The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1315 Devouring Fusion

Chapter 1315 Devouring Fusion
Attention shifted to the inside of the small world again, and Gao Jiuding looked at the core inside the small world, that is, within the tire.

The womb is the aura hub of this small world, and the spirit veins in the whole small world lead to the womb. It can be said that this womb is similar to the spirit beads in the spirit veins.

It's just that this is a huge spirit bead, which cannot be picked and mined. It is the core of all the spirit veins in the small world. If it is destroyed, the spirit veins of the entire small world will be damaged.

Familiar with the structure of the earth tire, Gao Jiuding sorted out a main spiritual vein derived from the earth spirit bead.

This large spiritual vein has been stabilized and fully formed. At this time, a large number of spiritual fields and spiritual mines have formed outside the planet.

Gao Jiuding's spiritual thoughts, following this set of spiritual veins, directly appeared on the surface of the asteroid. This is a crater, or a volcano.

And the fire spirit vein is in this volcano, so there is also a large fire spirit vein here.

Therefore, on the entire surface of the volcano, there are level [-] spiritual fields, while near the crater there are level [-] spiritual fields, and there are even many level [-] spiritual fields near the caves.

These are all the benefits brought by the spiritual veins. If you count the spirit-gathering formations set up by the five-colored cows, plus the large spirit-gathering formations that come with the small world, and the addition of materials such as the core, crust, and mantle that make up the small world As a result, the vicinity of the current crater has directly become Xiantian.

A spirit field above level ten can evolve into a fairy field. Gao Jiuding didn't know this before. He could only keep distance from the spirit energy to speed up the time for the spiritual medicine inside the spirit field to gather its medicinal power.

Therefore, at that time, Gao Jiuding also gave birth to a thirteenth-level spiritual field. In fact, it was the accumulation of quantity, and only after a qualitative change would a fairy field be formed.

That is to say, spiritual energy cannot be transformed into fairy energy. No matter how high the level of the spiritual field is, it is only a spiritual field, not a fairy field.

Feeling the fairy spirit in the crater, Gao Jiuding knew that there was already a prototype of Huaxian Pond here.

Huaxian Pond is a place where the energy of immortal spirits gathers and transforms, and around Huaxian Pond is Xiantian.

At this time, the entire fairyland is bare, but the surface is fertile spiritual soil, and there is a large lake that is far from being filled with spiritual liquid.

Of course, the big lake is Huaxian Pond, and the lake water in it is the spiritual liquid condensed from spiritual energy.

Seeing the spiritual liquid in Huaxian Pond, Gao Jiuding thought of the previous scene of condensing the small world and crossing the catastrophe.

In fact, the cyan lake that Gao Jiuding condensed with all his might was the predecessor of this rudimentary Immortal Transformation Pond, the current large Spirit Pond.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, an asteroid outside the small world was suddenly attracted by a force and fell into the interior of the asteroid.

The sky membrane split automatically, and this asteroid with a diameter of more than ten meters quickly cut through the sky, leaving behind a stream of fireworks, and fell into the Huaxian Pond.

The landing of the asteroid did not bring about too drastic changes, because there were countless restrictions in the sky obstructing it layer by layer, so it silently merged into the Immortal Transformation Pond and began to dissolve rapidly.

An asteroid with a diameter of more than ten meters was completely melted in only one hour.

Gao Jiuding could see some impurities, all of which were silent at the bottom of the lake, and passed through the crater at the bottom of the lake, and entered the magma deep underground.

As the magma flows underground, these impurities are brought to other parts of the asteroid and integrated into the interior of the asteroid.

Gao Jiuding believes that if this kind of thing is done too much, there will be more and more magma inside the asteroid, until the crust can't bear it, and another round of volcanic eruptions will start.

And volcanic eruptions are the means for a planet to grow.

After realizing this point, Gao Jiuding began to let the Five-Color Divine Bull secretly sneak asteroids into the small world.

It was at this time that Gao Jiuding had the time to take a good look at the sky where the Five Elements Realm passed.

Without Huo Ling's help, Gao Jiuding would have been lost in this starry sky.

The speed of the Five Elements Realm is still very fast. Compared with the speed of Lei Jie before, it is of course very slow. However, if Gao Jiuding is allowed to track the Five Elements Realm, which is as big as a fist, he will definitely not be able to catch up. can't do it.

This is also the reason why Gao Jiuding has attracted so much commotion and has not yet been targeted or attacked.

Looking at the situation outside, according to Huo Ling's instructions, Gao Jiuding deliberately searched for some asteroids that could be absorbed through the star map recorded on the astrolabe disk.

As long as it meets a suitable one, the five-color god cow will activate the gravity of the asteroid, attracting the asteroid to fall into it, and then digest it.

Gao Jiuding knew that as the size of the asteroid becomes larger, the pressure inside the asteroid will increase. At that time, nuclear fission will form. Although the sun cannot be formed, it will definitely provide enough heat for the asteroid. is allowed.

This is the growth process of an asteroid, and the reason why Gao Jiuding is so clear is thanks to the earth technology.

"Take your time, you can't absorb some garbage, that will only reduce the quality of this five-element world!"

Instead of caring about Huaxianchi, Gao Jiuding's realization is concentrated on Xiantian.

There are still some good things on this asteroid, such as elixir. He used a lot of locally produced elixirs to quench his body before.

