Chapter 1312
At this time, Huo Ling had just won the tribulation, and it was the moment when his self-confidence was bursting, so he was naturally not afraid of the thunder calamity that filled the sky!

Advanced Tongtian Lingbao, Huo Ling has really succeeded in shaping the body. Although it is not a real physical body, it is already very powerful.

At this time, with the accumulation of the Fire Spirit battleship, plus the immortal materials digested and absorbed, it should have the combat power of a great cultivator in the Dharma phase.

Although it is still a bit worse than the thunder robbery at this time, the Huoling battleship can already withstand the short-term bombardment of sky thunder.

Huo Ling gritted his teeth, and simply used the hull that has been tempered through thousands of years to resist the ravages of the catastrophe!

The current Fire Spirit is different from before. It used to be an illusory phantom, but now it has a physical body. Although it is not a physical body, it can still feel the power of the thunder.

The conduction power of lightning is very strong. Even if it hides inside the battleship, it still feels tingling all over the body, and the scalp is numb. This is not a place where people can stay at all!

"I've attracted the firepower of Heavenly Tribulation, you go and protect the small world." Just when Huo Ling felt very uncomfortable, Gao Jiuding's voice came into Huo Ling's mind.

Spiritual bodies don't have much resistance to sky thunder, which is far worse than human beings.

"Okay!" Huo Ling nodded fiercely, and rushed out of the most violent area of ​​​​Heavenly Tribulation!
Entering the Heavenly Tribulation Center, Huo Ling immediately felt the difference, the inside and the outside are really different, it's really lucky that his master can stand it!

Huo Ling turned his head and took a deep look. It transformed into a Taoist robe and rushed to the surrounding area of ​​the Five Elements Realm.

The defensive formation of the Five Elements Realm has been damaged beyond recognition, and if we continue to try our best to maintain it, it will only consume too much energy, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

Therefore, the Five-Color Divine Bull resolutely gave up maintaining the defensive formation, and began to defend an important area as much as it could!
The most important thing is that it can't grab the Heavenly Tribulation, and it can't absorb much spiritual energy from the heavens and the earth.

In the most violent Heavenly Tribulation area, the Super Heavenly Tribulation really didn't give Gao Jiuding a chance to breathe, it just exploded like a rascal!
Even with the pagoda defense, Gao Jiuding began to struggle gradually, and the recovery of spiritual energy inside the pagoda was also a problem.

Now he can still rely on several large spiritual veins inside the pagoda to support him, and Huaxian Pond and Xianquan can absorb and transform spiritual energy to support him.

However, if too much aura is consumed, the damage to the pagoda will be too great.

Observing the state of the pagoda at any time, Gao Jiuding's forehead was covered with tiny beads of sweat before he knew it!
Although distressed, Gao Jiuding still didn't take any measures, just dodged blindly, taking this rare super catastrophe as the most precious testing ground, constantly honing his reaction ability!
Of course, during this process, Gao Jiuding did not miss out.

He didn't dare to directly absorb the thunder from Super Heavenly Tribulation, but after attacking the pagoda, Gao Jiuding could absorb the shattered electric arc.

If it weren't for the fact that the thunder pool in the blood sea space was strengthening every moment, how could Gao Jiuding settle down and fight against the catastrophe here?
Time passed day by day, and Gao Jiuding stood there as if he hadn't moved, but the Taoist robe on his body was still intact, so firm that he didn't look like a human being!

Super Heavenly Tribulation really lost his temper, and he couldn't hit that guy no matter what. Isn't this a waste of energy and energy?

Forget it, ignore this guy for now, such an inattentive person is about to be escaped to the outer area by that small world!
That guy is already at the end of his strength, so get rid of that alien first, and then deal with this little guy slowly!
Gao Jiuding sensed a slight change in Tianjie's side. He raised his thick eyebrows, twitched the corner of his mouth, and waved the pagoda lightly. The pagoda immediately turned into a bright yellow light and passed through Tianjie.

With just a slight wave, the pagoda turned into a bright yellow light and disappeared in a flash!
The Heavenly Tribulation area surrounding Gao Jiuding was cut into two, and even the flickering thunder was cut into two and gradually annihilated!

Super Heavenly Tribulation couldn't help being stunned, um, did this guy do it on purpose?Are you deliberately challenging me?Boy, you have the guts!
The Super Heavenly Tribulation Thunderbolt was furious, ignored other things, and went all out to deal with Gao Jiuding!

Just now I carelessly let you take advantage of the loophole, come again if you have the ability, the tsunami of thunder suddenly rushed towards Gao Jiuding!
In front of the thunder and tsunami, Gao Jiuding was not even an ant!
However, the pagoda was waved lightly by him again, and the thunder and tsunami was broken into two again, whistling past Gao Jiuding on both sides.

At this time, the Taoist robe on Gao Jiuding's body didn't even flutter.

It's unreasonable, this guy is too arrogant!

Super Heavenly Tribulation became even more enraged, attacking Gao Jiuding undead endlessly, trying to consume him to death!
Gao Jiuding originally didn't want to fight to the end with Super Heavenly Tribulation, it was too uneconomical, but he was very happy to be able to absorb some of the aftermath of Thunder Tribulation.

