The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1314 Five Large Spirit Veins

Chapter 1314 Five Large Spirit Veins
In the terrifying super big explosion, it is impossible for anyone to survive!

At that time, Huo Ling and the five-colored cow were all fine, which showed that Gao Jiuding was still alive and well.

However, those refracted colored lights are really an eyesore, making Huo Ling and the five-colored cow unable to see clearly, and they don't feel anything, which is what scares them the most!

What about Gao Jiuding at this time?He was in a daze.

What just happened?His blood sea space was filled with thunder, and even within the pagoda space, thunder was raging.

The thunder that attacked him, at the moment when he felt unable to support it, Gao Jiuding could only find someone to block the thunder, so the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda was the first to bear the brunt, absorbing most of the big explosion.

Only some remnants of thunder were collected by him into the pool of blood and thunder.

Looking at the Lei Chi, which was half full of thunder water, Gao Jiuding came back to his senses, and immediately burst into laughter.

Is he going to cross the catastrophe this time?Or is that small world going through a catastrophe?
Gao Jiuding felt that he had survived two catastrophes in a row, and each time he gained a lot.

A large amount of thunder is integrated into oneself, what is body training?What is body quenching?Did he directly change his physique?
Gao Jiuding felt that his body at this time was extremely compatible with the two attributes of thunder and fire.

Therefore, when Gao Jiuding reached out his hand, electric sparks filled the palm of his hand, and with a thought, the electric sparks gathered to form a light blue thunderball.

"It's so easy to condense the thunder beads?" Following Gao Jiuding's intentions, the beads that were still shining with thunder quickly became ordinary.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Gao Jiuding wouldn't have recognized it as a bead formed by lightning.

"Master, are you alright?" Just as Gao Jiuding was researching the thunder beads, the surrounding lightning disappeared, and Huo Ling and the five-colored bull sensed Gao Jiuding's existence at the same time.

As Gao Jiuding's natal magic weapon, they are naturally connected with each other, so Gao Jiuding's situation is instantly reflected in the sea of ​​consciousness of Huo Ling and the five-colored bull, and they immediately feel relieved.

As soon as Gao Jiuding withdrew his hand, the thunder beads in his palm turned into a light blue aura and merged into his body.

He must be fine, but he was afraid that something would happen to the pagoda at this time, but Gao Jiuding just thought about it, and found that there was only a dark cloud inside the pagoda.

Although there was lightning and thunder in the space, and the movement was not small, for the pagoda with a huge space, the catastrophe caused by the explosion was thunder and rain.

Sure enough, within a short while, there was a downpour of rain inside the pagoda.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding laughed, and the transformation of the five elements in the pagoda was more pure.

The pagoda is fine, but what about the Five Elements Realm?It was hacked badly before!
With a thought, Gao Jiuding immediately flew into the Five Elements Realm.

Looking at the asteroid with magma billowing, Gao Jiuding showed a smile on his face. As long as it is not scrapped, this little damage is actually an opportunity, right?

Now is the right time to transform the asteroid!
Gao Jiuding escaped into the interior of the asteroid, directly into the earth's womb, and his spiritual thoughts merged into the body of the five-color divine cow.

Although the Five-Color Divine Ox has a physical body, its physical body is actually a condensed spirit body, so it and Gao Jiuding's divine sense are easily fused with it.

After merging with the five-color divine bull, Gao Jiuding can control the outer stars through the five-color divine bull.

What Gao Jiuding knows best is the tire and the membrane, which are the key to a small world.

With the terrestrial body, it can become a complete planet, but with the sky membrane, it can be transformed into a small world.

Observing the dense network of aura within the womb, Gao Jiuding knew that these were all made up of prohibitions.

Of course, there is also the outer sky membrane, which is also formed by prohibition, densely packed layer after layer of restriction, forming the ground tire and the sky membrane.

These are actually the supernatural powers of the Five-Color Divine Ox, and the entire place affected by the earth tire and the Tianmembrane is the domain of the Five-Color Divine Ox.

With the control of the Five-Color Divine Bull, Gao Jiuding can influence this small world by influencing the earth tire and the tianmembrane.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the ring on his finger was opened, and countless resources flew out.

The strength of the Five-Color Divine Bull is absolutely strong. After this catastrophe, it will become a cave spirit treasure, and it is a real cave spirit treasure.

Even the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is not as powerful as this newly formed Dongtian Spirit Treasure because of the weak weapon spirit.

With the control of the Five-Color Divine Bull, the soil layers, vegetation, and rivers collected by Gao Jiuding earlier all flew out easily and quickly merged into the surface of the entire small world.

Of course, Gao Jiuding didn't release it all at once, the first thing he released was naturally water.

When the water source appears, the first thing to be affected is the earth's core. The hot earth's core is quenched immediately after being poured with a large amount of water, which can be regarded as quenching.

