The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1321 Chaos Annihilation

Chapter 1321 Chaos Annihilation
The emergence of the Jinshi tribe is very difficult, because their birth requires too much spiritual energy from the world, and they can only be formed after a long period of time under a suitable environment.

And here, it is obviously a treasure land, and the rock giant was born by inheriting the aura of heaven and earth swallowed by this Ganoderma lucidum.

grunt!After swallowing another mouthful of spit, Gao Jiuding trembled slightly.

This nine-meter-high Tai Sui is really amazing. Just now, he can give birth to a rock giant. If he gets it, how much will his cultivation be improved?
Gao Jiuding was able to confirm that the growth time of this Ganoderma lucidum was more than 9000 years, and the annual rings at the bottom are the best proof.

One lap is 1000 years, and if there is one more lap, it will be 2 years. Unfortunately, this is just a luxury.

Gao Jiuding was even a little regretful, feeling a little disappointed, it was almost 2 years ago, it would have been more perfect that way.

However, as far as this spiritual creature is concerned, it has grown for 9000 years. Although it has not yet evolved into a more perfect form, it still possesses extremely powerful medicinal power. This is definitely a treasure.

He didn't say anything, and started to dig all the soil under the treasure.

He even expanded the scope, digging out all the places where this spiritual creature might be bred, and then with a wave of his hand, he collected the nine-meter-high spiritual creature into the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

This time, he never expected that when he met a rock giant, he found a 9000-year-old spirit.

"Under the rock giant, there is such a spiritual thing, why doesn't it eat it?" Gao Jiuding was a little puzzled.

Logically speaking, such a 9000-year-old elixir must have unparalleled medicinal power, so why didn't the rock giant take it?This is a bit weird.

In fact, how did he know that since the rock giant was born with consciousness and turned into a living being, he has been guarding this spiritual creature. In fact, this spiritual creature is its mother body and its future.

As long as this spiritual creature exists, the rock giant can slowly improve its cultivation, and if it is devoured at once, although it can quickly increase its strength, it is equivalent to cutting off its future

As for this spiritual creature, if there is no accident, it will definitely go a step further and become more useful if it grows another 1000 years. stronger.

It's a pity that fate is unpredictable, but now it has been collected by Gao Jiuding.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was even more sure that the cultivator of the Pagoda Sect must have obtained something more precious, otherwise, the rock giant would not have chased him.

Gao Jiuding was very satisfied with this harvest. As for the strange behavior of the rock giant, Gao Jiuding put it in the back of his mind.

The rock giant didn't chase him, but the monk from the Pagoda Sect. It's really weird, but if you don't understand it, don't worry about it.

He quickly flew out of the big pit without stopping, and he rode away on the bull dragon, because he was also afraid that the rock giant would come back.

Along the way, Gao Jiuding was thinking about how to use this elixir, which was the key.

Now that he has just made a breakthrough in his strength, if he continues to make a breakthrough, although it will not cause the foundation to become unstable, there is no need for him to be so anxious.

However, this starry sky is really too weird. There are many spiritual creatures here, but the beasts are more powerful. If you consider safety, if you can increase your strength now, you should increase it as soon as possible.

It can be said that it is a huge opportunity to have such a huge spiritual plant that has grown for 9000 years.

As long as you take this elixir, you will definitely be able to break through the limit of your life and reach a higher level.

However, Gao Jiuding faintly felt that he should not be so anxious.

Before digesting the previous accumulation, even if he swallowed this spiritual plant, it is impossible for him to have too much improvement.

Worrying about gains and losses, Niu Long carried Gao Jiuding on his back and moved quickly into the distance.

This space is really strange, not to mention the abnormal gravity, it is also vast and boundless.

The rumbling huge Niulong is running fast.

Above Niulong, Gao Jiuding was full of caution, he kept looking at everything around him.

This place is really too desolate, there is not a single plant, and what was thought to be a plant before is just the hair of a rock giant.

Now, even if Gao Jiuding saw something strange, he would still be paranoid, fearing something terrible.

This is an ancient world, dilapidated, and the space is extremely unstable.

Along the way, Gao Jiuding could faintly feel a kind of tremor, the tremor on the ground, and the tremor in the air.

This is the instability of the world, like a world that is about to be shattered, and is gradually approaching the edge of destruction.

Such a world that is about to be destroyed hides a huge crisis, and anyone who is not good will be buried here.