Besides, right now, it's better to stimulate the Super Heavenly Tribulation a lot, attract the firepower, and cover the transfer of the Five Elements Realm!
The Five Elements Realm is a small world after all, as long as it is given some time to recover, Gao Jiuding believes that it will definitely be able to survive this level of doom.

What Gao Jiuding was most afraid of was that the Heavenly Tribulation would shatter this new little world into pieces.

Although Gao Jiuding has attracted the firepower of Super Heavenly Tribulation, the situation in the small world is still not optimistic. It is almost exhausted now, and the defensive array has all failed. It can only rely on the five-colored bull to control a spiritual vein. Do your best to defend an important area!
In fact, after deriving such a powerful formation, the Five Colors Divine Bull was almost exhausted.

This level of defensive formation, in the past, the five-colored bull could only be activated in the form of a domain, but now it has turned into a substantial formation.

Although the power is stronger, the consumption is also greater.

At this time, the Five-Color Divine Bull could only continue to overdraw itself to support it. Once it encountered a relatively powerful thunder, it would not be able to support it, and now it was chopped miserably.

There are many positions that have not been defended, and many places on the ground have been cracked and suffered great damage!
The ground is defenseless mountains, rocks and fields, which have been completely melted by the thunder strike at this time.

At this time, the entire asteroid turned red, and it was likely to turn into magma in the next moment, turning the asteroid into a Mars.

At this time, as the master of the small world, Gao Jiuding is even more duty bound.

Now that the situation is so critical, he can't care about the danger, he can only do his best!

Even if Super Heavenly Tribulation does not take the initiative to do anything, the size of the Five Elements Realm is still too huge. It is always bathed in thunder, and it will inevitably be targeted by Heavenly Tribulation!
The losses in the Five Elements Realm were still increasing, but Gao Jiuding did not back down, he was fighting the Super Heavenly Tribulation to the end, and he must kill a bloody way for this small world!
That sky-reaching yellow beam of light pierced straight out from the inside of Super Heavenly Tribulation, and that terrifying Super Heavenly Tribulation was abruptly pierced by that sky-reaching yellow beam of light, which almost occupied one-tenth of Heavenly Tribulation. gap!
Under the cover of Gao Jiuding's best efforts, the Five Elements Realm worked hard and perseveringly to break out of the Super Heavenly Tribulation!

It needs to fight for some respite, as long as it is given some time, it can recover quickly, so that it can continue to support the bombardment of the Thunder Ocean.

However, the Super Heavenly Tribulation is constantly controlling its position, and the Five Elements Realm is always surrounded by heavy robbery clouds, and the Five-color God Bull can't tell the difference between east, west, north and south, so it can only rush towards one direction with determination.

Before he knew it, another month had passed. At this time, Gao Jiuding was already mentally and mentally exhausted. He didn't want to talk about his cards. The last underwear was eager to be converted into energy. Now he really has no way to continue!
But at this time, the Super Heavenly Tribulation is still relentless, and will never die!
The Huoling battleship not far away is still brave, but it is only a battleship after all, and it is powerless to protect the entire Five Elements Realm!
At this time, Gao Jiuding was exhausted, and he couldn't even raise his hand. Looking at the raging Heavenly Tribulation, he felt very sad.

He can't close his eyes and wait for death, can he?That is impossible, so now, he has to fight again!
It's time, Gao Jiuding gently turned the ring worn on the thumb of his right hand, suddenly a large number of top-quality blood crystals surged out of the ring like a volcanic eruption, turning into dazzling rainbows, covering the entire small world Sky.

That is clearly a dazzling rainbow formed by the best blood crystals!
Gao Jiuding was so used to it that he would be so happy to dig out a top-grade spirit stone, let alone consume the top-grade spirit crystal so recklessly.

Now all of a sudden, the top-quality blood crystals spilled out, and Gao Jiuding's aching heart was about to stop suddenly!

However, at this moment, Gao Jiuding's resolute voice came to the small world and the Huoling battleship: "This is the best spirit crystal I have accumulated, you should recover quickly, we are going to fight a protracted war, believe me, persistence is Victory, we will definitely be able to break through!"

Survival from a desperate situation, Huo Ling and the five-color god Niu suddenly became energetic, they shot quickly with red eyes, blinked a few times, and divided up the overwhelming top-quality blood crystals!
The best blood crystals are good, just throw a few into the Huaxian Pond that has dried up to the bottom, and all of them will melt in a blink of an eye, turning into a strong fairy spirit!
The aura is like a fountain, quickly filling up the dry spirit lake, it's almost overflowing!
For a long time, Gao Jiuding used middle-grade spirit stones as power, and he was not willing to waste even top-grade spirit stones, but now, taking out so many top-grade blood crystals at once, it can be regarded as Gao Jiuding's hemorrhage.

However, the effect is really good!
After finally obtaining a small world, how could Gao Jiuding give up so easily?
Absolutely not, isn't it just a catastrophe, what's the big deal, let's see you smashed into your head and bloody!
Seeing the effect, even Gao Jiuding's morale was high!

Super Heavenly Tribulation also noticed that the small world, which was about to fail, suddenly became much more violent. Is this a dying counterattack?

Hmph, where to run, see if I don't kill you, you odd number!
Super Heavenly Tribulation turned its gun again, and continued to chase and attack the Five Elements Realm.

(End of this chapter)

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