Chapter 1309 Five Elements Realm

A meteor fell on the asteroid, and the violent vibration made Gao Jiuding dizzy. You must know that at this time, his divine sense was integrated into the entire asteroid.

"Bang bang bang bang." Before Gao Jiuding recovered, countless impacts came one after another.

Gao Jiuding immediately withdrew his divine sense and checked the situation outside, but he only saw meteors falling into the interior of the asteroid.

One after another, the asteroids broke through the barrier of the sky membrane, rushed into the atmosphere, rubbed out flames, and quickly fell into the asteroids.

The impacts again and again triggered fires under the earth's crust, forming volcanoes one after another.

Gao Jiuding looked at all this in shock, is this creating the world?Or is it dying?
Just now he was so frightened that he was going to pass out, but Gao Jiuding's heart calmed down in an instant, because he saw countless auras.

Along with the asteroid group, there are countless auras, and even on those asteroids, there are some hidden monsters.

The vitality of these monsters is extremely tenacious. Even if they fell on the asteroid with the meteorite and were then disgraced by the volcanic eruption, most of them survived.

"It's too dangerous!" Gao Jiuding simply hid in the depths of the asteroid and stopped peeping at it.

He can now feel that not only the meteorites are attracted, but also the asteroid he is on is flying fast, and it seems to have deviated from its orbit, otherwise it would not have been hit by so many meteorites in an instant.

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding completed the refining of the ground tire and the sky membrane, otherwise, with the impact of the meteorite, the aura absorbed by the ground tire would definitely be hit again and again like annihilation of the world, and it would disappear in smoke.

But now it is different. Although the meteorite broke through the barrier of the sky membrane, when the meteorite fell into the ground and exploded, countless auras hidden in the meteorite exploded, replenishing and strengthening the asteroid.

And those auras that overflow rapidly, because of the effect of the sky membrane, cannot escape from the asteroid, this is the harvest.

With spiritual energy, the earth spirit veins and fire veins will grow stronger. Of course, with the arrival of countless meteors, the gold veins, wood veins, and water veins hidden on the asteroids will also take the opportunity to grow stronger.

"The cultivation is over, just to strengthen the cultivation base!" The changes that happened this time are too great, and the big Gao Jiuding can only watch.

Day after day, month after month, month after month, finally one day, Gao Jiuding couldn't feel the vibration, he flashed away, and appeared from the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

Looking at the asteroid that was completely stabilized, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but waved his hand, and finally succeeded!
The consciousness appeared and instantly attached to the asteroid. Gao Jiuding saw the change of the asteroid.

"En? That cow finally reacted!" Gao Jiuding sensed a powerful spiritual power almost instantly, and he knew that it must be a colorful cow, but at this time, it should not be described as colorful , it is actually back to basics.

Gao Jiuding's divine sense immediately descended on the five-colored bull.

At this time, the five-colored bull seemed to be much more ordinary. It was no longer a luminous five-color, but only a simple five-color. Therefore, it is now considered a five-color bull.

In addition to the five-colored bull, Gao Jiuding also saw the core of the earth, and within the core are earth spirit stones, huh?Maybe it can't be called the earth spirit stone anymore, it should be called the five-color god stone, because the earth spirit stone is exuding five-color god light.

Within the five-color divine light, there is a phantom, which is the five-color divine bull.

All the brilliance of the five-colored divine bull was absorbed by the five-colored divine light?Or stripped of the five-color divine light in the body?

After careful perception, Gao Jiuding discovered that the earth spirit beads were completely fused with the five-color god stone, forming a strange existence, which not only has the ability of the five-color god stone, but also has the ability to absorb and gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

And the Five-Color Sacred Bull is the tool spirit of the Five-color Sacred Stone, because Gao Jiuding completely refined the Earth Spirit Orb, so with the complete fusion of the Earth Spirit Orb and the Five-color Sacred Stone, Gao Jiuding also completely controlled the Five-color Sacred Stone. Of course, it was bred by the Five-color Sacred Stone The five-color divine bull that came out was completely controlled by Gao Jiuding.

His mind sank into the five-color divine stone, and Gao Jiuding immediately understood the current situation of the five-color divine stone.

Now we should not talk about the earth spirit beads and the five-color divine stones. It should be called the Five Elements Realm, because what Gao Jiuding sees now is a small world.

"Small world? Can it be reduced to the size of the earth spirit bead?" Gao Jiuding just had a thought, and his divine thought came to the outermost celestial membrane of the asteroid.

Exuding white awns, the sky membrane like a crystal cover began to shrink with Gao Jiuding's thoughts.

"Small, small, small" Following Gao Jiuding's thought power, the asteroid, no, it should be the current Five Elements Realm, a small world of life with all five elements, what is it called if it is not called the Five Elements Realm.

With the refining of Gao Jiuding, the Five Elements Realm kept shrinking, and finally became only as big as a ping-pong ball. Finally, Gao Jiuding opened his mouth and swallowed the Five Elements Realm into his stomach, and the next step is to slowly accumulate it!
Standing in the void, looking at the surrounding environment, I don't know where I flew to!
"The stars are a little brighter. Damn, is there a galaxy over there? How far has it traveled?"