Gao Jiuding was very vigilant. He galloped past on Niulong and rushed towards the vast world.

He really wanted to know if this world had an end, if it was really a small world, there must be an end.

"How did this world open up?" This is the biggest doubt in Gao Jiuding's heart, and there is a shock, what kind of scene is that?
He couldn't imagine how powerful it would be to open up such a small world.

At his current level, it is impossible to understand these secrets.

Just like a newborn child, it is impossible to understand university knowledge.

He traveled all the way without meeting anyone, not even a creature.

The only ones are himself and the Niulong sitting down.

Soon, Gao Jiuding felt that something was wrong. There seemed to be a hazy scene in front of him. In the distance, it seemed that there was a seething mist shrouded in it, which could not be seen clearly from here.

"Could it be the end of this world?" Gao Jiuding was startled, and he accelerated again.

There is a hazy mist rolling there, the closer it is, the heavier the pressure will be.

As he got closer, Gao Jiuding passed one huge ruin after another, but unfortunately there was nothing valuable inside, not even a little useful.

However, he didn't pay attention to these, but rushed towards one direction in shock.

There, a thick gray gas can be seen surging in the distance, and a tsunami-like vibration can be faintly heard.

The world is trembling slightly, as if unable to bear that kind of huge impact, it is about to face the fate of collapse and destruction.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was even more convinced that the world was about to be destroyed.

"What a strong breath, what is that?" Gao Jiuding stopped moving forward, looking into the distance with some surprise.

A gray air current billowed in the distance, and it seemed to be swallowing everything.

There, the mountains disappeared, the earth collapsed and shattered, and they were all swallowed by a cloud of gray mist.

Here is a scene of doom, a great terror!
Gao Jiuding saw that the vast land and mountains were being quickly swallowed up. It can be said that as long as the mountains and the land come into contact with the mist, they will immediately turn into nothingness.

As the surging gray air flow spread, the surrounding land disappeared bit by bit, and the speed became faster and faster.

This is a kind of catastrophe, the process of world collapse.

What Gao Jiuding saw was a world that was gradually being swallowed up!

Such a scene is too scary, because nothing can stop it.

There was a tumbling gray air current, exuding a berserk aura, destroying everything and devouring everything.

Everything turned into nothingness under this air current, as if being swallowed and assimilated, it was extremely terrifying.

"The world is going into destruction!" Gao Jiuding's face changed wildly, and he finally saw clearly how the world was going into destruction.

The tumbling gray air current in the distance seemed to be a terrible chaos, assimilating everything it encountered.

Everything that Gao Jiuding saw could not be spared, the ruins disappeared, and the earth was vaporized.

Strands of gray air flow, like a terrible mist, engulf everything, this is the chaotic mist.

He stared blankly, full of shock, and a strong storm blew up in his heart.

But inside Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness, chaos boiled, as if affected by the gray air current in the distance, it became more violent.

Boom!In an instant, Gao Jiuding's entire sea of ​​consciousness boiled.

However, a giant rose up from the sky, with his feet on the chaos, his head above the sky and the earth, exuding a simple and desolate atmosphere, suppressing the violent chaos.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding fell into a strange state, as if he had turned into a giant, facing chaos!
He felt an unprecedented impact, the impact from chaos.

And at this moment, the chaotic mist billowing in the distance rioted, engulfing the world thousands of meters away in an instant!
The violent chaotic air flow rolled towards Gao Jiuding!
The gray mist exuded a terrifying aura, and it was about to swallow Gao Jiuding's body.

Niulong was very disturbed. When he saw the chaotic air flow, he jumped in panic and wanted to run away with Gao Jiuding.

However, a strange thing happened, Gao Jiuding leaped instinctively, instead of following Niulong to escape, he rushed into the tumbling gray air current in the distance.

In a blink of an eye, his body was close to the place where the gray air currents permeated and intertwined, and countless gray air currents surged forward, engulfing everything.

In just a blink of an eye, the bronze armor on Gao Jiuding's body was wrapped and melted by wisps of gray gas, and then his physical body collapsed and turned into a kind of nothingness.

First, the hands collapsed, then spread to the whole body, and finally a skeleton appeared.

In an instant, Gao Jiuding was almost destroyed, and at this moment, he felt a strong crisis, Gao Jiuding suddenly woke up, when he knew what he was facing at this time, Gao Jiuding was scared out of his wits In a cold sweat.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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