The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1311 Heaven is jealous of talents

Chapter 1311 Heaven is jealous of talents (200 monthly tickets plus updates)

With the protection of the pagoda and no worries, Gao Jiuding punched out one after another, blasting out huge gaps in Tianjie's interior one after another!
Countless thunderbolts hit the pagoda, but the pagoda was shining with endless black and yellow light, but it would not be broken no matter what.

Feeling the defensive power of the pagoda, Super Heavenly Tribulation was completely furious, and countless lightning strikes towards Gao Jiuding!
This proves the strength of the pagoda, Gao Jiuding is proud, chop it, I will stand here and let you chop it, see what you can do to me!
If you can't kill me, you are a coward!
What kind of bullshit, heavenly tribulation, I don't care about you!
Gao Jiuding's mood became very good, because the five-color cow sensed Gao Jiuding's actions, and it also moved.

Taking advantage of Gao Jiuding's attention to attract Super Heavenly Tribulation, the Five-Color Divine Bull fled in a hurry. It controlled the small world and rushed to an area where there were few thunders, and finally managed to catch its breath.

This panting was the endless troubles that swept in. The dense thunder just now was like a machine gun, and it was a slamming hammer at the Five Elements Realm. At this time, the Five Colors Divine Bull realized that it was already a broken sieve.

The Five-Color Divine Bull was also afraid, it took a short breath and began to gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

The Super Heavenly Tribulation is still there, and it is far from the time to relax. It knows that if it can't hold on, it will end in ashes.

Gaining respite, the battered defensive array began to recover.

"How long will it take for the catastrophe to end? It looks like it's about to be overwhelmed!" With the support of the pagoda, Gao Jiuding still has the heart to observe the situation in the small world.

"I can't last a few days here." The five-colored cow's anxious voice came.

The small world has already run out of fuel, and as time goes by, the consumed spiritual energy cannot be replenished. Even if the five-color god bull uses the characteristics of the five-color god stone to mend the sky, it will not be able to withstand the destruction of the catastrophe too quickly.

Sensing the helplessness of the Five-Color Divine Bull, Gao Jiuding felt even more helpless. The blood spar was the only thing in his hands that could help the Five-Color Divine Bull.

This is a spirit crystal, and it is a special spirit crystal. It is a waste to use it like this.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding could only bleed again if he didn't need to lose more.

One after another, the blood spar was thrown into the small world by Gao Jiuding, and turned into streams of fairy spirit, nourishing the asteroid, and finally gathered by the five-colored bulls, and began to repair the outer defense formation.

As long as there is aura, the five-color divine cow can play the role of five-color divine stones to mend the sky, quickly repairing everything damaged by the catastrophe, such as the external sky membrane.

All restrictions are attached to the sky membrane, and as long as the sky membrane is restored, the formation will be restored immediately.

Following Gao Jiuding's throwing of the blood spar, the ground tire turned into a huge energy source, providing the final energy for the defense formation of the entire small world!

Pieces of blood spar exploded, causing Gao Jiuding's heart to bleed.

But such a waste, he had to do it, because he found that the five-colored bull seemed to be saving up a big move.

Finally, after Gao Jiuding threw out tens of millions of blood spar, he finally saw a crimson beam of light reaching the sky, piercing straight out from the inside of Super Heavenly Tribulation.

That terrifying Super Heavenly Tribulation was abruptly pierced by the sky-reaching crimson beam of light, creating a huge and terrifying gap that almost occupied one-twentieth of the Heavenly Tribulation!
This...isn't it true?Is this really too powerful?
Gao Jiudao suspected that he was dreaming, but the terrifying gap of the super angel in front of him was so real.

After returning to his soul, Gao Jiuding was a little excited. He looked at the huge gap in the super heavenly tribulation, and saw countless flashing thunders there.

how is this possible?What kind of attack can do such an unimaginable scene?
At this time, Gao Jiuding finally understood why the rioting Super Heavenly Tribulation lasted so long, and what Heavenly Tribulation had to deal with was not people!

How powerful is this small world?
That red beam of light is the handwriting of the five-color divine cow, right?He definitely didn't have this kind of strength before.

So, it uses the power of the entire small world?The power of the tire?
After Shi Potian's shocking blow, the tens of thousands of miles around the small world became calm, and even Gao Jiuding was able to see the stars in a small half of the sky again, although only for a moment!

"Rush out!" Gao Jiuding woke up instantly.

The Five-Color Divine Bull also started to move. It hastily manipulated the Five Elements Realm, struggling to break out from the safe passage opened by the attack just now!

Super Heavenly Tribulation also seemed to be in a daze for a while, and then became angry.

This time it has invoked a large amount of spiritual energy, and it will definitely achieve its wish.

The Super Heavenly Tribulation went berserk again, violently sweeping through Jieyun, thickening again.

As the gathering effect of Super Heavenly Tribulation increases, the countless auras around are all attracted by Heavenly Tribulation, and the whole space trembles slightly!

Gao Jiuding was dumbfounded again, did Tianjie go crazy this time?
It's terrible!If this rampage continues, no matter how powerful the small world is, it may not be able to hold on!
Gao Jiuding smiled bitterly. The attack just now seemed to have caused a violent rebound. If this is the case, then he can only hold on!
Among his forces now, although it is commonplace not to mention crossing the heavenly tribulation, it is definitely no stranger.

