The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1316 Looting the Starry Sky

Chapter 1316 Looting the Starry Sky
The deeper you go into the surrounding starry sky, the more star systems you discover, and the more asteroid groups you encounter at this time.

If it weren't for the huge herds of beasts in some huge asteroid belts, Gao Jiuding would have just stayed here and never left.

Although the herds here are easier to bully, but there are too many of them, and Gao Jiuding doesn't want to cause trouble.

Even now, whenever an asteroid is taken away by the Five Elements Realm, it will alarm the herd.

In desperation, the Five Elements Realm, which was only the size of an egg, could only quickly cross the starry sky, and flew away at the moment when the herd didn't react.

Even so, Gao Jiuding gained a lot, mainly because there are too many asteroids in this starry sky.

It's a pity that he couldn't choose, he could only try his luck randomly, so Gao Jiuding didn't get too many advanced materials.

However, there is really no shortage of materials above the earth level and below the sky level.

Especially ordinary heaven-level materials, such as heaven-level C and D grades, can't be said to be easily picked up, and they are definitely not lacking.

Gao Jiuding discovered that even if it is an ordinary asteroid, as long as it is big enough, there will always be some sky-level materials inside.

Compared with the output here, the resources in the solar system are too poor.

That's why Gao Jiuding was so extravagant that Huaxianchi continued to expand the spirit lake.

At this time, it is not appropriate to use Huaxian Pond to describe the five-element transformation formation, because a spirit lake has already been formed, and it is definitely not a spirit pool.

At this time, Hualing Lake, although the number of spiritual materials digested has increased, the water level is also constantly rising.

With enough fairy energy, the surrounding fairy fields also began to play a role, and the seeds of the spiritual valley in it slowly germinated and grew, and everything was so prosperous.

Another month passed in a flash, and Gao Jiuding's prototype small world was completely stable. The inner Linghu Lake was shimmering and misty, and the fairyland on the shore was full of seedlings.

He arranged the remaining sets of attack and defense arrays one after another, making Xiantian as solid as gold. Even if the monk of Faxiang came to make trouble, he would have to break several big teeth, let alone those beasts that were cleaned up by Gao Jiuding up.

This is also impossible, because Gao Jiuding discovered that as the Five Elements Realm became more stable, the spiritual energy gathered in it increased, which made the beasts inside the asteroid also begin to rapidly increase their strength.

And the role of a spirit lake is obvious, so now a large number of fierce beasts have been attracted to gather around.

Of course, with Gao Jiuding's current strength, these beasts are no longer in his eyes.

However, these ferocious beasts are now Gao Jiuding's wealth, so he can't possibly kill them all, right?

Since you can't fight, you should hide Xiantian and Linghu well!
Those ferocious beasts are stubborn, once they are desperate, it is no joke, if they are forced to explode, even Gao Jiuding has to weigh it first, and calculate whether it is worthwhile!

With such a big small world, Gao Jiuding's confidence has increased a lot!
After hiding Xiantian, Gao Jiuding became more enthusiastic about mining.

As long as there are enough spiritual mines, the area of ​​the spiritual lake will continue to increase, and as the area of ​​the spiritual lake increases, the area of ​​the surrounding spiritual fields will also increase.

Now that there is a small world to help him hide, it is even easier for Gao Jiuding to mine his asteroids!
The increase in the strength of the small world is equivalent to the increase in the strength of the Five-color God Bull. Therefore, the Five-color God Bull deliberately looks for the asteroid belt. Every time he rushes in, plunders it, and leaves immediately.

With Gao Jiuding's command, it is no longer a mindless attack, but a targeted attack.

Gao Jiuding observed first, selected those asteroids with strong aura, and then let the five-colored cow control the small world the size of an egg, and rushed through it quickly.

If there is an accident, such as being surrounded by a herd of beasts or something, the fire spirit battleship is needed at this time. There is no way, the Five Elements Realm cannot perform space jumps.

However, Gao Jiuding can take the completely refined small world into his body, so he can enter the Huoling battleship and jump directly into the space.

With such a set of operating methods, Gao Jiuding became more and more bold.

Therefore, wherever the small world passes, the asteroid will quickly disappear without a trace every time.

That's it, Gao Jiuding is in charge of selecting targets, and the five-colored bull is in charge of mining, one after another...

There is enough space inside the small world, so as long as he encounters an asteroid, no matter if it is ten meters, one hundred meters, one thousand meters, or even an asteroid with a diameter of ten thousand meters, he will collect it all at once.

Iron planets are not let go, so are earth planets, and ice planets are not let go, no matter whether they contain spirit stones or mines, or even some ice planets have spirit objects inside, they are all collected by the five-color god cow.

Gao Jiuding sat cross-legged in the fairy field, cultivating steadily, while the Five Elements Realm quickly plundered the starry sky with the cooperation of the five-colored bull and the fire spirit.

This is also a matter of no choice, Gao Jiuding has just passed the tribulation, so naturally he needs to consolidate his cultivation, now he can only have time to practice for a while while he is on his way in the Five Elements Realm.

