The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1310 Super Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 1310 Super Heavenly Tribulation
Contrary to Gao Jiuding's expectation, the defensive power of the small world's outer layer of film is still very strong, and it resisted.

Tian Jie was a little irritated, if he couldn't even deal with such a little guy, then how could he deal with those big guys!

With Tianjie's anger, the small world suffered immediately!
More thunderbolts and thunderballs struck towards the Five Elements Realm, covering the sky and covering the earth, wave after wave, without stopping at all!
The defense system of the Five Elements Realm has a limit. It is still possible to resist one or two waves of thunderbolts at intervals, but it is impossible to resist such dense and massive thunderbolts!

As the thunder fell, the tianmembrane outside the Five Elements Realm was still damaged, and cracks appeared one after another.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding was so frightened that his face turned pale. Is he going to experience another punishment from heaven?
Although the catastrophe this time is a catastrophe, not a punishment, but the intensity of the catastrophe this time is definitely not something he can bear.

Gao Jiuding could feel that any thunder ball falling on him would directly turn him into ashes.

This is a difference in level or magnitude. Compared to a small world, Gao Jiuding's cultivation is not even dust.

Therefore, the intensity of Gao Jiuding's Heavenly Punishment is definitely not as strong as the thunder ball of Heavenly Tribulation in this small world.

Seeing how powerful it was, Gao Jiuding was also uneasy, so he released the pagoda, turned it on with all his strength, and tried his best to strengthen the defense.

"Is this small world open? The pagoda appeared, but it was not affected!"

As soon as the pagoda was activated, Gao Jiuding thought of the hidden danger of space superposition, but the Five Elements Realm is obviously different.

Gao Jiuding couldn't help but opened the space of the pagoda, and took out a jade gourd from inside, which contained the golden liquid of Xianquan.

Sure enough, the opening of the pagoda space is not difficult to affect the Five Elements Realm.

It is definitely not that the quality of the Five Elements Realm is higher than that of the pagoda, but because the Five Elements Realm is an open small world.

"If the Five Elements Realm is reduced, I don't know if the space of the pagoda can be opened!" Gao Jiuding looked at the huge asteroid. Its space compression definitely comes from the earth tire and the sky membrane.

"Forget it, it's better not to be dead!" Gao Jiuding looked up at the sky, with double insurance, he felt relieved.

It is impossible for such a terrifying Super Heavenly Tribulation, an ordinary defensive magic weapon, to withstand the raging thunder of Heavenly Tribulation.

Without protection, even if Gao Jiuding was exposed to the Heavenly Tribulation, he would be like naked babies, with no defense at all, and would definitely be smashed into void dust immediately.

Why do you think so, because Gao Jiuding saw that the appearance of the small world attracted some asteroids around, but these asteroids were shattered by countless thunders before they fell into the Five Elements Realm.

And these shattered asteroids were immediately transformed into majestic spiritual energy, which merged into the Heavenly Tribulation, making the Heavenly Tribulation even more ferocious!

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding's face turned green. He immediately controlled the Five Elements Realm, wanting to get close to a relatively large asteroid, wanting to receive this asteroid and prevent it from infecting the enemy.

It's a pity that the Five Elements Realm in its complete state is too huge to get up anytime soon!
Gao Jiuding could only watch helplessly as one after another asteroids were attracted to them, then shattered into pieces, turned into a rich fairy spirit, and merged into the Heavenly Tribulation.

Even the fairy materials were chopped into pieces, there is no doubt about the strength of this catastrophe.

As the surrounding aura became stronger, the Heavenly Tribulation became stronger and more terrifying!
"No matter how you look at it, I feel that this Heavenly Tribulation has its own will!" After several times of crossing the catastrophe, Gao Jiuding clearly realized that the specificity of the Heavenly Tribulation is really too strong.

For example, now, this Heavenly Tribulation doesn't seem to be in a hurry to destroy the Five Elements Realm. It is brewing now, and the robbery cloud is constantly growing, wrapping the Five Elements Realm layer by layer!
The terrifying Jieyun refreshed Gao Jiuding's cognition again and again.

Gao Jiuding's complexion also became more and more ugly. This Super Heavenly Tribulation clearly wanted to kill them all and completely destroy the Five Elements Realm!

Gao Jiuding didn't know who to provoke whom, why?
"Could it be because of his identity as an outsider?" Gao Jiuding couldn't help thinking of this. For an outsider like him, any kind of thing he got here is a plunder.

No one would like outsiders, but as long as they survived the catastrophe, they would be integrated into this world, right?

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding nodded resolutely, since he can't avoid it, let's fight!
It shouldn't be difficult to use a small world to deal with the Super Heavenly Tribulation, because Gao Jiuding doesn't have to bear the brunt of it.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the Five-Color Divine Bull moved in the deep womb of the Five Elements Realm.

As the five-colored bull started to move, layers of spiritual light flickered.

The multicolored divine light enveloped the entire asteroid in an instant, and then layers of spiritual light turned into a series of prohibitions, which combined with each other to form a super defensive formation.