In the past, he had to work hard to collect it, but now, he can detect where the elixir is with just a thought.

With the fairy field, it is natural to use it, so Gao Jiuding simply rushed out of the ground and came to the fairy field next to the Huaxian Pond.

Even if it was farming at this time, Gao Jiuding didn't need to do it himself.

He placed a futon on the ground and sat cross-legged on the futon. At this moment, he could clearly feel the pulsation of the small world.

After refining the Five-Color Divine Bull, through it, Gao Jiuding could perceive that the whole small world was following his thoughts!

The feeling was so strong that Gao Jiuding even had a feeling of being connected by blood, like arms and fingers.

Now this small world can be said to be a part of Gao Jiuding's body, or an extension of his body.

Gao Jiuding held up a handful of golden spiritual soil and smiled extremely happily. He finally has a spiritual treasure of the cave!

For the time being, this small world is only the embryonic form of the treasure of the cave, and it needs to be slowly cultivated for a long time, but Gao Jiuding is not in a hurry. He sits cross-legged in the fairy field, carefully sensing every change in the small world, complementing and helping each other.

At this time, Gao Jiuding, if he meditates to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, he absorbs it together with the whole small world. Compared with the previous practice, the speed of his absorption of spiritual energy has increased several times!
It's a pity that it was robbing the small world for resources, so Gao Jiuding couldn't experience it.

Day by day, the water level of the aura lake slowly rose, and before you knew it, it was more than half full, and it stopped increasing after that.

At this time, the water level in the lake is actually the diluted fairy spirit, not the clear water in the sea or the lake, it is extremely precious!
Gao Jiuding smiled slightly, and he took out a treasured spiritual mine, and threw it into the lake.

This asteroid composed of top-level gold-type spiritual mines slowly sank into the bottom of the lake. The spiritual lake fluctuated for a while, and then calmed down.

Gao Jiuding was not in a hurry, he waited slowly.

Gradually, Linghu became aware and began to absorb the energy of the asteroid.

As if eating the most exquisite delicacy, the speed of absorbing the asteroids in the aura lake is getting faster and faster, until it starts to absorb violently, it can't stop, and at this time, the lake surface gradually fluctuates, and it becomes more and more violent!

The water in Linghu Lake was boiling and steaming.

But Gao Jiuding knew very well that Linghu absorbed the asteroid faster and faster, and finally formed a vortex, constantly grinding the asteroid in the middle.

In less than half an hour, the asteroid was devoured, and the water level of Linghu Lake increased slightly.

Gao Jiuding took out another smaller prefecture-level material and threw it into Linghu.

Linghu used the old method of vortex grinding, but found that it was not very smooth!
Linghu stepped up his efforts, worked hard to grind, and sucked up all the earth-level materials bit by bit.

Gao Jiuding then went to the Linghu Lake to throw spirit mines, prefecture-level C, prefecture-B, prefecture-A, sky-level D, sky-level C...

Gao Jiuding is testing the digestion and absorption capacity of the spirit lake. The higher the level of spirit materials, spirit mines, and the spirit lake formed by Huaxian Lake, the slower it will dissolve.

Now Gao Jiuding has also discovered that the spirit mine, which is a mixture of good and bad, is constantly poured into the spirit lake, so that the digestion and absorption ability of the spirit lake will gradually become stronger and stronger!

This spirit lake is a real spirit lake, but it's not that it is psychic, but the five-colored bull is doing the tricks.

It is not so easy for the five-colored bull to control a small world, so its digestion ability was not very good at the beginning.

Gao Jiuding knew that as the five-colored cow kept using the spirit pool to sort out the underground spirit veins, this kind of digestion ability would become stronger and stronger.

Only the smoother the spiritual veins are running, the role of Huaxianchi will be maximized.

As a large number of spiritual materials were devoured, the water level of the Spirit Lake gradually rose, and the spiritual soil on the shore became more fertile.

Gao Jiuding planted the first batch of seeds at the right time, not seedlings, but seeds!

Allowing the seeds to germinate slowly, take root, and grow can stabilize the spiritual soil, which is of great benefit to Xiantian.

The first batch of spiritual plants can't be planted casually, and the big households who eat spiritual energy can't want it!
Xiantian has just taken shape, and it is time to consolidate the foundation and cultivate the vitality, and the foundation will be unstable if the spiritual energy is consumed a lot!

What Gao Jiuding planted was the most common spirit grain in his hands, some blood spirit rice. If these blood spirit rice is cultivated well, it can be able to produce the existence of blood elves.

Spirit Lake is constantly digesting and absorbing asteroids, and these asteroids are all the essence mined by Fire Spirit.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also discovered that not all places in this star field are dangerous. For example, here, there are not many huge herds of void monsters.

Moreover, even if you encounter some huge herds of beasts, it doesn't seem to be dangerous, because the monsters here are not even as powerful as those in the Five Elements Realm.

After a long time, no danger was found, so Gao Jiuding simply released the fire spirit and asked him to follow the Five Elements Realm to explore the way ahead.

After all, the Five Elements Realm cannot perform space jumps, so Gao Jiuding still wants to be more cautious.

 Thanks to the King of the Queen of Earth, who poisoned you thousands of times, and the Supreme Xuanwu Brothers for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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