Chapter 1320
Gao Jiuding flashed quickly, then turned around to look, and he immediately gasped.

With just one blow, a [-]-meter crater was created. It is really unimaginable, how strong is this rock giant?
You know, the land here is not above the earth, even Gao Jiuding couldn't make such a huge hole in one go.

Besides, the gravity here is also abnormal, which means that all the matter here has a very high density.

And in this kind of place, it can still cause such a great destructive power, it can only be said that the strength of the Jinshi clan is well-deserved.

When Gao Jiuding thought of this, there was an impulse in his heart. He wanted to test the strength of the rock giant. If his own strength was comparable, would it be possible to destroy the rock giant and gain benefits?
what!As soon as the decision was made, Gao Jiuding stopped suddenly, and rushed forward with a loud shout.

I saw that his whole body was boiling with blood, rushing straight to the top of his head, forming a terrifying wolf smoke, rising mightily.

"Field of Killing!" For an instant, the Pagoda Sect cultivator was left with a face full of surprise.

He stared at Gao Jiuding's figure, and saw his figure flying up, waving his fists high in the sky, and brazenly hitting the rock giant.

With a bang, the rock giant slapped it down with a huge hand, trying to drive Gao Jiuding into the ground and crush him to death!

However, that small fist smashed a large piece of rock, revealing traces of bright red liquid, which is blood.

Roar!The rock giant was injured, so he was naturally angry.

A large piece of the rock giant's palm was shattered, and thin strands of bright red liquid seeped out.

However, Gao Jiuding found at this moment that a huge force came from his fist, which made his body tremble and his bones were about to be broken.

Gao Jiuding knew that he couldn't bear this force, and at this moment, he was shot flying.

With the current strength of Gao Jiuding who has survived the calamity of the Dharma Phase, he still couldn't withstand it, and was shot hundreds of meters away.

At this time, the monk of the Pagoda Sect came to his senses in shock. His speed was a little faster and he ran away.

He was also very surprised, of course, more secretly rejoicing that when he saw Gao Jiuding turning around to fight just now, he also thought of turning around and killing him.

Fortunately, he saw Gao Jiuding fly out again quickly, it was blown away.

Seeing this situation, the monks of the Pagoda Sect didn't have time to kill them, and turned around and ran away again.

"This guy seems to be very strong!"

On the way, the monks of the Pagoda Sect were thinking that Gao Jiuding seemed to be very powerful, and he suddenly remembered that it was really amazing that the guy didn't use the magic weapon.

Roar!Before he could think too much, there was a loud roar from behind, and then, a giant rock hand slammed down, the ground cracked, and a huge pit appeared.

The rock giant exploded in anger, waved a pair of giant hands and smashed down, bombarding repeatedly, smashing the earth into big pits one after another.

At this time, Gao Jiuding rushed up from the ground, his face was a little pale, and he recovered quickly with the blood flowing through his body.

At this time, Gao Jiuding already felt a little regretful, he was inflated!

He stared closely at the rock giant, watching it chase and kill Pagoda Sect monks.

Gao Jiuding didn't move, let alone help, because the rock giant was too terrifying.

At this moment, the pagoda sect monk was frightened and angry, and he roared: "Bastard, why don't you come over and help?"

While dodging in embarrassment, he cursed angrily, looking desperate.

However, Gao Jiuding didn't move. Instead, he summoned his own Niulong, turned around and rode away.

Although he didn't know why the rock giant let him go, Gao Jiuding was still very happy.

Behind him, there was a burst of angry curses, which made Gao Jiuding even more happy.

This pagoda sect cultivator is not stupid, he was the one who ran away before, but now when this guy sees Gao Jiuding running away, he is instantly furious.

But he was being hunted down by the rock giants, so he couldn't take care of these anymore.

Gao Jiuding galloped all the way, but felt something was wrong, and he couldn't tell what was wrong.

He stopped, turned around and looked at the soaring smoke and dust in the distance, and that huge figure, the rock giant was indeed chasing and killing the Pagoda Sect monk.

"Strange, why do you always feel that something is wrong?" Gao Jiuding was a little strange, he felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't remember.

He kept staring at the huge rock giant in the distance, and finally gradually disappeared from sight, but he still didn't think of anything wrong.

He didn't chase after him. He almost used all his strength in that punch just now, but he still couldn't shake the giant.

Just as Gao Jiuding was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly changed his expression and looked towards the place where the rock giant appeared.

There, there is a huge and incomparably deep pit, and the slightest strange breath permeates from the crack.

"There is a trace of fluctuation!" He felt a trace of fluctuation, which seemed to be the fluctuation of life.

This feels strange. If it was just now, it might be considered a rock giant, but now it feels wrong.

Gao Jiuding didn't hesitate, he rode the bull dragon and charged quickly, and soon came to the big pit.

The original towering mountain turned into a rock giant, and now there is only a huge deep pit left.

