The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1313 Final Assassin

Chapter 1313 Final Assassin
The pressure on the Five-Colored God Ox increased sharply, and the damage to the surface became more and more serious.

Gao Jiuding frowned, but it really didn't make people worry, the catastrophe was trouble.

Since he wanted to buy time for the small world, Gao Jiuding didn't care to hide it. With a wave of his sleeve, he wrapped up a large group of berserk Heavenly Tribulation, and pulled it into his dantian.

During this period of time, Gao Jiuding was not fooling around, and now he had almost used the power of the thunder outside.

Of course, Lei Yun beside him still passed the pagoda, otherwise Gao Jiuding wouldn't dare to be so unrestrained.

After absorbing the Super Heavenly Tribulation for a long time, Gao Jiuding's blood sea space has undergone great changes.

As this thunder entered the space of the sea of ​​blood, his spirit pool immediately turned into a pool of thunder.

The entire blood sea space is completely covered by lightning, there is no way, it will not be able to absorb it for a while.

Gao Jiuding had a thought, and if he couldn't absorb it, he would seal it. A sealing spirit talisman condensed in Gao Jiuding's blood sea, wrapped a thunder and lightning, and sealed it.

Looking at the thunder and lightning flashing with electric sparks, fortunately his rune skills have improved a lot recently, at least he has passed the level now, otherwise, it would not be so easy this time

Looking at the sealed part of the thunder and lightning, Gao Jiuding was thoughtful.

The lightning inside the seal talisman did not disappear. If one is not good, or the skill is not good enough, and the seal fails, then this part of the thunder will explode?

In his sea of ​​blood, this is an unstable factor, very dangerous, if released, wouldn't it be a tribulation thunder?

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, a materialized talisman ball appeared in front of him, and then disappeared into the space ring on his finger.

Gao Jiuding has long heard that there are high-level monks who condense thunder beads by themselves, but this time, he has unintentionally learned without a teacher.

This kind of thunder beads, do you think there is no thunder method that can compare with it?Surely there is nothing more useful than the Thunder of Heavenly Tribulation.

Even, if Gao Jiuding has time, he can refine all the thunder tribulations into thunder beads and store them. These are grenades or cannonballs in the cultivation world!
It is not so easy to make Tianjie into 7 bombs and store them.

However, saving energy and saving resources is Gao Jiuding's consistent style. He has been thanklessly absorbing a little bit of robbery.

Take the opportunity to grab some Heavenly Tribulation shells, which will always be useful in the future.

I have to say, this guy is too daring!

Super Heavenly Tribulation was once again enraged by Gao Jiuding, it seemed to be roaring: Am I dealing with you, or are you playing with me?How unreasonable!

Super Heavenly Tribulation was furious again, and ignored the small world, it once again started to go all out to deal with Gao Jiuding.

It has to be said that Gao Jiuding once again achieved his goal.

Tian Jie was attracted by Gao Jiuding, and Xiao Shijie got a chance to breathe again.

At this time, Super Heavenly Tribulation is already furious, if he can't handle this guy this time, he will definitely be even more uncertain in the future!One word - do it!

Gao Jiuding immediately became very strenuous, and when he couldn't dodge, he could only urge the pagoda again.

Before I knew it, another month had passed, and Gao Jiuding, who was in the Super Heavenly Tribulation, was a little numb!
Such a terrifying catastrophe has lasted for so long, and there is no intention of stopping at all!

At this time, a large area suddenly protruded from an area in the Super Heavenly Tribulation, and the thunder in it flickered continuously.

The Five Elements Realm, which was surrounded by thunder and was emitting black smoke, came out so abruptly!
It's a pity that Thunder followed like a shadow, immediately followed, and at an even faster speed, enveloped the Five Elements Realm again.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the Super Heavenly Tribulation was still raging, shaking Gao Jiuding's heart!

He really didn't expect that it would be so difficult to pass the tribulation in a small world!

Compared with his divine punishment, he felt that this super thunder disaster brought only despair!

Because this tribulation seems to never end, it can also be said that you can't see hope, this is the most desperate point.

Gao Jiuding knew that it would definitely not work to rely on him alone to control Super Heavenly Tribulation.

Of course, Huo Ling is also doing his best to protect the Five Elements Realm from the encirclement. Although he can escape the thunder bombardment for a short time now, Gao Jiuding is enduring the wrath of the Super Heavenly Tribulation!

In other words, every time the Five Elements Realm escaped from the scope of the Thunder Tribulation, it was at the cost of Gao Jiuding.

This super cataclysm is really terrifying, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but worry secretly, there is nothing he can do right now, he can only take one step at a time.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also felt helpless. Facing the endless super catastrophe, he felt like he had overplayed it!

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding felt that Tianjie had a tendency to be weak in succession.

For example, this time, the Five Elements Realm escaped from the siege of the Heavenly Tribulation, but it didn't expand its scope and immediately surrounded it. This is a good sign.

This can be regarded as the Five Elements Realm successfully broke out of the Heavenly Tribulation, and the Super Heavenly Tribulation finally gave up and chased after it?

