The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1317 Void Fissure

Chapter 1317 Void Fissure
The core of the Five Elements Realm needs to be adjusted, but this cannot be done in a short period of time.

The air in the small world is not enough for the time being, just wait for more plants to be planted in the future, as for plundering directly from the starry sky, it seems that it is not easy, because there is not much space in the starry sky, and it is not easy to collect , it is really because the starry sky is too big, no matter how much air is distributed here, it will appear very thin.

Gao Jiuding looked helplessly at the lush green world. Although it was still covered by dense vegetation, after several injuries, the plants here were a little sluggish.

Also, every time an asteroid is collected, if it is not well controlled, it will damage the vegetation on the surface.

When the asteroid enters the atmosphere, it becomes a meteorite. If it hits the ground directly, it will be a big explosion!
There is no way, it is difficult to have both in the world, and now Gao Jiuding can only sacrifice those ordinary spiritual plants.

Withdrawing his divine sense, Gao Jiuding's divine sense sank into the earth's womb. He controlled the small world to fly in the void for a while, feeling a little erratic and not stable enough, and the flying circle also needed to be adjusted.

Gao Jiuding worked for several days to adjust the small world to a mess, and then he focused on the ore collected by the five-colored bull.

In that asteroid belt, there are still two-thirds of the asteroids that have not been mined, but Gao Jiuding's harvest is not small.

The Five-Color Divine Bull has filled the Spirit Lake with spirit mines, and even Gao Jiuding's new storage ring is filled with various materials, and they are all high-level materials that are difficult for the Spirit Lake to digest in a short time.

Now the five-color god cow has also gained experience in mining. After it collects the asteroid, as long as it is not super big, it will be thrown directly into the spirit lake for refining.

Generally, the outer layer of an asteroid is easy to refine, while some high-grade materials inside will take longer.

At this time, the five-color divine cow will select these high-grade materials and collect them into the storage ring. At this time, the new asteroids will be thrown into the spirit lake again to continue refining.

"Go and see how your strength is!" Feeling that mining doesn't need him, Gao Jiuding's thoughts shifted to the inside of the small world.

In the current small world, there are great changes. The biggest change comes from some collected asteroids, because there are likely to be void monsters on those asteroids.

Although the strength of these Void Monster Beasts is not considered strong, they are compared to a small world. For Gao Jiuding, they still need to be treated with caution.

Having just advanced to the Dharma, Gao Jiuding was about to improve his cultivation.

After thinking for a while, Gao Jiuding released a bull dragon. This bull dragon has been imprisoned in the pagoda space for a long time. It has been long-lived by the pangolin and the turtle demon turtle, and the education is obedient.

Of course, pangolins and tortoise demons can't defeat this bull dragon, but with the help of the five-color bull, everything is different.

"We must go through every inch of the small world, and at the very least, we must collect a copy of all the elixir in those places with rich aura!"

Sitting on Niulong, Gao Jiuding immediately thought of the elixir hidden in the small world.

Even if he has advanced to the Dharma, Gao Jiuding still needs those elixir, not to mention, now that he has Xiantian, it would be a waste of resources to keep stocking those elixir.

Riding Niulong, he galloped quickly across the grassland.

But what annoyed Gao Jiuding was that although the Niulong was very powerful, when he walked, it was simply earth-shattering.

"You have such a strong strength, why don't you restrain your breath? Can't you control your walking strength?" Gao Jiuding scolded Niulong angrily.

And the latter bowed his head, a pair of huge dragon eyes were full of grievances, as if he felt aggrieved by being scolded by his master.

In fact, as a sub-dragon beast, with a tall and mighty body, the purpose of walking is to frighten and show off.

This is an instinct of being an overlord. The breath spreads out, the feet step on the ground, and the rumble shakes the four directions. This is a kind of domineering.

Sure enough, following Gao Jiuding's scolding, he was surprised to find that the Niulong actually restrained his breath, and although he walked as fast as before, he didn't make much movement.

What even made Gao Jiuding stare was that the Niulong didn't step on any footprints, which was simply unbelievable. Obviously Niulong would also control its own power, otherwise it wouldn't be the overlord.

"Knowing how to control power is not bad, but it's a pity you can't fly."

Gao Jiuding murmured all the way, becoming more and more angry, and cursed: "You say that you are the overlord of the dragon clan, why can't you even fly? How did you compete with the sky overlord before?"

"If you are like this, you must not be able to defeat the overlord of the sky. Look at your bear appearance, and you are also a sub-dragon. I don't think you can even defeat a bird." He muttered like this, which stimulated Niulong's fierce character.

Roar. Ow.
Dragon roars came one after another, shaking the mountains and ancient forests, and countless beasts panicked.

This is the might of the Dragon Clan. He is really angry at this moment, and has infinite grievances. His master said that he can't fly and can't beat birds.

It vented all its anger on the way to the fierce beasts it encountered, and one after another was maimed, or ran away with its tail between its legs.