Is this the supernatural power of the five-color divine bull, or the supernatural power of the five-color divine stone?
No matter what kind of supernatural power it is, Gao Jiuding can control it now that he has passed the Five-Color Divine Bull.

This kind of supernatural power has a very strong defensive power. With its protection, this newborn small world should be able to survive, right?
With the combination of supernatural powers and the big formation, the small world shone with dazzling light!

At this time, the Super Heavenly Tribulation is also brewing, and it will explode!
Thunder roared wildly, shaking the entire starry sky!

Gao Jiuding took a deep breath, since it has come, let the thunderstorm come more violently!

The small world is not a soft persimmon that can be pinched casually, even if it is a super catastrophe, he has to bravely break through it!

Countless thunderbolts crazily rushed towards the Five Elements Realm, and bombarded the super defensive formation of the small world.

The flat sky in the Five Elements Realm suddenly became choppy, with countless ripples rippling, like a stormy sea!
Super Heavenly Tribulation is changing various forms, constantly attacking the Five Elements Realm, trying to find a way to break through its defensive formation.

And the Five-Color Divine Bull is obviously constantly adjusting the super defense array, trying to use the minimum consumption to resist the super catastrophe.

The speed of the Five Elements Realm is also getting faster and faster. Although they can't escape the scope of the Super Heavenly Tribulation no matter what, they can at least avoid a lot of mighty thunder, avoiding the most serious and taking the lightest, and fighting sports with the Super Heavenly Tribulation.

Both sides fought hard and confronted each other.

In the middle of this kind of attack and defense, three days passed.

Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded, what's going on?
The Heavenly Tribulation has bombarded the Five Elements Realm for three days, why is there no sign of it coming to an end?
At this time, Gao Jiuding felt a little bad. This seemed to be a protracted battle beyond imagination!
The Super Heavenly Tribulation is still being strengthened, which frightened Gao Jiuding a little.

It has been three days to resist the super catastrophe, and the Five Elements Realm is also very tough. The layers of defensive formations have become potholes.

Fortunately, this asteroid has been refined by Gao Jiuding and the five-colored cow, so that every part of the asteroid is very solid, so it did not cause too much damage.

Now it is no longer a simple asteroid, but a small world protected by a terrestrial tire and a heavenly membrane.

It's a pity that in the Five Elements Realm at this time, the accumulated spiritual energy has been exhausted. If the Super Heavenly Tribulation is still lingering, then it may not last long!
I really regret it. If I knew how difficult it was to cross the catastrophe, Gao Jiuding would have taken the risk to collect more resources no matter how dangerous the surrounding starry sky was.

I only regret that he was a little eager for quick success, and didn't make more preparations. Who can blame him for falling into this situation?Still not enough experience!

There is no other way at all, but to fight the Super Heavenly Tribulation to the end, if you survive it, you will live, if you can't survive it, you will say nothing.

This is a war with no retreat, a war that can only be won and never lost!Once defeated, the loss will be great.

Fight!Fighting against Super Heavenly Tribulation, Gao Jiuding's blood was aroused!
Passion alone is not enough, so Gao Jiuding deployed urgently to arrange the resources in his hands as rationally as possible.

Now the five-color divine bull should still be able to support it, because the shattered celestial membrane can still recover, so Gao Jiuding only made a plan and did not put it into action.

However, it is becoming more and more difficult for the five-colored bull to deal with it. The defense formation that is already riddled with holes has gradually become weak with the gradual consumption of internal resources, and more and more disasters have slipped through the net!

At this time, Jieyun above his head also became restless, as if laughing, you can't hold it anymore!

Super Tianjie is full of energy, let's make persistent efforts!
As for the rampage of Super Heavenly Tribulation, the newly born mountains and land above the asteroid were more or less affected.

Looking at the crumbling mountains, Gao Jiuding's face was a bit ugly, is this going to end?

This new round of attacks from Super Heavenly Tribulation seems to be even more powerful!

Also, I don't know when such an attack will be a head?

Procrastination, it's been a week since the bombardment, this catastrophe is too rascal, isn't there such a catastrophe?
At this time, Gao Jiuding felt that he had been cornered!

Super Heavenly Tribulation has always been steadfast, and will never leave this small world until it is destroyed!

"Damn it, what's the point of exterminating this catastrophe?" Gao Jiuding finally couldn't help it, he let out a loud shout, waved his fists and merged into the sky membrane, wanting to provoke the endless catastrophe.

Of course, Gao Jiuding hadn't forgotten to stand against the pagoda, otherwise, as soon as he came into contact with the thunder tribulation, he would be gone.

After a little testing, Gao Jiuding heaved a sigh of relief. With the protection of the mysterious and yellow aura emanating from the pagoda, he could still hold on, so he rushed into the endless super catastrophe without hesitation.

So what about Heavenly Tribulation, I've been upset with you for a long time. I've been on the stage for so many years, how have I ever received such birdishness?

But now, you are still blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.See if I don't stab you to the bottom of this catastrophe!
Gao Jiuding stood against the pagoda and roared again and again. In fact, he was very happy in his heart. The pagoda is a pagoda, and it is reliable at any time.

And this also proves that the quality of the pagoda is definitely higher than that of the newborn small world below.

(End of this chapter)

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