Coming here, Gao Jiuding felt that slight fluctuation became more intense, as if there were some creatures in the pit.

As soon as this idea came out, Gao Jiuding was almost frightened, and Gao Jiuding stared at the inside of the deep pit in surprise.

"What is that?" Gao Jiuding was surprised, but also a little wary. He guessed that there would be a rock giant, right?

Inside the big pit, there are traces of strange lights flickering, and there is a strange smell in the air.

He hesitated for a moment, then immediately gritted his teeth and jumped off the mount, entering the big pit in one fell swoop.

This big pit is very deep, 30 meters deep and more than 50 meters wide in diameter. It is really unimaginable that there is a terrifying rock giant hidden here.

As soon as he entered the bottom of the pit, Gao Jiuding was even more surprised. He stared at a crack in front of him, and there seemed to be some treasure inside.

In this crack, there is a little bit of crystal light, overflowing from the big crack, such a scene, as if a piece of precious jade is shining.

Gao Jiuding was very curious, and carefully pushed aside the soil on both sides of the crack, and finally he saw a little bit of light, which became stronger and stronger.

At this time, Gao Jiuding must think that there is a huge piece of precious jade in front of him, because under the illumination of the fluorescent light, everything around him is crystal clear, as if a piece of precious jade is shining.

He dug carefully, and soon, a huge thing was dug out.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding's complexion changed. In front of his eyes was a thing shaped like a tree, nine meters high, and crystal clear like jade.

"Jade tree?" Gao Jiuding stared, almost thinking he had misread it, but everything in front of him proved that it was a jade tree.

However, this jade tree is too strange, at least the aura is contained but not revealed.

If the aura was strong, Gao Jiuding should have discovered it long ago.

"This is a treasure, the gods are self-deprecating, it is definitely a treasure!"

"What kind of treasure is it? The vitality is very strong, is it a spiritual object or a strange object? It is likely to be a spiritual object!"

Looking at this huge nine-meter-high spiritual object, Gao Jiuding's face was full of shock.

The spiritual creature in front of me is nine meters high, and its whole body is as white as jade, shining with strands of light. It is really carved like precious jade.

On both sides of the jade tree, there are two recesses, which seem to be a pair of ears.

On the front, one could faintly see a silhouette, like a huge human face, with wisps of sunlight streaming out of its mouth when it opened and closed.

These rays of light are very magical, containing some kind of strange energy fluctuations, like aura, but a little different.

Gao Jiuding saw the spiritual creature in front of him, especially the blurred human face, it was breathing out the glow?
Moreover, as it swallowed and exhaled, the huge spiritual creature's body swelled and shrunk, as if it was breathing. This is a living creature.

grunt!Gao Jiuding swallowed violently, feeling too amazing.

In the big pit in front of you, there is actually a huge spiritual creature of heaven and earth?

And it still looks like meat ganoderma and ginseng dolls, which are about to evolve into spiritual things.

Before, he knew a little information about this level of spiritual things. According to legend, this is a living "flesh Ganoderma lucidum", and there are rumors that this is the elixir of life that all monks are looking for.

The spiritual plant in front of me is nine meters high, its body is like jade, and there are circles of bright red skirts at the bottom, as if it is a kind of annual ring, with a total of nineteen rings.

If you look carefully, you can still see that each growth ring is composed of many small growth rings.

Those are ten relatively thin annual rings, and these thin annual rings are composed of even thinner annual rings.

"The ten thinnest rings form a thinner one. So, this thick annual ring represents 1000 years? Isn't this 9000 years old?"

Gao Jiuding is very clear that age and drug age can be different, and drug age is a fixed unit of drug power, that is to say, as long as the drug power of this unit is accumulated, it is considered a drug age.

Ten drug ages can be generated in one year, and only one drug age can be accumulated in ten years, which is formed according to the different external environments.

Therefore, the spiritual thing that Gao Jiuding saw now has actually grown for 9000 years, and Gao Jiuding can no longer calculate the medicine age it has accumulated.

Looking at the huge spiritual creature in front of him, especially its crystal clear body, expanding and shrinking from time to time, Gao Jiuding didn't know what to say.

This is a living spiritual creature that can swallow the aura of heaven and earth.

This is a living creature, the living Ganoderma lucidum, which must have many miraculous effects.

And the most astonishing thing is that the age of this spiritual creature is more than 1 years, which is a real ten thousand-year spiritual creature.

It was the first time Gao Jiuding had seen the extent to which the elixir and ginseng could evolve into flesh after cultivating ganoderma lucidum and ginseng for so many years.

And he also knows that ginseng can really evolve into a ginseng baby, and ganoderma can really grow into a zhirenzhima.

All these panaceas that can be transformed into shapes can be called Ganoderma lucidum.

Don't think about it now, the rock giant that was attracted by them must have been born because of this Ganoderma lucidum.

(End of this chapter)

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