If it wasn't for Gao Jiuding's refusal to kill casually, Niulong could tear up these beasts in an instant, and through bullying the weak all the way, Niulong is proving that he is still very strong.

Chirp!In the distance, there was a fierce sound from the mountains.

A bird of prey flew into the sky and flew towards this side quickly.

This is after the Niulong wreaked havoc all the way, it attracted the attention of a powerful bird, and finally set its sights on it.

There is a powerful fierce bird, does it mean that there is also a elixir in its territory?

Now that Gao Jiuding has some experience, he already knows that there are some good things in the territory of these fierce beasts.

Gao Jiuding stared at the huge bird of prey flying from the void. It was full of black energy. Is this magic energy?Is this a demon bird?
A ferocious bird that can absorb the magic energy in the void to grow is naturally a devil bird. For humans, this situation is called becoming a demon.

However, this starry sky is very bright, and Gao Jiuding didn't meet many demon heads. He didn't expect that he didn't meet demon heads in the void. Instead, he encountered a demon bird that absorbed demon energy and grew in the asteroid. This is rather strange.

Gao Jiuding was sure that this devil bird must have come from the void, it was not an aborigine born and raised on this asteroid.

The body of this devil bird is about [-] meters long, with its wings spread out, it can cover the sky and block out the sun.

A monster bird with a size of one hundred meters flew over and stared at Niulong, which brought a strong sense of oppression.

Although Niulong was alert, it couldn't fly. This tragic guy was immediately beaten and scarred by the huge monster bird.

Roar!Niulong roared wildly, appearing irritable, even extremely angry.

It's a pity that it was not the opponent of the devil bird, and it was killed by the devil bird before it saw it, and it was taken back to enjoy.

Of course, it was impossible for Gao Jiuding, who was hiding aside, to watch his mount being tortured and killed.

So he rushed over immediately, and the silver arc spread all over Gao Jiuding's body at this time, attracting the attention of the demon bird.

boom!Gao Jiuding soared into the sky, and then waved his palm to strike.

With a bang, the silver light intertwined in the sky, forming a huge silver handprint, and hit the demon bird high in the sky.

In an instant, the void stagnated for a while, and even the huge devil bird froze a little. Its speed was much slower, and it could only watch the handprints kill in horror.

With a bang, the handprint hit the huge chest of the devil bird.

Chirp. The devil bird whined miserably, its feathers fluttering, and its blood spilled across the sky.

The entire huge body of the devil bird was pierced by a blow, and the huge wings flapped and fell into the void, kicking up a puff of smoke and dust, forming a big pit.

This tyrannical devil bird was instantly killed in one blow, even Gao Jiuding was a little stunned.

He just wanted to try the supernatural power he had just comprehended, but he didn't expect to kill the devil bird instantly, which caught him off guard.

"It's a pity, the attack is too heavy, otherwise it can be banned, and it will be another powerful mount."

When Gao Jiuding flew down, he felt annoyed and regretful. He wanted to be severely injured and enslaved, but he didn't expect to kill the magic bird on the spot.

This devil bird's blood was so strong that even the Niulong beside it was somewhat inferior, but unfortunately he was beaten to death by him.

Gao Jiuding put away the corpse of the devil bird regretfully, and continued on his way.

This time, he planned to look for the habitat of this fierce bird, but it was a pity that it was a bird, and Gao Jiuding had no idea where it came from.

It doesn't matter if you can't find it, Gao Jiuding doesn't force it, anyway, the habitat of this devil bird must be within his small world.

Along the way, it has been very peaceful. Of course, all the beasts they encountered were driven away by Niulong.

This guy has just been bullied by the devil birds, and now he can only vent his anger on those ordinary beasts.

Of course, if it encountered some powerful beasts, the bull dragon would still be a bit miserable.

Although it was defeated by it in the end, it still became scarred.

Of course, Gao Jiuding was not stingy either.

With Gao Jiuding on the side, as long as you give it some blood crystals to recover, Niulong will not die.

Otherwise, in a fierce battle like before, let alone the Niulong victory, even if it wins, it will also attract the peeping of other fierce beasts.

Fortunately, the master Gao Jiuding was there, otherwise the Niulong wouldn't be able to become stronger.

Roar!In the grassland in the distance, there was a roar of beasts, and countless wild beasts ran in a panic.

Then, at the edge of the forest, a big tree collapsed with a bang, and then a huge shadow rushed out.

Gao Jiuding broke out from a jungle. Looking into the distance, he vaguely saw a vague outline, and even felt that there was a lot of blood, it was a gathering place of a large group of fierce beasts.

"Master, there is an abnormality ahead!" Just when Gao Jiuding wanted to go and explore the group of beasts, the Five-Color Divine Bull reminded Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding's divine sense fell into the five-colored bull, and he immediately saw a piece of black in the starry sky.

Gao Jiuding was shocked to see that there was a dark crack in front of his eyes.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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