The quenching brought countless water vapors into the air, and then condensed into water droplets and landed.

The heavy rain tempered the mantle and crust of the entire planet again.

Because of the barrier of the sky membrane, the water vapor cannot volatilize, and can only stay in the asteroid to circulate. Therefore, as long as the heat of the asteroid is still there, this cycle will continue to reciprocate.

The water evaporated non-stop, and it rained non-stop. In just three to five days, the temperature inside the entire small world dropped a lot.

At this time, Gao Jiuding kept releasing soil and vegetation, which were used to fix water!

And when the water source is fixed, the soil will also be deposited!
With fixed soil and water, vegetation can survive, and with vegetation, water and soil will not be lost.

With fire veins, earth veins, water veins, and gold veins, wood veins will naturally be derived.

In the end, Gao Jiuding released a large number of beasts and some ordinary plants.

With vitality, the five-element transformation formation can also operate. At this time, Gao Jiuding began to control the large underground spiritual veins through the earth tires, and began to connect the entire planet along the earth veins.

Yes, the asteroid at this time, or the small world, is a living planet. Although the diameter does not exceed [-] kilometers, it is already a real planet that is circular and can rotate and revolve.

This time through the catastrophe, not only did he gain such a complete planet of life, the most important thing is that Gao Jiuding can also control the five-element spirit veins through the five-color divine cow, five-color divine stone, and five-element beads, and completely refine the entire small planet.

Gao Jiuding really didn't expect that the five-color divine stone could be fused with the earth spirit bead, and the five-element bead could be derived. This is a kind of spiritual vein formed by the fusion of five elements' aura.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding now has five large spiritual veins, which is really a big harvest.

Originally, one of them was the thickest, a large earth vein in a perfect state, and the other four were medium-sized veins.

And these four medium-sized spiritual veins belong to the four elements of fire, metal, water, and wood, and they are spiritual veins that originally existed in the asteroid.

Of course, these four spiritual veins were originally hidden inside the asteroid, or were very scattered, so Gao Jiuding didn't notice it at all.

Although Gao Jiuding didn't notice them, they were controlled by the five-colored bulls, so this time after Gao Jiuding spent a lot of resources, plus the aura gathered by a super catastrophe, there were countless attracted The big and small meteors allowed the Five Elements Realm to generate five large spiritual veins after the successful crossing of the catastrophe.

Four large spiritual veins were added at a time, and they were also fused into one to form a complete five-element transformation array. This is a great opportunity.

With this tribulation, the ecological chain inside this small world will be further improved, forming a real small world of the spirit treasure level.

"There are no peepers around?" After confirming that the small world is safe, Gao Jiuding immediately cloned himself and looked into the starry sky.

"The size of the asteroid has become larger, and the water and soil appear to be a little less!" I feel that the temperature inside the asteroid is still a bit high, because it is still raining in cycles.

Gao Jiuding opened the pagoda again, and he released a large number of ice planets it had collected into the asteroid.

Of course, the surface area has increased, and the soil has decreased. Fortunately, some low-lying places have become lakes and oceans. Otherwise, many places still have the crust exposed!
"There are countless stars around, you can collect some!" Gao Jiuding looked outside again through the atmosphere and the sky membrane.

He transformed the environment in the small world, but the small world did not stop in place.

With the control of the five-color god cow, the small world at this time is only the size of a ping pong ball.

Such a small asteroid, flying in the void, will not attract the attention of the outside beasts at all.

Therefore, when Gao Jiuding transformed the internal environment of the small world, he was already close to a nebula.

Gao Jiuding would not do it if he rashly broke into a galaxy, but he would never give up on entering this nebula and collecting some resources.

"Huo Ling, observe carefully and find some soft persimmons to bully!" After giving Huo Ling an order, Gao Jiuding's mind once again concentrated in the small world.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had already realized the benefits of the small world, not to mention the changes in size, the most important thing was to be able to quickly absorb the spiritual energy from the outside world.

For example, right now, when the tribulation was successfully crossed, the aura inside this small world was almost exhausted, but now, it has recovered one-tenth of it.

It only took less than ten days for the scattered aura in the air inside the small world to recover to 20.00%, that is to say, within fifty days, the small world can be completely restored to normal, no, it should be better .

With a powerful spirit-gathering effect, Gao Jiuding believes that the five large spiritual veins in this small world will one day be advanced into giant spiritual veins. Will he have five giant spiritual veins by then?

I just don't know if the small world will continue to absorb the surrounding aura so quickly after it is fully recovered.

Now that the small world is empty inside, it is naturally easier to attract the surrounding aura, but what if the inside is saturated?

If it can continue to absorb spiritual energy quickly, how rich spiritual energy can this small world gather as time goes by?

Shaking his head to get rid of distracting thoughts, anyway, there is still more than a month before he knows.

(End of this chapter)

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