Chapter 1308
On the asteroid, the gust of wind whizzed continuously, blowing the countless dust, and before it knew it, the asteroid had already absorbed all the interstellar dust within a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles.

So, now this asteroid has become a circle. Of course, it is not too round. At this time, it has become an elliptical star.

With a semi-finished pellicle, the asteroid is also protected. At this time, the asteroid is like a wild animal, which can only enter and exit.

This makes the asteroid form a huge gravitational source, and makes the surrounding starry sky form a huge funnel, which absorbs all interstellar dust with a radius of tens of millions of kilometers.

Even some asteroids with a diameter of tens, hundreds of meters, or even thousands of meters are flying towards Gao Jiuding's location.

The asteroid is growing, which is absolutely unexpected by Gao Jiuding, so, as the asteroid grows, Gao Jiuding is also getting more and more difficult.

Fortunately, the asteroid fused with the earth spirit beads has also become powerful enough, and it can also absorb the aura of the surrounding void, so it can support the present.

However, at this time Gao Jiuding was not feeling well either.

Seeing the fetal membrane swell day by day, Gao Jiuding's ruddy complexion turned pale day by day.

As the asteroid was smelted little by little, Gao Jiuding's mana and the aura of the Earth Spirit Bead were all continuously poured into the newborn earth's core.

At this time, the cyan lake is already in a semi-solidified state. This is because it has absorbed too much spiritual energy, and it is almost in the state of a spiritual stone.

Of course, the cyan lake can never form a Lingshi vein, it can only form a tire.

And this earth embryo is entirely controlled by the star core controlled by the five-colored bull. At this time, the melted star core has been fused with a large amount of spiritual energy, or after the large-scale spiritual vein of the earth spirit pearl has been integrated, and countless spiritual energy has been added, the core of the earth has begun to form. .

Therefore, the semi-solidified blue lake is the embryonic form of the earth's core.

At this time, the large mass of hot magma in the earth's core is constantly tumbling and noisy, but it just doesn't take shape!

Make it for me!Hurry up!The hot magma in the earth's core is still rolling and circling!Still go its own way!

Gao Jiuding supported it for half a month, but the core of the earth is still the same, and there is no tendency to settle down at all!

Days passed, and a month passed in a flash.

The celestial membrane outside the earth's core is constantly expanding, which means that more and more surrounding matter has been absorbed.

If there is more absorption, the surface of the earth will increase, and the core of the earth will also be strengthened.

At this time, the core of the earth under the control of Gao Jiuding has expanded to a diameter of 1000 meters, and the hot magma inside has cooled down a little, but it is still tumbling and circling, but the tumbling is not so fast!
However, at this time, the earth's core still has no tendency to be finalized!
Gao Jiuding's face was completely drained of blood, and he was sweating profusely, completely unmoved by the outside world.

Anyway, there are still a lot of resources, Gao Jiuding is not afraid of consumption.

He took out a blood crystal, absorbed the internal aura, and then used all his mana to refine the core of the earth with the golden flame of the sun.

Soon, Gao Jiuding discovered that two pure attribute energies, fire and earth, began to separate from the core of the earth!
The earth energy is refined and reintegrated into the earth's core, while the fire energy continues to strengthen the magma.

In this process, Gao Jiuding consumed a lot, but this refining took two full days and two nights to complete.

With a thought in his mind, he activated the magical power of the fire element, and another golden flame was drawn by him and merged into the core of the earth. Suddenly, the magma in the core of the earth became different.

As time passed, the magma in the earth's core gradually became viscous, turned more and more slowly, and turned into a paste.

The golden sun's golden flame kept pouring into the earth's core, and the magma inside the earth's core was still mushy, and it still couldn't be fixed.

Gao Jiuding was helpless, he could only continue to consume mana to activate the sun and golden fire!
It has been two months in a flash, and the core of the earth has swelled to a distance of 4000 meters. At this time, Gao Jiuding's face is not pale, but pale!
But all the hard work has not been in vain!

The paste in the earth's core has finally solidified a little, and it is turning very slowly, becoming more and more solid!

I don't know how much time has passed, but at the moment when Gao Jiuding felt that he couldn't hold on, the earth's core finally solidified, and in front of Gao Jiuding's eyes, there was a prototype of a planet!

He exhaled heavily, and for the first time a smile appeared on his extremely pale face.

Gao Jiuding pointed his right index finger at the core of the prototype, huh?no response!Order again!Still no response!

this... this is...

Gao Jiuding's thoughts changed sharply, and he quickly figured it out. This big guy was far beyond his expectations, so it became more difficult for him to mobilize.

Gao Jiuding gave a wry smile, his body swayed, what else could he do?Opening his mouth and spitting out, a stream of blood emerged and immediately merged into the core of the earth.

It's a pity that an earth spirit orb was integrated into it. If it was a fire spirit orb, it should be easier to melt the earth's core and form a new spirit vein, right?