He and his men have survived many catastrophes!
Therefore, Gao Jiuding now understands what is going on with Heavenly Tribulation!

Therefore, I also know that the catastrophes are actually different, not only the types of thunder and lightning, but also all kinds of incredible catastrophes!

For example, there are heavenly catastrophes of the five elements and the partial five elements!
What's more, on the basis of the five elements, more have been derived, and the catastrophe is even more terrifying and powerful.

Of course, most of the Heavenly Tribulations are powerful and labor-saving thunder attributes, which are the Heavenly Tribulations that Gao Jiuding has come into contact with so far.

And the starry sky is really too vast, this Super Heavenly Tribulation is nothing more than a great Heavenly Tribulation under this sky!
If you can't even withstand this, how will you break into the center of the Milky Way in the future?
Gao Jiuding held his breath, and did not follow the Five Elements Realm away, he stood on top of the tower, come on, let the thunderstorm come more violently!

Naturally, Gao Jiuding can't be brave and foolish, to deal with this super catastrophe, he still needs a pagoda to resist!
Also, if there is a chance, the spirit pool in his blood sea space can also play a role!

If he can absorb some of the power of Heavenly Tribulation, then his strength will grow rapidly again.

It's a pity that Thunder Tribulation's attack speed is too fast. Only when you are faster and faster than Tian Jie's thunder and lightning, no matter how big and powerful Tian Jie is, it can only be reduced to a proving ground!
Of course, the main reason is that Gao Jiuding didn't dare to provoke the Heavenly Tribulation brought by the Five Elements Realm. He was afraid that he would kill himself in a flash, and he really turned into ashes!

Gao Jiuding took a deep breath, first of all, it was quiet!
In the center of the frantic thunderstorm, Gao Jiuding stood there quietly, so peaceful and peaceful.

Super Heavenly Tribulation is strange, what is this guy doing?Is this a brain tease?Want to fight me hand to hand?You risked your own death, no wonder me!

Super Tianjie didn't bother to pay too much attention to that small world, because he knew that the owner who destroyed the small world would do more damage to the small world.

Besides, the size of the small world is so huge anyway, it can't go anywhere soon!

Concentrate your firepower first and get rid of this guy. If he becomes a climate, there is really nothing you can do about him in the future!
Super Heaven's Tribulation's move was the killer's trump card. Countless thunderbolts covered seven sure-kill lightning bolts, and rushed towards Gao Jiuding!
Gao Jiuding didn't make any moves, and let the countless thunderbolts strike!

Super Heavenly Tribulation was a little dumbfounded. It was obvious that the seven lightning bolts had already hit Gao Jiuding, so why didn't they have any effect at all?

No, the energy of the Seven Killing Lightning is still so sufficient, it should have just passed through Gao Jiuding's phantom, and didn't really hit him!

Strange, so many thunder and lightning concentrated fire attacks, could it be that none of them hit him?what's the situation?
Super Heavenly Tribulation doesn't believe in evil anymore, you can hide, right? Then I will bombard you indiscriminately without stopping, so that you have nowhere to hide!
The Five Elements Realm rushed out of the passage opened by the big attack, and although it was still surrounded by the surge of the Super Heavenly Tribulation, it felt that the strength of the Heavenly Tribulation was much weaker than before!
Is it an illusion?But watching Jieyun surge wildly and thunder explosions can be heard endlessly, no matter how you look at it, it is much more violent than before!
Wait, this sound is wrong, is it behind?

The Five-Color Divine Bull could perceive Gao Jiuding's situation. After all, Gao Jiuding was its owner, but when it saw the situation behind it, its heart stopped beating involuntarily!

What caught the eyes of the five-colored bull was a terrifying scene that it could never imagine in its life!
As if the entire starry sky was turned upside down and exploded intensively, countless thunder bombs roared hysterically and tore apart the space, starting to destroy the world!
"This... this is..." The five-color cow stared at that scene in a daze!
It suddenly realized that Gao Jiuding was its master, if it died, what would happen?
This terrifying Heavenly Tribulation is focusing its fire on its master, so the pressure on its side will suddenly drop!
This... How is Heavenly Tribulation so smart?As soon as the master came forward, Gao Jiuding snatched away the hatred value of Super Heavenly Tribulation?

Don't even care much about the protagonist of the Five Elements Realm?
Although the five-colored cow knew the concept of heaven being jealous of talents in the past, it is only now that it really understands it deeply!
Its master, even God is jealous of it, and wants to kill it all!
Originally, the five-colored bull wanted to be brave, but at this moment, it saw a stream of flames appearing, and immediately blocked most of the thunder that attacked its master.

"Master, are you still able to withstand it?" At some point, the Fire Spirit battleship was covered with countless thunders, and black steam was emitting from its body, and it rushed into the most intensive thunder explosion!

But all it saw was the distorted and shining thunder, and it couldn't find the trace of Gao Jiuding at all, so it could only roar.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" the Heavenly Tribulation here is so violent, which makes Huo Ling a little startled.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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