The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1306 The sky is 3 feet high

Chapter 1306
The aura that was huge enough finally caused a qualitative change in the asteroid under Gao Jiuding's feet!
At this moment, the asteroid is like a gigantic super machine, running at full speed!
"The change is so big?" Gao Jiuding looked at the blood crystals that dissipated in the void. The effect of this thing is too good, right?
Gao Jiuding caressed the storage ring on his finger, would this thing appear on this asteroid for no reason?

So many blood crystals were probably brought here on purpose!

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding was in a bad mood. If the owner of the ring in his hand wanted to fuse the ring with this asteroid, what would he do?
So many blood crystals, is it to help fuse asteroids?
However, if this is the case, then why did the storage ring with so many blood crystals fail in the end?
It should be this storage ring, do you want to refine this asteroid?

Did the owner of the storage ring fail?That's why there are such big cracks?

No, if it failed, how could there be so many blood crystals left?Didn't have time to use up?

"Not enough." The colorful bull was still shining.

With no other choice, Gao Jiuding could only spill more blood crystals. At this time, Gao Jiuding didn't care about his heart, because he knew that a large spiritual vein must need a lot of fairy energy to advance to a giant spiritual vein, and The rank of blood crystals among spirit crystals is not low, not to mention that he still has a lot of middle-grade and high-grade blood crystals.

With so many blood crystals, it should be enough for a large spiritual vein to be promoted to a giant spiritual vein!

For a giant spiritual vein, is there anything that cannot be paid?

Gao Jiuding immediately began to pour blood crystals, as soon as he saw the aura inside the asteroid decrease, he would start to throw blood crystals until the aura above the asteroid was perfectly round and harmonious.

Finally reached the critical point, the asteroid trembled violently one after another, and the trembling came wave after wave!

Visible to the naked eye, an indistinctly huge gray membrane slowly appeared.

It's like a ban, but it's not a ban, it's more like a layer of atmosphere.

"No, it's not the atmosphere, the earth and the sky membrane? This is to form a complete small world?" Gao Jiuding suddenly realized something!
Time passed by one minute and one second, a quarter of an hour, half an hour, an hour has passed, and the outer periphery of the asteroid is still so calm!
"Bounce!" The moment Gao Jiuding just let go, the ground fissure that had just been healed together appeared again, but this time it was not the previous ground fissure, but a huge crack that burst open from another direction.

"Bang!" A mountain collapsed. Fortunately, many ferocious beasts ran to the plain, otherwise many ferocious beasts could be killed by this blow.

"What is that?" Looking at the collapsed mountain, Gao Jiuding's heart couldn't help but skip a beat. What is that strong aura?
Gao Jiuding's eyes were focused on the bright aura!

So what a huge amount of resources, it's incredible, I really dare not even dream about it!
Under the mountain, the huge mountains seem to be top-level spiritual mines!

"Bump, bang, click." At this moment, the entire asteroid began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

The mountains and rivers on the asteroid turned into plains, and the originally thin continent was rising and thickening.

Plains become mountains and rivers, mountains and rivers turn into plains, and seas turn into mulberry fields. This is a great change in the world!

As the sky turned upside down on the asteroid, countless beasts howled and ran, and they no longer knew where the safe place was.

At this time, Gao Jiuding didn't care to pity those ferocious beasts, his eyes were all attracted by the spirit stones and spirit mines exposed after the earth-shaking.

Not far from Gao Jiuding, there is a large rich mine belt!
Many monks may have never seen the spiritual mine in this life, just exposed in front of his eyes!

What are you waiting for?Speed ​​to mine!

Even Gao Jiuding's eyes turned bright red in an instant!
Gao Jiuding was able to recognize that the spirit mine buried deep underground was probably a fairy mine, an ore that contained fairy energy!
This kind of ore world is needed by the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, the Fire Spirit Battleship needs it, and now a storage ring is added, it must also be needed.

However, Gao Jiuding finally did not lose his mind. He knew that after the Earth Spirit Orb was fused with the five-colored god stone, it could also fuse with this asteroid, and then it would become a powerful fairy treasure.

This was a huge harvest, Gao Jiuding naturally wouldn't make trouble.

Therefore, even if he saw countless fairy materials, Gao Jiuding could not mine them wantonly.

However, you can't exploit it wantonly, and you can't just watch it!
So Gao Jiuding screamed, and rushed towards those areas that were turned upside down and landslides.

He didn't move the main ore vein below, he was waiting for the small materials that collapsed and flew out.

Gao Jiuding was really like locusts crossing the territory, not a single blade of grass grew, so he almost patronized that asteroid.

Of course, he didn't just collect the fairy materials from Beng Fei, if he could, he even collected all the panicked beasts.

