Chapter 1322
boom!A burst of power erupted, and with a bang, Gao Jiuding flew upside down!

Just like this, Gao Jiuding's muscles almost disappeared, leaving only his bare bones. The sight was very frightening.

Gao Jiuding looked at his own skeleton, his skin and muscles were almost gone, and they all turned into nothingness.

At that moment, death was so close that he was almost assimilated by that terrible chaos and disappeared.

"It's scary!" Gao Jiuding kept retreating, his bones were still dissipating while rattling.

After looking carefully, I found strands of gray gas intertwined on the bones, eroding the body and engulfing everything.

At this moment, if it wasn't for the roar of the Sea of ​​Consciousness giant and the bloody light from the Taoist ancient scroll, which woke him up, he would have been turned into nothingness at that moment.

Even Gao Jiuding couldn't believe the feeling of death, he was really going to die.

He shook his body, qi and blood crazily intertwined, poured out from the huge heart, swept across the whole body, and quickly recovered the body.

This is a terrifying sight, but the chaotic airflow is intertwined on the bones and cannot be dispelled.

But Gao Jiuding found out in horror that after recovering, his body was swallowed and melted again, disappearing into nothingness.

This is a great horror, the body is corroded by strands of chaotic energy, unable to recover itself, and the next step is death, which cannot be avoided.

However, the ancient scroll of Dao in the Sea of ​​Consciousness vibrated, and a strong blood light spread out, covering the whole body, suppressing the strands of gray gas, and then shattering it, being absorbed by the body.

Next, Gao Jiuding finally felt relieved.

Under the action of the ancient scrolls of Taoism, his body is rapidly recovering, and his flesh and blood are beginning to grow.

This can also be regarded as a kind of remodeling of the body. At this time, not only the flesh and blood, but also the meridians and blood vessels in the body are regrown, and even become stronger.

But Gao Jiuding didn't feel the slightest excitement, instead he felt a kind of chilling.

He didn't dare to stay, and rushed away quickly, leaving here far away.

The tumbling chaotic air, like a vast mist, is still devouring the world.

"It's scary!" Gao Jiuding stood here far away, not daring to get close, not even thinking about what happened just now.

At that moment, his mind was immersed in a terrifying artistic conception, as if he had transformed into a giant in the chaos, but unfortunately he was swallowed by the chaos and almost turned into nothingness.

Now that I think about it, I feel scared for a while, and Gao Jiuding, who has lingering fears, dare not step forward, and even keeps retreating.

He looked at the gray airflow coming from a distance, that violent breath could really destroy everything.

Although this chaotic air flow spread very slowly, it made him feel a strong crisis.

Death is not good. I have really experienced death just now, and I almost lost it completely.

Gao Jiuding wiped his body in cold sweat. He found a bronze armor and put it on, then turned around with lingering fear, and left here quickly.

Gao Jiuding didn't dare to stay any longer, he even had the urge to leave this small world immediately, because the situation just now was really scary.

"The cornucopia has not been moved!" At first he wanted to run, but Gao Jiuding stopped again.

Thinking of the great harvest of body remodeling, Gao Jiuding still gritted his teeth and did not leave immediately, but, thinking about it carefully, does he want to do it all over again?
The several kinds of immortality skills he practiced are still not at home. This time it can be regarded as a plastic rebirth. If he does it again, will he still be so lucky?
Sighing, Gao Jiuding still didn't want to risk his own life.

He quickly stepped on the Niulong which was dodging far away, and left at the fastest speed.

Seeing the chaos behind him getting farther and farther away, Gao Jiuding finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He feels that he has been too unlucky recently, and he was almost swallowed and melted by the terrible chaos just now.

That is something that even the soul consciousness will be devoured and dissipated, it is too scary!
Thinking about it now, if it weren't for the ancient and mysterious Dao scroll, he wouldn't exist now.

Chaos is too terrifying, it can destroy everything and assimilate everything in the world.

It is rumored that chaos is the source of all things, but it is not just talk.

I didn't believe it before, but now I look at it, a world is swallowed by chaos, and there is nothing to keep.

He looked back from time to time, and there was a terrible thing rolling in the gray sky, that is chaos.

He had seen the horror and rage of Chaos, so Gao Jiuding would not dare to go to check it now.

It is fortunate that the physical body can recover now, if it is a little reckless, it is estimated that there is no chance of surviving.

Gao Jiuding calmed down and left quickly on the Niulong.

Boom!Suddenly, there was a tremor on the ground, and the whole world trembled slightly.

Gao Jiuding was startled, he looked back, his face turned pale with fright, and he almost cursed.

It turned out that the chaos was more violent, and the speed of engulfing the surrounding small world was faster.

