The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1318 Dead Silence World

Chapter 1318 Dead Silence World
That crack is too huge, so it is very conspicuous. Looking at it at this time, it seems to be erected in front of your eyes, and it emits a light that swallows everything.

"Space crack?" Seeing this, Gao Jiuding's expression changed, it was clearly a space crack.

From the crack, there was an extremely terrifying aura, as if it could swallow everything.

Not only him, but also the five-colored cow felt very uneasy, because it was the first time it saw such a crack.

Gao Jiuding is no stranger to spatial cracks, and he can even create one easily now.

But the crack in the space in front of him is really too big, it is like a dark abyss, blocking the front of the small world.

Gao Jiuding carefully stared at a huge crack in front of him. It was more than ten kilometers high and seven or eight kilometers wide, like a huge black hole.

"Stay away!" Gao Jiuding said immediately.

"There's no way to avoid it, it's attracting us closer!" The performance of the Five-Color Divine Bull made Gao Jiuding even more uneasy!
"What's going on?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"I collected a lot of asteroids, and then I saw it, and I couldn't fly away. Our flying speed is getting faster and faster!" said the five-color god cow.

Gao Jiuding looked at the black abyss that was getting closer and closer, and felt that his eyes were dark.

In just an instant, they rushed into the huge black crack.

Rumble Small World rushed into the space crack at once. When approaching that space crack, Gao Jiuding was mentally prepared, but he still didn't expect that he would face such a big pressure.

The closer he got, the more oppression Gao Jiuding felt, the oppression from the soul was very strong.

When he got close, Gao Jiuding immediately felt a sense of dread, this space crack is very dangerous.

And Gao Jiuding felt that there was an extremely unstable fluctuation coming from the space crack in front of him, as if it would break and disappear at any time.

This kind of space crack is caused by the instability of the inner space.

This may be because the inner space is in danger of collapsing, so such cracks appear.

Swish!Before Gao Jiuding had time to think about it, the small world crossed a layer of obstacles.

As soon as he entered the space crack, he felt a tearing force, but it wasn't that strong.

In just an instant, I felt like I was in a strange place.

This is the inner world of the crack?Or the opposite side of the crack?
This was Gao Jiuding's first impression of desolation, the wind and sand in front of him filled the sky, and the dust was flying all over the sky, without a trace of light.

However, for a strong man like him, such a dim environment still has little effect.

Gao Jiuding frowned in thought, looking at the barren scene in all directions.

There is no trace of life here, as if this world is a lifeless world.

"What's the danger here?" Gao Jiuding asked suddenly.

Huo Ling next to him immediately said, "There doesn't seem to be any danger here."

"That's right, it seems like a dead world." The five-colored bull said cautiously.

"It doesn't look like it's within a planet, but it looks like a small hidden world!" Huo Ling said again.

Gao Jiuding took a look at the detection results it sent over. This is a small sealed world, but the area is too large.

"Go, go out and have a look!" Gao Jiuding left the Five Elements Realm with a thought.

The Five Elements Realm turned into a ball of colorful light the size of an egg, suspended above Gao Jiuding's left shoulder.

And Huo Ling turned into the size of a palm, and stopped on Gao Jiuding's right shoulder.

As soon as he stepped out of this world, Gao Jiuding felt a crisis.

This sense of crisis comes from the heart, an instinctive intuition at that time, as if something terrible is dormant around.

This feeling was very bad, which aroused Gao Jiuding's vigilance and made him unable to calm down.

Here is a barren place, and some dilapidated buildings can be vaguely seen, but unfortunately they have been weathered and disappeared.

"This used to be a prosperous and powerful small world. What caused it to go to ruin?"

After thinking for a while, Gao Jiuding released the bull dragon again, and rode on the bull dragon's back, all the way, the sky was covered with dust.

The dust, if you look closely, you will find that it is a layer of ashes powder, which is made of countless bones.

Why are there so many bone meal here again?After discovering this, Gao Jiuding immediately thought of the ancient city he broke into, and the most important thing was the phantom in the ancient city.

With one hand, he could sway the momentum of the whole world, so Gao Jiuding had to act cautiously.

If you look closely, you can still see some broken bones on the ground, which were crushed by the Niurosaurus.

These things made Gao Jiuding think of the ancient city he met back then, and their conditions were somewhat similar.

However, the breath here is heavier, as if there is something terrible.

Even the Niuosaurus sitting down looked irritable. It sneezed uncomfortably, as if there was a huge danger nearby.