But this Super Heavenly Tribulation only stared at Gao Jiuding, and unluckily became Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding sighed secretly, the matter has come to this point, it is useless to think too much, he can only drag the Super Heavenly Tribulation, keep away from the small world, and he can only die to the end!
I hope it won't take too long, if there is such a big commotion here, who knows what powerful existence will be attracted?

The most important thing is that the delay in crossing the catastrophe was too long, the night was long and there were many dreams, so Gao Jiuding had to make plans early.

Time passed day by day, and half a month passed in a flash.

Gao Jiuding was always surrounded by Lei Jie, what was going on?

The non-stop thunder calamity means that Gao Jiuding is still there!

But how is this possible?The super catastrophe in such a huge area is constantly raging, and even the blind can feel it. How did Gao Jiuding sustain it?
At this time, Gao Jiuding, who was in the center of the thunder calamity, couldn't be idle for a moment.

There were too many thunder calamities swallowed, the spirit pond in his blood sea space had completely turned into a thunder pond, and a large amount of thunder calamity water had also condensed.

This thing is often formed when the thunder calamity ends and the rain falls from the sky. Now, perhaps because the thunder calamity is too powerful and the gathered thunder is too dense, even if the thunder calamity is not over, it can still be destroyed. Gao Jiuding refined and condensed the water of thunder calamity.

Gao Jiuding was using the water of thunder calamity to sustain himself, otherwise, no matter how much foundation he had accumulated in his body, it should be exhausted by this time.

There is no way to hold Gao Jiuding all the time, and Super Heavenly Tribulation is also a bit difficult!

The odd number that could be wiped out with every chance has already run away!
And right now, this little guy is really too difficult to deal with. If it goes on like this, the energy consumed will be too huge, it's not worth it!

In this case, then use the final killer!
Super Heavenly Tribulation suddenly began to shrink sharply, is it going to dissipate?
But it doesn't look like it, the black cat suddenly turned into white, is this also a catastrophe?

The five-colored cow and fire spirit outside Tianjie were stunned. What's going on?

Gao Jiuding was also shaking his head at this time, he touched his chin, this Super Heavenly Tribulation has been transformed into a water attribute!
The level of this universe should be very high, otherwise the heavenly way here would not be so powerful, and the power of the thunder calamity is also so powerful.

Gao Jiuding frowned. After all, he had only heard about it, and had never really come into contact with other attributes and forms of Heavenly Tribulation. He still had to experience it for himself!
Gao Jiuding took a deep breath, of course there is no air in the void, what he breathed was the dissipated thunder energy from the Super Heavenly Tribulation, a little electric arc stimulated Gao Jiuding's lungs, and his spirit immediately lifted up a lot.

Super Heavenly Tribulation quickly changed attributes and forms, and the conversion was completed very quickly!
The white robbery clouds cluster together, looking from the outside, it looks like a giant cotton candy that is constantly being compressed.

what is this?Gao Jiuding was dazed, staring at the incredible white cotton candy Heavenly Tribulation.

Inside Tianjie, Gao Jiuding felt that there was a lot of fog, and he couldn't tell the east, west, south, north.

Of course, he is very clear that there are countless dangers lurking in the mist!
At this moment, Gao Jiuding was at a loss, not knowing how to deal with it!

However, in that split second, the marshmallows suddenly exploded!
It was at this time that the Fire Spirit Battleship and the Five Elements Realm, who felt bad, rushed into the Thunder Tribulation without hesitation.

They knew that if Gao Jiuding died, they would also be wiped out.

At this time, the Super Heavenly Tribulation doesn't have any tricks, it's just the simplest explosion!
The white clouds of calamity turned into highly concentrated thunderballs, which exploded in an instant, and all the energy burst out collectively in that short moment!

The extremely dense group of explosions shook the entire void!

Compared with the super-intensive big explosion, the thunder attack of the previous Super Heavenly Tribulation is not too gentle!

The Huoling battleship and the small world were already far away, but they were still shaken up and down by the aftermath of the big bang!
At this time, it is impossible to imagine who can survive such a terrifying super big explosion!

After the explosion, the endless white water vapor instantly became extremely cold, and soon solidified into tiny crystal clear ice crystals.

Countless ice crystals are illuminated by the surrounding starlight, refracting countless colored lights, and these countless colored lights are refracted and refracted, and become the most beautiful rainbow in one go!
The Super Heavenly Tribulation naturally disappeared, as if it had never appeared before!
Perhaps it was because they were not targeted, and the Fire Spirit Battleship and the Five Elements Realm, which rushed into the Thunder Tribulation and offset the attack of a large swath of marshmallows, did not suffer much damage.

These two treasures are just formed into an electric furnace, and they become fiery red like colored glaze.

They were just baked as if they were going to melt, but they didn't.

Neither the fire spirit nor the five-color divine bull suffered much damage.

Therefore, at this time, Huo Ling and the Five Colors Divine Bull were both worried about Gao Jiuding.

The fire spirit and the five-colored cow didn't care to watch the unbelievable beauty, they just wanted to know what happened to their master at this time!

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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