground, Gao Jiuding sprinkled all the spirit stones on the sea and rivers above the asteroid, and this sprinkling amounted to hundreds of millions of spirit stones.

Obviously, these are not enough. According to Wucai Shenniu's thinking, these middle-grade spirit stones are just drizzle.

But Gao Jiuding, the top-grade spirit stone, is absolutely not willing to waste it, but he can't give up the colorful bull, so what should we do?

With no other choice, Gao Jiuding could only bleed profusely!

With all his heart, he opened the storage ring on his left hand, and he threw out countless blood crystals.

This time the crystal stone landed, and the effect was immediate. The scene that was like the end just now disappeared immediately.

Moreover, Gao Jiuding could see that the tendency of the entire asteroid to collapse had begun to slow down.

Even the overflowing spiritual energy has now gathered together again. Is this increasing the size of the asteroid?
(End of this chapter)

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