"Is this the gathering place of the human race, or the settlement of other races?" After walking for a long time, Gao Jiuding stopped in front of some dilapidated building ruins.

If it is a small world of the human race, it must prove that there was a powerful human race that lived here before, but if it is the territory of other races, it is a bit dangerous.

After all, things from other races are always very dangerous.

Gao Jiuding couldn't understand it clearly. He looked around, but found traces of being turned over. This proved that someone had searched and checked it long ago.

He didn't stop, and rode the Niulong quickly past, heading all the way into the distance.

Gao Jiuding didn't know how the others got in, or were they simply natives here?
Now, he felt that he had entered a strange place, as if everything around him was unreal.

However, coming here in a blink of an eye, it feels as if this place is an illusion.

"Is there a city there?" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding found a huge phantom in front of him.

Looking carefully, there is a huge ruin in the distance, and it looks like a city.

He didn't stop, rushed over quickly, and soon came to the ruins, it was really a city.

This is an incomparably huge city, but it is a pity that it has become ruins and there is not a complete building.

Even Gao Jiuding saw some traces of being turned over. Someone has been here, and not for a long time.

He entered the ruins of the city and walked along some passages. Along the way, he found many broken bones scattered in the thick dust, and they were human bones.

These things prove that this is a human city, which was incomparably prosperous and powerful back then, but unfortunately it has been destroyed.

Gao Jiuding was a little awe-inspiring, and he became extremely cautious, because he always felt that there was a huge crisis hidden nearby.

Why did the powerful human race form such a situation?
What Gao Jiuding couldn't even guess was how such a vast world was created?

If this small world was created artificially, it would be like the legendary Pangu, creating the world.

He couldn't understand how powerful such a strong man was?How many are there?Are they all dead?If you don't die, it will be even more dangerous here.

"The city has been overturned, someone should have come in early, it's a pity"

Gao Jiuding inspected the entire city, and found that it had been tampered with long ago. He felt a little pity.

Gao Jiuding rode Niulong, quickly rushed out of the ruins of the city, and continued to move forward.

After walking for a long time, Gao Jiuding came to a mountain range in surprise, which was a big mountain.

Several mountain peaks here have collapsed, only one section of the mountain remains, and the majesty of the past can be vaguely seen.

The mountain has completely collapsed, there is no trace of plants, and some are just dust.

Even Gao Jiuding saw that some rocks had been weathered, which was enough to prove that this place has an extremely long history.

Yep?Suddenly, Gao Jiuding felt something strange.

He rode Niulong forward quickly, and Gao Jiuding soon found something strange inside the mountain range.

In the distance, there is a faint green, which is the color of life.

Gao Jiuding was full of astonishment, he stared at a green light in the distance and inspected it carefully, he felt that it looked like a plant.

That's right, the mountain that Gao Jiuding saw actually had traces of green light of life.

There seems to be a plant there, it should be said that it looks like a plant.

In this dead world, plants are very conspicuous.

"There is still life? Go and see!" Gao Jiuding rushed towards the distant mountain with a face full of surprise.

His speed is very fast, Niulong rolled up the dust and pushed forward quickly.

The towering mountain peak in the distance exudes a touch of verdant green, and Gao Jiuding can already go to the top of it, and there are green plants there!
This discovery was surprising, Gao Jiuding wanted to see what happened.

In such an environment, what is there to survive?
After such a long time, with such vitality, there must be some miraculous secrets hidden. This is the reason why Gao Jiuding wanted to rush over to find out.

"Is there someone?" As soon as he approached that mountain peak, Gao Jiuding felt the presence of someone.

There was a strong aura there, which seemed relatively familiar, which aroused his vigilance.

The only people Gao Jiuding knew here were those who were teleported over by the teleportation array. It seems that he is not the only unlucky guy who was teleported into this starry sky.

Under the mountain peak ahead, there is a figure who is in shock.

The moment Gao Jiuding came over, he suddenly turned around and looked in Gao Jiuding's direction. He felt a breath coming, and it was definitely a human breath.

"Someone is coming, who is it? The breath is a little strange!" This person accurately felt the breath of the visitor, and he felt very strong, which made him very vigilant.

Sure enough, not long after, he saw a Niulong rushing fast.

Gao Jiuding narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the person in front of him. It was a person he had seen before, a guy who was teleported to this star field through the time-space teleportation array like him.

(End of this chapter)

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