Wherever he went, the sky was three feet high, because he scavenged everything including the flowers, plants and trees.

This time can be said to be an opportunity. With the earth turning upside down, a lot of surface soil has slid up, which is just right for Gao Jiuding to collect.

Now Gao Jiuding has a lot of means to collect resources on a large scale.

His pagoda can be collected, and so can the storage ring. In the end, he searched the entire asteroid.

Looking at this asteroid at this time, it has almost become a death star.

The vegetation, animals, fish and insects on it, and even the rivers, lakes and seas, were all scoured by Gao Jiuding.

It can be said that apart from the main body of the asteroid, even a piece of debris was cleaned up by Gao Jiuding!

So cool!It's so cool, this is the real space miner!
In the past, it was simply picking up trash!The past is unbearable!

Here Gao Jiuding is rejoicing to collect it, and the five-colored bull inside the asteroid has also reached a critical moment.

Therefore, the moment Gao Jiuding fell to the ground again, a crack suddenly appeared, causing Gao Jiuding to fall into the crack.

In an instant, Gao Jiuding appeared in front of a five-color divine stone, and he knew that this was the previous Earth Spirit Orb.

Where is the earth spirit bead still in its original earthy yellow color?Its appearance is definitely a five-color god stone.

The moment Gao Jiuding appeared, he fell into the five-color light, and then Gao Jiuding found that he appeared in the five-color bull.

It was in the body of the colorful bull. At this time, the colorful bull was just an illusory bubble, and Gao Jiuding ran into this large colorful bubble.

Gao Jiuding looked at everything around him stupidly, and then he received a huge message.

When Gao Jiuding digested this part of the information, his expression changed directly. Is he trying to create a small world?

Fortunately, the asteroid itself is a small world, and he also has an earth spirit bead, which can be easily fused with the asteroid through the five-color god stone. Otherwise, how could Gao Jiuding have the ability to create the world?

It's too late to say anything at this time, let's continue to play with our lives!

Gao Jiuding didn't say anything, and he didn't have anything to complain about. He just sat down cross-legged, and his mind was completely integrated into the five-color divine stone.

This time, he wants to use the five-color god stone and the earth spirit bead to create the world!
Gao Jiuding clenched his fist, took a deep breath, and then let go of his fist lightly. In his left palm, a small trembling blue flame instantly floated.

Gao Jiuding calmed down, the small flames as small as bean sprouts gradually grew, and gradually turned into a fireball the size of a fist, the size of a volleyball, and finally the size of a basketball!
The big fireball floated on Gao Jiuding's left palm, like a small blue sun, not swaying very much, and looked very heavy.

Almost there, Gao Jiuding began to go all out, he directly urged the flame in his hand, and instantly melted into the five-color god stone.

Immediately, the Five Colors Divine Stone began to be calcined.

An hour, two hours passed.

The little cyan sun trembled a few times, and its light began to spread outward along the five-color divine light of the five-color divine stone!

Gao Jiuding let out a breath, poured out two pills with one hand, and swallowed them to replenish the consumed mana.

Next, Gao Jiuding urged the little blue sun with all his strength, wanting to refine the asteroid outside again, yes, to refine this small world.

The cyan sun is dazzling, and its light follows the five-colored divine light emitted by the five-colored sacred stone, and its radiating range is getting wider and wider.

Three hours later, Gao Jiuding swallowed two more pills and adjusted his breath for half an hour.

Of course, what Gao Jiuding is cooking now is just an appetizer, and next, the main dish is coming!
With Gao Jiuding's finger pointing, the little sun floated in mid-air and expanded to seven meters in diameter.

He took a deep breath, hugged the little cyan sun with both palms, concentrated on controlling the little cyan sun, and it gradually grew bigger again!
The diameter is ten meters, one hundred meters, one thousand meters, and finally the diameter reaches 3000 meters.

At this time, Gao Jiuding raised the little blue sun to the top of his head with both hands, and it became radiant, even more dazzling than the stars in the sky!

Gao Jiuding didn't dare to be distracted in the slightest, because if this big fireball exploded unstable, the entire asteroid might be blown up!
Of course, this place is within the Five Colors God Stone, and the reason why he was able to make such a big commotion was that the Five Colors God Bull was helping.

Gao Jiuding carefully controlled the big blue sun, and slowly penetrated into the core of the asteroid.

This is to practice the part of the asteroid where the Five Colors God Stone is located, because this is the star core of the asteroid!

Gao Jiuding quickly formed dozens of handprints on his hands, and then he spread his palms, facing the core of the asteroid.

The core of the asteroid was roasted by the big blue sun, and gradually melted a little, turning into extremely viscous magma.

A trace of yellow spiritual liquid in the magma floated towards Gao Jiuding's left hand, and gradually gathered into a yellow bead.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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