Fire spirit veins are the easiest to generate, while earth spirit veins are too stable to be refined!
There is no way, who made Gao Jiuding major in the earth spirit bead?

Gao Jiuding mustered all his strength and raised his hands, pouring his mana into the core of the earth, and that bloody light gradually merged into the rudimentary core of the earth that had already been fixed!

Just after completing this action, Gao Jiuding was panting for a while and swayed, almost falling to the ground.

He pointed at the rudimentary core again, and after a short delay, the rudimentary core finally trembled and began to shrink slowly.


In the end, the earth's core became only as big as a basketball, and slowly floated in front of Gao Jiuding.

It's done!It's finally done!
Gao Jiuding sat cross-legged on the ground, and gently pressed the basketball-sized rudimentary earth core with both hands.

Before he even moved much, the rudimentary core of the earth erupted with dazzling light, and a huge and incomparable aura was continuously injected into Gao Jiuding's body from the core of the earth.

Gao Jiuding's pale face gradually became blood-colored, and his eyes gradually became energetic again!
The aura within the rudimentary earth core continued to pour into Gao Jiuding's arms. He let out a long breath, as if a beggar who had been starving for months had finally had a full meal!
The blood is connected, like arms and fingers, Gao Jiuding is just a thought, and the core of the earth stops the injection of spiritual energy!
Gao Jiuding took a closer look at the rudimentary earth core, and he could feel that this earth core contained an incomparably huge energy, and it was as stable as a mountain.

This core of the earth is like crystal clear glass, and countless dense qi are flowing slowly in it, which cannot be seen without careful observation.

it is good!The core is done!No, it should be the ground tire!Gao Jiuding nodded in satisfaction.

The earth tire is formed, and it is a spirit treasure that is integrated with the earth spirit beads, five-color god stones and five-color god bulls. At this time, it depends on its control over the external asteroid.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the tire immediately fell under his feet and merged into the asteroid.

Immediately, Gao Jiuding felt a sense of familiarity, as if the layer of asteroids wrapped around him was his body.

The heart moved randomly, the asteroid trembled for a while, and then began to change violently.

Endless spiritual light emerged, which was the energy of the fire element. As the flames radiated out, the surroundings of Gao Jiuding began to change rapidly.

Asteroids need a mantle. As for the outer core, with the current size of the asteroid, forget it!

The mantle is hot red gold magma, and the flowing magma contains incomparably surging energy.

The earth's crust is a thick layer of rock dozens of times stronger than black iron.

The surface of the earth is extremely fertile spiritual soil, all of which are made of interstellar dust!
Gao Jiuding's divine sense completely covered the entire asteroid almost instantly.

With the formation of the earth, this asteroid has been completely controlled by him.

"Boom!" After a burst of roar, a khaki vein appeared.

Gao Jiuding discovered that the large earth spirit vein originally gathered in the earth spirit beads, or the current earth tire, suddenly appeared in the ground fissure of the asteroid, and completely filled the ground fissure.

The asteroid kept shaking, and during the violent shaking, cracks appeared one after another, and as these cracks appeared, countless magma poured in.

In just an instant, countless cracks formed inside the entire asteroid, and these cracks were immediately filled with magma.

It can be said that in a short period of time, the earth spirit veins covered the entire asteroid, and the magma soaked into the corners of the asteroid, and began to continuously calcine and refine the asteroid.

As the asteroid was continuously calcined, the asteroid soon turned into a huge fireball.

The countless interstellar dust that was originally attracted was refined and integrated into the asteroid.

Of course, during this process, Gao Jiuding also discovered that the countless auras of the five elements around him were strongly attracted and merged into the asteroid.

The Five-Color Sacred Ox is a five-element divine object. Although the original five-color Sacred Stone belongs to soil, this soil-type fetish can carry the five elements. Therefore, after the five-color Sacred Ox is produced, the five-color Sacred Ox is of the five-element attribute, not the earth attribute. Of course , it is a spiritual body that is biased towards the earth attribute, and is qualified to achieve the body of a god.

The five-color god stone with the five-color god bull has the qualifications to advance to an immortal weapon. As long as it is strong enough, it will easily advance to an immortal weapon.

The five-color divine bull that has been materialized originally has the strength of the heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, but now it is fused with the asteroid, and it should have the peak combat power of the late phase of the law. It is not difficult to advance to pure yang, right?
In other words, at this time, he should have the strength of the Dongtian Lingbao!
"Volcanic eruption? The real vicissitudes are coming?"

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, he released the countless water, soil, gold and stones that he put away just now, and these should be integrated into this asteroid.

As for vegetation, insects, fish, birds and beasts, let's release them after the asteroid has completed its transformation!
"Bang!" Just when Gao Jiuding was extremely happy, an asteroid with a diameter of more than [-] meters came.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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