At this time, he was absorbing a trace of fairy energy that escaped from the fairy field from time to time. Although it was not much, with the assistance of this trace of fairy energy, his cultivation speed was much faster!
Of course, Gao Jiuding would also throw some ore into Linghu Lake from time to time, so that Linghu Lake would continue to grow stronger.

There is another advantage of having a spirit lake. By absorbing various ores, it can replenish aura and increase the volume of the small world!
Gao Jiuding is full of confidence now, with the feeling of Dongtian Lingbao, it is different!
The growth of a small world requires endless resources, but now the Five Elements Realm is constantly growing.

Therefore, the five-colored cow also worked very hard. It collected its asteroids very quickly. In less than half a month, it mined nearly [-] asteroids.

A large part of these asteroids were burned after entering the atmosphere, and only the cores were collected, the best products were put away by Gao Jiuding, and the materials below Tianji B would be slowly thrown into Linghu by Gao Jiuding. Or the Immortal Transformation Pond inside the Fire Spirit battleship, let them fuse and absorb.

"Master, there seems to be no asteroid group ahead!" Just as Gao Jiuding stabilized his cultivation and wanted to continue his previous plan and try to open the passage home, the five-colored cow said.

Gao Jiuding looked out, and sure enough, they flew out of the nebula where three star systems converged.

The deeper you go into the star system, the more powerful the beasts will be. Gao Jiuding has already confirmed this point, so he only wanders around the outer nebula, but unexpectedly, he wandered out of this huge nebula.

"Change the direction and try to find the spirit crystal. Only the spirit crystal can enable us to activate the space-time teleportation array!" Now Gao Jiuding already has the map of the time-space teleportation array, but it is very difficult to build it.

The space-time teleportation array must be refined with immortal materials, and immortal materials must be refined with immortal fire and spirit crystals, but for these, Gao Jiuding can get some spirit crystals at most, and the number is definitely not much.

Of course, the blood spar can also activate the space-time teleportation array, but it is too wasteful to use the blood spar to activate it.

"Let's go to the next meteorite belt!" Gao Jiuding looked around and chose a nebula, but unfortunately, the aura around him was too strong, so he didn't get closer, and he couldn't see which side had the more intense aura.

This can be regarded as a defect of his clairvoyance, mainly because there are bright auras all around him, and these auras block his vision.

With the Five Elements Realm, Gao Jiuding can do whatever he wants now, so what he lacks is time!
With a bang, it seems that extreme joy begets sorrow!

The Five Elements Realm rushed so fast that it crashed into an asteroid belt.

The Huoling battleship used radar to scan and found sixteen void monsters. They didn't seem to be strong, and the most important thing was that they were not many.

Gao Jiuding was not in the mood to do anything, so he directly sent the Huoling battleship out to deal with it.

It only took a few minutes for the Huoling battleship to fly back.

The sixteen void monsters have been suppressed by them, and it can even be said to be easily crushed!

Gao Jiuding originally wanted to capture him alive, but he was gone before he even saw his appearance.

Gao Jiuding checked the restrictions on the periphery of the small world. The speed just now was too fast and hit many asteroids. The formation around the small world was a bit worn out, but to a limited extent.

And by replenishing the spiritual energy, it took only a few minutes to fully recover!
This is just a small world. If ordinary battleships were replaced, such a series of collisions would definitely destroy the ship and kill people.

Through this incident, Gao Jiuding also discovered the weakness of the small world. It does not have a long-range detection radar, so the flying speed is faster, and the five-color god cow cannot grasp the safety of the channel ahead.

However, the advantage of the small world is also obvious. Its impact caused the asteroid blocking the way to be smashed to pieces!
Although the asteroids hit by it tore the sky membrane, they couldn't escape, and all fell into the small world.

Looking at the asteroid group not far away, this is a triangular asteroid belt, with a total of more than 8 to [-] asteroids. Seeing the aura reaction, the quality is average.

But that's it, now that he met, Gao Jiuding couldn't give up.

After releasing the fire spirit, he scanned the surroundings first, and found no other void monsters. Gao Jiuding directly manipulated the small world and began to mine this asteroid.

It is too easy to mine asteroids in a small world that is huge in size and proficient in changing sizes as you wish. You can just go there and collect them, and then you can slowly divide and mine them.

Therefore, the entire mining process does not require Gao Jiuding's help.

Gao Jiuding was idle and bored, and flew into Xiantian.

After putting his feet on the ground, Gao Jiuding felt that the gravitational force was a bit weak. The size of the asteroid became larger, but the gravitational force weakened instead. This is the problem.

Gao Jiuding began to adjust the earth's tire through the five-color divine cow, affecting the earth's core.

Swallowing dates wholeheartedly cannot fully digest the collected asteroids, at least it needs to be refined to melt all the collected asteroids and completely integrate into the small world, so as to increase the volume without affecting the gravity of the small world itself , Enhance strength.

(End of this chapter)

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