Everything in the small world is rapidly dissipating and turning into nothingness, which has been swallowed up by chaos.

That is to say, the speed of destruction of this small world is accelerating. Seeing this, Gao Jiuding immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

Such a situation is too dangerous. In such a place, is it necessary to continue to take risks to find treasures?
When a world is destroyed, some innate spirit treasures must appear. Even if there are no spirit treasures, the innate spirits hidden in the small world will also appear, such as the innate black and yellow energy, such as the essence of the five elements.

These are sure to appear in the final shattering moments of the small world.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding was a little reconciled, he just entered this small world, and left before finding some treasures, he must be very reconciled.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and persisted. He didn't decide to leave now, but wanted to continue searching for some treasures.

He tried to calm down, and after his mind regained his composure, he began to sense carefully.

Gao Jiuding felt that he should be able to sense something.

All treasures have a bit of spirituality. At this time when the world collapses, things with spirituality will seek good luck and avoid disaster.

Just like the spiritual plant just now, it also has extraordinary energy fluctuations.

Just like that rock giant, it also has a strange fluctuation, life fluctuation, or energy fluctuation.

Soon, Gao Jiuding was a little surprised. He opened his eyes and looked in one direction.

He felt that there was a strange fluctuation coming from there, as if there was something there, so Gao Jiuding rushed over without any hesitation.

Niulong was very fast, sweeping the dust all over the sky, rushing through a large area of ​​ruins.

Soon, Gao Jiuding came to a place. From here, one could see that it was a mountain.

However, these mountains have already collapsed and turned into ruins.

In these ruins, there are many traces of buildings, as if they were buried by mountains.

Gao Jiuding could clearly feel that the fluctuation came from here.

He sensed it carefully, and then entered the ruins, searching among the mountains, hoping to find something.

"These buildings seem to be made of jade, which is strange."

Gao Jiuding was a little strange. He excavated some jade fragments from a building ruin.

Unfortunately, what disappointed him was that these jade fragments had strange energy fluctuations, but they were useless.

It turned out that the slight fluctuation was emitted by these jade fragments, but now that it was useless, Gao Jiuding was extremely disappointed.

Although feeling a little disappointed, Gao Jiuding didn't think too much, but continued to search.

Yep?Suddenly, Gao Jiuding stared at the distance in surprise, where a flame shot up into the sky.

Looking over from here, one can vaguely see a huge furnace in the sky, which is a furnace erupting.

Gao Jiuding was startled, because he felt a familiar aura in the stove, and he was sure that the stove was an ancient artifact.

He seems to have seen such an ancient artifact somewhere.

Gao Jiuding tried hard to recall, and soon he realized that he had never seen such an ancient artifact with his own eyes, but he had seen such an ancient artifact refining furnace in the memory of the huge golden phantom swallowed by the ancient city.

When the ancient city was built back then, such an ancient furnace was used to refine the bronze material.

At this moment, the ancient furnace flew across the sky, but its power was a little weak, and even the light was much dimmed.

"It's the kind of ancient weapon used to build a city!" Gao Jiuding has confirmed that this is an ancient refining furnace.

It must not be accidental that such an ancient artifact suddenly appeared here. Then, this furnace is the refining furnace for refining this small world?
Even such an ancient artifact is still here, and the owner of this small world should have fallen.

This guess made Gao Jiuding a little vigilant, but he rushed over without thinking for long.

He wanted to see if he could take this ancient artifact, because Gao Jiuding also wanted to have a top-notch refining furnace, even if he didn't use it to refine small worlds and ancient battle cities, he could still try to refine fairy materials.

Huh?It seems that someone is fighting ahead.

In the distance of the boom, a battle was fierce. Several figures were violently besieging a figure, and killed the other party into a panic.

And this figure turned out to be the big disciple of the Pagoda Sect, not the cunning guy before, but the guy who had cooperated with Gao Jiuding and had a top-notch pagoda.

He was covered in blood at the moment, and the situation was a little critical.

Gao Jiuding looked at those people in surprise. He should have thought that he had seen a disciple of the Pagoda Sect before, and it is not surprising to see the chief of the Pagoda Sect now.

However, at this time, the chief disciple of the Pagoda Sect is not in a good situation.

His face was a little pale, and his eyes were flickering with a disappointed color, as if he was disappointed with something.

And above his head, there is a huge furnace floating, resisting the attack of five powerful figures.

Although it seemed that the five of them couldn't break through his defense for a while, only he knew that his magic weapon would be broken in a short time, and he would be seriously injured if he didn't die at that time.

If such a thing really happened, it could be said that his death was within reach.

(End of this chapter)

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