After just a few casual glances, Gao Jiuding discovered that the surrounding environment had changed too much, as if he had entered the periphery of a galaxy.

"Huh? No, it's not a galaxy. It seems to be the junction of several galaxies. There are too many stars here!" Gao Jiuding looked at the asteroids passing by from time to time. This is the Oort Nebula zone?
Because there are too many stars here, and the universe is not a vacuum, it can also be said that there are cosmic dust everywhere, and the rich aura makes the photons here refract constantly, so the brightness here is not that of the earth. special nebula can be compared.

At the very least, the brightness here is very high, brighter than the colorful star field that Gao Jiuding had seen before.

"It's pretty safe here, you can't fly around!" Gao Jiuding opened his mouth and spit out the Huoling battleship. He planned to repair it here, at least he had to understand the distribution of fierce beasts here.

But with the appearance of the Huoling battleship, Gao Jiuding suddenly discovered that the starry sky, which was very bright just now, suddenly turned dark?

"Master, I'm going to cross the catastrophe!" Huo Ling said as soon as he appeared.

"Then let's cross the catastrophe!" Gao Jiuding said indifferently.

After he survived the punishment of heaven, he no longer has much respect for the doom of Tongtian Lingbao.

Throwing out the Huoling warship and letting it go through the catastrophe, Gao Jiuding believes that even without the help of the Huoling warship, Huo Ling can survive the catastrophe.

Since he wasn't worried, Gao Jiuding planned to explore around to save the fire spirit from crossing the catastrophe and attract a group of monsters.

Gao Jiuding didn't care about Huo Ling, he started wandering around, of course, his main target was still those asteroids flying around.

This is the intersection of three star systems, so the asteroids here are relatively stable. They are attracted by the three star systems and cannot escape their gravitational circles, so they are very suitable for Gao Jiuding to mine.

An asteroid belt that can be mined means endless wealth.

It's a pity, just after Gao Jiuding collected some asteroids and threw them into the Five Elements Realm, he discovered that subtle changes suddenly occurred in the endless void!
Gao Jiuding frowned suddenly, no good!dangerous!

It was too late to say it, and the void, which was originally empty and calm, suddenly became violent.

Just blinking a few times, black thunderclouds rolled out and appeared, and a series of chain reactions occurred in an instant, gathering more and more.

Endless thunderclouds surrounded Gao Jiuding, and there were bursts of dull roaring noises from inside the thunderclouds, which made Gao Jiuding tremble!
Soon, Gao Jiuding knew that it was not the catastrophe he had attracted, but the five elements in his body.

The Five Elements Realm finally stabilized, and at the moment it stabilized, the catastrophe arrived as scheduled.

Gao Jiuding couldn't suppress the breath of the Five Elements Realm at all, so even if the Five Elements Realm was hidden in his body, the catastrophe would come.

At least it is the catastrophe of the Dongtian Lingbao, Gao Jiuding must not be able to stop it, so without any hesitation, Gao Jiuding directly spit out the Five Elements Realm, intending to let it overcome the catastrophe by itself.

Falling into the Five Elements Realm, looking at the bare mountains, rocks and fields, Gao Jiuding laughed. Fortunately, he didn't send the original creatures out, otherwise it would be another test.

Looking up at the sky, the Five Elements Realm, which was originally still daytime, suddenly turned into night, and it was still a dark night of thunderstorms!

Gao Jiuding stared blankly at the dark, flashing thunderous sky, his heart sank!

Generally speaking, the bigger the catastrophe, the longer it will take to brew, but right now this catastrophe can be launched at will!
Tens of thousands of golden thunderbolts and thunderballs with a thickness of several meters, or even tens of meters, suddenly formed and struck towards the Five Elements Realm!
This Heavenly Tribulation seems to be not much weaker than the Heavenly Punishment Gao Jiuding experienced, which made Gao Jiuding a little startled.

It's a pity that they are now surrounded by thunder, and there is no way to escape. Gao Jiuding decided to let the Five Elements Realm resist the thunder.

Anyway, there is no way to run now, Gao Jiuding simply hid in the Five Elements Realm and wanted to make more preparations.

This is still the familiar asteroid, but there is no obvious boundary line. At this time, the asteroid is mixed like a pigeon egg, which is pleasing to the eye.

Looking at the sinkhole that was hit by the meteor, Gao Jiuding laughed.

There are too many asteroid belts around, otherwise his small world would still be a flat plate.

But now it looks like an oval life planet.

"This seems to be a livable zone too, there is no sun around here!"

Looking up at the sky, although it was blocked by thunderclouds, Gao Jiuding was still able to see everything around him through the black aura.

The ability of the Five Elements Realm to absorb the surrounding matter is too strong, and there are still many asteroids falling towards the interior of the Five Elements Realm.

Well, at this time Gao Jiuding was once again thankful that he didn't release the ferocious beasts and spiritual plants that he collected, otherwise, he would have to go through another torment this time.

"I hope this small world can survive!" Countless thunders fell, and Gao Jiuding could only hope that the defense of this small world was strong enough.

(End of this chapter)

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